Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: October 2015 (Page 3 of 3)

Indians and Donkeys

We had 8 PAX post in the old Brewster’s parking lot to get stronger and fight Sad Clown Syndrome.  We also welcome back Defib (or is it V-fib???) on his return from Haiti mission trip where some great work was done (not sure his trip was long enough to quality for a Kotter, but welcome back, regardless)

After a brief disclaimer, and showing respect for our stars and stripes with the Pledge of Allegiance, we began…

First a quick jog from Brewsters to the Martha Rivers parking lot.  PAX figured we would just skip the warmup today.  As we entered the park, it looked like F3 got up much earlier than the park employees this morning.  Gate was still locked up and the line of cars was starting.  We don’t stop.  We move forward!

Now we can start the warmup.

  • 30 SSH IC
  • 25 IW IC
  • 20 Merkins IC
  • 20 Squats IC
  • 20 MC IC
  • 20 LBC IC

Indian run #1 – one lap around parking lot.  More cars lining up at the gate to watch F3!

Next up are 11s (Merkins and Heels to Heaven) accross the parking lot.

Indian run #2 – one lap around parking lot.  Second time around we could tell the stretch on the way back was up hill.  More cars lining up at the gate!

Next we partner up for 55s (Squats and DCC).  Start with one rep each, sprinting across parking lot between exercises.  Working all the way up to 10 reps.

Next we mosey down to the restrooms, but indeed – no rest.  Instead we get Donkey Kicks in on the wall of shame!

  • 10 Donkey Kicks IC
  • 10 Donkey Kicks IC
  • 10 Donkey Kicks IC
  • BTTW – 60 Seconds
  • 10 Donkey Kicks IC
  • 10 Derkins OYO

Next we mosey back up the parking lot to get all Whoopee’s crap he left there. #SomeoneBringHimBackpack.  As we grab Whoopee’s loot we see they are finally opening the gate. As we mosey past them back to Brewsters, everyone say’s good morning to the line of cars coming in, including Mrs. Long (Stroganoff’s mom still checking up on him).

As always, its an honor to lead this group!  Until next time… Aye!

– Bandit


10/8 #GoatIsland BB – “5 Burpees OYO”

Eleven men gathered together in the parking lot of Goat Island for a made-up-on-the-fly workout from the Godfather. As the clock struck 5:30, the PAX realized there was no flag to be found but staying true to tradition, we hit the POA for a mental flag. After shaking off the awkwardness of eleven men saying the pledge to an invisible flag, it was time to start the beatdown:


  • Side-Straddle Hop x15 (IC)
  • Merkins x15 (IC)
  • LBC’s x15 (IC)
  • Don Quixote’s x15 (IC)
  • Imperial Walkers x15 (IC)

Mosey to the end of the Parking Lot (PL)

  • Bear Crawl half way, mosey to end of PL
  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • Lunge half way, mosey to end of PL
  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • Imperial Walker half way, mosey to end of PL
  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • Backwards Skip half way, mosey to end of PL
  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • Partner Carries half way, swap to the end of PL
  • 5 Burpees OYO

Dora 1-2-3

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 LBC’s
  • 300 Squats
  • Partner runs up the hill to the bridge gate and back, then swaps

Ring of Fire

  • PAX circle up and complete a round 5 Merkins, 4 Merkins, 3 Merkins, 2 Merkins, and finish with 1 Merkin each while the rest of the group holds plank position

Five Minutes of Mary

  • Homer to Marge
  • Freddie Mercury x15 (IC)
  • Flutter Kicks x15 (IC)
  • LBC x15 (IC)
  • Homer to Marge

Closing Festivities

  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • Lap around parking lot
  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • 5 Burpees OYO

Circle up, Name-o-Rama, BOM


  • 1.5 Miles ran
  • 40 Burpees
  • 0 Shovel Flags

BackBlast- #TheStorm 10/6/15: Trouble Lifting Your Coffee Cup This Morning?

It is always great to Q at the greatest AO in F3 nation. 16 Men (including 1 FNG) enjoyed the cool air and the feel of concrete in their hands this morning.   As advertised there wasn’t much running (1.5 miles), but there was an upper body beatdown. It was good to see the PAX encouraging and pushing each other throughout the workout.  My goal was to have the PAX have trouble lifting their coffee cups later in the day.


All in cadence

  • SSH x 25
  • Merkins x 10
  • LBC’s x 25
  • Prayer Squats x 10

Recover and Say The Pledge Of Allegiance

Partner up and get a cinder block.  Mosey inside the entrance gate and set cinder block down…. we had to work with math as an FNG showed up late and threw off our numbering.


With Partner and Cinder Block-

  • Standing Chest Press x 300/Run to the press box and x5 Merkins
  • Curls x 200/Run to the press box  and x 5 CDD’s
  • French Curls x 100/Run to the press box x 5 Donkey Kicks (I liked hearing this in cadence)
  • Merkins on Cinder Block x 100/Run to the press box x 5 Merkins  (audible from 50 to 100)
  • Upright Row x 100/Run around the press box

Planking with right arm/right leg/left arm/left leg until PAX was done

In between each set we counted up and back…. at some points the counting got interesting and we thought we may have lost a guy, but all was good as we just realized our math is bad.

Mosey to BA’s truck to deposit the cinder blocks.


  • Count Off
  • Naming of FNG- Sunshine (Darnell Johnson)
  • Announcements: Hope Builders 5k, Mud Run, CLT Runway 5k
  • Prayers: 1. Prayers for Outhouses daughter who had a medical procedure. Waiting for results.   2. Praying for people affected by the floods in South Carolina.
  • Coffeeteria At Floyd And Blackies- 2 In Attendance


That was my first mistake…

So last night my wife says, how about stroganoff for dinner tonight? As the men of GasHouse should be aware, there is only one answer to that question. STROGANOFF IS ALWAYS WELCOME AT MY TABLE. However, it almost made me late this morning as it had some after effects this morning. Nonetheless, I made it with time to spare and quickly realized my pre blast the night before was not in vain. The weather was perfect for our plan-knowing rain was in the forecast, Bandit “suggested” a slip n slide. My pride rarely lets me back down from a challenge and although this was really not a challenge, it gave me a great excuse to relive my days as a kid with some great guys. Bandit provided the slide and Dr. Feelgood and I provided the slip, more on that below….

Here’s how it went down:

9 men who had nothing better to do crawled out of their cars into the gloom, exchanged stupid grins on their faces, and commented about this CSAUP thing we were doing including:

“My wife said she already got 4 warnings on her phone by 6 am to not drive in this weather.”

“My dog has more sense than I do at this point, he doesn’t even go out in the rain unless we force him.””

“I brought a complete change of clothes.”

“I brought my full body rain suit and have a spare. Anyone want one?”

“I bet we will have at least a dozen here this morning”

“I brought a huge roll of plastic, this is really gonna be fun…”

At around 7am things warmed up just a bit with our WU:

SSH, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, and Moroccan Night Club. We did various numbers of each with plans for a whole lot of night club dancing, but after 3 MNCs I was so excited about our plans I cut it short and we headed to the flag for the pledge.


The Thang: Mosey to the field/track…spread out the slide (thanks Bandit): plastic from basically hash mark to hash mark on the football field (thanks coach, hope your grass is ok) then add slip: 2 bottles of Dawn dish soap (thanks Dr. Feelgood and wifey-sorry honey, not bringing any home like you asked. Some things are worth a verbal beat down and this qualifies EVERY time). Prior to the Thang, a couple guys tried out the slip n slide with a wheelbarrow followed by a chariot pull-not sure we had a name for the second part, but sounds good and left Goose and Bandit (father/son) with enough soap to last the entire workout-bubbles ran down both their legs until we were finished.

Then we bagan the Thang: Modified Murph: was it a Wurph, a Burph, or a slip n slurph, I don’t know. But we got to work on the acceleration part in the chilly rain then put some Dawn to good use. The Thang started with 2 cycles of 10 Burpees, 20 Merkins, and 30 Squats with a plan to repeat 2 cycles each lap. After a quick Omaha, we changed this to 1 set every half lap-mentally and physically easier to conquer. Again, running has become a break, something most of us would not have said 6months ago. This changed individually (internal Omaha) to do what you can including crawl around the lap and do whatever you can do of the above cycle. I think we did 5 laps which included potentially 100 Burpees, 200 Merkins, and 300 Squats. I lost track after 3 laps so who knows what I/we did.

At this point, I believe the men left and we were left with 9 boys with funny looks on their face like they just found out what their Justifier is used for. We each took turns on the slip n slide until all had enough. This was truly fun to watch and share this event with some guys that I just met 7 months ago but have grown to really love. Getting my butt out of bed at 6am on a Saturday morning to run in the cold rain then slide around on a soapy piece of plastic will be a highlight of 2015 for me and hopefully a few others. I saw a father and son share a unique experience, a beast wear a yellow gangsta’ rain suit, and a Mayor push himself to get in better shape with some guys he really doesn’t know that well but now shares a unique bond like something out of the movie “Stand By Me.”

Thanks for being there this morning for me, hope this BB did this morning some justice. Truthfully, if you weren’t there, you missed out.


Alligators @ Goat Island

Warmup: 10 IC: SSH, TS, IW, Mericans, LBC


The Thang

High Knees and Butt kicks to the bridge. Alligator pushups across bridge. Omaha longer than I remembered, bear crawl remainder of bridge.

Partner up and carry any way to next bridge. 5 burpees each if you had to switch out; everyone did burpees! AYE!! Alligator pushup as far as possible, bear crawl remainder of bridge #2.

Mosey to the gazebo for some DORA.

Partner up Aggregate count/ # for each
50 pull ups/ 10 burpees top of hill
100 Mericans/ 10 manmakers top of hill
150 Squats/ 20 mountain climbers top of hill

Mosey to the wall

3 Rounds Donkey Kicks 10 IC; a little F3 Graphitti; we may need to clean and repaint brown up to 4’. Awesome exercise IC, thanks Bandit.

Moleskin: Strong work by all PAX: nice job Bandit, that a way to push it this am. AYE!!! Mayor and I almost went down on the carry, however he dropped the gavel and made a stellar recovery. I don’t remember the bridge being that long!!!! Always a privilege and honor to lead you guys.

Thanks. Dolph

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