• Post Type:
  • When: 01/03/17
  • AO:
  • QIC: Medicine Woman
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Huckleberry, Medicine Woman

Other than QIC, 1 loyal PAX shows up for the first Folsom meeting of 2017. Seems like there are still several recovering from New Years or other non alcohol influenced illnesses. Once 5:30 hit, I thought about the possibility of a couple that might roll in hot a little late, but those guys were truly under the weather. Yes, I even felt like staying in the fartsack hearing the pouring rain hitting the windows of the house, but I couldn’t stand the crew up. No FNGs, so let’s roll.


SSH, toy soldiers, monkey Humpers all 12 IC

tha thang

mosey to the lower lot. Huck seemed relieved we weren’t headed up to the the horse arena for boxjumps, even mentioned something about burning it down or bulldozing it. Anyway, hit the lower shelter. Grab a seat for LBCs x15 IC, Dips, and mountain climbers all x15 IC. Run a lap around the parking lot. Rinse repeat x4. Before the mosey back up to the vehicles, we hit the ground for 22 Merkins for the Vets. Trying to get 2 miles in, we fell short this time. No big deal, we did, hit around 1.2 or so. But who’s counting?


announcements, Snowbird

YHC lead prayer

this morning was a reminder of what Whoopee had mentioned before, that no matter how small the group, a lot comes out of it. It’s a good time to get to know each other better individually. Huck and I had some good conversations. Whoopee was right. It’s always a great time and honor to Q.