F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Beer Mile 2023 preblast

It’s that time of year again for the most CSAUP of all CSAUPs. The 2023 Beer Mile welcomes all participants and spectators for the most thrilling 5280 feet in sports. The details are below.

When? Saturday December 30th

What time? 11:00 at YHC’s hacienda, 4333 Winder Trail in Gastonia. We’ll have a briefing on rules and then head to the AO.

Participants are to bring 4 of their preferred 12-ounce canned beers to be consumed during the race. The following are allowed or a Sargento preapproved alternative. Must be 4.2% alcohol or above.

  • Natural Light
  • Ultra
  • Miller Lite
  • Coors Light
  • Bud Light (if you’re like that)

We’ll have burgers and dogs afterward and hand out awards for:

  • fastest racer
  • best costume
  • best spectator
  • best sign

Please HC to YHC and get ready for the most awesome event since last year’s Beer Mile. If you know, you know. See y’all there!

2 minutes Q!


Gravel pickers IC

Abe Vigoda IC for Whoopee

Hillbillies IC



Mosey to behind the Presbyterian Church where I parked my truck. Grab a block and gather around for 25 reps of 5 exercises with a run around the lower lot between each set. 5 burpees before and after each run with the reps dropping by 5 each round but the laps increasing by 1 after each set. The exercises were thrusters, curls, tricep extensions,  squats, and alpos. The PAX pushed hard and finished this up with enough time to get through half a set of 11’s starting with 10 diamond merkins an 1 low slow squat. Getting close to time so we loaded the blocks and headed back to the Schiele. With a few minutes left we did a round of PAX called Mary. LBC’s, Hammers, Flutters, Dying Cockroaches and 5 burpees that may or may not have put us a little over time.


Beer Ruck 11:30 today

Lunch 12/20 somewhere at lunchtime, check slack

Beer Mile look for Sargento’s pre blast

Prayer Request:

Clavins Neice and several other PAX running the Kiawah Island half and full



Jackson Hall

Purple Haze mom

my mom

Thanks for coming out and pushing hard today men, and thanks to ShortSale for the opportunity. It was an honor to lead today.


Time to fly 5 by 5.

Gumby began the workout with a warm up routine complete with stretches that a certain doctor ignored ( one day even he will will find value in stretching those joints and ligaments)

No more wooden nickels.

Assemble and collect coupon, meet handicapped parking lot where I continue another warmup

Cue the music ….. Nickelback

50 IC imperial walkers
25 arm circles forward
25 backwards
50 squats
25 lunges forward
25 back
50 SSH single count

Rub two nickels together, try to get them to mate ( paraphrased)


25 curls
10 overhead presses
10 squats
5 kettlebell swings
5 box jumps

This was main event but would diminish curls by one and at each multiple of 5 do another subroutine

Go on down to the 5 and dime.

Instead of four corners or triple nickels we did 5 corners ….. ish.
5 merkins
5 side lunges ( lunge to each side for 1 count)
5 flutters
5 lbcs
5 burpees in center

If I had a nickel for each time……

Prayers and concerns for Turtleman, niece running her first ever marathon today Kiawah Island, others

I am Stephen Sobota ….. one last time 55 … Clavin!

The Runs

0230 – YHC wakes up with a gut-busting pain.  Send a text to the Site Q, “20% chance I make it today.  Stomach.”  Alarm’s still set.  Back to sleep.

0350 – Alarm goes off.  Eh.  Never called out on a Q and not wanting to start now.  Also, the words of the immortal People’s Champ were ringing through my head from Midoriyama the night before.  For all the accolades, he might be most proud of being the record-holder as the only PAX (that we know of) to, well, soil himself at two different workouts.  Well, can’t do it twice if you don’t do it once.

0417 – Text to Site Q that YHC is gonna give it a go

0430 – Frantic search for all black clothes.  Worst case, at least they won’t see it.  If their noses aren’t stuffy, they’ll still know for sure, as the air will be a different kind of fresh.

0455 – Arrive on site to a big crowd at Ground Assault

0500 – 11 PAX say the pledge.  4 ruckers head out on the usual route.  5 runners launch the Catchy Named Route.  2 PAX wait.

0501 – Sargento arrives to run with Buckeye and Quiche

What happened from there is anybody’s guess.  We all put in miles and met back for COT.

Strong crowd of 12 for a cold Wednesday morning at Ground Assault.  Glad I didn’t spend the morning washing the sand out of… well, you know.

Yabba Dabba Doo

New AO Soft Launch Life Church 12/4/23

20 PAX showed up for the BD and I had to adjust a little bit with a larger group. I hope your shoulders thanked you for it!


SSH, LSSQ, Mountain Climbers, Zombie Walkers, Imperial Walkers, Willie Mays De Hays,

The Thang

Block Gauntlet with PAX in single file plank perpendicular to blocks.  First PAX drags block underneath and moves forward until all blocks are at the end.  R&R coming back.

Cheddar Shredder – All PAX shoulder to shoulder in single file.  Drop to plank. PAX on the end bear crawls around in front of the next PAX then drops for a Merkin.  Side crawl to next PAX and R&R. Continue until all PAX are in original position.

Rifle carry blocks to bball hoop and circle up.  Q calls out exercise while the timer rifle carries a 35, 45, or 55 lb plate of their choice to the top of the hill and back. Exercises include.

Swings, Overhead Press, Squats, Sumo Squats, Deadlift, Rows, Curls, Skull Crushers, Chest Press, WW 3’s, Big Boys with blocks, for 1 round

Finished with Irkins on the block to Bring Sally Up Bring Sally Down


F3 The GOAT – December 7, 2023

We had 11 this morning at The Goat. It was nice seeing Rebar back out in the gloom.

Seeing no FNG’s, I gave a brief disclaimer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Stretches including Windmill, Toy Soldiers and Paver Pickers (since we’re at the GOAT).

We took a run on Center Street and headed to the parking lot of the First Baptist Church for a 20 minute Tabata workout (20 exercises, 40 seconds on and 20 second of rest).

Next, we did four corners. At corner one (10 merkins), corner two (10 merkins, 20 Rocky Balboas), corner 3 (10 merkins, 20 Rocky Balboas, 30 squats) and corner 4 (10 merkins, 20 Rocky Balboas, 30 squats, and 40 SSH).

We finished up the four corners at the bottom of 9th Avenue and then proceeded to run up 9th avenue and back and do the following exercises (25 Goofballs, 25 Mountain Climbers, and 25 American Hammers).

Beer Ruck: Saturday, December 9 beginning at 11:30 a.m. See preblast written by Bos.
Beer Mile: December 30 (Sargento will have details soon).

Tesla’s sister.
Ocho’s Gradmother
Mayor’s recovery from knee surgery
PAX on IR and those PAX dealing with illness.


Baby, it’s cold outside

Keeping with seasonal motif. No cancel culture here.

Started with quickly pointed out Q fail. Parked in time but was a few seconds late getting started. Only accepted answers are Yes sir, No sir, and No excuse sir.

Ran the simple route to Martha Rivers and back. The leaf pile monsters didn’t attack. New yap dog on the route. All returned safely.

Beer ruck.
Beer mile.
New Years Day to be determined.

No new prayer requests this morning.

Thanks for allowing me to Q.

Midoriyama 12/5/23

It’s December, so that means Christmas is around the corner. To get the guys in the Christmas spirit, YHC led the obligatory 12 days of Christmas workout. It was a beautiful night at Midoriyama. We saw enough deer running amuck that Santa could pull his sleigh through the triad region (Lowell, Ranlo and Smyre) on dry ground with no problem at all.

We performed a quick warmup and moseyed to the parking lot on the other side of the turd shack. Q forgot the pledge, (BIG Q fail) but we got it at the end of the workout. Once we got there, Santa Q had written the 12 days of Christmas on the asphalt for all the PAX to see. We formed a semi circle around the instructions and got to work. It went like this:

  • 1 – 8 Count Bodybuilder
  • 2 – Hand Release Merkins
  • 3 – Reverse Crunches
  • 4 – CDD’s
  • 5 – Burpees
  • 6 – Big Boys
  • 7 – Low Slow Squats
  • 8 – Werkins
  • 9 – Leg Lifts
  • 10 – Mike Tysons (a lot of protests on this one)
  • 11 – LBC’s IC
  • 12 – SSH IC

A certain grinchy PAX complained due to the “jacked up” exercises called and lack of music while performing the workout. YHC doesn’t believe this was a Q fail, just lack of Christmas spirit on behalf of the Grinch.

We had enough time to perform some dirty 11’s. Exercises called were Tiger Squats and Perfect Form Merkins (with a Burpee in the middle).

Back to the flag with just a few seconds remaining, so YHC called time. We got the Pledge in and got the COT.


  • Beer Ruck on 12/9 See BOS/ preblast channel on Slack for details
  • Beer Mile on 12/30 See Sargento for details

Prayer Requests:

  • Turtle Man
  • Sister Act
  • Tiger
  • Happy Tree’s cousin
  • Purple Haze’s Mom and M
  • Gumby’s Mom
  • Jackson Hall and his Family

YHC took us out in prayer.

Merry Christmas, SK8RS!



Circuit Training @Folsom

I always try to bring something different for my Q’s and I always plan more than I have time for today was no different. We did a proper warm up of course and disclaimer we had 2 FNG from my work. Then headed to the soccer field where I had an 8’ section of power pole waiting roughly 100 pounds the plan was one pax carry pole to end of field and back to group that is doing LLB’s working their way across I can’t thank Easy Rider enough for bringing these to my attention they’re GREAT! Anyhow we took turns carrying the pole until we got to the other side. Then moseyed to a nearby parking lot where I had various coupons set up for circuit training we did 30 seconds on 30 seconds off for three sets of each exercise wich were: sissy squats thanks to wire nut for bringing the rig,deadlifts squats laterals curls bigboys burpees leg raises ab roll outs oh press jump rope SSH we didn’t have time to make it through all the stations but hopefully the pax worked some muscles they normally don’t we discovered stogie is squat illiterate 😆 but he tried can’t fault a man if he’s working at getting better 👍. We went back to soccer field and continued back across the way we started. Then did 22 for the troops counted off by a shirtless gear wrench in 35 degree weather 😆 he’s a savage . Then 10 burpees to finish out. After all was said and done I only burned 175 calories 🤷‍♂️so I guess it wasn’t that kinda workout but PX did some exercises we normally don’t with blocks and body weight so I say mission accomplished. We pledged did announcements and I prayed us out. Men I love F3 and what it’s all about I’m thankful for all the friends I’ve made since I started 👊🏻looking forward to the next one.

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