Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: January 12, 2017


13 of the Gashouse’s finest posted to midoriyama to break sweat with their brothers.  serious mumble chatter before the launching point about yhc with the q and the probability of us finding a wall at some point.  we shall see… 1730 hits – time to clock in, men.

warmups: people’s choice.  short sale with seal jacks, gomer with big boy sit-ups, blart with merkins, pockets with freddy mercury aaaaaaaaaaaaand i can’t remember the last one. sorry to whomever it was.  let’s mosey.

mosey to the soccer field for bombs.  p1 exercises, p2 makes a lap around the soccer field.  50 burpees, 100 overhead claps, 150 merkins, 200 big boy sit-ups and 250 squats. always a real crowd pleaser.

line up for a bataan death march.  it’s an indian run but much more fun.  the line starts, man at the back does 5 burpees.  upon completion, he runs to the front. continue until everyone has done burpees.

at this point time is getting low so we head back to the launching point. circle up for 101 lbc IC and 15 flutter kicks IC. finished with 22 merkins for the vets.  time is up.

COT: announcements – defib, tool time, pizza man and def leopard running a marathon this weekend. go get it, man.  prayer requests- pizza man and his family. chum during this time in his life.  each other. BOM: yhc took us out.

as always, it was an honor to be amongst you men. very thankful for not only the workouts, but the bonds being formed.  the accountability and all the other goods things.  thankful for all of you guys.

Philippians 4:13


2017 Gashouse 3rd F Preblast (sort of)

I am honored to be your 3rd F Q for 2017.  When asked, I had all of the concerns that someone may have when taking on a new role.  “Can I live up to the example of those who came before me?  Am I really worthy to be the standard bearer for Faith in the Gashouse?”  The fact is, If I did anything when I felt worthy or “up to it”, I’d never accomplish anything.  I’d stay in the fartsack and get fatter by the year.  I’d still be on pain and blood pressure medicine, content that my best days were behind me. The TRUTH is, the best part of my life is still ahead.  the TRUTH is, that through Faith, I can do those things that I will never be worthy to do!  What will you be challenged with this year that seems too far out of reach?  How will you stretch yourself in this new year?

It is at the heart of the F3 men of the Gashouse that all men participate in both the fellowship and faith portions of F3.  You see, Fitness may draw the men in, to challenge them to be stronger and more healthy.  Fellowship becomes the glue that holds the groups together. My pastor said long ago, “men bond when they sweat together”.  Nothing builds bonds and relationships like an early morning beatdown covered in grass and sweat; your brother helping you up after what seems like an eternity of Dora.  You begin to feel a sense of mutual accomplishment.  “Brother, if you can survive this, you can survive that struggle you’re going through”.  But many never tap into the Faith aspect.  What many men fail to realize is, the Third F is the Dynamite that activates the man to be more than he thought he could be.  The source that turns his focus from himself to those around him.  To his wife, his children, and his community.

Each month I intend to share a theme for the month.  The theme for January is “New Beginnings”.  Some passages of scripture or inspirational literature will be shared in the monthly preblast and through twitter.  PAX are encouraged to review these scriptures and share them during coffee-rama.  I may post a few questions to encourage  conversation.  Each group at coffee-rama is encouraged to simply read the passage of scripture and discuss it.

These next 3 weeks, I ask you to read some passages in Acts.  The early church is one of the greatest examples of “new beginnings”.  A rough group of 12 men who no earthly leader would choose to start a movement.  Some had abandoned their Lord in His time of need; one even cursed him.  Yet here they were on the verge of a movement that would change the world.  The week of January 9-14th, Read Acts chapter 2 verses 1- 13. Some questions to discuss:

Why was it important that they were in one accord? What was the source of their power and impact? What was the response of those in the crowd?  How is it typical of something you were involved in?

The week of January 15th-21st, reach Acts chapter 2 verses 38-47. Some questions to discuss:

Who can receive the promise Peter is preaching about? What type of community formed after this event?  Did these members of the early church have any template to follow in this new endeavor?  How does this apply to your life?

January 22nd – 28th, read Acts 14 verses 21-28 Some questions to discuss:

What was the significance of strengthening the disciples?  What importance did they place on choosing leadership in the church?  In all the scriptures discussed this month, how did the church overcome the hardships they faced, and how can we apply this to our own lives?

I promise, February’s preblast  will not be this long!  Post to a workout, shield lock with your brothers, and most of all, Share your faith!



Wetter and Better

I’ll admit I have been a fairweather fan (fool?) as of late, but knew I had the Q this morning so I was pumped!  There were still traces of the snowy conditions of the past weekend on the grass and sidewalks of Pelican’s and the low/slow rain from the early hours continued to annoy us throughout, but 12 High Impact Men splashed and swam and became stronger!

Warm-a-rama — SSH IC x20; Appalachian Americans (Hillbillys) IC x20; Seal Jack IC x20; LBC IC x20; SSH IC x20; Imperial Walkers IC x20; Plank Jack IC x15; LBC IC x15

Took a brisk mosey over to the park picnic benches for some pain stations; 2 rounds each, 4 men to a station all IC x 20 of: Step-ups, Abyss Merkins (reguLAR for those whose reach was not wide enough) and Dips. (Thanks to Whoopie and Stroganoff for helping lead the count when I was struggling)

Circle up in the parking lot for the following:  Walkerstrong (continuous Imperial Walkers as each man takes a turn praying aloud); WWI Situps IC x20; LowSlow Squats (YHC had planned on IC x30….I lost focus at about 25 and awoke from my daydream at about 38 so I figured what the heck…at 60 I jokingly called “half-way-there”….at 70 Squirt yelled “He’s a machine” so I was then determined to make it to 100….and I was spent at 101, however Gastone said he was looking forward to the other 19…not skipping a beat YHC delivered 19 more to make a total of 120 IC !); repeat Walkerstrong, this time each man singing a bit of a song instead of praying (Whoopie was on my left as we started this round, but somehow ended up halfway around next to Bandit at the finish….I think he snuck around to avoid singing); Navy Seal Situps x20; Warrior Lunges ICx20

By now nearly soaking wet we finished with a lap around the playground perimeter and moseyed back (thanks to Bulldog for tagging along in the back with me…..backwards!) to Pelican’s parking lot to talk to Mary for a couple minutes: Dying Cockroach (thanks Bandit) ICx30?; Gastone was disappointed I didn’t pick him first so gave him next option which was Flutter Kicks IC x40/50?; and with 30 seconds remaining we came full circle with some more SSH IC x20.

Moleskin — Great work today men!! I am still amazed at this group/company/organization of men who not only tolerate a fluffy out of shape dude like me, but allow me to “call the game” so to speak.  I have struggled with exercise and fitness my whole life and to not only be included and accepted, but pushed to the front gives me great energy and self-esteem.  Gastonia has a great bunch of HIMs and I invite any and everyone to our region!

Prayer concerns: Feelgood and his family, those on injured list

A Tribute to the 2017 College Football Playoff National Championship Game

Feeling guilty for fart sacking Tuesday morning following the 2017 CFB Playoff National Championship Game, 14 pax showed up in the Gloom for a customary Goat Island beat down. (Quick side bar – I believe TCLAPS are warranted here for Tiny Tank and Shad Rap who both watched the game and still mustered up the fortitude to post Tuesday morning at The Storm. Well done!) Back to the Goat….It was a beautiful morning for an F3 workout. 50 degree temps. Energy and mumble chatter were lively between the pax. (Almost) everyone was early, and we had 1 FNG. After a brief welcome & intro for the FNG, the disclaimer was given.

The QIC explained to the pax that today’s workout was intended to be a tribute to Monday’s 2017 national championship game…arguably the best college football national championship game of all time.  To make sure we were all on the same page, a summary of the game was provided: Clemson was able to avenge last season’s 45-40 loss to Alabama in the 2016 Nat’l Championship game with a thrilling 35-31 win to be crowned the 2017 champs.

Warm Up & Pledge

Don Quixotes x 16 in honor of Alabama’s 16 national football titles

SSH x 18 in honor of the combined national football titles for these two heavyweight football programs

Moroccan Night Clubs x 26. The tigers snapped Alabama’s 26 game winning streak.

Hillbillies x 9. The Tide’s average third down distance to go was 9.3 yards for the game.

Mosey down the hill & back x 2 – high knees, butt kickers, karaoke right, karaoke left


The Thang

The QIC used these standout statistics from the national championship game for the workout:

Clemson’s red zone touchdown percentage was 100%. The Tigers were a perfect 4 for 4.  Hearing the number 100, the pax begged for the opportunity to complete 100 burpees before 5:50 am, (#allin) which we did, via the 10 Minute Burpee Challenge. 60 seconds to complete 10 sets of burpees with the following reps: 8,9,10,11,12,12,11,10,9,8 = 100 burpees. (Thank you Nantan for providing this idea…though I missed the snow.) This was a crowd pleaser.

Alabama was 1 for 13 on third down attempts longer than 4 yards.  This meant that Alabama punted the ball 11 times. In recognition of the 11 punts, Round of 11s: hip slappers, pull ups. With 14 pax, we divided into 2 group so that we would have adequate space for pull ups. One group started at the gazeebo with pull ups and the other group started with hip slappers (double count) across the bridge.  Given time constraints, we Omaha’d somewhere in the middle of the count so that we could highlight a few more stats.

Clemson ran a total of 99 plays against The Tide, a feat that no other opponent was able to do this season in a single game.  (The Alabama defense hadn’t faced more than 84 plays in a single game all season).  Attributing much of this accomplishment to teamwork, we partnered up to Wheelbarrow 99 Yards across bridge & back. Teams were encouraged to switch every 24.75 yards (for the engineers in the pax).

The Alabama defense had been stifling all season. It was reported that, with the number of points scored by the Alabama defense during the regular season versus their opponents, the Tide would have finished the season 6 and 8. Again, this assumes the Tide offense never took the field in the 14 regular season games. Wow! Surprisingly, for a defense with the ability to rack up lots of points, Alabama only scored only 3 points off of two Clemson fumbles. Recognizing that each of us will also “fumble the ball” in life and will need our F3 brothers to fight for us in the scrum to help recover the ball (kick us in the duff & remind us of the gospel), we did a variation of the Bermuda Triangle (3 corners in tribute to 3 points scored) to practice recovering fumbles. Using the triangle intersection on Goat Island, we split into three groups. The groups bear crawled from one corner to the next. At each corner, the pax did French Fries x 20 (single count). The goal was 2 laps around the triangle…which we cut short due to time. Quick mosey back for the COT.



Named the FNG – Q*bert


It’s an honor to be in community with you men. Thanks for encouraging me to DFQ….to keep pushing the rock.

Last stat from Monday’s national championship game…which I’ll work in to future workouts: Clemson had 4 receivers with more than 90 yards receiving

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