Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: July 2017 (Page 2 of 5)

It was almost a week ago…

10 men including an FNG were ready to get their sweat on last Saturday. It was going to be a hot one, so let’s do it. A disclaimer was given for the FNG so that he doesn’t sue us and we’re off.

For our warm-up, the guys called a couple rounds of their favorites and then we got on our collective 6 for everybody’s favorite ab routine “Bring Sally Up” on the boombox. Back across the street we go for the pledge.

Mosey around the corner to the front of the school for the latest installment of the Figure 8.

The Thang:

At each corner in front of the school the PAX would do 20 reps of each exercise:

1- Merkins

2- WW1 sit-ups

3- Goof Balls

4- Flutter Kicks (20 each leg)

5- Dips

6- WW1 sit-ups

7- Goof Balls

8- Monkey Humpers (business end to the road)

Plank for the 6 when you’re done. Since everybody loved this so much we repeated it two more times. Switch WW1’s for CDD’s and Goof Balls for something I can’t remember.

Mosey around the block to the Suntrust for some ATM’s. 15 Alternating Shoulder Taps, 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 Fast Merkins

Mosey down to the Wells Fargo for another round of ATMs.

Fellowship mosey to the other side of the tracks for a long line of lunge walk with a squat at each parking line.

Mosey to where we started with the warm-up.

Last thing, a new exercise routine to go with an old school hip hop jam from Mark Morrison, “Return of the Mack”! When he says “You lied to me” do a burpee, when he says “Return of the Mack” do a jump squat. Don’t know if we’ll do that one again…

Time’s up. Good work men! Welcome FNG Buckeye!!!

Prayer requests for Slim Shady on Wednesday and travelling mercy for Edison and Norwood.

Thanks for coming out today and letting me lead men. Sorry for the late backblast.

Crowd was excited to all the sudden have Gastone as the Q…..

We found ourselves with 16 men at 5:29am and we had no Q for the workout. At that point everyone cheered and said “Everybody loves Gastone, why don’t you take the Q”. I quickly obliged all the requests, it would have been hard to turn down.

The Thang:

5:30am Pledge to start the day off with America.

50 SSH

25 Imperial Walkers

10 Merkins

Follow me for a little mosey.  Quick stop at Mcquitter Wall for 15 Dips.

Mosey some more down to Rite Aid on Garrison.

Plank, Plank Right arm, Plank Right arm right leg. then switch sides while we gather the pax for the short mosey.

Elbow plank 45 seconds.

Mosey to Marietta and Garrison intersection.

10 Burpees

Mosey to power pole, 10 Sumo Squats

Mosey to power pole, 10 Sumo Squats

Mosey to power pole, 10 Sumo Squats

10 Burpee’s at Intersection.

Mosey to power pole, 10 Sumo Squats

Skipped 3 power poles because of crazy pack of attack Yorkshire Terrier’s. The neighborhood would have been awake.

Mosey to power pole, 10 Sumo Squats

Mosey to power pole, 10 Sumo Squats

Mosey to Power pole, 20 Monkey Humpers

10 Burpee’s at Intersection.

Mosey to power pole, 20 Monkey Humpers

Mosey to power pole, 20 Monkey Humpers

Mosey to power pole, 20 Sumo Squats

Mosey to power pole, 20 Monkey Humpers

10 Merkins at intersection

Mosey to power pole, 20 Sumo Squats

Run Backwards to 3rd

Plank (I waited for everyone to catch up and then I waited for everyone to get into a plank) Stroganoff caught on before Turtle Man.

Elbow plank for 30. This was more of a rest.

Mosey down 3rd over to South Street.

10 Diamond Merkins

Lunge to Power pole up hill

Run backwards to Franklin.

At this point I let a couple people do 10 counts.

50 wall jumps, OYO on McQuitter Wall. (Right before we started this workout Spiderman jumped out of a bush that he was hiding in at the church to join the pax. He tried to just blend into the crowd without anybody noticing. Almost worked)

Frogger across Franklin and then Mosey to Code Enforcement Parking lot for some Mary. (Almost lost Easy Rider and Bulldog to a sprint but as they started they happened to hear me say everyone to the parking lot for 6 minutes of Mary).

6 Minutes of Mary

15 LBC’s

15 Flutters

15 Freddy Mercury

10  LBC’s

10 Flutters

10 Freddy Mercury

5 LBC’s

30 Flutters (The head fake at this point was really enjoyed by Gastone. Strognoff dropped his 47 year old feet to the ground for the last 10 as I counted louder in his direction)

Mosey back to the start.

The Moleskin:

I am sure Spiderman had a plan for us but his alarm clock was on the fritz. It was 5:30 so someone had to take the Q so I jumped in with cheers from the crowd as I did this one. Some of my favorite comments were “We are only 20 minutes in”, “I won’t be able to walk today”, “I plan on sitting all day so I don’t need to walk”. These just give me energy to even make the workouts more fun. Whoopeee tried to knock me off with the crazy count but it was like rain on a windshield bouncing off after a good wax job. We had an FNG and he was a warrior and handled the workout like a champ, welcome  Reed Jentsch will now be known as Malfunction.

Prayer Request’s: Hunter Stubbs and Helen Hayes passed this week, please keep them and there family’s in your prayers. Prayer request for Bob from Whoopee and Pray for Easy Rider’s friend having surgery.

Ball of Man: Executed by the Q walking to the middle of the circle and all men trying to get a hand on him and someone else. The a prayer is completed by the Q or the person of his choice. This is also done while standing but your head in a prayer position. All hats would be removed or you would be reminded to remove them.


Thanks everyone, it is always an honor to Q. You guys are all great and I could not be luckier to know all of you,

Gastone Out!








I’m an idiot and it’s hot

12 Midoriyama warriors ventured into the heat.  It was hot.  Most were sweating before we even started.  As the clocked struck 17:30, it was time to punch in.


The first exercise is… the Slaughter Starter.  20 burpees on your own.


Opie was a little late so we greeted him with monkey  humpers.

mosey to the soccer field for Dirty MacDeuce. All exercises are x 12IC

Round 1: merkins, squats and flutter kicks.  run a lap.

Round 2: wide arm merkins, lunges and freddy mercury. run a lap.

Round 3: diamond merlons, monkey humpers and lbc. run a lap.

Round 4: cdd, toy soldiers and v-up roll ups. run a lap.

mosey to the turd shack for australian mountain climbers x 20IC

really short mosey to the parking lot for dora with a twist.  partner up. p1 does 100 merkins, p2 does suicides.  then p2 does 200 lbc, p2 does suicides.

mosey back to the launching point for 22 for the vets and ending with… the Slaughter closer.  20, omaha, 10 burpees on your own.


announcements: speed for need at the Christmastown 5k.  get with tool time for details.  burpeethon upcoming, details will be posted soon.

prayer requests: bulldog and tiny tank with their upcoming moves.  sidecar’s mother.

BOM: YHC took us out in prayer.

men: it’s an honor to not only workout with you, but it’s an honor to know you guys.  you’re all awesome people.  thank you for what you’ve personally done for me.

until next time…

Philippians 4:13

  • Huckleberry

It’s Summertime

After the pledge, we warmed up with 25IC Side Straddle Hops and 10IC Merkins.  We then moseyed to the park.

With the temperatures forecasted to reach 100 degrees this week,  what better number to pick for some partner exercises.  While partner 1 performs as many merkins as possible, partner 2 was doing lunges.  As a team they must complete 100 then mosey around the baseball fields.  The other four exercises were LBC’s, Side Straddle Hops, Derkins and Burpees.  After each round a lap around the fields.

Then we made it out to the parking lot and used parking space lines for side shuffling merkins with a quick run around light poles.

At the conclusion, a Jail Break was encouraged and a strong performance from JJ, Bulldog, Freight, Sargento and Splinter was seen.

When I Q I always try to punish, I mean push everyone and was not disappointed this morning.  I was very proud of everyone for working hard and making themselves stronger.

Special thanks to T-Square for the thirst quenching Mountain Spring Water.

It was also a pleasure to meet Splinter from F3 Sommerville and FNG (Zigzag).

Spec’s VQ

7 #HIM showed up for the Spec VQ.  No disclaimer, all veterans present. Pledge.

Warmup; SSH x 10 IC, LBC’s x 10 IC, Morracon Night Clubs x 10 IC

Mosey to the Rec Center; Burp/ Mercs up to 10, Partner up for 1 min Dips and LBC’s for 2 rounds.  Mosey down stairs and box jump up the concrete bleachers, rinse and repeat.  Wall sit while one pax runs to top of stairs and back then the next man goes.  Wall sits, planks, and SSH were done until all Pax complete one round.  Hand off to YHC.  Pax gather at Rec center partking lot for 11’s with squats and CDD’s.  Mosey back to gazebo for one round of the Vern.  10 pull ups, run one lap around the grassy area.   Back at the gazebo 20 dips, run another lap.  25 mericans single count and 30 LBC’s.  Mosey back to start for COT.


BOM; Spec took us out

Moleskin; Spec nice job this morning sir.  Keep up the good work.  Nice push this morning men.  Took a little while but we did get the mumble chatter going.  We seemed to make it without waking any of the locals this morning.

How to spell Midoriyama

Saw lots of 2F prior to beginning of Q. A generally accurate disclaimer given, as we had a FNG. Began with pledge, with no warm up needed as it was 90 degrees under the tree’s, it’s hot, Hot, HOT!!!



IMPERIAL SQUAT WALKERS (50 IC) Epic Q fail on counting these after demonstration….much hilarity ensued…..Omaha-ed to regular Imperial Walkers

DIPS (50 IC) Everyone grabbed some curb for our second favorite exercise

OUTLAWS (Circle legs 25 to the Right, 25 to the Left) Mucho mumble chatter by Huck, payback Q Thursday

RING OF FIRE (High Knees, Burpee, Roll R, Burpee, Roll L, Burpee, up) Every PAX called one, but, with 16 PAX, this

started to suck just a little

INDIAN BALL PASS (Mosey, Overhead Pass, Run to front) Real short mosey, nobody minded very much.

YME’s (Why me? AKA Nancy Cry-Agains) YHQ couldn’t think of a suitable knee exercise—so Omaha-ed to Appalachian Americans (50 IC)

AMERICAN HAMMERs (50 OYO) Everyone on hill with legs down

MERKINS (50) Incline merkins

ABE VIGODAS (50 IC) Love you, too, Tool Time.


Mosey to horseshoe pit for Horseshoes and Hand grenades. No grenades were used, but, PAX were injured during this exercise. Count off in two’s. Two’ s go to far side of horse pit, one’s stay at near side. Challenge is to kick a soccer ball down the “lanes” and hit an opposite red painted backstop. If the backstop is hit with kicked ball, all PAX on opposite team does one burpee, however, if missed, your team does one burpee. If the horseshoe stob pin is hit with the ball, everyone does the required number of burpees. Each player from each team alternated turns with every rotation of kicks adding one burpee to cumulative total. All had fun watching the other team do burpees. Both teams would go on a 4-in-a-row run of not missing while kicking.

Someone who won’t be named had a gutter ball, even with the “grass-bumpers”. Another unnamed teammate of mine missed his kick on purpose each time so we could do even more burpees. We got up to four burpees each kick before it was time to leave. Rumor has it that SLAW will cry when he realizes the vast hoard of burpees he missed.


Mosey back to flag to see MARY. Tooltime led 25 oblique V-ups. Q led runner’s get ups (kinda like Freddie Mercurys with arms pumping back and forth. Mucho sucko complaino. Q ended with 75 flutters (take that Smalls). A good time was had by all as we only moseyed a wee bit.


Announcements & COT. Sign up for Christmas 5K. A hearty Midoriyama welcome to Two Stroke formerly known as FNG that works with Swimmer, Bradley Chapman. He wound up with a PG-13 nickname as small children may be present at other AO’s.


So this post is a little late…only about 24 hours which is technically early for me. With the new website, I needed some weaselshaker help to get in the system. Bandit saved the day so here it is.

I got a somewhat puzzled look by Brownstreak when Bandit did not show and he found out I was Q…not sure how to take it but it did not affect what we did. Bandit had a back issue from the weekend and I got to fill in-bonus for me. We had 7 ready for action so we started with a brief disclaimer then…

WU:  I think 10 IC of the following: SSH, Merkins, LBC, Merks, lap around Pelican’s with butt kickers and high knees then mosey

Thang: arrived at playground for description of overall plan-I saw Planet of the Apes over the weekend and thought I could put together something related….really didn’t work out but I tried. We went to playground for some Monkey Climber thing: 3 pax: 2 on either end of monkey bars doing jump squats, 3rd pax does monkey bars from 1 side to other then swaps out with other pax who monkey climbs to other side. We did this for short period of time-long enough to know it was really not that much fun, not really that hard, and not worth doing again in my opinion.

Mosey to parking lot for Burpee Plank Bridge across the parking lot-all pax in plank in line, pax at beginning of line jumps up and does burpee then hops/jumps over pax until gets to end and gets into plank position. This process continues until the bridge is built across the parking lot.

Ended up at picnic tables so we did step ups X 1 min followed by Derkins for 1 min, rinse and repeat.

Mosey to grassy hill near baseball field and did version of 11’s. Partner up, run up hill and do 11’s with partner derkins then flapjack for other partner (total 22 trips up the hill as each pax does full set of 11’s). Lot of sweat during this part-thanks for the water at end T Square.

Time was not up yet so we then did a short mosey to the outfield of the baseball field with fresh trimmed grass….holy nuts that was some soft grass. We did a little Red Barchetta in honor of Stroganoff and Roscoe-both vacationing at the beach (different beaches with their respective families). We used the light posts as our running markers with 100 SSH, 75 mountain climbers, 50 LBCs, and 25 Merkins.  We moseyed back to Pelicans with enough time for the 10 burpees then Oompa Loompa took us out with some flutter kicks for Mary ( I think that is right???).

TSquare then pulled out a nice cold cooler full of water which was juuuuuuusssssstttttt right. Over the next day or so, I have been thinking about the struggles we all go thru-every one of us has a struggle every day-work, family, personal stuff,… whatever. Getting out here and knocking it out of the park before 0630 am with an F3 post is the best way for me to start getting my head straight each day. Kind of like making your bed every morning (thanks Roscoe for this quote from Jocko)-if you have a crappy day, at least when you get home, your bed is made and that’s 1 good accomplishment each day. My M is still in bed when I leave and she did not appreciate me making the bed while she was still in it…

Keep in mind, no matter how old you are and how tired you are, you have something to contribute to the other guys around you. Oompa Loompa, who is older than (I think) all of the regular pax that I see posting on a regular basis, busts his tail every month. He posts during the week in the mornings, in the afternoons at Midorimama, and on weekends…even showing up for EC. The man is a machine and needs a (gentle) pat on the back when you see him. Think about this next time you think about fartsacking. If nothing else, he made need you to come out here so he can have someone else to push the rock with.




Storm Block Party

10 pax showed this morning to push the rock and better themselves at the Storm.  The cloudy 73 degree weather might not compare to the heat of Midoriyama, but we still got a good sweat in and shirts stayed on.  No FNGs present so quick disclaimer and start on time.  YHC normally forgoes the normal F3 warmup to maximize exercise time, but this has been a concern and cause of serious mumble chatter in some pax.  So being a Q of the people, YHC decided to include a brief warmup this morning.  It was a definite hit with Dolph, which says it all…

Warm Up:

5 minute warm up.  5 sets of 10 Burpees started on the minute.  Any remaining time is you rest.  This got some good mumble chatter going and some friendly competition between Mayor and Dolph.  Shockingly Dolph managed to stay a few burpees ahead of Mayor, but Mayor made up for it with pristine form and unmatched motivation.

Once complete, mosey to the softball fields for The Thang.

The Thang:

Six stations.  Pax will conduct exercises on cards at each station for 4 consecutive minutes.  Goal is to perform each superset on the cards 4 times.  Bonus for EC!  After each set, 2 minutes mosey.

  • Station 1:
    • Hip Slappers x 10
    • Jump Squats x 10
  • Station 2:
    • Kettle Bell Swings w/ cinderblock x 10
    • Sumo High Row w/ cinderblock x 10
  • Station 3:
    • Squat Press w/ cinderblock x 10
    • Shoulder to shoulder press w/ cinderblock x 10 (going over head)
  • Station 4:
    • Merkins x 10
    • Up/Down Planks x 10
  • Station 5:
    • Dips x 10
    • Triceps Extensions x 10
  • Station 6:
    • Curls w/ cinderblock x 10
    • Reverse Grip Rows w/ cinderblock x10

Last 3 mosey’s were shortened by 1 minute to ensure completion on Time. With about 30 seconds left in the last set a train finally came by. 5 Burpees! And Time

There was some pretty solid mumble chatter through out with random talk of cheerwine, KT tape coming off of an elbow from overuse, and one pax imaginary boyfriend.  YHC did have to remind a few pax that they wouldn’t be able to talk so much if they spent more time exercising!



  • Need Q’s at TheStorm, Goat Island and the Yank!
  • Bulldog & Tiny Tank are moving soon.

Prayer Request:

  • All Pax
  • Those moving/starting new jobs

Once again I am honored to be able to lead and lock shields with my fellow F3 Brothers in the Gloom.  I appreciate every drop of sweat we put in together and look forward to continuing to sharpen myself with you all.

To push on, 5 miles

5 Strong for the Coconut horse.

The Thang:

We ran 5 miles, regular coarse except backwards.

The Moleskin:

Pushed it hard on the 5 miles. Good to have Drone and Tooltime join us.

We drank coffee, milk, and soda and talked for an hour afterwards.



After a great 3rd F by Shrink it was time to sweat. 12 Men posted in all for Gashouse and Painlab.

Warmup: I made it up as we went

Mosey to the flag for the pledge then on to the track where a few blocks awaited.

The Thang:
I originally had something a little different planned but changed for the number of PAX there. I wanted to get everyone involved with the Q. At each corner of the track we did exercises that were lead by each PAX there. When we went to the the next corner we took turns carrying the blocks.
Merkin, Squat, Flutter Kicks, Plank Jacks, Seal Jacks, Hillbillies.
1st corner x 5ic
2nd x 10ic
3rd x 15ic
4th x 20ic
YHC would call on a different PAX to lead each one of these at each corner. All did a great job!

Mosey to the hill at the ball field.
Partner up for Jacob’s ladder. P1 does SSH at the bottom while P2 runs to the top and does 1 burpee then switch. Add a burpee each time you go up. Do 7 trips. Crowd pleaser!

Mosey to the picnic tables for 30 dips ic. Of course I didn’t tell anyone how many.

Mosey back to the parking lot where the Painlab guys were standing on ther hands! Circle up for the Iron hulk(Jack Webb at a 1:4 ratio). Man my hands are so heavy!

Announcements-Advisory meeting Sunday at 7 at Cavendish Brewery. Website is up. Give Floppy Disk some praise when you see him. He took this on without being asked and has done a great job!

Prayer Request: Families with lose, Coach K, Several friends and family members fighting cancer.

YHC talked during the workout about the mission of F3. Sometimes I feel like I get lost in everything going on and forget the real purpose. We are here to become leaders and build leaders. For this thing to work it requires each and everyone of us to lead. During the workout everyone lead a part of it. That’s where it starts. Leading a workout. Then your confidense grows and you take that confidense home with you to lead your family the way God intended you too. Then from there you spread it into your community. Being a leader isn’t easy. It comes with a heavy burden you have to carry(the blocks we took turns carrying) but our Lord never said things would be easy. We took turns carrying this load and did partner work as an example that we are here for each other and don’t have to carry the load alone. By the way did I mention we have an Advisory meeting this week? Come out and help carry the load.

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