Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: May 6, 2017

Inspirational Words from F3 Grease Trap’s M

  1. Men- I am sure many of you have seen this on twitter already (Bagger Vance sent out yesterday), but I thought it was worth posting in this way to ensure everyone had a chance to read this. Chase Kemp is F3 Grease Trap.  His M wrote the message in the link below…please read.  Powerful stuff. The Kemp family can use all the thoughts, prayers and support The Nation can bring.  Take a minute to reflect and be thankful for the health of your loved ones.


Chopped Liver


What are we, chopped liver?  YHC knew he would be competing with the 3 year Rock Hill Convergence Q’d by the Founding Fathers Dredd and OBT today that would draw many PAX out of our region.  I was planning to go myself until some family scheduling got in the way.  On the bright side I realized I had just enough time to Q the Gashouse.  It was great to pull in the lot for the 3rd F a little early and see Stroganoff manning his site Q with the shovel flag already planted.  Our Nantan needs to assign a quartermaster to keep up with our flags since you rarely see them these days.  Where are they?

Anyway we had three for Hush Puppies third F…four if you count the Raccoon that was getting after it beside the dumpster.  When we were done we only had two minutes to spare and there was a total of 9 PAX ready to go.  Just as we were getting started Short Sale (game time decision) came in hot to make an even 10.

Disclaimer I am an idiot. #obviously  Follow me makes you an idiot.  #noinsurance

SSH, Moroccan Nightclubs, LBC’s, Merkins, squats

The PAX that showed up yesterday for EZ Rider’s core time beat down knew it on the first LBC.  Ouch. Mosey for the Pledge of Allegiance.  Hush Puppy ran the other direction to Lineberger Park to join the center of his concentrica for the Girls on the Run 5K.  This left us with the odd number 9, but we would overcome.

Mosey to Grier for wall sits and message #1…from Freed to Lead and Hush Puppies 3rd F this morning. Spend time where you make the most impact with your M and family. Set the example. Invest in your spouse and kids, do the work without complaint (N0 SV), lead.

On to the track and abbreviated fitness test. One minute max push-ups and one minute max sit-ups in pairs. Smalls (10) was the odd man out for his set but Stroganoff knocked out extra credit LBC’s so he wouldn’t do the work alone. Great work Stroganoff!

Next was the timed lap around the track.  One group ran the track and the other called out the times.  Then we switched.  It was raining a gentle rain which helped distract us from the fact that sprinting a lap isn’t fun.  The AAR (after action review) is that Monk is the undisputed 200 meter champion and the guy you want on your sprint team.  However, I think he forgot we were running the 400.  The other point is how much slower we get as we age.

Message 2:  Do you know the feeling when you are going a few mph over the limit and see a police officer? Immediately you think that you are going to get pulled over and your heart races involuntarily.  When we don’t choose the right thing it weighs on our conscience and causes the same kind of involuntary stress.  If you don’t live a morale life and choose evil over good you will live a stressed life.  Choose the right thing and live free.

Mosey run to church steps for some friendly competition.  Two groups at the bottom of the stairs.  The first two PAX from each team run to the PAD and knock out a burpee and run down and complete ten squats.  The next PAX in line does the same until everyone gets through and then we go to two burpees and so on.  Since we had an odd number on team one Squirt completed his revolution twice each time, thereby doubling his work.  This kept the race fairly tight.  We ran out of time and got to eight burpees at the top before we had to audible.  There was some major jousting (cheating) during the last round between father and son but Squirt and Smalls tied at the bottom so the competition was considered a draw (or a win win).

We got back to the home base with a few minutes to spare and completed about three minutes of lunges followed by a round of six inches while we had announcements and then some flutterkicks until we were saved by the bell.  Just as were were closing we could hear the National Anthem being sung from a mile away at the 5K.  We all turned to the shovel flag and stood at attention until it was over.  Some among us speculated that Freight was singing the anthem (the singer was female and had a high pitched voice).

Looking over my Weinke I had at least another thirty minutes of work planned.  I will know better next time.

Great work today by those that showed up.  I was really pleased that we had ten considering I thought most would be elsewhere.

Next Saturday the Gashouse shepherd and #HIM C-Span is Q’ing a convergence at the Fighting Yank.   I am looking for a big turnout next Saturday in Belmont.  Somebody tell Cherubs to start brewing the coffee now.  This will also be the Rudolphs first Pain Lab for those of you on IR.  No excuses to avoid the gloom!

Prayer Requests:  The college graduates, Feelgood’s mother, T-Square and his family, all the PAX of F3 Nation.

There would be no chopped liver today. Thanks for showing up today and pushing the rock men.  Always a pleasure to lead!

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