F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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GasHouse Relocation of Idiots

Core Principle #3: Held Outdoors: Rain or Shine, Hot or Cold. F3 is easy when the temperatures are comfortable, say the 50’s to about 70 and without precipitation. In the winter months when it gets into the 20’s and 30’s, maybe add a layer or two to survive past the warm-up, but mix in the rain and the cold? F3 quickly turns into “F-that!” Such was the case this morning with the temperature cooling in the mid-thirty’s and a front delivering a steady deluge of rain. Hunchback and I agreed to swap workouts this morning but there is minimal shelter near to the Schiele Museum parking lot, so we discussed our best options to deliver a steady beat-down to any idiot willing to escape the fartsack (#leading). The contingency location of the First Presbyterian Church Portico would become the spot for the workout. I took the first half and Hunchback the second. Here is how the morning began.


IC x 10: Toy Soldiers, Imperial Walkers, Arrows (missed you SA), Monkey Humpers aimed at the Ruckers arriving late. Now that Whoopee was there, time for Gravel Pickers. Since Whoopee and Roscoe disdain for the “warm-up” and opted for merkins, I extended the reps to 16. Next up on the warm-up list was Merkins (don’t f with the Q). No mosey, let’s get to work; split into partners:

Partner 1 grabs a jump rope; Partner 2 performs the exercise. 30 seconds on, 12 seconds to switch for 3 rounds of:

  • HR Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Apollo Ohno

Heartrate is now elevated, let’s hit the cardio with a Every Minute On the Minute (EMOM):

  • 10 Squats
  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 Merkins

This is a grind of steady work with limited rest before the next round begins. Scheduled for 10 rounds I had to Omaha after 8.

Next was the strength and core portion of the workout. There were 10 stations and a number of dumbbells, kettlebells, blocks, or bands to use. Timer was set for 40 seconds of AMRAP work with 20 seconds of rest to recover and prepare for the next station:

  • 21’s – use a stretch band: 7 curls to halfway, 7 curls half to shoulder, 7 full arm curls
  • Bent over flies
  • Romanian Deadlift: 5 right, 5 left, continue rotating for the time
  • American Hammer – use the medicine ball or weight
  • Single Arm Shoulder Press x 5 while opposite arm does a static hold of a dumbbell/kb; switch after 5, continue until time
  • Tricep chop – lie flat on ground, chop left, center, then right side AMRAP
  • Reverse crunch w/ block or weight
  • Hammer curl to Shoulder Press
  • Palm up Renegade Rows
  • Squat to Press (i.e. Thruster)

That was my time, giving way to Hunchback who’s playlist was not really Pain-Labish. He claimed the theme was cold or rainy – but slinging steel to Katy Perry is not really the vibe – even Whoopee agreed!

So I owe Hunchback a Q. I’ll scout for improved weather and look forward to seeing the Pain Lab regulars so I can test them for a full hour.

Thanks to the 10 other HIMS that posted in the miserable conditions. It certainly made the time go by in a much better way than if I had been solo.

The Rainy Day Stay Dry WOD

Well it was me and Purple Haze at Old School this morning. As  soon as the clock rang 0700 we immediately moved ourselves vehicles and all to the Old Courthouse so that we could put in a little work under the gazebo. I said we’d stay as dry as possible and that’s what we did. We both grabbed a couple of sandbells each and I snatched up my handy dandy Monster Torch speaker and off to the gazebo we ran. Once inside I cranked up my Classic Rock Workout Playlist and we got started. We did a nice long warmup and a lot of functional stretching afterwards to make sure the  body was ready given the weather conditions this morning. Once finished with the warmup we completed several rounds of strength exercises followed by recovery exercises. The first round started with 15/45 work to rest ratio. The second was 30/30. The third was 45/15. The final round was 1 min. work no rest between exercises. The exercises were Front Rack Squats, Curls, Overhead Press, Bent Over Rows, and Deficit Merkins – hands on the bags chest to the ground Merkins. The recovery cycle at the end of each round was 20 SSH, 20 Arm Circles Front and Back, 20 Slow Butt Kickers, 20 Slow High Knees, and a couple of stretches. This cycle was done between rounds to keep the body moving while giving it a little recovery. This workout was by no means a lung buster but the heart rate was elevated and most importantly the muscles were very fatigued by the last two rounds. After the final round we put everything back in my truck and there was about 10min. left so we decided to get in a quick little Fellowship Mosey and by the time we got back we had in a mile. We said the Pledge at the Courthouse Flag then headed back to the vehicles for the COT and that was time.


2nd F Whisky Mill in Gastonia 1/17


TurtleMan, Huckleberry, Ball Joint, My Family, Broke’s Mom, Hall Family, Gumby’s Mom, and many more I’m sure

Downtown is Falling Apart

Got a text from the Site Q yesterday as it turns out Slaw is still recovering from his yeast infection. And since SA is recovering from his Reassignment Surgery he asked if I would be available for the workout. So I was in a tight spot with no plans but that’s OK I’ll do it. Someone has to step up and keep Downtown from Falling Apart. When I arrived several minutes early I might add I see Ball Joint broken hip and all now there is a HIM he modified as needed throughout the workout. As we ran through several rounds of Triple Nickels in the parking deck running end to end in between each exercise he modified by doing the work on one side then the other. We progressed from the first deck to the top we did a Triple Nickel on each floor with the exception of the top deck which we did some burpees before heading back to the Rotary Pavilion for a few rounds of Deep Sea Divers followed by few rounds of Hand Release Deep Sea Divers. We finished things up with a couple rounds of Reverse Crunches and LBCs.



Announcements: Pushing Rocks TBA, 2nd F Whiskey Mill Gastonia 1/17


Turtleman, Ball Joint, SA, Hall Family, and a lot more I’m sure


The Goat 1/4/24

Fourteen HIM and an FNG joined YHC at The Goat this morning for a frosty start to the day.

Warm Up:  15 SSH / 15 Imperial Walkers / 15 Crack Pickers (since we have a block parking lot, we pick cracks)

Stretch Legs: Right over left, Left over right, and feet together.  Stretch Arms: Right behind back, Left behind back.

Count off and mosey to upper lot for a modified DORA.  Today instead of a DORA we are doing an ORA-OYO.

100 Seated Arm Raises then run around the building and back up the stairs.  200 Squats and a bunch of bitching…then run around the building and back up the stairs.  Some powered through others took an extra lap to break up the squats.  300 LBCs and even more bitching.   Why aren’t we doing a normal DORA?  Because YHC wanted everyone to stay warm this am.  LBC’s and a lap or two or three and we finished up our ORA-OYO.  The rep counting chatter was great and there was little debate as the callouts were made.

Mosey around the building again to the back alley for Touchdown-Beatdown.

Bear Crawl from the End Zone to the 10 for 10 Jump Squats. Run to the 20 for 20 Merkins. Run to the 30 for 30 Dying Cockroaches. Run to the 40 for 40 Apollo Ohnos. Run to the 50 for 50 LBCs. Run to the 40 for 40 Lunges. Run to the 30 for 30 V-Ups. Run to the 20 for 20 Merkins.  Run to the 10 for 10 Toy Soldiers.  Run around the block and back to the start for a repeat.  Many guys got through two laps.  Everyone made it past the 50 on the second lap.  Everyone had a great time according to the chatter.

Mosey back to the flag for a brief Mary and the naming of FNG Kyle Creed, or Skyjack as we now know him.

Announcements: Rice & Beans next Tuesday evening. Get with Virus or Anchorman to HC.  2ndF lunch 1/17 at Whiskey Mill.

Prayers for ALL.

No Quotes Today

Midoriyama 1/4/24
Cotton Pickers
Leg Stretches
5 Burpees for Slaw (Pax were not agreeable that Slaw should have burpees called)

Pledge (Discussion about pledging immediately after Burpees)

The Thang
Run to three different locations to work on the full body, upper body, Ab’s and Lower body.

Run to the far soccer fields parking lot for Upper Body exercises.
20 Merkins
20 CDD’s
20 MNC’s
20 Mike Tyson’s (crowd favorite)
Bear Crawl across parking lot.

Run to middle parking lot for AB’s exercises.
20 Flutters (Count right or left)
20 Hammers (Count right)
20 LBC’s. (Single count)
20 Reverse Crunches (Single count)
Al Gore Walk across parking lot or just regular Duck Walk.

Run to parking lot close to the batting cages for Leg exercises.
20 Rocky Balboas
20 Calf Raises
20 Low Slow Squats
20 High Knees
Lunge Walk across parking lot.

Run back to soccer fields parking lot to repeat the Thang.

After repeating the earlier Thang. Mosey to Softball Field #1 for Triple Nickel with 5 Mike Tyson’s and 5 Squats for 5 times coming back up the hill using the steps.

Announcements: P200 needs runners, See Pockets.
F3 Lunch at Whiskey Mill on Wednesday, January 17th.
Pushing Rocks is coming…..Feb 1.

Prayer Requests: Slaw, Jackson Hall, Ball Joint, Turtleman, all of the many sick all around.

Thanks to all the Pax who showed on a chilly, windy, winter afternoon. No quotes or themes today just running and exercising but maybe next time. If you haven’t been to Midoriyama in a while or ever, come on out and join the fun. There is always a good group, lots of mumblechatter, and usually a tough(ish) workout!

Man vs Car or Stymied Again at the Pub

It has been awhile since YHC has run the Pub, so it was great both to be back and to Q! 8 runners set out together; some not thrilled with the chosen “Sargento Backwards” route, but I had done this before so no problem, or so I thought. Now I sympathize with the other pax who say they still get turned around in the neighborhood, which caused Broke to get in a little extra mileage that he didn’t want or plan for.  Despite that, and the three-car conundrum at the intersection, the run and fellowship was good! Great to be with this group at this venue again and to have Alma Mater with us!


2F Lunch at Whiskey River in Gastonia

Rice and Beans next Tuesday at Salvation Army

Push the Rock challenge on Feb. 1-Preblast coming soon

Prayer Requests:



Jane Fonda


‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11:15‬ ‭ESV‬‬

[15] He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

“Hearing God’s Word is a matter of focusing our whole being- mind, heart, and will- on the Lord, receiving what He says to us and obeying it. The Word of God must penetrate our hearts and become a part of our inner beings if it is to change our lives.”

Waterboy took us out.

Thanks for coming out! Pleasure to lead!



Shout out David Tepper

Here’s a picture of my wienke, shoutout Epstein.

Warm up:

SSH, Gravel Pickers, Moroccan Night clubs, and a new one called David Teppers or just Teppers.

Mosey’ed to the parking lot where I had 10 stations set up. Tabata style: 40 on, 15 off x3, rotate.

Made out way back for COT.

We pray for Wirenut’s mother and uncle battling illness.

We pray for Brillo, Sarlacc’s son returning to service.

We pray for Turtleman, Huck, Oompa, Balljoint, and the Hall family.


Ace is the Place

Bandit was out for Diablo this morning so in his honor, four HIM and Scrat rucked the Ace Hardware route to check out their specials. Tours of Riverwood and Martha Rivers were on the agenda and two shooting stars were seen.

Announcements: Rice & Beans, F3 Lunch, Pushing Rocks begins in February

Prayer requests: Lovin family, F3 Fugitive

Safety First

It was overheard in the gloom early this morning, “When did the upper 20s become not that cold anymore?”  But 5am is still dark, so those PAX who “forgot” their safety lights were gifted new ones for their run.  The glow of lights could be seen for miles……ahh, what a sight.

When everyone returned back safely we went over the announcements…….

3rd F Twenty-Twenty-FOR volunteer opportunity on Tuesday 1/9
3rd F Rice N Beans
More about Rice N Beans

2nd F lunch  on Wednesday 1/17
2nd F Lunch for January

And then prayer requests……..Today I’m going to ask that you pick just one of the recent prayer requests you’ve heard and spend a moment praying specifically for that person/situation.  And if you are comfortable doing so, let them know you did.

Always an honor to serve.

I’m Anchorman, you stay classy Gastonia.

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