Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: June 30, 2017

The Goofballs of Midoriyama

With a nice cool start to the summer; 12 strong HIM showed at Midoriyama on a beautiful day in June for another afternoon beat down. Trying to always plan a perfect workout, I just hope each PAX will receive a blessing and go home a better man.


Goofballs x 10

Moroccan Nightclubs x 10

Cherry Pickers x 10


5 Burpees OYO

Lets Mosey toward the Picnic tables. Stop at each light pole and do a Burpee. Do 1 at light pole 1 and 2 at light pol 2 and 3 at 3 and so on. There was 7 light poles so that’s about 28 Burpees if your counting.

At the picnic tables we did 10 of each



Step Ups 10 each leg

So I was looking at the map and noticed a pond and some docks so we moseyed toward the docks. I just didn’t know there was a big hill leading down to the docks. We stopped at the volleyball pit where Slaw was begging to get sandy but we stayed out of there for the moment. We did 4 exercises and then ran up the hill and back down. We did these for 15 min.

LBC x 20

American Hammer x 20

Flutter Kicks x 20

Crunchy Frogs x 10

As everyone was catching their breath I briefly discussed Sacrifice. How each man should sacrifice for their family and marriage, most of all for God. After Slaw and Ooompa  got in some EC in the sand box while the rest of us noted that they are truly idiots. After the belly ache from watching those two crazy guys we then moseyed back up the hill to the picnic table.

Dips x 30

Merkins x 30

Step Ups x 30  15 each leg

Mosey back to the shovel flag doing a squat at each light pole adding another squat at the next pole. At the parking lot we started some 11s. Monkey Humpers and WW2. We didn’t complete all of this because of time, but we got through a good bit.



Tolkien will be at the Yank on 6/1/2017

Nomads going to the patriot, Clown car is meeting at Eastridge Mall at 6:00

Prayer Request

T-Square and family

Cheech’s family and the driver involved

With every workout I’ve tried  to better myself and push myself to be stronger and endure more pain so that I can be a better man than the workout or the day before. I recently learned that in 2016, 90,000 Christians were killed for their faith alone. That’s one brother or sister in Christ every 6 min. We are all human and do not deserve Gods enduring love. But he has given it to us, all we need to do is humble ourselves and reach out for him. I love you brothers and cant wait to see you in the gloom.


Partner Halfpipe

9 Men arrived with not one FNG so the choice was made….

The Thang:

40 SSH, this was a good enough warm up and I got some looks when I went past 30.

Mosey down Marietta Street all the way down to 2nd Avenue.

From the bottom everyone pick a partner except for Q.

One partner runs to the top of 3rd and the other runs to the Franklin up the hill. Once at the top do 10 Jack Webb’s. Run back to bottom to meet and do 1 Partner Derkin. Repeat but switching hills after meeting until you have completed the 11’s. (Whoopee had picked Bulldog as a partner and he got worked so hard that Whoopee all the sudden said I can’t handle this anymore and he left)

This took up most of the time for workout and the hills built into the workout added to the pain inflicted.

Next follow me back up to the top of 3rd take a right and head down to South Street.

We did Lunges, Run backwards, Sumo Squats, Run backwards until we got to Franklin to gather everyone. Mosey back to Main Street and then Bear crawl to the steps. Normally the crawl would have been good with me but today a left leg cramp hampered me a little.

The Moleskin:

Though we might get some rain this morning but we might have just received a little sprinkle and that is about it. We went to work fast so not to much Mumble Chatter.

Prayer request for all of our brother’s and the people in need around them.

Mt. Mitchell is tentative for August 20th. Clown car up in the morning early to base camp. Jog/hike to the top and back but mainly stay together. I will bring First Aid in my bag plus snacks and water. Take a group picture at the top. Get to the bottom and jump in the swimming hole not to far away.

Thanks to all for coming out today. I am pushing to bring in more people for the next few months and would like to see us double in size and get some of these Sad Clowns to join us. It is always an honor and until the next time.

Gastone Out!


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