With ToolTime and Brownstreak Qing together who knows what will happen but here is what I recall. The morning started with a lot of mumble chatter. Why are we here on Christmas Eve? Who’s Qing?, who has the nicest hair? Etc. Sargento and Freight must have the same barber. As time drew near pax kept rolling in. A Kotter came back or at least one I haven’t seen in a while “spring break!” Time to start yankers so we moseyed to the boat? Tank? Car? Truck? Whatever the hell we called it. It got called everything. We moseyed there….. and here is when the evilness started.
Warmarama Brownstreak style:
SST x 50
1 Burpee
Hillbilly x 15
2 burpees
Cotton pickers x 10
3 burpees
Monkey humpers x 15
4 burpees
Mericans x 15
5 burpees
Apollo Ohyes x 10
6 burpees
Toy soldiers x 10
7 burpees
Squats x 15
8 Burpees
Carolina Dry docks x 15
9 burpees
Peter Parker x 15
10 burpees
After this monster of a warm up we didn’t mosey but jumped up on the boat?…… anyway some or maybe one of us did a really cool roll up instead of a jump up (mayor got skills) it was here that the second part of our evil plan would unfold. Core time with Tool Time… Mayor and Dolph was playing and mumble chattering about the warm up and blah blah blah…. y’all know them two. All that stopped real quick… bahahaha!!!
Core Time with Tool Time
In and Outs with arms up -25
Freddie Mercury’s forward with arms up in seated V position – 25 /Then Backwards for 25
Crunchy Frog – 25
Wide leg sit-ups – 25
Fifer Scissors- 25
Hip Rock and Raise – 25
Heels to Heaven- 25
V-Up/Roll-ups -25
Oblique V-ups Right Side -25 /Then Left side -25
Leg Climbs Right leg – 12/ Then Left Leg 12
And to put the cherry on top….
American Hammers -50
After that awful and I mean awful evil workout I wasn’t sure which way was up, but we can’t stop til a body drops so we moseyed….. up to the track/ pull up bars. Here is where Brownstreak took the reins of this two mad dog sled and introduced Cindy…. Cindy is a crazy work out that crossfitters and seal teamers do and now F3ers. We modified to accommodate the area and stay within reach of all pax abilities (mine included). Here is what Cindy is….modified of course.
5 rounds – alternating pull-up grips each round ( regular, reverse, close grip, right/left hand different, left/right hand different)
Cindy= (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 air squats) Run a lap between each set.
Tool Time being the beast he is along with Dolph and Freight lead a flutter kick extravaganza ( about 55 IC)til all pax finished with Cindy. With just a lil time to spare Tool Time ran us home around and back to the flag.
Top hat’s dad, Shrimpboat, T-square
Proverbs 27:
17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.
It was an honor to lead today men!
Brownstreak / Tool Time