Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: May 2015

GasHouse BackBlast- Hitting For The Cycle and Getting Those Benjamins

  • 26 men came out to the Schiele Museum on Saturday ready to get some work in and get worked over by the QIC Brown Streak.
  • During the cycle a nice game of catch was had as a few of the PAX found one of the Patriots footballs laying by the fence (deflated) and decided to throw it around while running laps.  We did find out that Whoopee could throw the deflated ball with amazing accuracy, but Dolph couldn’t pull the catch in as it hit him right in the hands.  Also, Shrimp Boat and Dolph had a race with youth winning out over experience.
  • During Breaking Benjamins we realized the only thing we were going to get paid with was pain. We learned to hate the audible as it changed a sprint into a 40 yd bear crawl.
  • The workout seemed to fly by even though BA can’t keep time and the church bells seemed to be off 5 or so minutes.

SSH 20ic
IW 15ic
Merkins 10ic
Freddy Mercury 15ic

The Thang
1 lap around track (400m)
Set 1
15ic Merkins
15ic LBC
15ic Carolina Dry Docks
15ic Squats
15ic Mt Climbers
Set 2
10ic Merkins
10ic LBC
10ic Carolina Dry Docks
10ic Squats
10ic Mt Climbers
Set 3
5ic Merkins
5ic LBC
5ic Carolina Dry Docks
5ic Squats
5ic Mt Climbers
Pair Up
Partner 1 starts exercise of 100reps called out by Q
Partner 2 sprints across field (40yds give or take) and back and picks up where Partner 1 left off with 100 reps
Sets went like this:
Alternating Lunges
*one audible was called for the 40yd sprints: Bear Crawl

Mosey to Museum Wall for some:
People’s Chair 1min
Merkins 1min
People’s Chair 1min
LBC 1min
People’s Chair 1min
Squats til Church Bells rang (roughly 2min)


Reminder shirts need to be ordered by 6/3

Tuesday workout at Stuart Cramer #TheStorm at 5:30AM (QIC BA)

New AO at Martha Rivers on Wednesdays at 5:30AM (co-Q Whoopee and Bandit)

Next Saturday GasHouse co-Q’s were voluntold (Anthrax and Abba)

Is Spiderman trying to change his given name? …

Inaugural SCHS Workout – Flipping Tires!

Twelve of Gastonia’s finest posted for the inaugural Tuesday workout at Stuart Cramer High  School. “The Gloom” takes on a new meaning at this time of day.

Godfather asks… “Will there be a bathroom break”? That alone was worth the 0500 wake up call.

After disclaimer, PAX takes the not too long and winding road for mosey from parking lot down to track for Pledge.


  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Merkinss
  • LBCs
  • Freddy Mercuries

The Thang:

Speed and Agility Work

  • Inch Worms to the 10 Sprint to the 50, jog to the goal line
  • Up, Out, and Twist- to the 20 Sprint to the 50 jog to goal line
  • Power Skips to the 20 – Sprint to the 50, jog to the goal line
  • High Knees – to the 20, sprint to the 50, jog to the goal line
  • Koroake -to the 25, switch at the 25, sprint to the goal line

TkTire Flipping Circuit – 6 stations

  • Station 1: Lap around track (as soon as group gets back around, everyone rotates)
  • Station 2: Agility Ropes
  • Station 3: Merkins and LBC
  • Station 4: Tackling Sled
  • Station 5: Tire Flip
  • Station 6: Tire Flip

Rest (Planks)

Bleacher Run (2 sets)

Wrapping It Up:

Mosey back to parking lot for Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Freddy Mercury, LBCs, Rosalitas until the clock runs out!  PAX impressed with their sweat angels left on the parking lot.  Great workout!

Finish with Circle of Trust.


Joboo – Enjoyed being the Q. It is important for us Men to use F3 to make us better men, husbands, fathers, and leaders in the community. Not many men are up at 5:30 flipping tires and working out like we did before they start their day. It is easy to sleep in and do the minimum effort required but it is important for leaders to go above and beyond. Keep it up guys! Let’s keep this going on Tuesday mornings 5:30 at Stuart Cramer High School.


GasHouse Backblast: The frisbee and a lot of burpees


16 regular PAX and 4 FNG posted.


After disclaimer, Bandit (VQ) covered basics of counting, including demonstration of with the merkin.  See


PAX moseys to the Flag for the Pledge, the moseys to field at Greer MS.



·         SSH – 25 IC

·         Merkins – 10 IC

·         Prisoner Squat – 15 IC

·         Little Baby Crunch (LBC) – 15 IC

·         Imperial Walker – 20 IC

·         Merkins w/ Rotation – 10 IC

·         Prayer Squat – 15 IC

·         Freddie Mercury – 15 IC

Mosey around the track – 1 lap.


The Thang #1

·         Whamo Lunge Walks.  Check out

·         PAX chased the Frisbee around the field.

·         Sprinting to Frisbee in the air.

·         Then various lunges and crawls to reach Frisbee when it hits the ground.

·         First one to Frisbee launches it again and the chase resumes.

The Thang #2

The thought was Wheel of Animal Walk but it quickly turned into a Wheel of Animal Crawl as the Q had bigger thoughts than he did muscles. We crawled like a South Georgia gator and growled like a South Dakota bear (there are bears in South Dakota, right?) in the field, then crawled like a South Cackilacky raccoon across the bleachers (someone mentioned Godfather should have been here for this one). We broke these up with some plank as well as SSH, Merkin, mountain climbers, and a little moseying. Once we pulled the grass out of our eyes, we did 10 minutes (or maybe a little less) of Burpees and then did a little moseying before chowing down on a Bojangles biscuit with some blueberries. At this point the Q was on his knees and wishing he had fartsacked so we did a brief mosey to the flag where we did people’s chair until just before the bells of freedom rang to set us free.

Again, keep Bandit’s mother in law in prayers and a special thanks to our armed forces this holiday weekend.

Next week, Brownstreak has the Q.


F3-A Damn Good Midlife Crisis

After some encouragement, I was asked to tag multiple regions for this post. I am JD from Lake Murray, SC.

Here we go. This is the, “what F3 has meant to me post”. Now, I know this post has been done many times before, so hopefully I can add something to what has already been said. Disclaimer: I am not the best writer when it comes to writing about my thought and feelings. Scientific writing is my wheelhouse, give me some data and I will give you a nice report with succinct analysis. So be patient as I muddle through. I want this post to be an encouragement and a thank you to all PAX. Anyone who has been in F3 longer than a few months knows that this is more than just a workout. What we do on a daily basis is of extreme value and instrumental in changing and/or accelerating the lives of men.

Lately, I have been thinking a lot on what is F3 to me? This is the best answer I came up with. It is a gift from God I didn’t deserve or even knew I needed. God has blessed me with many things in my life. He has blessed me with so many people throughout my life whom have supported and helped me. I have an awesome wife, two of the best children and a great career. Isn’t it funny how we pray for things and instead of granting our prayers, God gives us more than we could have even conceived to begin with. I was praying to lose some weight, God gave me F3, how small was my faith?

A little history about myself. My father left when I was 2. I grew up poor, mostly in WV. I moved 16 times. I was raised in an abusive home by a bipolar mother with a revolving door of loser stepdad/boyfriends. Cocaine, marijuana, alcohol abuse were the norm. It sucked. I never felt secure and it was hard. I could write a book on the last 2 sentences. Then, I got invited to church in junior high. I accepted Jesus and found myself surrounded by a 2nd F group. Without the help of my grandparents and this group of people, I would most likely have been a statistic. Instead, I am the first person in my family with a doctorate degree (or even graduate degree). Fellowship changed it all. I didn’t know I needed those people but God did. I feel the same way about my F3 brothers. My life has been changed again with the motor of fellowship and accountability.

When I first posted to F3, I was going through one of the saddest times of my life. My grandfather passed away on June 9, 2014. It wasn’t expected. He had a heart attack. My grandfather was flawed, simple, and good. Not a bad way to live. He was the only father figure that I had and the only man I felt ever loved me. Losing him was tough and I was depressed for a while. Death is one of those things that makes you reevaluate yourself. I wanted to be better. Even armed with the knowledge of a degree in exercise physiology and a doctorate in physical therapy I found it hard to get into shape. As I looked in the mirror at a 260# size 44 waist-ed man who works in healthcare, I knew I had to change. I didn’t want my family crying over my casket like we were that day. I knelt down by my grandfather, held his hand, prayed, and promised him I would change. I would lose 40#. (Now, I had not yet read Free to Lead, and didn’t even know about POGO 40, so I find this ironic).

When I got back home, the next week I got invited to F3 by Swampy and on 7/23/2014 I showed up in all my glory for a Pothole led leg day. It was too hard for me. I pulled an ab doing a burpee, I was back of the pack wheezing just trying to keep up. Had it been any other class at a gym or crossfit place I probably wouldn’t have came back. But F3 does something different. They pick up the 6, they encourage, they inspire, they don’t leave a man behind. I couldn’t even run 100 yards my first time out, but I had resolve to #getbetter to #bebetter. 6 months later I ran a 1/2 marathon. I’ve done a 12K trail run, mud run, P200, GRL730, I’ve lost 57lbs. A guy that couldn’t run a 100 yards did all that in less than a year. Why, because men saw fit to invest in the lives of other men. #service Next up are a GRC/GRL double down and the BRR. I look forward to the fellowship. These CSAUPs/adventures have been some of the best times of my life.

Today I am in the best shape of my life. I am definitely a better father, husband, and son. It is funny, I used to think, with my judgemental POGO 40 brain, fathers in excellent shape must not be paying attention to their families and are focused too much on themselves. It became my excuse much of the time. I don’t go to the gym because I love my family. I convinced myself that my inactivity was noble. How messed up is that? I used to think, why would I go run a mile, I would be too tired to play with my kids. Now, I can double down, get home when they are waking up and still run circles around them all day. I am calmer, happier, stronger, and faster.

What we do is important. It is more than a workout. I am honored to share life with you gentlemen. I want to say thank you! Let’s keep getting these FNGs out here, keep picking up the 6, and do what we do. I love you guys!

Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. Phillipians 3:14




GasHouse Back Blast- Surprise Gifts and A Run Through The Jungle

#GasHouse was filled with gift giving, a lovely scenic run, some twitter facts about one of the PAX, and VQ’s.

  • The PAX were surprised to receive gifts this morning, but all faces turned from pure joy to displeasure as they came upon 15 cinder blocks.  The look quickly turned to determination as all PAX conquered the cinder block portion of our workout.
  • The PAX were also excited for a scenic run that eventually turned into an Indian Run that seemed to last forever….I believe we would still be running if someone didn’t let an unnamed FNG know that they had to sprint to the front of the line.
  • During the COT we learned that Godfather was an ailurophile (Thanks Twitter)….I’ll save you the time looking it up… he loves cats and all things related to cats.
  • BA and Joe Boo had their VQ’s today.


-15 Regular PAX and 6 FNG-


Mosey to Greer football field …..SURPRISE…. BA left gifts (cinder blocks) along the way for the PAX to pick up and take to the field with them.

WU: Joe Boo

Side Straddle Hops x 20, Seal Jacks x 20, Imperial Walkers x 20, Freddie Mercury x 20


Cinder Block Fun: BA

Pair Up- Small with Large.

Partner switch back and forth through exercises until all sets are done.

Plank in between sets until last pair is done.

  • Chest Press AMAP/Bear Crawl (40 Yards) x 3
  • Upright Row AMAP/Lunges (20 Yards) x 2
  • Front Raises AMAP/Karaoke (20 Yards) x 2
  • Bicep Curl AMAP/Backward Run (20 Yards) x 2
  • French Curl AMAP/Sprint (20 Yards) x 2
  • Merkins AMAP/Sprint (100 Yards) x 1

Mosey back to Schiele and deposit cinder blocks in BA’s truck… refrain from throwing them at truck

Run Through The Jungle: Joe Boo

Mosey through the woods and around the pond to wooden benches

10 Dips, 10 Merkins, 1 Figure 8 Lap Around Pound/Trails x 2

Mosey to the hill and partner up with same partner from earlier

Partner switch back and forth through exercises until all sets are done.

  • Hill Run/Burpee AMAP x 2
  • Hill Run/Squats x 1

Indian Run (Order By Age) to the Schiele parking lot and around the parking lot….. It seemed never ending


  • Freddie Mercury x 20
  • Merkins x 10


Toad, Dutch Oven, Spiderman, Ruby, Fonzy, Dinero


  • Talk of possible week day additional workouts at another site
  • Logo/Tshirt



PREBLAST – F3 Davis Lake!

Men of F3 Nation,

Like the detached arm of a starfish that then regrows into its own, @F3Nation will soon be growing a bit stronger. @F3MECA is launching a new AO in the Davis Lake area!  Come be a part of the inaugural workout of @F3 Davis Lake!

When:  Saturday, May 30, 2015 at 7am sharp

Where:  Davis Lake Clubhouse, 9000 Davis Lake Pkwy, Charlotte, NC 28269.  Park in lot behind the pool.

No prior training is required and the workouts are designed to keep all fitness levels challenged.  If you are hesitant because you think you need to workout to be ready to post, any F3 man will tell you that the only thing that will get you ready to post…is to post.

Post workout, we will gather at the Davis Lake Chick-Fil-A for coffee and fellowship.

Please forward to your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, etc.  Our only requirement is that you are male and you need it (we all need it).  All you need to bring is a willingness to try something new and challenging.

Local Qs, if you are interested in leading a workout, we are starting with Tues, Thurs., and Saturday bootcamps.  Sign up here:

Please email any questions to and follow us on Twitter for updates @F3DavisLake.

We look forward to seeing on you the gloom!

The Farm


Gashouse Backblast – Pale Horse Rider

After several weeks of test drives, the men of F3 Gastonia demanded the keys and went full throttle on their first solo mission. Linus and Whoopee had their VQs and demanded another downpainment. 21 PAX including 6 FNGs convened for our workout this week. Linus eased us into the first 15 minutes then ripped the top off of a can of “beat you into submission” for the next 15 minutes. Whoopee led the last 30 minutes with a little date with Dora then we went to the track. On the way to the track we passed some nefarious middle schoolers (don’t think they were at school on Saturday for good behavior) with a little too much mumble chatter until they saw The Godfather coming over the hill with the sun to his back like a scene from Pale Horse Rider. All got quiet as the hulking beast sped past them on his way to down a few biscuits with some blueberries (burpees) on the side.

The Thang:


Imperial Walker, Press/Press/Press Fling (props to Roscoe currently fartsacking at the beach), Don Quixotes, Mosey to Flag-Pledge of Allegiance

The Thang:

Mosey to church dodging cars along the way

SSH X 25, Merkins X 10, Plank – Right/Left arms, Plank Jacks X 10, Mountain Climbers X 10, Prayer Squats X 10, Flutter Kicks X 10, LBC X 10

Finish off with Morning Wood

Mosey to back side of church for more pain:

Equal parts of each along 100 yards of pavement: Bear Crawl / Crab Walk / Lunge / Bunny Hops followed by 100 yards of bear crawl/grapevine (more grapevine than bear crawl for many of us).

Somewhere in there we did a couple handfuls of Booyah Merkins (my personal favorite of the day which I did with FNG Orville).

After short recovery, 5 count Capt. Dan Taylor (I liked these) and then suicides for 100 yards.

And then came Whoopee…..

Dora 1-2-3: 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 flutters shared by groups of 2 with 30 stairs to keep you busy while partner spends time with Dora. Just for the record, Dora is not my favorite.

Mosey to track with respect to nefarious middle schoolers and their mumblechatter/Godfather as noted above for 2  Bojangles biscuits with 10 blueberries per lap-this is a special in GasHouse. On track go “James T. Kirk” on straights (give her all she’s got) then mosey the turns, add 10 blueberries (burpees) each lap.

Finished with COT and 6 FNGs:

Steven Long: Stroganoff, Scott Pagan: Deliverence, ollin Sloop: Shrimpboat, Danny Ross: Orville, Andy Wilson: Anthrax, Gene Allen: E4

Afterwards, coffeteeria with newspaper guy for pics (hope he lives long enough for pics to be developed). T-Claps to the Charlotte, Rock Hill, and other F3 guys for getting us off the ground. T-Claps to the FNGs for posting. We’re here every week so come back, with a friend.
Thanks to Dr. Feelgood for the Freed to Lead signed by all PAX given to Linus and me at the end for our VQ.
If I missed you in the BB, sound off.
Keep coming out to the Gashouse and bring FNGs! #giveitaway

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