Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: December 7, 2016

6 non hunters and recycled wisdom

Got the invite to Q at Folsom from Huckleberry last week, and I knew there was only one answer to that question. The forecast was rain, but that did not stop 6 NONHUNTERS from breaking out of the fartsack. There was some chatter about the usual suspects possibly posting more often after hunting season but showing the same pictures and no meat to show their hunting efforts. Keep EHing them and get them out here.

WU: 10 IC:SSH, Squats, Merkins, Imp Walkers then 10 burpees OYO.

The Thang:

Mosey to the turd shack (for some of my favorites) for some work under the shelter of the turd shack. Hip Slappers IC X 10 then 15 then 10 with short mosey across the parking lot btwn rounds. Stay under cover and divide into 3 groups of 2 with partner 1 doing flutter kicks while partner 2 lunge walks across the parking lot then mosey back. Flapjack, rinse and repeat for 2 sets each. Think we did some more Burpees here, not sure.

Outside in the rain for a version of Red Barchetta (still hate the group and the song in case anyone wondering). 100 yard dash, 100 SSH, mosey back to start. 75ish yard dash, 75 mountain climbers, mosey back to start. 50 yard dash with 50 squats, mosey back to start. 25 yard dash, 25 merkins, mosey back to start. 10 yard dash, 10 burpees, mosey back. Between sets we discussed recent info shared by Dredd at CSAUP (Fatigue makes cowards of us all, It all starts with love, and Ask, Listen, Recall). This recycled wisdom is applicable even at 530am in the rain.

We moseyed under the shelter to picnic tables and did some dips then closed things out with COT out of the rain before moseying back to start for pledge in the rain (thanks Gomer).

Great group of guys here in Folsom. Huckleberry doing great job leading from the front, Gomer with the endless energy, Snowman/Medicine Woman/Shingle providing the horsepower to push that rock. Keep it up guys.


OL’ Trusty

6 PAX got lucky and missed the rain at Midoriyama. Slaw stepped up for the Q but his M set him straight and notified him he had a 2.0 event (thankfully she is keeping him on the straight and narrow). YHC took the fill in but was running behind. So Pizza Man took over and got the warm-up going as I came in hot! One of those days! Thankfully at Midoriyama there is always a HIM to step-up.


I saw some SSH and squats when I was coming. Then we did some Don Quixte’s.

The Thang: Ol’ Trusty is one Pizza Man, Floppy Disk and I came up with back in the C4 days to simulate and train for a mud run. Run a little then do some task and keep repeating. So we run the road through the park and at each parking lot opening on your right we did 15 merkins and 10 squat jumps. We threw in 5 burpees at the speed humps. We stopped off at the shed for 2 rounds of Tricep dips x 15ic, Freddy Mercury x 20ic, Ironcross flutter kicks x 10ic. All in all we did a little over 2 miles and a lot merkins and squats.



Announcements-Nomads new schedule of the last Saturday of the month, Convergence 12/17 at the Schiele, Advisory board meeting moved up to 12/18.

Prayer Request- PAX Training, Oompa’s coworker with cancer, Tooltime’s coworkers, My Grandmother with alzheimers,


Good work by all today. Great to have Floppy Disk back out. 2 months on the coach set him back a bit but I have no doubt he will be back in marathon shape in no time!

back blast

7 men resisted the ever-so-comfortable fartsack for a good midweek beat down. as 0530 hits…ok it was 0533; it was time to punch in.

warmups: ssh, appalachian americans and gravel pickers all x 15IC

the thang

mosey up to the tennis courts for dora.  100 merkins, 200 lbc and 300 lunges.   this brought forth some serious mumble chatter.

20 merkin and 60 lbc ring of fire.  ran a little.

mosey back for the pledge and 1 burpee.  time.

COT – announcements: snowbird mens trip in march.  after Christmas party first Saturday in January.  prayer requests: our nation, each other.

may we not forget the anniversary of today.  a date which will live in infamy.  aye!

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