• Post Type:
  • When: 12/15/2018
  • AO:
  • QIC: Pizza Man, Sargento, Freight, Short Sale, Tool Time, Hippa
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Broke, Buckeye, Madoff, Linus(R), JJ, Rudolph, Mozart, Yahtzee(R), Nature Boy, Clavin(R), Hunkajunk, Bandit, Breaker Breaker(R), Pedal, Huckleberry, Roadie, Hippa(QIC), Bedpan, Quiche, Medicine Woman, Stroganoff, Dirt(R), Timeframe, Blart, Short Sale(QIC), Sister Act, Slaw, Gumby, Sly, Freight(QIC), Pizza Man(QIC), Smalls, Squirt, Tool Time(QIC), Wojo, Belding(R), Sledgeomatic(R), Sweet Leaf, Cheesehead, Oompa Loompa(R), Tiger, Pockets, Volt, Top Hat, Dr. Seuss(R), Boudin, Sargento(QIC)

We are getting close to the end of the year and what better way to announce the 2019 leadership team in Gastonia then with a convergence. 47 PAX posted at Gashouse for a little different workout.  In our last leadership meeting we discussed having all of the 2018 Leadership team Q this convergence.  It went like this…Hippa Qed the Pain Lab…Linus(Gashouse Site Q) lead off with the warm-up then Pizza Man(1st F Q), Sargento (2nd F Q), Freight(3rd F Q),  Short Sale(Weasel Shaker), Tool Time(Nantan).  Each of us had 10 minutes to do whatever.  I definitely think that nobody was disappointed with the outcome.  A lot of rocks were pushed and mumble chatter was at its finest.

After the work was done we discussed the 2019 Leadership team:

1st F- Sister Act

2nd F- Roadie

3rd F- Def Leppard

Weasel Shaker- Huckleberry

Nantan- Stroganoff



Christmas Party- TONIGHT Dec. 15th at 6pm Lewis Farms

2019 Leadership team- see above

QSource Launch January 2019


First off, thanks to each of you for helping not only me, but the rest of the 2018 Leadership team throughout the year.  It is amazing the amount of growth that is seen in F3 Gastonia.  We started 5 new AOs and had 97 FNGs this year.  We also witnessed PAX push the rock everyday and accomplish goals that they didn’t see as being reachable.  It is proof that you can accomplish whatever you put your mind and heart too.  Always trust in the lord and be there for your F3 brothers no matter what!!!  Thanks again for the opportunity and I look forward to see what goes on in the region in the years to come.

Until next time Pizza Man is OOOUUUTTTT!!