Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: GasHouse (Page 4 of 53)


At Gashouse Saturday we had 6 for the normal bootcamp, 3 from across the river on the east side doing the ironpax challenge, 4 out running 18.5 miles, and several more for painlab. Gashouse is getting complicated. Tighten it up Whoopee! All I was responsible for was the bootcamp so this is what we did.


Some stuff

The Thang:

Mosey up the street to Parkwood. Tesla was with us until he realized he was with the wrong group. In the parking lot it went like this. Bear crawl 5 spaces, do 5 squat jumps, run back to the start and do 5 burpees. Run back to where you left off bear crawling and bear crawl 5 more spots. I mentioned I was going to mark these off for them but decided they needed the mental challenge as well. Rinse and repeat this the length of the parking lot. 32 spaces. I thought this went well. I may have heard some grunting and a little yelling at one point.

Mosey up to New Hope to the hill across from Milano’s. at the bottom and top diamond merkins 5 ic, squats 10 ic, flutter kicks 15 ic. During this I changed the count up a few times for some more mental training. After this we ran around the back side of whatever this facility is back to Dixon. Down Dixon to the Presbyterian Church we stopped at each telephone pole for 5 monkey humpers ic. By this point the talk of NC State vs Clemson was heating up between SS, Strog, and Watts up. JJ keep trying to get involved but he’s a Carolina fan so what he had to say wasn’t relevant. The Duke fan, while in a good year, stayed quite.

At the Pres front parking lot we broad jumped from one parking space line to the other and did a burpee at each line.

We moseyed down to Akers Pharmacy and did 10 Freddy Mercury’s ic at each corner.

Back at the Schielle we stopped at the corner for a few rounds of wall sits and Mike Tyson’s.


Announcements-Ruck 10/8, Convergence 10/15, Rumor is there’s a Christmas Party on 12/17, Dredd has the Gashouse Q next week


The Shortsale Hustle

11 men posted at Gashouse/Painlab on Saturday. 7 for the bootcamp and 4 for pain lab. Time Frame said the pain lab guys did work and asked me to include them here. That’s all I can say about that. The bootcamp on the other hand was an old school group with a lot of years and post between us.


Sealjacks, merkins, Don q’s, etc.

The Thang:

I had worked up an old school classic workout of things and places we have regularly used in the past. What appeared to be an Army group of some sort had taken over Grier doing their PT test. That along with a fence changed my plan. Oh well adapt and overcome. I’d like to not that as we took of on our mosey Shortsale was hustling. I mean he ran out and vultured us a couple of times. He was running backwards up Garrison! My man was ready to work. No meows today!

In the school parking lot we did triple nickel with tiger squats and mike tysons hopping back and forth.

Next we moseyed over to the big steeple church stairs for some Dora 1,2,3. Shoulder taps, back scratchers, overhand claps. Run the stairs and back. Some went deeper than others and some went deeper each time. You had to be there.

Still modifying my plan we used the side road that goes up the same hill as the stairs for some more partner work. Starting in the middle do 1 booyah merkin. Partners run in opposite directions and back to meet and do 2 booyah merkins. Switch directions and keep going until you get to 10 merkins.

I had written down to look for a wall to do wall ups on and it just so happened we found the perfect one at the top of the hill next to the building. So P1 does WWI’s while P2 runs to the wall,  gets up on it 1 time and runs back. Do this 5 times each.

Next we moseyed over to Bosshog’s office to the slanted parking lot. Triple nickel. Calf raises and well I don’t remember. I seem to have lost my weinke. It’s probably still in my shorts pocket. Anyway we bear crawled up the parking lot hill and crawl beared back down.

To finish things off we moseyed over to the Schielle wall for several rounds of wall sits and planks.


Prayer Request




PT Test (again) at the Gashouse

A smaller crowd today for the PT test but who cares?  The ones that showed got after it in a big way.

YHC warmed us up with five reps of the testing exercises….merkins, squats, LBC’s, and SSH’s.

We then moseyed to the flag and said the #pledgeofallegiance

We moseyed to the track, set up the bluetooth speaker, laid out the weinke, and started the clock.  Broke and Wichita were in the early lead on the first lap.  It stayed that way throughout.  The form was really good today compared to some earlier tests, with each PAX getting the most from each rep.

Noisy cricket was only on his second F3 post and was getting after it for a second post guy.  Volt has the be the most improved PT test guy based on history…he keeps getting faster.

Wichita was running very fast on the laps and that was the difference today.  YHC decided to run a lap with him towards the end and was gassed after one lap.

Linus was his steady self and pushing each lap.  JJ was also steady and concentrating on form.

El Toro had to leave early.  When it was over, Broke was within 16 seconds of his best time from 2021.  Linus has his second best time, as did JJ and Volt.  Wichita beasted it with a 31:36.
This was a warm, muggy morning so look out if we do it on a 50 degree day.

We returned back to start and did five minutes of Broga with some stretching, planking, and pulsing.

YHC took us out in prayer.

Prayer requests are:  Huckleberry, Turtleman, Striper’s brother, Bos

2022 PT Test #1 at the Gashouse

With much fanfare and jubilation a pride of daring men decided to challenge themselves to the premier PT test at the Gashouse this week.

At 0657, Eighteen PAX were assembled with tense trepidation, likely feeling the urge to urinate on themselves due to the increase nervous system activity.  Sargento, the Nantan, and planner of this particular PT test arrived just in time to get everything in order with the “supplies” for the PT Test.  But wait, he was empty handed!  We had to scramble for pens and paper so we could construct an impromptu spreadsheet with which to document the accurate times of the PAX on this challenge.

Fortunately, Purple Haze had his 2.0’s Star Wars holographic Darth Vader notebook and Whoopee and Bubba Sparxx supplied the pens.  We were in business.  YHC moseyed to the center of the ring to start the workout with the warm up, but first, Sargento was going to cover “Preparedness” from the Q-Source.  Just kidding.  With no FNG’s, the warmup was mosey to the track at Grier Middle School.  During this mosey the decision was made that all future Nantan’s need an Executive Assistant/XO to take care of the little details that make all the leadership difference.

The workout was described to the PAX as follows:

Run a lap

100 Merkins, 100 Squats, 100 LBC’s, and 100 SSH’s.

Run a lap

75 Merkins, 75 Squats, 75 LBC’s, and 75 SSH’s

Run a lap

50 Merkins, 50 Squats, 50 LBC’s, and 50 SSH’s

Run a lap

25 Merkins, 25 Squats, 25 LBC’s, and 25 SSH’s

Run four laps to finish.

Fortunately we have the spreadsheet from Short Sale for the first three PT Tests from 7-19-20, 11-14-20, and 4-24-21.  The fast times seem to be in November when it is cool.  Let’s see who can push themselves on this particular day.

OOMPA LOOMPA, Whoopee, and YHC all timed the PAX and did a few exercises but mainly talked, listened to music, encouraged the PAX and told them to make a hole for the lady that was walking the track during our test.  She was good natured about it until she saw some shirts some off and then she seemed really excited about it.  No, not really.

Defib was first out of the gate after the lap and first round of exercices. This is to be expected since Father Time, when asked the question, “do you know Defib?”, answered, “Who the heck is that?”

Some of the PAX were struggling with the merkins.  100 out of the gate is a lot when you may not have been posting to boot camps or doing them OYO.  You can’t fake muscle endurance, you either have it or you don’t, so some PAX were almost immediately humbled, lying there like sad sacks of bat scat.

Proctoring ain’t easy.   There was a lack of “form police candor” on this day that one has come to expect form the likes of Sister Act.  To be honest, YHC didn’t pay much attention except happening to catch a glimpse of Uncle Ted’s pushup form that looked like Headbanger’s Ball holding a plank.  Not a lot of break in those elbows but the neck was getting wrung out like a rubber chicken in a mosh pit.

In any event, I think the timers/proctors all had a great time watching and shooting the breeze while the PAX were pushing the rock.  When it was all said and done, a few voluntary DQ’d themselves.  Defib was leading until the final two laps where it looked like he may Ralph on the track. Turns out he had a little congestion that was making it difficult to push air through.

Brutus had a kick at the end of the test that looked like a WOJO sprint.

Doodles and Scribbles were there (F3 Dads was last week) and it was good to see.  Freight was steady and disciplined on form from what I could tell.  Pockets was doing good form and of course Volt never cheats a rep.  Hermie did a great job pushing the rock until the end.  There were a few new guys hitting the test today like Maybelline and Captain Steubing.  Tiger was his usual rock pushing self and Broke ensured that the exercises would be done in order since he designed the original PT Test.

When it was all said and done, Tesla is our champion today with a time of 34:07.  Congratulations to Uncle Ted!

We moseyed back to the Schiele for COT with a quick word about being an “eminently qualified” human.  “How can you best strive to become an Eminently Qualified Human? How will you hold yourself to the highest possible standard in life? How do you become a better father, mother, husband, wife, son, daughter, public servant, role model, and leader? The answer:  Unmitigated Daily Discipline in all things.”


After the workout, some PAX beautified the city streets on our F3 Adopt a Highway stretch on Garrison near Lineberger Park.  .  If you are curious, the F3 Gastonia sign is on the east bound side of Garrison just by the parking area at Garrison and Fern Forest Drive.  The sign itself is underwhelming so you may have to slow way down to see it.  That was a lot of fun so next time we need more PAX to help.  Many hands make light work.

Lots of prayer requests from the PAX on this morning…

Purple Haze M and SIL

Tesla M

Brokes M

Defib’s buddy who has terminal cancer

Les Nessman

PRAISE!  Sargento’s latest biopsy is clear and their church plant has a home for six months at DSBG!


Keep challenging yourself.  A PT test is a good exercise to see how you perform on a given day.  For runners, they will struggle with the stamina it takes to do reps of upper body.  For weightlifter types, the running may be the Achilles heal.  It takes a balance and consistent effort at a variety of exercises to get truly fit to lower your time in test such as this.  The Nantan has proclaimed that we will do two more PT Tests this year and Whoopee proclaimed that once he is fully healed from the effects of Luigi he will do the PT test at the Coconut Horse every Sunday.

Thanks to our timekeepers Oompa and Whoopee for doing a great job documenting the times. The Weasel Shaker has updated the spreadsheet.



Backin up Blart… Crossroads 6/5/22

It was an early launch for the DBC and not remembering that Blart told me he wasn’t feeling up to par the night before and might not make it, I forgot to circle back at 06:30 to release the HIMs.  But upon returning I realized the mistake and picked up the six.  It was duly noted that Slaw was not present and there was some speculation as to whether it was a wild night at the latest pinky raising, wine swirling,  and bouquet sniffing vineyard stop or simply the fact that SA had gone to the beach and Slaw was concerned there wouldn’t be any bat flippers available for him to run with???  Fun was had by all!  It was then inside for a discussion on “Get Right”.


Announcements – F3 Dad’s coming up Father’s Day weekend (18th) / PT Test on 6-25-22 at Gashouse 

Prayer Requests – Turtleman, Huckleberry, Kids, Gumby’s Mom, Purple Haze S-i-L, Traveling PAX 

What Does the Blox Say?

YHC saw on Weds morning that EZ Rider needed a substitute Q this weekend at Gashouse (EZ if you’re reading this, hope you are feeling better). It was one of those situations where YHC knew he needed to respond right away and take it, but he didn’t. The next morning, Whoopee put out a similar request for a substitute Q. YHC knew he was due for a Q at the Gashouse prior to seeing EZ’s message and this was a sign that he needed to take it so he jumped on it that time.

SSH IC x 15
Merkins IC x 15
LBCs IC x 15
Imperial Walkers x 15

The Pledge

Boot campers moseyed while the Pain Labbers stayed with Tube.

Mosey to the parking lot near the ball field at First Pres.

YHC asked Linus to pick a number between 1 and 5. He picked 3.

Lunge Walk the length of the parking lot while stopping at every other line for 3 Squats

At the other end, Bear Crawl back on the next row over while stopping at every other line for 3 Merkins.
Prior to the trip back, YHC then let the PAX know that he hated Bear Crawls just so they’d know he disliked this as much as them.

Mosey to the steps for a round of 22’s (think 11’s but increasing/decreasing by 2).

YHC had picked out Big Boys at the top of the steps and let Watts Up choose the exercise for the bottom of the steps. He chose Flutter Kicks.
YHC let Linus decide which exercise to start with 20. While he was thinking, Watts Up and Defib chimed in that 20 Big Boys were preferable for the start.

Once this was done, mosey to the bottom of the hill near the Boy Scout hut. At this point, Linus pointed out what he thought was a fox. In the right light, at the right angle, it did appear to be some sort of animal, but with a further gaze, it was found to just be a couple blocks of wood stacked on each other. “What does the Blox say?”

Partner up for a round of Dora 1-2-3.

100 Merkins
200 Squats
300 LBCs

Throughout the workout, there seemed to be strong mumble chatter amongst the PAX. Linus and I had the exercises at the same time during Dora so we were able to solve the Name/Image/Likeness (NIL) problem in college sports. “I’m partial to women” was said at one point during the exercises. On its own, this could be taken in many different ways, and it made me chuckle. However put in context, this makes more sense given Linus has two daughters and he was concerned how women’s sports would be impacted with this new money/power dynamic in sports and also how female safety on campus would be impacted if athletes felt even more empowered by the new ways to enrich themselves.

Mosey back to the Schiele

Enough time for a couple rounds of Mary led by Defib, Linus, and Short Sale

Murph on Memorial Day, 7am at The Sandlot
New AO – The Down-Lo in Ranlo

Prayer Requests
Watts Up’s M and 2.0 traveling to Missouri
Tube’s M with kidney stone
Bondo’s co-worker’s baby

Prayer to take us out

Until next time…

Quick post script on my thoughts going into this Q. Over the last couple of months, I’ve heard John F. Kennedy’s “To the Moon” speech referenced multiple times on various occasions. One of the points in that speech is that we are going to the moon “not because it is easy, but because it is hard.” I think of F3 and its principles every time I hear that quote. We get up early for boot camps, go on long moseys, and take part in CSAUPs not because they are easy but because they will challenge us in some way. We choose to be leaders in our homes, our churches, and our communities not because it is easy but because it is needed and is best taken on by men with courage and strong moral conviction. I appreciate every man in this region for their encouragement and example as leaders when leadership is needed now more than ever.

Who Pushes Who?

It was a clear chilly morning for the long awaited return of the Community Foundation Run and YHC’s debut Speed for Need event.  I arrived early to lock down a few parking spots to give us plenty of room to set up.  I unlocked the trailer and lowered the tailgate like on one of those NASCAR promo videos in slow motion with the sunrise and a little ACDC in the background!!!  Out came the tent and chairs, and a few connections later, BOOM we were ready to roll.  By this time a few HIMs showed to help out, some went to the field, some stayed around the tent, and some I never got to see, but I heard they were there!

As we neared “go time” we were short two track commanders… a few phone calls later and it was discovered that one family was having trouble getting past Gastonia’s finest and into the parking lot and the other was going to be a no-show.  No problem, one crew headed to the S/F line with one commander and the other grabbed a chair and raced to the top of the parking lot.  A few quick clicks and track commander number two was ready to go.  Uh oh, in comes TC 3 that was totally unexpected an not one of the original.  I’ve never been more proud of the HIMs that jumped into action to secure a third chair (we’d already closed it up in the trailer by now).  Here click, there click, everywhere click click.  A few pic clicks and we scurried to the line.  Although the runners were off, it didn’t take us long to start racking up the kill shots as we worked our way through the crowd of walkers and finally to the back of the running pack.  We were having a blast but nowhere near as much fun as our TC.  The crowds were awesome and cheered him on at every turn.  We swapped around to share in the load and the fun!  Before we knew it we were back at the ballpark, crossing the finish line, and joining with the other crews!  Some final shots… all smiles of course and we were done.  What a day!  Count your blessings gents cause we’ve sure got’em.  I think all would agree on who pushed who!!!

Move over Rover… and let Jimi take over!  PH

F3 250 at the Gashouse

The morning gloom was awesome and during EC Whoopee and I spotted an owl on the greenway so I took a pic.  If I were an owl, the Greenway would be where I would hunt too.  Lots of birds, rabbits, crayfish, salamanders, and other vermin would round out the diet with the trees giving you the high ground.

Anyway Bondo had the Q at the Pain Lab and let us borrow a 20# cool sandbag type coupon to go along with Whoopee’s GoRuck sandbag.  After a brief warmup, the Gashouse PAX moseyed to the flag with coupons in tow and stopped for the pledge before heading to the track and the picnic tables.  The picnic tables disappeared so we were left with one bench to start sandbag step ups.  The idea was for one PAX to be working at a time while the others waited their turn.  We did 250 reps total so each PAX would do two rounds of 25.  YHC could sense that Nutria and Whoopee were disappointed with that pace so we started doing two at a time. Mosey around the track for dips on the bleachers, then mosey around the track for 250 burpees, first by five each and then by two, and then by one to finish them.  Then we moseyed to the church for SSH at the bottom of the steps.  Les Nessman walked over from the Boy Scout hut side.  They were getting ready for pine needle delivery.  It was at this point that Short Sale started talking about Primus posters at Ray Nathan’s.  There is a wall of framed Primus posters that one of the owners collects.  The goal is now to get Primus to do a concert at Ray Nathan’s.  Does anyone know Les Claypool to make this happen?

Anyway we moseyed to the top of the stairs for 250 merkins.  Linus was doing an inverted Def Leppard Merkin and got called out.  We moseyed to the basketball court for sandbag slams and lunges and we listed to Primus “Jerry was a racecar driver” on the speaker.  Whoopee isn’t into that kind of music so I switched to “Amarillo by Morning” from George Straight before we moseyed back to the start.  We did a few sandbags tosses and then the PAX from the PainLab joined for five burpees for the train we heard earlier.  We closed out with COT and named Whoopee’s hernia Luigi.

Good times as always at the Gashouse.

Prayer Requets:  Bondo’s M,  Turtleman, Huckleberry,  Luigi


Always a pleasure to lead










10 men showed at Gashouse for the bootcamp portion of the AO on Saturday. As usual EC was done. The Nantan even put in 10!


We did some stuff then we headed over to the library parking lot.

The Thang:

Borrowed from a workout I saw Carpex do(so if you complained then you must be saying you’re a wussy compared to those guys). The word wussy spelled slightly different may or may not have been used several times during this workout because sometimes a man just needs to be told. Not to beat him down but to lift him up. Look at it as a motivator.

Broad jump 2 parking spaces and do the following exercises.


10-Bonnie Blairs


Do this 2 more sets then bear crawl back to the start(6 parking spaces)

That’s 1 round. Do 5 rounds. We made it through about 4 and we were 30 minutes in so I switched it up to do some Wordle.

If you haven’t played wordle it a word game where you try to figure out what the 5 letter word is for the day. Your first guess is just that, a guess. It then tells you if any of the letters are in the correct spot or if they are in the word just in the wrong spot. Easy enough but surprisingly difficult sometimes. The group had an advantage as they could all help each other. I’m not sure who came up with this as a workout. I saw someone in the nation put it out a week or so ago. So for each letter that was correct and in the correct spot we would do 10 reps of an exercise. For each one that was correct and in the wrong spot we would do 20 reps. For each one that was wrong we would do 30 reps. The first word was ALIVE and they guessed it on the fourth try. Well Uptown Girl pulled this one out. Everyone else was stumped. We ran low on time and only made it through 2 guesses on the second word. It was kind of funny because we were approaching Easter Sunday and the first word being alive lead everyone to think it was a theme. So they kept guessing words that went in that direction. It was STEAL 🙂 Anyway it went pretty good. It’s a little much to keep up with for my taste but still not as difficult as a Short Sale Q.


Pledge-per the Nantan’s command

Announcement-Baseball tickets, I’ll be honest I don’t remember

Prayer Request-My memory( I seem to be forgetting a lot lately)


Speed for Need Info (The Community Foundation Run 2022)


Not sure who all has agreed to help w/ the SFN event Saturday but the last word was we have two Track Commanders.  I am picking up the SFN trailer later today & am planning to arrive at the FUSE parking lot around 7am.  I plan to set up in the lower corner of the main parking lot (see photo) and have the caretakers park beside me for ease of access.  We will make our way to the S/F line before 9am in hopes that they will let us start a few minutes early.  Please reply to this post if you still plan to help push so I’ll have a headcount.  Give me a shout if you have any questions (980-448-8140).  Thanks & we’ll see you Saturday!

SFN Assembly Area (Community Foundation Run 2022)

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