Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Coconut Horse (Page 8 of 20)

We are all Clowns

Today was the last day of the book “The Four Agreeemnts”.   We discussed Freedom the Toltec’s Way of Life…..Master Awareness, The Mastery of Transformation, and the Mastery of Intent.  Intent is life itself.  Unconditional Love.  A Mastery of Intent=Mastery of Love.

Imagine if you lived:  giving yourself permission to be happy

-Without fear of expressing your dreams

-Without fear of being judged by others

-Without judging

-Without fear of loving or being loved

-Without fear of taking risks

-That you love yourself the way you are.

The Warrior has control over emotions and is not concerned with being judged.  They fight their negative emotions that hold them back.  The more you can do this, the more you will be free.

I will go ahead and call out Sargento for being a warrior.  He took lots of grief for his colorful running outfit today but there is respect because A. he was conspicious to traffic and B. he obviously doesn’t concern himself about what other people think.  We could all benefit form being a little more like Sargento.  #HIM


As for the workout, I really don’t know what happened.  Being on IR I do know there were ruckers and runners out there.  DDC was even back to the COT.  We usually just pass him somewhere along the way!  Props to JJ and Whoopee for completing the D2D relay yesterday and posting again today.  Strong work!

Good work men.  Next week Stroganoff will be covering the book “Freed to Lead” by Dredd and OBT.  If you have been in F3 for more than a month, get this book and read it and it will all make sense.

Keep being cheesy!


Where the Wild Things Are

BOS, Pilgrim’s Progress, Tube and Flintstone rucked.

Sargento & JJ ran the loop.

Whoopee ran with DDC, then without DDC, then ran some more.


  • Strides of March

Prayer Requests:

  • Guys on IR
  • Tube’s Brother-in-law
  • Bryan Allf took a dive while running and had some nasty injuries – Be careful out there, especially in the dark


As always, a great discussion during Q Source on a variety of concepts and topics.  In a discussion that kept coming back to the idea of “freedom”, this particular line from The Four Agreements stood out, “A Toltec becomes wise, becomes wild, and becomes free again.”  There’s an awareness and understanding about a man’s current state and the truths he believes.  There’s a draw to the Gloom, where a lot of the other rules don’t apply.  Where men can let it rip.  Where mumblechatter and candor are encouraged.  We do Completely Stupid and Utterly Pointless things regularly, and make sure that everyone else knows that we’re idiots, and by following us, you too are an idiot.  In the process, we find our authentic selves and continue that daily journey to be just a little bit better than the day before.  There’s a wildness, a freedom, and an authenticity to the Gloom that’s hard to find anywhere else.

Glad to be a part of it.  Always grateful for the opportunity to lead.

Yabba Dabba Doo

We did our best

YHC ran the loop. They rucked somewhere.

Extinction Run

Prayer Requests

There were some struggles during the Name-o-rama, but we did our best.

Prayer to take us out.

This was followed by a good discussion at Q-Source led by Stroganoff on Agreement #4: Always Do Your Best.

The Uniformed Soldier

Word had quickly spread through town. This time it was real, Bobby was coming home. Of course, word spreading through the town of Ranlo was never slow, nothing more than a postage stamp of the mill town with a few city buildings, shops and restaurants, news always spread fast, good or bad. The old cotton mill that was the heart had been shut down for years, causing the locals to scatter for work in the surrounding county. Frozen in time, Ranlo accepted their slow pace of life, with plenty of time on front porches to wave neighborly at friends passing by. And today the topic was their proud soldier, coming home after a 15-month tour in Iraq. Everyone had been praying, writing letters, and hoping for a safe return. Proud couldn’t begin to describe the emotion that radiated from the local product fighting for the safety of our country. Calling these fine folks conservative didn’t bother them one bit. The good Lord, family, friends, and the towns people of Ranlo was their priority, all wrapped up in the comforting blanket of Old Glory. Ever since Bobby’s send off, all 3,500 people had an American Flag hanging from their home and a yellow ribbon around the nearest tree facing the road. Each of their prayers included Bobby’s safety and family.

Linus was a number years older than Bobby, knew the family well, counting Bobby as an acquaintance more than a friend. After all, everyone in Ranlo knew everyone by name or family tree. Linus was a steady hand that accepted a number of roles. In addition to his 9-5 job, he was a volunteer fireman, deacon at the church, and city council member. He kept quite a busy schedule on top of helping his elderly mother. Naturally as the news of the homecoming spread, people looked to Linus for leadership. He was always the man they could rely on for getting things done. It was no coincidence as Linus arrived at Grits & Greens for the Tuesday lunch special, he could barely get a bite in for all the questions about what Ranlo would do for Bobby. Without proper election, Linus accepted the task and began recruiting volunteers, one of his many talents. He would once again make the town and hopefully Bobby proud.

And after a few weeks of preparation, the plan was set. Bobby was scheduled to arrive in Charlotte on a Friday afternoon at 2:49 pm. The family would greet the soldier at the airport and once off the interstate, just before town, Bobby would settle to the rear seat of the open top red convertible, escorted by the police, firetrucks and Allen Tate’s vintage hum-vee, because Allen Tate was a true American and any event celebrating America required his attendance. Linus was quite busy that day, organizing the local marching band, the cheerleaders, the grilled hotdogs, everything down to the last detail, because that’s what Linus does.

Just before 4 pm, on that sunny Friday afternoon, the police car siren sounded loudly and the townsfolk began to swell closer to Main Street. The procession started with loud cheers. The work was done and it was time to celebrate the town’s celebrity coming home. The parade would last all of a few minutes, time to pass through a total of four street corners. Linus finally quit worrying about his notes and responsibilities to enjoy the product of his labor. The red convertible approached and a smiling Bobby continued to wave at all those that had written and prayed. Suddenly the red convertible stopped. The driver pointed toward the area where Linus stood behind the crowd along the route. Bobby smiled and patted the driver before hustling from the car. The soldier was in field fatigues, pants tucked into boots, patches on the sleeve and ribbons adorning the right breast. A huge smile spread with large dimpled and pink cheeks. Linus was mesmerized by the appearance of the soldier. His last memory of the teen prior to leaving for the army five years ago was of a soft and unassuming 18 year old kid. Linus hoped and prayed for survival. But now, in the afternoon sunlight, striding confidently toward Linus’ direction was a svelte, athletic figure that stood tall and proud. Linus felt a bit weak in the knees at the sight. As the crowd parsed, Bobby leapt with both arms wrapped around Linus’ neck. “Thanks for supporting me!” was all Bobby said. They held an impactful embrace for what seemed like an hour but lasted no more than a minute. Bobby broke and returned to complete the parade. Before spinning toward the street, under the bill of the cap, a subtle wink of blue eyes offered some consummation to Linus. A tear streamed down Linus’ face. It was hard to hold back. Each week, Linus had penned a letter, offering encouragement while the soldier battled to survive the arduous tour. As their relationship grew, the notes became more personal. The two had created a more than a friendship, despite their age. And now having seen the soldiers return home, Linus’ recollection of the soldier went beyond an emotional embrace. The soldier was now home and could there be more between them? Time would tell. Linus intrigued by the subtle wink of a uniformed soldier was anxious to see.

COT: Prayers for Buckeye’s friend Joe that is battling cancer; prayers the running group doesn’t contract pneumonia running in the steady cold 37 degree rain; Extinction Run – 2/13 at Primal in Belmont at 0900 – Sign Up!

Moleskin: Today’s Q-Source is from the fourth chapter of The Four Agreements. The discussion is about Don’t Make Assumptions. We’ve all done it, assume our M, our 2.0, our family member, our friend, our boss, our co-worker – you name it – we think we know what they’ll say or what they’ll do, or how they’ll react. It would be interesting to take notes for a day and count how often it occurs. It’s built into our DNA. And from experience we all have a story (or 100) about how things didn’t match up to what we thought would happen. So how can we combat the Third Agreement in Don Miguel Ruiz’s book? We can ask questions, probing questions until we understand the wishes of those we’re communicating with. Not everyone thinks like we do – because we’re all different. So communicating and asking questions is the key.

If you didn’t get tired of the “short story” there is a point. I took one statement Linus made during Saturday’s GasHouse workout and turned that into a twisted fictional tale. Those that posted will attest to Linus waxing on about seeing Bobby in his uniform. And we all know the part about Allen Tate is real – that’s for damn sure. And a lot of the traits I included for Linus also represent the HIM we all know as the Site Leader of GasHouse.

But conjuring up a scenario between Linus and Bobby probably led you to some assumptions. “Bobby” is an unisex name that could be male or female. You may have assumed otherwise I’m sure. Bobby was only referred to as “a soldier” or third person. You might ask is Linus married? What about the age difference – how much is it? You might ask what prompted Linus to write Bobby while serving the country? Were they a stone and blade? Who knows but these and other questions could be explored.

So this lengthy diatribe was written to further clarify the point of our Q-Source discussion this morning. Even if you were unable to attend, we can all benefit from the strategy that if you want to understand, don’t assume, ask questions.

Thanks for the chance to share.

Short Sale

Dirty Dozen

The Coconut Horse has had a slight increase in numbers as the Q-Source Q for the Coconut has been upping the ante with a new curriculum.  This along with upcoming CSAUP relay races has helped boost a our numbers.  This is a great thing!

We had twelve with several ruckers and runners.  Virus brought an FNG (Mark Kleine) now known as Fountainhead.

We studied the third chapter and second Agreement from the book “The Four Agreements”.

To catch you up, rule one is “be impeccable with your word.”


Rule Two is:  Don’t take anything personally.  Whatever happens around you, don’t take it personally… Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves.

This rule goes along with what we should already know.  The only person whose behavior we control is our own.  Don’t allow another person to have power over you by their words.

Pray for our country and each other.



No Q? Let’s do it anyway

No official Q for the Coconut Horse workout this morning.  We had a Q Source Q or Four Agreements Q….we haven’t quite figured out what to call it since we are not following the Q Source study.

We worked out anyway and had a great COT regardless.

Several Rucked.

Several Ran.

Sweetheart showed to ruck at the wrong time…….communication failure somewhere during the EH.

13 or 14 stayed for the Four Agreements discussion (I lost count).

Several prayer requests to be considered.

The Four Agreements lesson was on the first agreement, Be Impeccable With Your Word:

Speak with Integrity.  Say only what you mean.  Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others.  Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Can we all agree?

It was cold.  Several got in some EC before the main run started.  A couple rucked.  A couple ran some hills.

It was glorious to be out this morning in the gloom.

Several prayer requests.  Prayer.  Pledge.

11 made the discussion on Chapter 1 of The Four Agreements after the workout.  We will continue this discussion for the next 4 – 5 weeks at least.

Honored to lead it this morning.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Wooden on Leadership @ The Coconut Horse

It actually was a little gloomy this morning.  Misty, dark, cloudy.

A few ran, a few rucked.  We did not see any Chupacraba’s along the greenway but we did hear a rooster.

We all finished.

Announcements:  Convergence next Saturday at Folsom.  Wear masks.

Prayers to all the Healthcare workers on the frontline for the past 9 months or so.

As Coconut Horse shifts away from Q Source for this year, we started with a lesson on Leadership from John Wooden.  There are many books and anecdotes  about Coach Wooden but one of my favorites is Wooden on Leadership and these lessons come from that:

-Before you can lead others, you must be able to lead yourself.

-Leadership success begins with a solid foundation.

-Do not fear failure or punish initiative.

-Never allow anyone else to define your success.

-Character stars with little things.

-Seek out opportunities to show you care.

-Remember that a good demonstration tops a great description.

-Seek players who will make the best team rather than the best players.

-Sloppiness breeds sloppiness.

-Remember that a great quarter in basketball or business starts with a great minute.

-Make sure all praise is genuine and appropriate.

-Believe in the hidden potential of all.

-Stop saying “no” and start asking “how”.

-Long term success requires short term focus.

-Always assume adversity.

I think these are great lessons and not the only nuggets from John Wooden.  I would encourage you to look up his Pyramid of Success and his 7-Point Creed.

Come join us next week at Coconut Horse as we start a few weeks of studying the Four Agreements by Don  Miguel Ruiz.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead this morning.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Cul-De-Sac of Doom

Sargento gave the nod for some early morning EC so YHC showed up and Buckeye was there as well.  At the allotted start time, YHC receives a text from the Big Cheese stating, “Almost there”.  If this was the actual start time of the Coconut we would have started without him but since it was EC, we extended grace.

Breaker Breaker showed up for some EC as well and went off on his own.  During the EC run, we ran into and out of neighborhoods and cul-de-sacs.  During one particularly dark street, a cul-de-sac approached.  Sargento led us down a secret passageway that put us into ANOTHER NEIGHBORHOOD!   It was frightening to have no clue where we were but eventually we found our way back to the familiar sidewalks of the Coconut Horse and returned to the parking lot in time to collect anyone else who was ready to run the 5 miler.

Breaker and Gastone headed out early.  Short Sale arrived.  Stroganoff had some EC before as well.  At 0630 we all set off to run the route.  Nothing special this morning except the Waffle House smelled of onions instead of bacon.

When we returned Buckeye left but the rest circled up for the Pledge and COT.

On January 1 we run/ruck 10 miles from the Coconut.

Prayer Requests:  Stroganoff’s family has lost two loved ones this week with another under Hospice care.  Flintstone and Whoopee

We had 5 stay for the modified Q-source where we each discussed our 2021 Word of the year and then went through C-Span’s exercise to be intentional about what we need to do for our 3 F’s in 2021.  If you missed the exercise or want to do it, C-Span will host this on next weeks weekly roundtable call (podcast)  Prioritize those around you that need you the most and be intentional about spending time with them.

Coconut Horse & Q Source – Year In Review

4 ruckers and 1 runner at the Coconut Horse on a cold, wet morning that was less cold and less wet than YHC expected.

Q Source

Excellent discussion, as always, with these highlights:

  • The influence of media and information
  • The importance of maintaining a healthy Concentrica
  • Accelerating, goal setting, and fortifying gains
  • Overcoming an injury to reach a personal goal
  • Jon Gordon – One Word
  • The balance between speaking up and listening and utilizing both as a leader

Roscoe took us out with a joke about two Republicans and their meeting with God.

There are 2 great options for Q Source next year.  As you continue your Acceleration into 2021, consider adding a regular trip to Crossroads or the Coconut Horse to your routine.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Yabba Dabba Doo

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