Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Category: News (Page 8 of 25)

Hammering Away at the Storm

12 Pax joined YHC for some work at the Storm! It was chilly but we warmed up quickly with Slaughter Starter and kept going from there.  Short Sale inspired me the other day with some new routines, so I thought I would implement a couple, though I would liked to have done more of them.
Warm Up:
Slaughter Starter
7 of Diamonds: Monkey Crunches, Imperial Squat Walkers, Reverse Crunch, Rocky Balboas
With partner: 1 partner runs straight to end, the other does routine, then flapjack:
Glute Bridge
Step Ups
Seated Jump Squats 
Circle Up:
Captain Thor: 1:4 Big Boys/American Hammers
This was a lot of hammers. Discontent was communicated..a good sign.
Iron Hulk: 1:4 Merkin/Air Press
Convergence: January 1, 7 a.m. Midoriyama
Rice and Beans: January 4th
Christmas Eve Day: Downtown regular schedule; Tequila Sunrise 7 a.m.
Christmas Day: Yank open; other AO’s closed
Watts Up’s family
Pax traveling
What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Rom. 8:31 
“If the Spirit of Christ dwells in us, we have all the resources of the victorious Son of God to enable us to conquer in the battle. Think what Spirit dwells within you, what a Father’s smile is yours, what a Savior died to win you, child of Heaven, should you feel discontent fret, mope, languish?” Sinclair Ferguson 
YHC took us out
Great work, men! Thanks for coming out and joining me on the verge of Christmas break!


On the Heels of Broke

8 pax came out on  a chilly morning for what I hope was a decent beatdown. I think Pilgrim’s Progress breathed a sigh of relief when YHC flew in at 5:29, saving him from an impromptu Q.  More than one source relayed the fact that Broke had beat them down bad at Mount Hollywood the previous day. So,  here goes…


Warm Up

SSH x10 IC, Gravel Pickers x10 IC, Toy Soldiers x 10 IC


100 Werkins

200 Monkey Crunches

300 Calf Raises

400 Flutters-count each leg

 1 PAX member will execute as many reps as possible while PAX 2 sprints to cone 1 (or use a pole, tree, etc. for your point of turnaround), 1 burpee, sprint back to partner, touch, sprint to cone 2, 2 burpees, sprint back to partner, touch, sprint to cone 3, 3 burpees, sprint back, switch with partner.


Decline Shoulder Taps/Dips 30/10, 25/15, 20/20, 15/25, 10/30

Triple Nickel

Big Boys/American Hammers

BLIMPS x 2 with a lap in between

5 burpees, 10 lunge each leg, 15 imperial walker squats, 20 merkins, 25 plank jacks, 30 squats.


Christmas Party sign up and vote


PP friend- illness and injury

Kids at school


For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. Rom. 10:4 

“Christ is the end of the law=of seeking to establish one’s own righteousness, so that there may be a righteousness for everyone who believes. Christ ended the law AS A WAY OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, as a way to be acceptable to God.” Tim Keller

So, yes,  we must strive to improve ourselves and push ourselves and each other physically; however, we cannot strive to be better or make ourselves worthy of salvation, only Christ can do that, and He did..on the cross. His salvation is by grace through faith striving necessary.

YHC took us out..then flew home to get to the shower as close to 6:23 a.m. as possible.

Terrific group of guys..and honor and a pleasure!


Remembrance and Thanks at the Yank

Yank and Bunker combined for the Chicken Little WOD after which we separated and continued to push. Great job men!


Warm-Up: Toy Soldiers, Gravel Pickers, Mountain Climbers


Chicken Little WOD

24 minutes AMRAP


24 Merkins

24 Burpees

24 Big Boys

Lindsays- Decline Shoulder Taps/Dips 30/10, 25/15…

Route 66-Squats at each pole

Jacked Up

SSH x 50 IC  (Yes, Bubba, it is actually! Sargento, I couldn’t make heads nor tails of your mumblechatter;)

Seal Jacks x 40 IC

Plank Jacks x 30 IC 

Crossover Jacks x 20 IC

 IC Smurf Jacks x10 IC

 Mary around the Fountain– Each pax calls an exercise and runs around fountain


He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, “Do you love me?” and he said to him, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep. John 21:17 

“This is something we need to remember about Jesus when we fail. Our sins can easily hardened our hearts against him and blind us to his grace. Do not think that he is ever taken by surprise when you fail him. Go to him immediately and confess your sin and the weakness of your love for him. 

Trust your fellow Christians, however, do not forget that they are saints, not angels. We ourselves fail, others fail us, Christ alone is unfailing. Put your trust in him first, and learn to live within the fellowship of failures knowing that he will never fail you.” Sinclair Ferguson


Speed for Need: next Saturday

Thanksgiving Day: Folsom, Goat, 2 5K’s

Christmas Party: December 11..Sign up on Slack (See Backblast)

Prayer Requests:

Chicken Little’s family

Families around the holidays

YHC took us out.

Nice work!!



Speed It Up, Short Sale


8 runners for a chilly, but calm Veteran’s Day run at the Pub.

Wasn’t sure if Short Sale was more irked at me or SA for not picking up (him) the six.. for he commented that YHC needs to put others before himself (true always), and he seemed to have been keeping SA from getting to work earlier.


Christmastown 5K

Freight announced putting together packages at Schiele after Saturday workout.


 Do not be conformed to this world,[c] but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.[

“Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into it’s mold, but let God remold your mind from within.” TIm Keller?

Waterboy took us out.

Nice work, Men!




Forty Days of Discipline

Today (11-24-21) is the last day of the 40 day challenge.  I hope you have been pleased with your progress.

However, several PAX including the NANTAN himself (Broke) have asked that we take a break for Thanksgiving and then get back on the program between Thanksgiving and Christmas so here you go….

Twenty more days begins one week from today.  December 1st through December 20th will be the test and by then hopefully you can sustain the habits of eating cheat meals occasionally.

Workout 20 times!  Either hit it daily or get a few two a days.  This should give you a great end of year push to maximize your goals and set yourself up for a great start for 2022.

TWO CHEAT MEALS IN DECEMBER!  If you hit ten workouts in the first ten days, you earn one more.

Let’s get it.


Forty Days of Discipline

Back by popular demand, the 3rd version of the Forty Days of Discipline is starting this weekend.  This year, we will be working on eating clean and increasing our workouts.  No matter how good you think your King and Queen are, you must acknowledge that we can all do a little better.  The principles for the 40-day challenge are simple so don’t overcomplicate it.  This will have us ripped and lean just in time for Thanksgiving.

This 40-day wellness initiative begins on October 16th and ends on the day before Thanksgiving Day, November 24th, meaning you eat clean on the 24th and then stand by to get some on turkey day.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:  Workout a minimum of 5x per week from October 16 through November 24th.

Don’t eat sweets, soft drinks, or junk food.  Four cheat meals in total unless you earn more.  Don’t drink alcohol.  Hold yourself accountable by journaling your efforts.

What is required?


You must work out a minimum of 5 times per week (at least 27 workouts in 40 days) using the #F3 250 model.  Any workout that is a minimum of 30 minutes counts.  This could include running, cycling, rucking, any F3 workout or workout you put together at home.  Two a day workouts count as two workouts.  Example, you complete an F3 bootcamp in the morning and a minimum 30 minute jog in the afternoon=2 workouts.

Diet:     No gluten.  (Just kidding)

No Mountain Dew (T-Square), other soft drinks, desserts, sweets, potato chips, junk food, fast food, etc.  You know what your food vices are so stay away from them.  Fast food is allowed if it is salad or chili and unsweetened tea or water.    (A special exemption is being made for fast food for those participating in the Bourbon Chase)

A protein shake within 30 minutes of ending the workout.  This is the only expense. Get some protein powder and a shaker bottle and make it a habit.   Drink more water.

You are allowed four cheat meals.  Your choice but they must be named and claimed. If you work out more than 5 times per week, you can claim an extra cheat meal.  An example is a couple of slices of pizza but don’t blow it on a whole pizza.  Even though you will be getting the workouts in you can’t out train a bad diet.

Alcohol:  I am no nutritionist but have seen enough articles about red wine being good for the heart and beer being a good recovery drink.  However, I am not recommending anything here.  Limit yourself or at least earn your alcohol by pushing the rock.  Moderation in all things, including moderation.

You must keep a daily journal of both your workouts and cheat meals. The journal is for your eyes only.  I use the “notes” on my Iphone since I always have it with me.  I have journaled all my workouts on my phone since 2017.  It is helpful to look back and see types of workouts, two a days, and extra credit workouts that make journaling worth it.  You can also see where you failed to work out and why.  It is a good habit.  I also document injuries or other things as a record of why workouts were modified or changed up.  I suggest getting an accountability partner, naming your goals, and holding each other accountable  #ISI

Enjoy Bottom’s Up at Primal this Friday because the discipline starts Saturday.  Get after it.

1st F or 2nd Grade? At Old School

7 for Old School today.

We had one Tardy, so we did a practice run to pick him up;

there were some moans and groans.. some fussing and complaining;

we had one go astray;

one that held up the line,  also the  “rounder” who gives the instructor a hard time (Oh, I’ve had worse).

Was this Old School or the Classroom?

Warm-Up: Toy Soldiers, Gravel Pickers, Peter Parkers


Route 66 with Burpees at each pole 

Indian Run back to start.

Lindsays-Shoulder Taps/Dips 30/10..

ALARM-Partner 1 Runs; Partner 2: 

A-100 Werkins

L-150 Step Ups 

A-200 LBC’s

R-250 Russian Twist 

M-300 Mountain Climbers

Triple Nickel or Elevens-Squats/Big Boys



Extinction Run-November

McAdenville Speed for Need

Prayer Requests:

Gumby’s relative-Mammogram

Wirenut’s Family-travel back from Boston


He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, “Do you love me?” and he said to him, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep. John 21:17 

“This is something we need to remember about Jesus when we fail. Our sins can easily hardened our hearts against him and blind us to his grace. Do not think that he is ever taken by surprise when you fail him. Go to him immediately and confess your sin and the weakness of your love for him. 

Trust your fellow Christians..however, do not forget that they are saints, not angels. We ourselves fail, others fail us, Christ alone is unfailing. Put your trust in him first, and learn to live within the fellowship of failures knowing that he will never fail you.” Sinclair Ferguson



Good times..great guys!!


September Challenge: The Extra Mile

You’ve heard this expression before. Most often it’s said when someone goes above and beyond the expected effort, to exert additional energy, to push beyond your limits to achieve a desired goal. As F3 brothers we have pushed the bar to new normals of the three F’s foundational. I began thinking of this idea a while back (leave it to the procrastinator to push it out one day ahead of the month I intend to do it!). I thought of variations but have settled on an idea that I hope will compel each of you to participate.

But first, did you know the origin of the phrase “to go the extra mile?” I was surprised to learn Jesus gets credit. Maybe in our current wok society, that is on the list to be amended but for now, he gets some credit and what better source of inspiration than what he said in Matthew 5:41? This counsel is part of chapter 5 which Jesus is giving advice to his followers and this section in particular is focused on retaliation and dealing with others.

Are you ready for a challenge? Sure you are, who isn’t. Maybe this gives you a little nudge. Sometimes that’s all it takes is a little nudge and then some accountability – that is where your brothers come in. It seems simple, in my mind at least – where all my ideas seem simple until I try to explain and then usually only Flintstone gets it (thanks brother).

Going the Extra Mile Challenge – it can be as literal as you want to make it or it can be as figurative as you want to make it. This challenge covers all PAX for all levels. Just like any workout where you post – it’s “You vs. You.”

  • Runners – if you post to the running AO (typically 5 miles routes), run an extra mile one of those days; show up early, stay late, your choice. If you’re already have a plan – add a mile (or miles) – push the distance
  • Ruckers – if you’re rucking 3 miles, add an extra mile. Or if you only ruck 1 day, post another day. Show up ahead of a workout and get one mile in.
  • You want to bike? Add some extra to your route. Add an extra day of the activity. Ride a trail, call a friend.
  • Not a Runner or a Rucker – this is special for you – walk! Walk around your block. You can do it alone, with your M, with your 2.0’s, with your dog. Break your routine and throw an extra walk in.
  • Post – what is your normal cadence of posts in a week? Add 1 to it. If you’ve been a Kotter because of injury or work or life – commit to a workout, just one for that week.

It’s time to get out of your comfort zone. If you’re not accelerating, you’re decelerating – there is no status quo. So target what your “normal” is in any of those activities and increase by one – you decide the “one” needs to be. You know where you are and what you need to do.

Accountability – this can be in various forms. Blade/Stones – make it a conversation point. You’ve got a Shield Lock – make it a challenge among your circle – push each other. If you don’t have either of those – log into the First F Channel on Slack and name your goal or celebrate what you did extra. Share an achievement in the COT.

I’d like this to be counted each week. So by Saturday of each week, you did something extra, above and beyond what you normally do. On you’re mark, get ready, GO the EXTRA MILE.

Short Sale



We’re finishing up the dog days of summer and the cooler fall days are fast approaching. It’s time to stop using the hot and humid weather as an excuse not to get out and run, walk or ruck and the perfect way to do that is to sign up for the JJ5K on September 25th, 2021. F3 Gastonia has been a sponsor of this event for the last few years and we are continuing that sponsorship again this year. Some quick facts about the race:

  • Three options; 5k timed run, 5k walk untimed, 1 mile walk
  • Provides a scholarship to an East Gaston High School dance team member each year. This has directly impacted F3 Gastonia as Slaw’s 2.0 is a prior recipient of the award.
  • In 2020, F3 Gastonia PAX, M’s and 2.0’s accounted for over 1/3 of the total participants.
  • In 2020, F3 Gastonia had 6 PAX place in the Top 10 overall with Gold Digger taking 1st Overall. Tiger’s M was also the Top Female and we had multiple PAX medal in their age divisions.
  • 9am start on September 25th which means you can still post at your favorite Saturday AO and make it to the race.
  • Multiple sponsorship opportunities for companies or individuals who would like to donate. $100 sponsorship will get your logo on the race t-shirt and if you’re interested please see Sister Act or Broke for the forms.
  • Race signup link:
  • Race location: Common Ground 5481 Hickory Grove Road, Stanley, NC 28164

This is a great opportunity to support the region and also enjoy some fellowship with your F3 brothers. You don’t have to be a runner, come out and walk or ruck, or just hang out at the F3 tent and support your brothers. I hope to see you there!


I’m Broke

The Early Bird Catches..


10 pax were ready to move at Prison Break today. YHC pitch hit for my brother Roundup who was running simultaneously at the beach. I rolled in early to see pax already circled up. I checked the clock to be sure it wasn’t off (usually flying in around 5:26 give or take, with SA on my heels at 5:29). No, it was 5:20, then SA follows at 5:23 and Blart rounds out the group..still early.

Great to see Ball Joint back and better than ever, running a 5 mile PR.

Breaker joined us as a part of our new F3 foreign exchange program; I think there may be a trade in the works as one of our HIMs is “crossing the tracks” with the sale of his house.

Broke out-performs himself again as he prepares for his Hood-to-Coast race (“I’m only doing 4 slow”).

S.A. pushed himself, and YHC, as he continues to regain momentum.

Slaw was a trooper with a sore back; and Purple Haze, Barrel Racer, Blart and Sarlaac are consistent pax at PB!


F3 Dads this Saturday at 7a.m.-Folsom

JJ5K September 25 at Common Grounds in Stanley

Prayer Requests:

Our country

Afganistan conflict

Kids and teachers back to school

Westside’s Dad

Whoopee’s 2.0

Purple Haze’s Dad


Acquaintances dealing with Corona Virus


.. for they all saw Him and were terrified. But immediately He spoke to them and said, “Take heart, it is I. Do not be afraid. Mark 6:50

“They (the disciples) should have known that He would not abandon them in their troubles. They should have been trusting, but instead, they were terrified.  He was (is) I AM, the Lord who banished his people’s fears.” Sinclair Ferguson

Blart took us out.

Way to go, men!!

Remember, push yourselves spiritually, too. Be in prayer and renew your minds daily in the Word.


Bad Reviews at the Pub

6 pax joined YHC for  what I call the “Sargento Route.”

This is a  run through the new neighborhood off of Lowell-Bethesda. At first, this was not a favorite, as Waterboy and I ended up in the mud, and we didn’t know where we were going. However, we had not done it in awhile so Sargento was excited about it, and I wanted to try it again.

However, despite several well-intended jabs and complaints, SA ran at a terrific pace. Broke had a new which he told me, in no uncertain terms, that he would rather not repeat.  Thanks to JJ for running with him. We don’t want him to get turned around..something which YHC knows well. Defib did well, despite some pain. Flintstone did 7 miles in all.


Labor Day weekend-50 miler

September 25-JJ5K in Stanley. I would highly encourage anyone who has not done this run to join us. It is a lot of fun and the camaraderie is good!

Tuna/crackers and granola bars-service project items

Prayer Requests:

Whoopee’s 2.0 post surgery

Flintstone’s 2.0 is a new driver

Broke’s 2.1


Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

“ important aspect of sanctification: thinking through the logic of the gospel corrects, cleanses, recalibrate, transforms and sanctifies us emotionally as well as intellectually. It leads us to responding as a whole people to the situations in which we find ourselves. Instead of being captivated emotionally, our emotions are mastered by the gospel and begin to express its truth and power.” Devoted to God by Sinclair Ferguson

JJ took us out.

Thankful for you guys,



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