Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Coconut Horse (Page 3 of 20)


YHC was getting in some EC when a strange man in a truck asked me if I wanted a ride. It was Amazon headed to the Horse for his VC!  (Virgin Coconut).

At 0630 we split up into three runners and six ruckers.  At 0715 we were all back together again.

Short Sale joined us for Q Source so give that man a point Flintstone!

Q Source was on Prioritize and Execute from the four laws of combat from Extreme Ownership.

“That was a MUJ sheep!”


prayer requests. Huckleberry,

Clavin’s M.
Radar’s sister

Cover and Move

We had twelve for the Coconut Horse. The ruckers outnumbered the runners today, but if you count the two laps that Maybelline and Flintstone did it sort of evens out.

It is nice to see bigger crowds continuing and more at Q Source as well. This is how you accelerate. Show up!

Strogi needed to smartsack the 1st F this am so hence the title of the backblast.

great work!


praise for turtleman.

prayers for our families.

Pushing Rocks at the Coconut Horse

Lots of activity this morning at the Coconut Horse. There were ruckers, runners, and cars all over the parking lot. EC was going on too. Some PAX left early but they returned in time for credit. At 0530 the disclaimer was given and at 0531 Short Sale rolled in hot and declared that he identified as a Rucker today so the runners all took off.  Approximately 0715, all were back at the start for the COT.

At Q Source, we nearly had a record crowd and covered the 8 block and our One Word(s).
It was a great start to 2023 and most guys got two points for the Pushing Rocks challenge.  Off to a great start on what will be a great year for the Gashouse!

announcements:  Pushing Rocks challenge

24 hour run for charity in Dallas January 14


prayer requests:  Flintstone’s Mom, Feta’s knee and MRI results

It was a great showing this morning and great to see so many at Q source pushing rocks. Let’s keep it going and have a great 2023 in the Gashouse.

January 1st New Years Day Q-Source Pre-Blast

Okay F3 Gastonia,

This year New Years Day falls on a Sunday.  There was talk of a possible convergence but with church and Sunday obligations it may be difficult for some to travel too far from home.  Instead, we will be doing a personal development exercise.

The 1FQ’s (Flintstone for those that don’t know) “Push the Rock” challengei is a perfect way to start off the first day of the year with a Sunday post at Member’s Only, Crossroads, or the Coconut Horse and stay for Q-Source and start your year off on the right path with two points towards the challenge.

What is on tap for Q-Source you ask?  We will be doing the 8-Block.  Those that have followed CSPAN and the weekly roundtable call (the first F3 podcast), may be familiar with it.  The 8-block is a worthwhile personal exercise to set your goals and priorities for the year.  More information is linked to this podcast….

You will also need your “one Word”.   What is a one word challenge? Essentially, a one word challenge involves choosing a specific word to guide you throughout the year as you make decisions, pursue goals, and try to become the human being you want to be. It’s part compass, part motivator, and part mirror.

That is it.  Show up on New Years Day at one of the three Sunday AO’s.  Get a run, ruck, or other exercises of your choice.  Bring a sheet of paper and a pen to Q Source in case the Q doesn’t have one.  We will all complete the exercise and then share with your peers and go over it again and again all year.

You will be amazed how some of your blind spots disappear and your priorities will be clearer.

Purple Haze is the Q-Source Q for 2022.  He will be leading the way at Crossroads.  YHC will have the Q at the Coconut Horse, and Tiger will be leading Member’s Only.

If you have questions feel free to contact me.



Foreign Exchange Q

Following a quick conversation some weeks back, Roscoe and I decided to do a little “switcheroo” for Q-source.  He led the team at Crossroads and I traveled to Coconut Horse.  I arrived in the parking lot and it wasn’t long before Flintstone returned from some solo EC.  The others soon arrived and we were off!   All returned and we moved indoors for Q-source (Equipping).  Thanks men, it was an honor to lead.

Announcements / COT:  Christmas party was a big success and a lot of fun / Adopt-a-highway next Saturday after Gashouse, HC with Freight / Turtleman Christmas decorating still trying to confirm / Possible New Year’s Day convergence somewhere but stayed tuned…

Prayer Requests:  Purple Haze’s Mom / Queso concussion recovery / Turtleman

Excuse me while I kiss the sky!  PH

Failure leads to Progress

Good crowd for some mildly cold moseying at The Coconut Horse.  Most ran the normal route while two modified to a slightly shorter route.  Everyone returned safely.

Q Source covered Failure.  Unfortunately, my experience has shown me that failure is the greatest teacher and why I think it is last in the LDP.  For a leader to fully develop, he must learn to accept failure as just part of the journey to get better.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Individual Initiative

Four runners took off on the Coconut Horse route while two ruckers went off to parts unknown for about 45 minutes.  It was a morning where we discussed gloves or no gloves, short sleeves with gloves, shorts and long sleeves, and other gear related questions.

The conversations were all inclusive for the first 3 miles but then separation occurred as sometimes happens and everyone tends to run their own race.

Short Sale joined for Q Source on Sua Sponte leadership.  Basically the 5 core principles pave the way for the framework of F3 structure, but the individual initiative to make things happen is the secret sauce of F3.  Decentralized Command and cover and move all day long!


Canned food drive


Prayer requests:


EZ rider’s family




Courage is needed to fight Chupacabras

These cool mornings are great, especially for a running AO such as Coconut Horse.  As the days get shorter, the darkness can stretch out throughout most of the run, as it does right now along the Coconut Horse route.

With Flintstone rucking (he ran 19.5 miles the day before), YHC was soloing the route.  There is definitely a Chupacabra that lives along the route through the Greenway as we have heard it multiple times as it has gotten darker.  Luckily, I knew today’s Q Source topic was Courage so I was compelled to run through the darkness and battle the deadly animal if necessary.   I guess it knew I was determined to get through the route on schedule and decided to stay in its lair today.

We had a third show to discuss  Courage and it was a lively discussion and one that is so important to F3 in my opinion.  If we are going to be the leaders that our families and communities needs, it will require some courage.  There is a battle going on to diminish the role of us men in the community and if we do not stand up, the deterioration will continue.

Remember the mission of F3 isn’t to go out and workout 20 times/week.  The mission is to use the workouts as a vehicle to invigorate male community leadership.  That’s the point.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead and be involved.

F3 is the answer to many things us men are dealing with these days.

Until the next one.



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