• Post Type:
  • When: 07/17/2017
  • AO:
  • QIC: Whoopee
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: T Square, Oompa Loompa, Easy Rider, Gastone, Brownstreak, JJ, Whoopee (QIC)

So this post is a little late…only about 24 hours which is technically early for me. With the new website, I needed some weaselshaker help to get in the system. Bandit saved the day so here it is.

I got a somewhat puzzled look by Brownstreak when Bandit did not show and he found out I was Q…not sure how to take it but it did not affect what we did. Bandit had a back issue from the weekend and I got to fill in-bonus for me. We had 7 ready for action so we started with a brief disclaimer then…

WU:  I think 10 IC of the following: SSH, Merkins, LBC, Merks, lap around Pelican’s with butt kickers and high knees then mosey

Thang: arrived at playground for description of overall plan-I saw Planet of the Apes over the weekend and thought I could put together something related….really didn’t work out but I tried. We went to playground for some Monkey Climber thing: 3 pax: 2 on either end of monkey bars doing jump squats, 3rd pax does monkey bars from 1 side to other then swaps out with other pax who monkey climbs to other side. We did this for short period of time-long enough to know it was really not that much fun, not really that hard, and not worth doing again in my opinion.

Mosey to parking lot for Burpee Plank Bridge across the parking lot-all pax in plank in line, pax at beginning of line jumps up and does burpee then hops/jumps over pax until gets to end and gets into plank position. This process continues until the bridge is built across the parking lot.

Ended up at picnic tables so we did step ups X 1 min followed by Derkins for 1 min, rinse and repeat.

Mosey to grassy hill near baseball field and did version of 11’s. Partner up, run up hill and do 11’s with partner derkins then flapjack for other partner (total 22 trips up the hill as each pax does full set of 11’s). Lot of sweat during this part-thanks for the water at end T Square.

Time was not up yet so we then did a short mosey to the outfield of the baseball field with fresh trimmed grass….holy nuts that was some soft grass. We did a little Red Barchetta in honor of Stroganoff and Roscoe-both vacationing at the beach (different beaches with their respective families). We used the light posts as our running markers with 100 SSH, 75 mountain climbers, 50 LBCs, and 25 Merkins.  We moseyed back to Pelicans with enough time for the 10 burpees then Oompa Loompa took us out with some flutter kicks for Mary ( I think that is right???).

TSquare then pulled out a nice cold cooler full of water which was juuuuuuusssssstttttt right. Over the next day or so, I have been thinking about the struggles we all go thru-every one of us has a struggle every day-work, family, personal stuff,… whatever. Getting out here and knocking it out of the park before 0630 am with an F3 post is the best way for me to start getting my head straight each day. Kind of like making your bed every morning (thanks Roscoe for this quote from Jocko)-if you have a crappy day, at least when you get home, your bed is made and that’s 1 good accomplishment each day. My M is still in bed when I leave and she did not appreciate me making the bed while she was still in it…

Keep in mind, no matter how old you are and how tired you are, you have something to contribute to the other guys around you. Oompa Loompa, who is older than (I think) all of the regular pax that I see posting on a regular basis, busts his tail every month. He posts during the week in the mornings, in the afternoons at Midorimama, and on weekends…even showing up for EC. The man is a machine and needs a (gentle) pat on the back when you see him. Think about this next time you think about fartsacking. If nothing else, he made need you to come out here so he can have someone else to push the rock with.
