Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: May 23, 2017

Leg Day!!

Once again, I have a Q and it rains. As I sit there at about 0523 nobody showing up and I think I’ve got it made. Then comes one car and it’s Dolph. We start talking about grabbing some breakfast and some coffee and here comes another vehicle and then another and then another. Plans changed, let’s get it done. We moseyed to the covered walk to keep everyone as dry as possible.

No warmup…just Dora.

First one side lunge, lunge and the low slow squat. While Dolph and Gerber would run, I was with godfather, who has been missed, and anthrax. In honor of godfathers post, anthrax did a split lunge and said “I feel good” thinking he was going to get a cape. Well, I guess he just slipped on wet pavers. If you don’t get that joke, go to you tube and look up James brown cape.

There were some made up trains in Dolphs head and five Burpees were called. No one heard anything but he was happy and we take care of Mongo.

Before rocking into the second round of Dora, we take time to work on the glutes. It’s for the ladies. 30 downward dog leg raises as high as you can with each leg. Then two rounds of the sun warrior pose for a minute a piece.

2nd Dora was modified for times sake to 100, 150, 200. Exercises were Bobby Hurley, calf raises and mountain climbers.

Time is running out so we can Mary for a bit. 10 windshield wipers, 10 crunchy frogs, 10 WW sit-ups, 21 Freddy Mercurys IC that liked to start a revolt because anthrax wouldn’t stop, 20 lbcs and 10 burpees. Can anyone guess who called that last one????

Mosey back to the start, but this time for the finish. No flags up anywhere so YHC happen to be directed by the pax to ole glory on the front off the Mighty Yota with the Gadsden flag coming through for the pledge. That’s right…..Don’t tread on us.

There was some other funny stuff that took place, but I can’t remember so insert funny memories here [     ]. We ended up covering about 1.7 miles. Good to be back and not sick and dragging around.

Announcements: skeet shoot at rankin lake park 5/27 2:00ish, Whoopies Christmas party may quite possibly happen in June, but don’t get too excited.


im out -Mayorlove

Spartan Kids- Jimmy Johnson Foundation – Fit Fest – More Heart Than Scars

We’re less than a week away and there are still spaces available for the Spartan Kids race on Memorial Day at the Jimmy Johnson Foundations Fit Fest in Fort Mill.

Event Page is HERE

Keep in mind, F3 Foundation has agreed to pay the entry fee for each child who is in foster care or a group home IF we can get at least one PAX to commit to cheering that kid on and checking back in with them from time to time to provide lasting support.

Right now we have two commitments.  I’m not sure if my previous attempts to publicize this have just fallen on deaf ears or I’ve done a poor job of promoting the cause, but here’s my buzzer beater/hail mary call out.  Let me know in the comments if you’re interested.

If you can’t commit to running with another child sign your own up!  HERE

Good way to be encourage our families to be active even if you’re doing the Murph in the morning and 12oz curls in the afternoon!

USE CODE PDMKIDSMHTS for a 10% discount through More Heart Than Scars


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