F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Masters Division

Masters Thursday starts a 4-day holiday weekend for many, but today wasn’t a picnic for the 5 HIM who put in work at Bulldog.  Here’s what I remember:

YHC led off with the pledge and a warm up, then proceeded to talk about the Masters theme.

“Masters athletes are typically 35 years or older.  World athletics rules define masters athletics as starting at age 35 for both men and women.”

And there we have it.  We all qualify as Masters athletes, so outside of the warmup, we’re going to use 3s, 5s, and 35s.

The Thang:

  • 10 x Don Quixotes (IC)
  • 10 x Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • Tesla Stretches
  • 10 x Mike Tysons (IC)
  • 10 x Dying Cockroaches (IC)
  • 1 lap around the parking lot

First set of 5 x Burpees (OYO)

Masters talk

Routine #1:

  • Run to the end of the lot and make a left to the illuminated area
  • Jump rope 35 times
  • Run back
  • 35 x Moroccan Night Clubs (OYO)

Routine #2:  35 Lindsays

10/25  15/20  20/15  25/10  Step-Ups/Dips

Routine #1 (Round 2)

Routine #3:  Core Work

  • 15 x Flutter Kicks (IC)
  • 15 x American Hammers (IC)
  • 15 x Toe Touches (IC)
  • 15 x Penguins (IC)
  • Plank – 35 seconds

Routine #1 (Round 3)

Routine #4:  5 x 7s

5 Rounds of:

  • 7 x Kettlebell Swings (OYO)
  • 7 x Double Crunches w/Kettlebell (OYO)
  • 7 x Kettlebell Thrusters (OYO)

Routine #1 (Round 4)

Routine #3:  Core Work

  • 20 x Flutter Kicks (IC)
  • 20 x American Hammers (IC)
  • 20 x Toe Touches (IC)
  • 20 x Penguins (IC)
  • Plank – 35 seconds

Routine #1 (Round 5)

For once in YHC’s career as a Q, we finished early, but with the “35” theme, we had an opportunity for some unique Mary, and the PAX obliged

  • 35 x Six Shooters (IC – Orangeman)
  • 35 x Mountain Climbers (IC – Clavin)

And that was it.

No doubt Orangeman won money on the Masters.  We all got our money’s worth.

Grab a bell and be here next week.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Midoriyama 4/11/24

Nice day at the Mountain. YHC took the Q, so you know that it’s gonna rain. Sure enough, a good downpour hits at 1721. By 1726, the rain subsides and it’s time to get to work.

Warmup: Seal Jacks, Moroccan Nightclubs, L/R stretch, R/L stretch, grass pickers.



Stop at each light pole on the right for 5 Mike Tysons, 10 Squats. YHC believes there were 6 light poles.

Go the large soccer field near dog hill for the classic Red Barchetta. Start at one end of the soccer field, Run to the other end of the field for 100 SSH. Run back to start. Do 5 Burpees then run 75 yards out for 75 Mountain Climbers (count right leg). Back to start, 5 Burpees. Run 50 yards out for 50 WW1’s. Back to start, 5 Burpees. Run 25 yards out for 25 Merkins. Back to start, 5 Burpees. Run 10 yards out for 10 Burpees. Return to start for 5 Burpees to finish it up.

Mosey over to dog hill for triple nickel. 5 H/R Merkins at the bottom, 5 Jump Squats at the top for 5 rounds.

Head back towards the flag. Stop at each light pole on the left. Perform 5 Werkins, 10 CDD’s at each pole. Circle up at the flag for Iron Hulk. We almost completed the whole thing (for once). We made it to completing the 10 Merkins, ran out of time before we could get the 40 overhead presses done.


  • The Goonie on 5/4
  • Extinction run on 5/18
  • 2nd F lunch at Simonetti’s in Belmont on 4/17

Prayer Requests:

  • Anchorman
  • Turtleman
  • Huckleberry
  • Numerous RESPECT PAX with various ailments
  • Hei Hei had a praise report. He’s thankful for F3, the brotherhood and comradery. Aye, brother!

YHC took us out in prayer.


It’s getting warmer and the humidity is starting to rise. The guys pushed hard and sweated their tails off.  We’re coming into the time of year where the rock stars are separated from the groupies at Midoriyama. Come on out to see if you’re David Coverdale or Tawny Kitaen!



Something for Everyone

I put together a little mashup of movements that I felt like had something for just about anyone who enjoys a good workout. If you don’t enjoy a good workout then you possibly hated every dang bit of it. If you weren’t there here’s how it went down.

We started things off with the Pledge then a quick Disclaimer.

After that we got things moving with a pretty good warmup. This consisted of SSHs, Merkins, Lunges, MNCs, upper and lower body stretching and mobility work.

Next we headed up the park entrance rd. stopping at each light pole along the way for 10 Big Boys and 20 LBCs each time.

Now we’re at the little horse track where we utilized the fence posts for a little superset of Back and Bicep work with Chest and Tricep work. We did this by alternating between tricep focused presses on the top bar followed by underhand grip inverted rows on the same bar. We started with 20/5 reps and worked our way to 5/20 reps.

We then moseyed over to the bleachers for some leg work. We did 5 Split Squats per leg. We followed that with 10 Tiger Squats. Finally we finished with 10 Single Leg Calf Raises. We repeated this sequence 5 times.

We stayed at the bleachers for a round of Triple Nickel. We did 5 Burpees at the bottom Box Jumping to the top step and then 5 Jungle Boys at the top.

We moseyed back towards the flag once close we got in one last hurrah. We lined up 3 wide NASCAR style and got in several rounds of sprints both downhill and uphill.

Well that’s it we got in some good strength and plyometric work as well as Steady State and HIIT style cardio. I think we about covered all workout styles in this one.



Ville2Ville The Porn Edition-Take 5

6 men posted just before 3 am on Saturday morning at the North Gaston Cabinet Shop. We had a wheels up target of 3 am and a race start time of 5am. We had 2 first timers and 2 on their 5th time. Shout out to Broke for being a like minded gorge runner. Everyone seemed to be fairly alert on the ride up and ready for some action. The first wave starting group was at a record number. The first time we did this race there was only about 70 teams. They used to cap it and it would sell out in a matter of hours. Now there was 50+ starting at the same time and 200+ teams. Broke lead off for team Beer2Beer and lead some 40 other runners in the wrong direction heading up the Blue Ridge Parkway. He didn’t go to far off course before getting it back under way. Meanwhile as we left the starting line we spotted a moose that cast a shadow even in the dark! Who knew they had those in Ashville? Someone mentioned seeing one this time of the year meant there would be 6 more weeks of winter.

While we waited at the first exchange zone we spotted the best looking eye Dr. in North Carolina. He was a 4 time teammate until he abandoned us for some Belmont folk. You know how they are. I’m pretty sure his whole team was wearing whale shirts. Just after he walked off a walleye came by and poked me in my left eye. I was able to overcome and run my route. It was pretty amazing. When I got underway I noted, via my headlight beam, how much tree sperm there was flying through the air. It was like being in a tree porn and I was in some kind of gang bang record. Slaw and Broke seemed to really be taking it in as they hacked and sneezed all day. Tree sperm and porn was discussed throughout the day.  Part of the way through my run a flounder came by and poked me in my right eye. It was getting hard to see at this point.

We made our way along everyone knocking out there runs in battflipper style. The wind was blowing pretty hard at times so Slaw had to batten down the hatches(aka cover his ears) so the sails(ears) didn’t catch wind and lift him off. You may not realize it but Slaw has some superior core strength. It takes a lot to keep those ears from pulling him away from Earth’s gravity when the wind picks up. As we approached him on his first run he was the lead guy in a group of about 4 right behind a woman. I felt like she needed to know so as we passed by I yelled “watch out there’s a pervert behind you”! Man that made me laugh again when I typed it. We teased Slaw for running and pitching woo while he did it. We even saw a van with “you can’t stop the woo” painted on the window.

Doing dirty dangerous things with your brothers really does create a bond between you. I reveled to the guys I’m a descendant of the PPP tribe(pigmy penis people). They are mostly found in the Northern Atlantic and Southern Pacific.  We all found out that our favorite desert may be pineapple upside down cake. It’s mmm mmm good! To bad we didn’t eat any during the race.

You also have the chance to see some crazy things while on the road. We saw some copperhead goats while driving down Tallywacker road! You just don’t get that opportunity everyday.

As we plunged into South Carolina the temperatures started to rise as they usually do. While Sparky was out melting to the Asphalt we got to hit the brewery in Travelers Rest, were the exchange zone is, for a beer for the first time in 5 tries. Usually the line is way too long. We barely had time to drink because Slaw rolled out of there on his was to a 7:20 pace down the greenway. Ridiculous!

We started the race with some EC and Leppard figured we’d end it with some. As we waited at the finish line he pinged me through his life alert and let me know he was lost. Gumby and I took off after him but with a little direction he eventually found his way back on course.

We as in this team or most of the members are retiring from this race. 5 times was plenty. We are moving on to something new. It’s been a great time and a great race. I hate running but I just can’t get enough of spending time with these guys in a van pushing ourselves, laughing,  sharing stories, and creating more. No matter how uncomfortable it gets it can never compete with the good feeling you get from the experience. Even if it is in the middle of a tree porn.


PPP Representative,




Random Stuff Around D-Town

Random Workout Movements were performed at various locations about Downtown Dallas on this fine Saturday morning. Several guys showed up to run EC and they kept on running instead of joining the workout. They had all intentions of this as I already knew because of the upcoming V2V relay. No problem I have a couple of guys still with me ready to put in a little work. So we did just that. After aimlessly meandering about Dallas’ busy back roads putting in some hard work here and there for about an hour we ended up back at the park just in time to see the running men coming in for their finish as well.



We’re Out

Old Dudes Win

We had a rather large crowd (20) for Football (Frisbee Rules) today. I started us off with an intense warmup of 2 SSHs before we were off to the back soccer field. We quickly marked the field with mini cones. Afterwards I chose Wojo and Wiki as captains and just like that we had Team Old Dudes and Team Cocky Ass Youngsters. These puny teens and tweeners picked myself, Bedpan and JJ only because they ran out of kids to pick. Our median age was 25 and that’s only because Bedpan, JJ and I raised that age tremendously. On the other side team Old Dudes median age was somewhere in the ballpark of 50. This would’ve been way worse if they didn’t draft Pizza the Hut(17). This  offset the deficit that Oompa(86) and Leppard(74) put on them. Team Youngsters immediately started with the mumblechatter. I heard there’s no way we’re letting those Old Dudes beat up on us. We’re gonna crush them. I tried to rein them in. I tried to warn them. I said you shouldn’t be this cocky and arrogant guys. Don’t let those White New Balances, sent of BENGAY-AsperCream, knee and back braces fool you these guys came to play and they mean business. This ain’t Maden or 2K this craps for real. And with that they were up 4-0. I then yelled at the boys not so cocky now that those Old Dudes are kicking your asses are you. We managed to get in a few scores before the Old Dudes dropped the hammer on us one last time running up the score to something like 10-4. Let this be a lesson kiddos don’t ever underestimate your elders. It’s upon the strong shoulders of the generations before you in which you are propped on. One day you’ll have your chance to be part of that foundation. Maybe then you’ll understand what it means to lace up those White New Balances. Put on that stinking ass BENGAY and knee sleeves and then lay the SMACKDOWN on a bunch of punk tweeners in a Frisbee Rules Football Game for 45min. Then go home soak in an epsom salts bath. Then rub on more AsperCream and go to bed knowing that in 2 weeks those same tweeners are gonna try their luck to no avail once again.

See Y’all At The Next One


Montross Returns To Prison Break

I grabbed the Q this morning as a good opportunity for a final short run before the Ville 2 Ville relay. I haven’t been out to Prison Break in a while so it was good to get back out among the fellas. I was so pleased to learn my first leg of the V2V included a staircase. Nice! The weather was great and all put in work.

4/16 Hold’em at The Storm

Started at 5:30

with 1 PAX showing up a minute late, the rest who were on time served the punishment of 5 Merkins



no FNGs

Warmed up with 10 SSH IC, followed by 41 LBC in cadence (for some unknown reason), although the PAX decided to stop counting somewhere around number 37.

@Flintstone heard a mythical train and decided to do 5 burpees

Mosey to the school where YHC had hidden the workout deck. The Pax got to draw a card, (2 at a time), and performed the first exercise at the school, ran to the driveway, performed the second exercise and back.

@Flintstone heard another mythical train and decided to do 5 more burpees

100 SSH

20 Heels to Heaven

20 Back lunge

60 second low plank

100 flutter kicks

20 Lunges

5x each side Bulgarian split squats

300M sprint


Second, we played Texas Hold’em with the cards. 2 teams were dealt 2 cards each, and YHC showed the Flop. Each exercise on the flop was performed 10x, followed by a run to the end of the parking lot where the 1st exercise on the dealt card was performed 20x. Back to the deck where the Turn was shown–20x of that exercise followed by the exercise on the second dealt card.

Prior to the River, YHC showed the exercise to be betting on – backwards run. Team 1 went all in (1/4 mile) and team 2 called. The river was turned and Team 2 lost with a pair of 4’s, queen high. Team 1 performed 5 burpees in celebration of their pair of Kings while Team 2 ran backwards. @Flintstone heard a third mythical train and decided to do 5 more burpees. Team 1, led by @Nutria, joined for half of the backwards run.

Back to the deck, where several more exercises were performed due to time constraints.

Diamond Merkins

@Flintstone did more burpees for nonexistent trains

@Sargento and @Dr. Suess led some singing

Hand Clap Merkins

Alternating side squat


Chuck Norris Merkins

200m Sprint

Mtn Climbers

Wojo squats

High Knees

Backwards lunges

Oblique crunches

100’ish meter bear crawl


100’ish meter lunge walk


Mosey back to the flag for 3 minutes of Mary and COT.




  • @Sargento had a client pass over the weekend. Prayers for them
  • Anchorman
  • Turtleman
  • Huckleberry
  • Orangeman has a friend in need of prayer
  • Tooth Fairy job and recovery from surgery
  • Fannie Mae starts a new job today
  • Prayers for Nutria – his daughter starts drivers ed today. Also a praise

Prayer to end workout, and on to Coffeeteria with chocolate dipped pretzels, thanks to YHC’s shortie, Kaylin.



Community Foundation Convergence

Shoutout to the 35+ pax who posted to the Community Foundation Run/Fundraiser Convergence.   F3 Gastonia also had an additional 18pax running Ville to Ville therefore 53 pax pushed some sort of rock Saturday morning.  Great job men – Great showing.  With the help of Dr Seuss and Wirenut we led a classic beatdown in front of several community leaders showing Gastonia what F3 is all about.

Standing just outside the ballfield and with no FNGs to start, a quick disclaimer was given by YHC then launched into the warmup with 10 each of SSH, Merkins, LBCs and Imperial Walkers.  Each pax then carried a coupon into the outfield to save for later. My warmup continued with reps of high knees, butt kicks, karaoke x2, and nur across the outfield.  I then turned things over to Seuss for what he called 7 of diamonds. Although we planned on using the baseball diamond unfortunately it was occupied by the sound system and finish line equipment (Didn’t they know we were going to be there??)  Seuss was able to modify a “diamond” into a trapezoid? or rhomboid?  Hell who knows he teaches second grade how is he supposed to know about these advanced shapes.   But needless to say it definitely wasn’t a diamond.  But at each corner we did reps.  First time around was 7 Burpees, second round was 14 Flutters, third was 21 Big Boys and fourth was 28 CDDs.  Yes CDDs although I’m not sure the form quite right so lots of “no reps”.  Despite this we picked up an FNG along the way.  I’m pretty sure Sargento leap into the stands and pulled this guy by the ear onto the field to come join us.   Welcome to Pyle our newest pax who is 21 and from Gastonia.  He wants to go into the marines – thus Pyle – as we already have a Gomer.  At this point Wirenut wrestled Seuss to the ground and handed him a full sized coupon which pinned Seuss to the ground for the rest of the workout.  Wirenut then went full on wirenuts and called rounds of OHP, Curls , Squats and Merkins on the block.  First round was 50 of each exercise then sprint to midfield to do one burpees.  Then return to do same exercises but 40 of each.  Spring to midfield and do 2 burpees and so on with 30 reps and 3 burpees, 20 reps and 4 burpees and 10 reps and 5 burpees.  Our senior pax and crazy ass/formless leader Tesla led the way.  Not sure what exercises he was doing but I can assure you they did not look anything like called exercises.  I mean how do you do a merkin without bending your elbows?  Time was up as we moseyed back out of stadium to parking lot for COT.


The belt made its triumphant return after being snatched from Wichita’s hands.  The belt was awarded to Dr Seuss who amassed 103 points during the Pushing Rocks challenge, including 70 individual posts in Feb and March – that right 70 posts in 60 days.  Way to go Seuss!!

Team 6 won the team based challenge with 306 points – Congratulations to Wirenut (88points), Slaw (97), Def Leppard (54) and Sarlacc (62).  Team 6 has won the rights to the next convergence – more to follow

2nd F lunch Wednesday at Simonetti’s

The Goonie – May 4th – Bring a ruck and water/snack if needed. 3AM at the Schiele – we will be back by 6:30 so you can then post to your favorite AO bootcamp afterwards.

May 18th – Extinction Run  – 9am at Primal start with 13 minute mile and drop by 20 seconds each consecutive mile.  $20 donation to go towards Muscular Dystrophy research

Thanks to all who made this a success – Special thanks to Purple Haze who then led the community foundation run with two track commanders for speed for need.  Shoutout to Hei Hei and Pony Boy who manned the chairs.  Finally thanks to Hunchback who was able to work behind the scenes to get us the venue.  It’s high visibility events like these with real impact to the community that make all the difference and what makes me proud to be part of this organization.

Until next time – Defib out

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