Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Martha’s House (Page 17 of 21)

Formerly The Black Knight, this AO meets Monday mornings at 0530 at Pelicans on Union Road, near the entrance to Martha River’s Park

I said burps, not BURPEES!!!

So another season passes and we continue to push each other to our limits. Today was no different in the GasHouse with Martha and 9 of my closest friends. I wanted to keep the pain coming so I had some new stuff planned-better on paper than in execution. Think I have heard those words before after being Q so I guess I am not surprised and by no means disappointed. After all, being Q has its privileges.  I know DFib and Dolph heard me say Burps, but they had to ask “burps or burpees” and in my breathless stupor I muttered, “I said burps but if you want to be a badass, do some burpees.” Unfortunately I was not dealing with sane individuals (at 545am???!!!) so we proceeded to do some burpees-truth is they did a LOT of burpees and I did a few burpees, but who was counting….

Here’s what happened: thought about a disclaimer and 2 things were wrong: 1) no FNGs, and 2) after 5-6 months of doing this, I’m occasionally going to call myself an expert and if you are dumb enough to believe me at 530 in the morning, that’s more your problem than mine. Here’s your sign…

Shortly after Monk’s mom dropped him off (or was it Stroganoff’s mom, was really dark so I couldn’t say), we started with a little warmup: SSH, Merkins, flutter kicks, Don Quixote-I had a few more things planned but got bored and cut the WU short. We quickly moved on to pledge then The Thang…

We moseyed to the playground and things went downhill quickly (again, better on paper than in execution). We partnered up and while 1 partner did 20 Merkins, the other partner did “jump-up-in-the-dark-and-grab-something-then-pull-yourself-up-sort-of-like-a-pull-up-then-drop-down-and-slap-the-ground-like-a-Bobby-Hurley.” Unfortunately for my partner, I picked the sharpest object in the playground to grab onto-sorry DFib, I owe you. Take a few iron tablets this week. We did 3 sets each then quickly got out of the playground before more blood was shed.

In the parking lot we did 5 rounds of lunge across parking lot, mosey back. On far side we did CDD X 10 and on near side we did squats X 10. I initially audibled to do 10 rounds but then audibled my audible to make it 5 rounds each. See the part about privileges above….

To save time, I avoided the soccer field and we stayed on the pavement. Here is where I made the mistake of opening my mouth more than I should. The plan was go around the parking lot and on each corner do Route 66 with burps (start at 1 burp and increase by 1 rep on each corner up to 11 reps which gives a total of 66-clever name….). However, either DFib or Dolph said “did you say burps or burpees?” You know the rest of the story and a little while later I was in some unnecessary pain because of my mouth-no surprise, I know.

After recovering we moved to picnic tables for Dips X 20 reps X 10 sets (each of us got to call reps in cadence) then we moved to bathroom walls for donkey kicks-again 20 reps X 10 sets (each of us again got to call reps in cadence).

We then moseyed back to start and did a quick round of counterama, namorama, and BOM. I went a couple minutes over so I will be sending each of you a money order refund for what you paid this morning. Check your mailbox next week.

Thanks for making the trip Dolph and Brownstreak-I know the weight room was calling. Always good to see each of you and spill some blood on the playground early in the morning. I am beginning to understand the saying that the best way to avoid fartsacking is to volunteer to Q. Think I will start keeping ibuprofen in my car.

No Time To Spare at Martha’s House

We started promptly at 0530.  All regulars today, so Disclaimer was familiar and brief.  Followed immediately by Pledge.

PAX mosied from Brewsters to Martha Rivers parking lot for Warm Up…

  • SSH x 30 IC
  • IW x 25 IC
  • Merkins x 20 IC
  • CH Squats x 20 IC
  • MC x 20 IC
  • LBC x 20 IC
  • BOYO x 10

Mosey to field #1 and partner up for Bear Crawl Escalator.  #SizeDoesNotMatter.  WIth partner, PAX would complete increasing reps of LBC and Squats (10, 20, 30, and 40 reps).  LBC would be done at bottom of hill, Bear Crawl to top of hill, Squats at top of hill, Bear Crawl down hill.  Then increase reps by 10 and repeat for total of 4 rounds.

In same location, with same partners, completed 55s.  With partner, PAX would complete decreasing reps (10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2 and 1) of Merkins and Carolina Dry Docks.  Similar to Bear Crawl Escalator, we did 10 Merkins, ran up hill, 10 Carolina Dry Docks, run down hill.  Then decrease reps by 1 and repeat for total of 10 rounds.

Next, after mosey back to parking lot, with same partners, PAX knocked out 11s with Star Jacks and LBCs.  Starting with 1 Star Jack, running distance between lights, then 10 LBC and running back.  Then 2 star jacks, 9 LBC, 3/7, etc…

With 4 minutes remaining, PAX mosey back to Brewsters and arrive at 0615 with no time to spare.

Wrapped up with quick Name-O-Rama, COT and BOM.

Great work by everyone!


BackBlast: #TheStorm 9/15/15- Homecoming

BackBlast: #TheStorm 9/15/15- Homecoming

17 PAX battled the GLOOM and the lower than normal temperature this morning at #TheStorm.  It was like a homecoming with a lot of the PAX returning for their first workout in a week or two. (BA, Brown Streak, Jobu, Godfather, etc.). We also had a guest from F3 South Wake join us (Yosef).

The workout started with the official disclaimer…BA is an idiot and you are an idiot too if you follow him…. and all the legal jargon.  And then it began….


Side Straddle Hop x 9

Don Quixotes x 10

LBC’s x 15

-The Pledge Of Allegiance-

Mosey To Sidewalk Near Godfathers Mom Wagon

The Thang:

Cinder Block Fun- Partner Up (Small And Big)

  • Standing Chest Press x 200/ Run To Tennis Court x 5 Mericans
  • Upright Row x 200/ Run To Tennis Court x 5 Caroling Dry Docks

(In Between We Planked Regular, Right Arm, Right Arm Right Leg, Left Arm, Left Arm Left Leg)

Mosey To The Weight Room

Music Time…..

  • Sally Squats To The Song Flower By Moby
  • Burpees To The Song Thunderstruck By ACDC (Side Straddle Hops x 5 During A Guitar Solo)
  • Push Ups And Plank Jacks To The Song Roxanne By The Police

Wave Of Mericans (1,2,3,4,5)

Mosey Outside To The Cinder Blocks- Partner Up

  • French Curl (Triceps) x 150/ Run To Tennis Court x 10 LBC’s

Mosey To BA’s Truck With Cinder Blocks…. Throw Cinder Blocks Into BA’s Truck

Find A Curb

  • Derkins x 10
  • Little Baby Dips x 10

Circle Up

Monkey Humpers Also Known As Jobu’s (He loves them) x 10 (With Some Awkward Groans)

Hillbillies x 5

LBC’s x 20

French Fries x 7


  • Count Off
  • Announcements: Abba-Hope Builders 5k, Bandit-Mud Run, Bandit-CLT Runway 5k, BA- Thanks For Donations For Football Team Equipment
  • Yosef is welcome to join us anytime he is in the area.
  • Prayers: TopHat- Friends Who Are Still Unemployed, Yoseph- Wife And Himself Lost 2 Babies In 3rd Trimester
  • Coffeeteria At Floyd And Blackies- 2 In Attendance


Scale the Mountain + Wheel of Pain

9 PAX posted in the GLOOM at Goat Island, including a record number that peeled in sideways at 0529. Still…right on time is still on time. Warmup as follows:

* Peter Parkers (remain in position after)
* Merkins (remain in position after)
* Mountain climbers
* Side Straddle Hop
* Squats

Pax then moseyed over to the parking lot side of the bridge and commenced the thang. First up was 5 trips climbing up the rocks beside the bridge. Props to all for staying upright despite the glasslike surface conditions courtesy of some ill-timed-but-much-needed overnight rain.

PAX then proceeded to #takethebridge (note: we need BA back, he has the best battle cry by far) and moseyed over to the park for a scenic tour.

First up was a 4-minute round of Col Trautman, making use of the monkey bars the Cramerton taxpayers generously provided. Afterward we moseyed around the walking trail to the cornhole boards and did 5 round of 1 burpee/sprint to the drink machine/1 burpee/sprint back. Then a mosey over to the playground where we did 3 rounds of squats followed by a trip around the playground by any means necessary (over/under/through the ropes that those darn kids make look so easy). Squats started at 20 and increased by 5 each circuit.

After the first circuit we did a mini-repeato, with a 2 minute Col Trautman and an abbreviated burpee/sprint circuit until we had to call time. Mosey back to the lot for COT. Thanks to all who posted, you gentlemen make it what it is!

– Prayers for TopHat’s friends out of work and looking.
– Prayers for law enforcement while we weather the current unrest.
– Need a Q for next Tuesday. Somebody step up!

11s and 55s. Or…Counting With Bandit

7 faithful PAX post at Martha’s House for #DownPainMent.  No frills.  No fuss.  No toys or coupons.  Just getting down to business. It went like this…


  • Warmup (IC)
  • SSH x 30
  • IW x 25
  • Merkins x 20
  • Squats x 20
  • MC x 20
  • CH Squats x 20
  • LBC x 20

The Thang

Indian Run to Pavilion

11s – Burpees and Flutter Kicks across parking lot.

Run to Field #1 (Linus style clockwise around Fields #2 and #1)

55s – Squats (top of hill) and LBCs (bottom of hill). Start w/ 10 reps, decrease to 1.

Run to Brewsters through parking lot.

4 MOM – Tabata Style
Times up!


Finished with COT and BOM

Off Campus at Martha’s House!

13 of the finest the GasHouse has to offer rolled into the gloom at Martha’s House expecting business as usual around the park.  YHC had different plans for some parking lot jumping and exploring some new area at this fine AO.

The Thang:

Mosey to the bank parking lot.


WM x 15

SSH x 15

Merkins x 10

MC x 15

LBC x 15

Line up for some 11’s.  Derkins on one side and squats with a calf raise on the other.  Seems like calf raises were a popular workout this week.  More to come Saturday…

Mosey to the AutoZone parking lot.

Ring of Fire

Merkins x 10

Mosey to the other side of the parking lot.

Broad jump across the lot.  Make sure you jump as far as possible, PAX were rewarded with 1 burpee for every jump it took to complete the lot.

Mosey to the old Harris Teeter parking lot for something new.

13 PAX plank head to foot with enough space to go in and out between them.  Starting at the back, PAX bear crawl in and out 1 by 1 until all have finished 1 round.  Rinse and repeat.  We really need to think of a name for this new exercise.  I’m taking recommendations…

Mosey to the Food Lion parking lot for the hill.

Jacob’s Ladder for 5 sets of merkins.

Mosey to Dollar Tree parking lot for a back road run back to COT.

Still some time…

Ring of Fire #2

High Knees/Body Builder x 10/1 (crowd pleaser)


This was my first Q at Martha’s House.  I was a little under the weather leading up to this, but felt much better the morning of the workout.

I heard some mumble chatter from Bandit about keeping the PAX guessing during my Q’s…I’ll try to keep it up!

Honored to lead.


Riding with Martha in Tanks and Choppers

After suffering through a few tweets from Whoopee earlier in the week promising zombies and helicopters, 10 Pax fought off the urge to fartsack and spent the morning with Martha traveling in Tanks (zombie lunge walk) and Helicopters (chinook). It was a great morning for me, however my knees felt the aftershocks for the next 8 hours-I almost felt bad about kicking the old lady off the elevator to make room for me…..she’s got a walker, no use wasting that on an elevator (duh, it’s called a WALKER for a reason lady-get off my elevator!!!).

Here’s what you missed:
SWU: speed warm up, sort of..
5 reps each of SSH, Burp, Flutter Kick, Merkin, LBC, Mtn Climber

In honor of Fear the Walking Dead, we did a zombie lunge walk (made popular in GasHouse by Godfather) alternating with chinook (fast mosey with hands waving wildly in circles above your head) from home base to the park in a winding route to the first station. Along the way I think a few cars slowed to dial 911 and alert the authorities that a few men had escaped from the 7th floor of the hospital-Stroganoff, don’t act like you don’t know that’s the psych ward-I’ve seen you there before (apologies to HIPPA). Bandit commented we were more like tanks and helicopters so I’m going with that. The first station consisted of the following:
IC: 20 each (double count): flutter kicks, Merkins, Squats, Mtn Climbers, Freddy Mercury

Next, we continued the zombie lunge walk alternating with chinook from station 1 to the playground for station 2 which was really short to save time for the musical ending below:

Pull-ups or something resembling hang on for life alternating with squat jumps X 1 min each as many reps as possible (AMRAP).

We then wandered out of the dark and scary playground and chinooked to the picnic benches for station #3:

IC: 25 each (single count) dips, burps, LBCs, Merkins, LBCs. We added another 30 dips at the end just for fun.

That concluded our tour of duty so we zombie walked/chinooked our way back to home base. Monk felt some uncommon valor and pulled into the lead allowing me to temporarily hand over the keys to our transportation. Without shame Stroganoff made us give him shout outs as his mother stopped by to bring him some lemonade during his workout. That was really nice of her to wipe the sweat off your brow- aaawwwwwwwwwww, bless your heart.

After finally making it back to home base, Whoopee pulled out the final mission: Diamond David Lee Roth Burpees alternating with plank in sort of 30 second intervals while listening to the song Jump by Van Halen-thanks for the musical inspiration 24hrs earlier by BA at The Storm workout and a suggestion from DJ Jazzy Screw for the song selection-thanks guys.

We had some time left over so we did a variety of exercises by various Pax-great job leading-good practice if you have not been Q yet (hint hint). We finished off with a couple Bojangles Biscuits around the dead ice cream place.

Had some important prayer requests, props to the guys that helped out Rudolph moving last weekend, Plan to help Dr. Feelgood this coming weekend at the garden, CONSIDER the mudrun-have 1 team, hope to have few more from GasHouse-check with Bandit if interested.

Finally, props again to the guy(s) who are providing positive peer pressure to get me and others out there in the gloom each morning-you know who you are.

I mean it when I say it is an honor and privilege to be able to be out here with all of you. THANK YOU.


Gettin’ Dirty – The Sequel

16 PAX (including 1 FNG) posted as Bandit delivered v2 of the Martha’s House “Gettin’ Dirty” beatdown. The previous version was so awful that attendance for this morning’s sequel increased by 128%. While this was no mud run, YHC did take pleasure in leading the PAX through some terrible exercises with their 12’s and 6’s planted in the dirt. Here is how it went…


Pledge (didn’t want to forget it this time, so did this right away).

Mosey from Brewsters to soccer field #1. Very dark. Refer to disclaimer.

“Warm up”

  • 50 – SSW IC
  • 40 – IW IC
  • 30 – Don Quixotes IC
  • 20 – Mountain Climbers IC
  • 10 – Burpees OYO

Bear Crawl Escalator – Includes four rounds of the following…

  • LBC IC x10, x20, x30, x40 #GettinDirty
  • Bear Crawl up hill to walking track
  • Slow Count Squat IC x10, x20, x30, x40 (down on 1,2,3, up on 4)
  • Bear Crawn down hill to soccer field – ugh!

Tunnel of Hate – Added a twist to the regular Tunnel of Love. After first PAX crawls under the remaining high-planking PAX, instead of planking on the end, he sprints up the and down the hill and forms a new line, follwed by PAX #2, #3, etc…  #GettinDirty

Partner 55s
Not sure if there is another name for this, but basically this is a decreasing number of exercises that add up to 55 reps. Start at 10 reps, then 9,8,…1. Do the math, you’ll see. PAX partnered up (size doesn’t matter) for 10 rounds of the following…
Merkins (single count with partner) x10, x9, … x1 (55 total)
Sprint up hill
55 CDD (single count with partner) x10, x9, … x1 (55 total)
Sprint down hill (mosey or wobble worked too)

Mosey back to Brewsters.


  • Welcome FNG Screw (James Shope)!


  • Whoopee looking for some partners in crime for the Critz Tybee Run Fest in Tybee Island, GA
  • Dr. Feelgood is looking for some help in the community garden again.
  • Rudolph (Luke Buchanan), not Flounder (don’t think we have a flounder yet), is recovering from surgery and is also scheduled to move.  Looking for any PAX to help with some heavy lifting on Aug 22.  Let Dr. Feelgood know if you can help.
  • 7 PAX in the hunt for the #GasHouseFivePack (Bandit, E4, Godfather, Linus, Monk, Stroganoff, and T-Square)



  • Counting much improved from yesterday.  Good work men.
  • Enjoyed the opportunity to lead.  If you haven’t led a workout yet, step up!  You won’t be disappointed.

Bandit out.

Goat Island PostBlast

This morning, 14 faithful PAX showed up arriving slowly but surely to Goat Island for their morning beat down.

Warm-Up:  Lap around parking lot and through the nearby street at dogs began to bark letting their owner aware of our pack.  Proceed to side straddle hop, imperial walkers, mountain climbers, carolina dry dock, LBC’s and finished with Russian Twists.  All in cadence.

Next we progressed to some parking lot work as the guys began to wake up with inch worm to the truck and sprint to the other side.  This was followed by high knees, butt kicks, shuffles, bear crawl, and crab walks all followed by a sprint to the other side of the parking lot.

Circled up for a quick set of prayer squats in cadence and then a mosey to the playground area over the first bridge of the island.  Of course, this is when we heard the first “TAKE THE BRIDGE” scream from BA as he started to heat up. (Surprised the police have not showed up yet).

Circled up in the grass area by the playground as we began the TABATA training with Jobu’s inspirational music that could hardly be heard with nearby passing trains and heavy breathing from the PAX.  The TABATA training consisted of 20 seconds of merkins, with 10 seconds of rest x 8.  Next exercise was Freddy Mercury 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest x 8.  The PAX was struggling at this point.

Mosey across second bridge to the town of Cramerton.  Task, run up the hill do a burpee, run down and then back up the hill do 2 burpees until 4 burpees were completed.  Most guys were gased at this point but Dolph decided to lap the group and do an extra.  Plank until everyone finished.

Finally, mosey to the original parking lot across both bridges, and yes BA yelled “TAKE THE BRIDGE”.  The cool down consisted of some ab work with flutter kicks, LBC’s, and protractor work.

Good work this morning men.  Keep up the good work!  Enjoyed getting the chance to Q this morning.  Guys, wanted to share John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success.  Take a look!  You can click on the link for a more detailed explanation.  We all can apply his pyramid of success to our lives.

Pyramid of Success




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