Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: November 2016 (Page 4 of 4)

Are you ready to FTS out of the Charlotte Marathon? / Final Pre-blast

It is race week. If you’ve trained hard, you can consider this the victory lap. It just happens to be the race itself. I first heard Fishwrap call the race a victory lap and thinking of it that way feels right. The hay is in the barn. Now it’s just time to get your mind right and do it.

To best prepare each participant to do just that, below you’ll find your race week playbook. It’s a collection of wisdom from F3’s fairy godmothers of running (read: most of the below is a near exact cut and paste from correspondence with Freeloader, Postfontaine, Subway, Fishwrap etc.). Thank you guys, and you’re welcome everyone who reads it.

Before that though, here’s the #1 rule of race day / race week / race prep… don’t try anything new. You should have rehearsed everything. No new shoes or clothes race day. No new meals the night before, or gels, drinks day of. Race day should be auto-pilot, an auto-pilot victory lap that is.

The Art of Peaking – Greg McMillan
There is an art to peaking and over the last 20 years, I think I’ve figured it out. It’s about resting the body and mind yet keeping the engine revved with a few workouts. It’s also about having a relaxed and confident mindset and strong belief in yourself.

Remember to get in a couple of easy runs, a tempo run, and most importantly some good rest.



10:00 am – 9:00 pm Novant Health Charlotte Marathon health & wellness expo will serve as the packet pick-up for all events at the Charlotte Convention Center (501 S. College Street, Charlotte, NC, 28202) in Hall C-2. You must present a photo ID to pick up your Race Bib.

Dudes uptown are grabbing lunch and picking up their packets. For those that want to gather and talk race strategies, we will plan to meet at 12:30 p.m. in the lobby of the convention center, at the top of the expo escalator. We’ll plan to walk across the street to one of the restaurants near The Green.


  • 7:04 am Arrive at Roman Bearden Park and look for other F3’ers (we may or may not have a dedicated space #workingonit)
  • 7:15 am Must be in start corral
  • 7:30 am Full marathon, half marathon start


  • Wake up at standard F3 time 5 am- ish.  Immediately eat small bagel OR half bowl of oatmeal and peanut butter OR almond butter. Maybe half a banana (OR whatever you have tested and decided on). Start drinking water. And, take a slam … or 5. Always good to get that out of the way pre-race (be sure to use the confetti text-message feature on your iPhone to notify your fellow runners of your pre-race success).
  • 7:04 am arrive at the park for BOM and/or pep talk from Fishwrap about how you are about to FTS out of your race. It will be chilly so no need to get there much earlier.
  • Then, we run a warm up 1/2 mile to 3/4 mile and dynamic stretches
  • 7:15 am – Arrive at start corral, take a Gu.
  • 7:25 am – Move to front of the line pre-race
  • 7:30 am RACE START
  • Half marathon fuel strategy – Take Gu or Gatorade on the course at 4 mile and 8 mile marks
  • Weather will be perfect.  Upper 30’s to lower 40’s. For the race, can wear throw away gloves and throw away hat (can discard somewhere in the first few miles).

At this point, you are all well prepared. Physically, you are in a great position. The only thing now that is of equal importance is where you are mentally. At the end of the day, running is just pain management. For every one of us, there is going to be a point in the race where a little bit of you wants to quit. You will debate in your head and say “it’s not my day” or “it’s too cold” or “cold air hurts my lungs” or “gosh just a minute slower than my goal is ok”….this is all normal. Yep…normal people will give in. They will become what is referred to as a convenient competitor. And, you will achieve a normal result. Congrats. But….we are not normal nor should we accept normal. Believe me, you will remember the exact point where you lost a bit, where you decided that normal is ok….and…you will regret it. If you do only one thing, try this. When the body hurts and you want to slow down, DON’T! Step up. When you win that battle, it will stay with you.

And, for anyone not running, we would love to see you out on the course — your support and encouragement is greatly appreciated.


– 20/20 & Matlock

Bricks around Belmont

7 men came to the Yank in Belmont Saturday morning to make themselves better. No FNG’s so a very short disclaimer, ” I’m an idiot, you probably shouldn’t follow me.” We have a lot of ground to cover so we should get started.


Burpiesx10 (in honor of the train that passed before we began)


Don Quixotex20 IC

Hillbilliesx20 IC

Imperial walkersx20 IC

The Thang:

Each man will grab 2 bricks apiece and lets mosey.

Up the hill, first stop Nellies Restaurant. 20 CDDs, 1 minute of military presses with our bricks and 20 more CDDs. Lets mosey.

Next stop Taste Buds Popcorn parking lot. 20 werkins, 1 minute of flys with our bricks and 20 more werkins. Lets mosey

Up the hill to the intersection of Main St and Central. 20 MNCs, 1 minute of straight arm raises with the bricks and 20 more MNCs. Lets mosey.

Down the hill to the funeral home (these bricks are starting to get heavy). 20 military merkins, 1 minute of tricep extensions with the bricks and 20 more military merkins. Lets mosey.

Next stop is the library for 20 merkins, 1 minute of curls with the bricks and 20 more merkins. Lets mosey.

To the flag in front of the middle school for the Pledge. Then over to the benches for something different. 20 each of the following: dips, flutter kicks, squats, merkins. Followed by a lap around the front of the school with our bricks. Rinse and repeat x 2.

Almost out of time so we headed back to the park for a few minutes of Mary… TIME.

I think we covered around 2.5 miles with our bricks but my arms and shoulders thought it was more.

Announcements: CSAUP

Prayer requests: Each other, our country

It was an honor to lead. I look forward to next time




January and June

5 Nomads went to Mighty Jungle. Our first visit to the Isotope region. When we arrived we thought we were late as we saw PAX running through the parking lot with blocks. Luckily it was just the early crowd for the Gladiator workout. Some of which doubled up and joined us for the 7:00 workout(Beast). We spotted a large tire and knew we were in for a good one. The Q started it up and took us for a tour of the church and school grounds via an indian run. Lot of possibilities at this AO. Once we returned to the parking lot we did station work with blocks, sprints and tire flips but the best part was the last 15 minutes. We split our group into two teams of 8 and played some ultimate frisbee. Kind of like football with a frisbee. This part was still an excellent workout and put a smile on everyone’s face. There was a little competition and a little bit of blood spilled!

Yet again we have met another great group of guys. Very welcoming. Hope to see you all again soon!

So what does the tittle have to do with any of this? Well I won’t say but on the way home there was a restored Falcon on the interstate and I guess the mood was just right and…..well you just never know where a conversation will go when your on the road with the Nomads! Show to know!

Where a goat can go the PAX can go

So Midoriyama has a special feature that AO’s around here don’t have….A Mountain! 2 had climbed it once before and we have talked about doing again for some time. YHC figured since it has cooled down some and the leaves are changing it would be a good time to see the view from up there. That and of course we set the clocks back next week so Midoriyama will start posting in the gloom as well. There was a brief disclaimer about not knowing how much of the property belongs to the park and if the man comes it will be jailbreak time. We did a short warmup of the usual SSH’s, a few Hillbillies and imperial walkers then hit the mosey with the shovel flag in hand. We moseyed VIA the soccer loop trail and service road to the base stopping to do a few merkins and Al Gore’s. At the base YHC advised we would be walking from this point. The path up is the power line path and is nothing but rocks. Big rocks(some scaling is involved) and small rocks(easy to roll an ankle here). It is all straight up the side and about half way it gets pretty steep(leg burner). Everyone did a great job! Once we were at the top a few did hip slappers off the tower building wall. We posed for a pic and headed back down.


Announcements, Pledge, Prayer Request-Floppy’s M, Lil Sweet’s niece

Goat Time

Roscoe and his FNG were already waiting. Top Hat showed up too. No Weinke, no problem.

With an FNG in attendance I gave the best off the cuff disclaimer I could. First and foremost, I’m an idiot and all of you are too if you follow me, so don’t. F3 is awesome, and although you’ll be sore, come back!

Warmup – Side Straddle Hop x20IC, Moroccan Night Clubs – x30IC, Don Quixote x10IC, LBC x20IC


Mosey to the secret parking lot for the first part of the Thang.

Ascending Bear Crawls – On one end of the parking lot start with 1 Derkin, bear crawl to the other side for 2 merkins back and forth up to 13 reps. After several laps of this, it was obvious that if we were going to do much more of YHC’s imagined workout, we were going to have to Omaha for a short set.

Mosey around the corner down to the bridge. A luck would have it, a train passed and we all know what that means! 5 Burpees!

To make up for our short set earlier, the PAX would bear crawl the wooden length of the bridge. Bear crawls are good for you!

After a quick count off to catch our breath, YHC explained the next routine, the BMOBS. Partner up and in aggregate do: 50 burpees, 100 merkins, 150 arm raises, 200 LBCs, 250 squats. While partner 1 does the exercises, partner 2 would run around the shelter and play set. This turned out to be a good one to get the sweat pouring. Good work men!

A slow fellowship mosey over to the gazebo for a few wrap up exercises.

Using the gazebo, we hung and did 10 leg lifts IC. Top Hat called something I remember, sorry brother. Roscoe called his own and I can’t remember it either. YHC does remember calling 5 burpees to finish.

Announcements: CSAUP, Derecho Monday workout is moving to Martha’s House

Prayer Requests: Bandit’s family, Floppy Disc’s M, T Square’s family, our Country

Welcome FNG Guts! It was great having you today and we look forward to seeing you out again soon. It was a pleasure leading you today men!




12 PAX posted for one of the last days in the full light at Midoriyama. Daylight savings time will put us in the gloom come next week. We were planning to do a surprise post at Floppy Disk’s house since he has been MIA lately but While I was doing some scouting(trick or treating) Monday night he mentioned he was going to post. With that messages were sent to abort the plan and all made it to Midoriyama. Good to have such a strong crowd out today!


SSH x 16 ic I was going a little higher but noticed Def Leppard was hoping on one foot due to his broken toe.

Moroccan Nightclubs w/ high knees and butt kickers

LBC’s x 15 ic

Flutter Kicks x 15 ic

Sandy V’s x 10 ic ( for Billy Madison)

The Thang:

Mosey to the end parking lot at the soccer fields

Route 66- All in a line together, Bobby Hurley’s at each line starting with 1 then 2 then 3 and so on until 11

Fellowship mosey around the island to recover

Lunge between lines and 1 merkin at each parking space line. So I heard someone say “just 1 merkin”. The thing about doing one merkin is it’s basically doing a burpee. It’s a mental trick! We did this for the length which was about 20 lines worth.

Mosey back across the park to the stairs.

2 at a time do 10 calf raises on each step x 13 steps( For Tooltime ). Everyone else planks until they can get on a step. When finished plank until all are done.

Mosey back to the flag for the Pledge.

Partner up w/cement block. Partner 1 10 blockees Partner 2 wall sit about 20 yds away. Switch. Rinse and repeat for 5 rounds=50 blockees each! Floppy Disk’s favorite exercise!

Same setup but this time we did curls x 30.


Announcements-CSAUP, Nomads headed to Isotope, Gastonia Convergence, Holiday Party in January

Prayer Request-Lil Sweet’s family member getting tonsils removed and tubes put in, Tooltime, Floppy’s M and family, surgery is this Friday.

Read-Colossians 3:15-17- And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body, and be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.


I can’t say enough about this group of guys. Week in and week out consistently posting, pushing themselves and each other. When you listen to the conversations they are always asking about and checking up on things happening in each others lives. That tells me they really care. I want to personally thank all of you for the support and prayers for Floppy Disk’s family.

Little less running, lot more lifting

YHC rolled in hot to 8 men standing in the gloom. After unloading the coupons in the lower lot, we jumped right into the warmup

SSH x10 IC, Mericans x 10 IC, Squats x 10 IC, CDD’s x 10 IC, Windmills x 10 IC, Toysoldiers x 10 IC. The Pledge. Mosey to the lower parking lot. Gomer was notified that the first man to bottom of the hill has to flip the tire back up the hill.

The Thang;
3 sets of hill sprints 30yds, top of hill 5 burpees.
Mosey to bottom of parking lot where there was a Kettle bell in one corner and a training sand bag in the other, and yes the tire was at the top of parking lot, approx 50 yds away.
Round 1; Sandbag clean and press x 10, run to kettle bell for 10 curls, run to tire for 5 flips. One man start at sandbag while the Pax perform flutter kicks, once man 1 finishes at sandbag man 2 starts and so on. Pax perform flutter kicks till last man starts. That was a lot of flutter kicks medicine woman. Round 2 starts at sandbag with Merican pulls x 10, Kettle bell swing x 10, 5 tire flips; Pax performing Russian twists. Round 3 sand bag shoulder throws x 10, Kettle bell snatch x 5 each side (muble chatter), 5 tire flips. Mosey over to wall at picnic shelter for 10 donkey kicks IC and 10 Hip slappers IC. Mosey back to COT at upper parking lot.

Hill sprints definitely got the blood flowing, Huckleberry with false start and won the first set. Next was the heavy lifting which got the mumble chatter going and kept it coming. I think the sandbag weighed as much as Gomer. It doesn’t get any easier you just get stronger. AYE! Nice work men. The ab excercises were a bit lenghtly but good. We busted a sandbag but nothing a little duct tape can’t handle. Thought this would be a good mix up and the Pax seem to enjoy it as well. #DRP

COT; Namorama, Announcements (Hank mentioned a wood spliting work out at his place, he will provide the wood) Prayer requests.

BOM; Thanks Sparky for taking us out. Nice job men.

BackBlast- #TheStorm: I’m An Idiot And You Are Too If You Follow Me…… Don’t Die

7 PAX Showed Up To Put In Some Work At #TheStorm Early This Morning.
Some Good Mumble Chatter And A Delayed Start By Maybe A Minute As We Waited For Madoff To Get Out Of His Rolls-Royce.  BA Remembered To Give His Special Disclamer: “I’m An Idiot And You Are Too If You Follow Me…. Don’t Die”.


And It Began…..


-Pledge Of Allegiance-


Cheetah’s Don’t Stretch Before The Hunt…. We Didn’t Either
-Mosey To The Sidewalk Near Weight Room And Partner Up-


Upper Body/Lower Body/Necks
  • Partner 1- 100 Neckies(Roxberrys)/ Partner 2- Parnter Zombie Walk Forward and Backward To/From First Parking Island
Switch Back And Forth Until The 100 Neckies Are Done In Aggregate
(Some Good Talk About HIPPA Laws During These Exercises)


-Mosey To The Weight Room-
  • Sally While Holding 25lbs
  • LBCs (In Cadence) x 10
  • Farmer Carries For The Song Farmer’s Daughter
(Some Of The Pax Grabbed 75lbs For One Hand….Immediate Regret Was Overheard)
  • Moroccan Nightclubs (In Cadence) x 20
Mosey Out To The Parking Lot And Partner Up-
  • Partner 1- 300 Merkins/ Partner 2- Run To 2nd Parking Lot Island And Perform 10 LBCs
Switch Back And Forth Until The 300 Merkins Are Done In Aggregate


-Mosey To The Weight Room-
  • Wall Sits While Holding 25lb Weights Through The Song Sail.  Owe 5 Merkins Everytime You Fall Or Stand Up
  • LBCs (In Cadence) x 20
  • Roxanne- Push Ups And Plank Jacks Through The Song Roxanne
  • Moroccan Nightclubs (In Cadence) x 20
-Count Off For A Brief Break-
  • 2.5 lb Weights Arm Hold Through The Song Kick Start My Heart.  Owe 5 Merkins Everytime You Bring Your Arms Down         (Whoopie Departs After Doing His Merkins Owed)
  • Homer And Marge (In Cadence) x 10
  • Moroccan Nightclubs (In Cadence) x 20


Mosey To The Parking Lot
  • Side Straddle Hop (In Cadence) x 10
(JK2 Informs Me It Is Not Time And I Want To Give Him His Monies Worth)
  • Side Straddle Hop (In Cadence) x 10


Announcements: CSAUP, Party At Whoopees, And Toy Drive
Prayers: A Few Pax Brought Up Concerns About Health Concerns For Relatives And CoWorkers
Coffeeteria: 1 at Floyd and Blackies in Cramerton
I enjoyed leading today.
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