F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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First Storm of 2024

13 Pax came out on a cold morning for the first Storm of the year.  Great to see familiar faces, and those I hadn’t seen as frequently..Stinky Bird,  Blueprint, Tricycle, a beardless Mama’s Boy. Regardless, all pax put in some good work; and I don’t believe Radar tried to commandeer the Q even once today.  2 runners joined in for COT.


Warm-Up: 10 IC: Toy Soldiers, Gravel Pickers, Don Q

4 Corner Escalator:

                       10 Squats

                       10 Squats, 20 Werkins

                       10 Squats, 20 Werkins, 30 Crunchy Frogs

                       10 Squats, 20 Werkins, 30 Crunchy Frogs, 40 SSH


100 Dips

200 Monkey humpers

300 LBCs

400 Flutters-count both legs

1 PAX member will execute as many reps as possible while PAX 2 sprints to cone 1 (or use a pole, tree, etc. for your point of turnaround), 1 Burpee, sprint back to partner, touch, sprint to cone 2, 2 Burpee, sprint back to partner, touch, sprint to cone 3, 3 Burpees, sprint back, switch with partner.

Elevens: Hand-Release Merkins/Big Boys


30 Dips/10 Incline Merkins





Five Minutes of Mary


F3 Night at Rice-and-Beans-next Tuesday, January 9. See Slack for details

2F Lunch-January 17

February 1-Push the Rock challenge. Details coming soon



Jane Fonda

Anchorman friend’s boy Jackson


All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out.  Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes has eternal life.

John 6:37‭, ‬47 ESV

Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.

John 5:24 ESV

Anchorman took us out.

Thanks for the support, the push, and the camaraderie at the Storm! Enjoyed leading these HIMS!



1st Folsom Workout of 24

Well it is 1/2/24 and I can already see those resolutions getting flushed down the crapper. This was the first time in a long time that I could count all the PAX at Folsom on 1 hand. Hate to See It. But since there’s only 5 of us total here today my plans quickly changed as I recalled leaving 5 bags of rocks (not the kind you can pick up on Ransom St. but the pea gravel variety) in the bed of my truck. 5 bags 5 PAX. It’s like it was meant to be. After a quick disclaimer and warmup we grabbed up the bags and headed to the Tennis Courts for some fun. We ran through a tough little Push Pull Legs de-escalator – escalator style WOD that consisted of Squats, Merkins, Curls, Skull Crushers, Gorilla Rows, and Stiff Leg Deadlifts. Once all reps were done run to other end and back ready and  yourself for the next round. We started with 25/1 exercise to run ratio. That’s 25 reps each exercise and one trip down and back. Next round was 20/2. The next was 15/3. The next was 10/4 and the final was 5 reps and 1 recovery lap. This time being a light jog around the fence line. Now we’re all finished we grabbed the bags and put them up met back at the flag for about 3 min. of cooldown and recovery work before we got to the Pledge and COT.

Lots of Prayers and Praises To go Around

2nd F lunch 1/17 Whiskey Mill Gastonia

Bulldog -1/2/2024

I’m a little slow this morning with the below freezing temps. I rolled in at 5:29 to see to Popo parked parallel in the parking lot. Hmm, never seen these guys before. Could they be here to get some? Naa, they’re just sharing some coffee and doughnuts. Spiderman is the only Him here! I guess it’s just the two of us. We start our warm ups and who shows up late for the party, Hunchbck, then two minutes later Sledge, Hey! We have a party! Let’s get it on!

We start with ABC’s, Freddy Mercury’s, LBC’s, R-LBC’s, CDD’s against a 50 second clock. Rinse & Repeat. Lap around the parking lot with kettle.

Next up, Flutters, Heels to Heaven, Starfish, American Hammers, Plank Jacks against a 50 second clock. Rinse & Repeat. Lap around the parking lot with kettle. 

Finally, let’s get in some legs. Squats, Step ups, Calf raises (inner/outer), Lunges, R-Lunges against a 50 second clock. Rinse & Repeat. Lap around the parking lot with kettle.

With 1 minute left, we get in some Merkins to finish up. 

Announcements: Gashouse and PainLab will switch Q’s for a role reversal this Saturday.

Prayer request: Prayers for Hunchbacks dad and Turtleman.

Sledge took us out with prayer 🙏



A little run at The Goat

So in this time between Christmas and New Years, we had a little beat down @ Goat Island! Even with the South Forck at flood stage we found some things to d over there. Went like this:


SS – Burpees X 5

IWs X 20

Grass Pickers X 20

Tesla Stretches

Mtn. Climbers X 20

DORA 1-2-3 on the big hill

Run was about 200 yards up the hill and back.

100 – Hand release merkins

200 – Big boys

300 – squats.

This was a quality call! Worked guys asses off. What you want to see.

Get by the Gondola for some fun as well.

Dips, stepups, dirkins, 10 each

Line up at the bottom of the hill and burpee broad jump to the top, mosey back.

Rinse and repeat 20X: Skip to the top and run back.

Line up for some bear crawl slalom!

Pledge and COT.


Stayed up and at it! That’s pretty good bottom line. Everybody was blowing hard after it. Mission accomplished.

Have to say ’23 was a really good year for me. Total comeback from the difficulties of ’22. I attribute a lot to F3 and the everyday drive to get up and get started outside with all the pax. A lot of other things as well but that was pretty front and center. Looking forward to a big ’24. I see you guys doing the same. Probably be a rough ride for a lot of folks, we got storm clouds out there. But that’s where opportunity is born men!



New Year’s Convergence 2024

33 pax posted to Martha’s to start the year off right.  Several even posted an hour early for either a run or ruck (Thanks to JJ and Hunchback for leading)

Our new nantan Flintstone started us off with some words of wisdom about not resting on the accomplishments of the past but to keep up the hard work.  Then after introducing the 2024 SLT, YHC took over to discuss finding your why.  In the mission statement there is a “what” part  and a “why” portion.  What – Plant grow and serve small men’s workout groups.  Why – For the invigoration of male community leadership.   We all post to make ourselves healthier but there needs to be a more significant Why to our drive.  For me it is to provide an example to my patients.  To lead by example – patients do not take advice from a fat doc.  My hope is that my patients may be inspired to take control of their health.  We all need to “Find our why”… With all that being said it was time to get after it.



Warmup SSH, Hillbillies, Moroccan Night Clubs, Squats, Gravel Pickers (Just to make Whoopee happy) Don Q

Then YHC turned the Q over to Shortsale for 6 minutes of Mary


With the turning of the calendar it is important to take stock in where you are.  You cannot know where you are going if you do not know where you are.  Therefore we broke up into 5 groups and performed 10 exercises in AMRAP format.  Exercises were Burpees, Curls, Merkins, Kettlebell swings, Squats, Chest Press, Big Boys, Thrusters, Triceps curls and Overhead press.  Thanks to Flintstone, Sister Act, Balljoint and Roscoe to act as proctors for each group.  “No rep” was heard frequently at least from one proctor.  With 15 minutes left we moseyed to the soccer field for a relay race.  Each team member ran the length of the field do 3 burpees and tag the next runner.  Congrats to team 4 for being the fastest group to complete the race.

It is important to remember that just like today there are times to push yourself for yourself but more importantly there are times to push yourself for the betterment of your team and fellow man.

Current fitness levels can be found in the spreadsheet below

New Years Convergence


There will be a beatdown award added to end of year awards.

The unofficial AO “The Halfpipe” will continue every Tuesday at 5:15 in Kinmear neighborhood at the clubhouse

Pushing Rocks will commence Feb 1 – more info to follow

Prayer Requests:

Turtleman, Montana, Jane Fonda, Sledge, Jackson Hall, Jackson Curdy, Balljoint, Cherry family

As always it was an honor to serve and look forward to great year.


Greatest .85 miles ever

Some say it’s the most CSAUP of all. Some say it’s the best day of the year. Undoubtedly, it was a beautiful day and set up to be the greatest .85 miles ever.

The gathering started at 10:30 although YHC noted that the PAX was to muster at 11. I guess they were super excited get it on!

Once everyone was at the house, we explained most of the rules, said the Pledge of Allegiance and then clown car’ed to the AO. Tables were set up at the transition area. Nantan to be Flintstone would keep the time and make sure all PAX obeyed the rules for drinking their beers and such. Oompa and JJ volunteered to be proctors for the turnaround at the far end of the route. There was even a snaggle toothed neighbor who was curious what all the commotion was in the culdesac. No worries, mister, we’re just here for a quick competition.

The spectators were in position and fanfare was at a fever pitch. Once all the runners were accounted for and the rules were given, Flintstone started the countdown, and the race was on!

Beers were cracked and guzzled then the PAX started a-running! They were pretty close to begin with and thanks to Leppard’s play-by-play commentary, we were all up on the happenings. Lap 1 went by without too much of a problem except a couple or the PAX decided they couldn’t carry on (you hate to see it) but the rest kept on pushing. Beer and lap 2, then 3 and finally 4 were finished with lots of swillin’, cussin’ and even a little merlot from the Freight. It was awesome! Sure we may have only run .85 miles but we all did the same distance and maybe next year we’ll get the mileage right.

The race was finished, and the throng headed to YHC’s house for some well deserved rest and relaxation with plenty of 2nd F to go around. In the end, some came and conquered but everyone agreed, this is THE CSAUP event of the year. Mark your calendar for next year’s edition.


Decision Day at The Yank

Started with mission of F3, to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.  Warm up of SSH, IW, gravel Pickers, arm circles and some stretches.  Pledge.

Time to make some major decisions.  Pax had a choice of easy or hard.  Easy and hard qualified by saying the easy doesn’t necessarily mean easy, it means more opportunity to adjust to own level of difficulty, but hard means hard.

Being the HIM’s they are, all but one dissenter (won’t mention Cheesesteak) chose hard.  Let’s go.  Head up Nichols Hill but take a left on Poplar.  All the way to the end. 20 squats once all arrive.  Cross Keaner.  Orangeman casually mentions “hope we aren’t headed to North Street”.  Me too, but we are.

First time this a workout has come to this spot.  The reason hard is hard is because this is a steep hill.  Starts steep and continues.  Fortunately it’s only about 200 yards.  Triple nickel is the call – hand release merkins at bottom and perfect form merkins at top.

After all had completed, took moment to talk about the fact that a decision is the first step.  If your life has something that it shouldn’t, or doesn’t have something it should then the first step to change is to make the decision.  We then talked for a moment about the 8 block.  This is a tool that can be utilized in forming a plan to better yourself.  But it helps, when you have someone to help with accountability.  Shield lock and Whetstone are great for this.

One last thing. 2023 for some has been a hard year.  Many look forward to brighter days to come.  We went up the hill one more time with all the gas in the tank.  Hill was symbolic of 2023, but everyone made it to the top.

Head back downtown, stopping periodically for jungle boy squats, 20 per stop, 5 stops.  Got back to park with time left so stopped at the corner for some dips and derkins.  Start at 20.  Orangeman M comes by, we ask her to call the round of 15.  Big mistake.  Women from! Ecuador are firey!  She thankfully moves along,  10 more and head to the Yank.

Time for a little Mary.

Good work for the last bootcamp of the year.   We discussed the 8 block just a bit more.  YHC printed several copies to hand out.  Use it men!  Don’t just complete it and stash it somewhere.  Re-visit and adjust frequently.

Announcements:  beer mile,  convergence  New Year’s morning. ruck and run at 0600, bring coupon.  Virus collecting adult clothing.

Prayer requests:  Pax traveling, Jackson Hall, Jackson Curti did not get good result from recent testing, Turtleman, Huck, Jane Fonda, Montana, safety and prospertiy in new year

YHC took us out

Always an honor.

Happy new year



Old School 12/9/23

Warm up x 15

Low- Slow Squats
Imperial Walkers
Flutter kicks

Mosey down to the town square. Here we will run four corners around the Square. Each corner is a new exercise and each round is a different muscle group.
Exercises are 25 reps.
Round 1
Corner number one SSH
Corner number two Squats
Corner number three Bonnie Blair
Corner number four Toy Soldiers

Round 2
Corner number one Merkin
Corner number two CDD
Corner number three Wide Arm, Merkin
Corner number four Hand Release Merkin

Round 3
Corner number one WW1
Corner number two LBC
Corner number three imperial walkers
Corner number four LBFC

Round 4
For one SSH
Corner number two Merkin
Corner number three WW1
Corner number four Bonnie Blair’s

Mosey over to the parking lot at Gaston and Trade. Here we perform triple nickels.
Flutter Kicks, run length and WW1
Merkins, run length and Dips
Squats, run length and Bonnie Blair
SSH, Hillbillies and Imperial Walkers

Mosey back to the field at the start.
Bear Crawl Slalom across the field 3 times.
11’s across the field.
LBC x Merlin


Prayer requests
Freights mom flu
Wire nuts family
SA knee surgery
Pockets Dad
Montana tubes removed

Short Notice

Took a Q on short notice at Folsom this week. It was the day after Christmas so I figured I’d spread a little more Christmas Joy. I’m pulling in and Pony Boy was already warming errbody up. I knew I was cutting it close but I ended up being about 3 min. late sorry guys. But with the warmup out of the way I can put em straight to werk. We mosey down to the lower lot for a quick round of Tripple Nickel with Mike Tyson’s at bottom of the hill and Burpee Squat Holds at the top. If that sounds like a mouthful well it is and it’s way worse feeling than it sounds. Once finished with that we went into the lower Gazebo for 5 rounds 20 reps each of the following.

  • Derkins
  • Bulgurian Split Squats
  • Dips
  • Leg Lifts
  • SSH

We finished each round with some active recovery and stretching.

Once finished with the final round we headed back to the Flag stopping at each light pole on the way back to a random exercise at each.

10 Shoulder Taps at the 1st. 20 Heels on the Curb Sissy Squats at the 2nd. 30 Mountain Climbers at the 3rd. All exercises at the 4th.
Head to the flag for the Pledge and COT.


Thanks for the Hard Work Men

Pledge, Prayers, COT

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