F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Farming At Folsom

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Mountain Climbers, Plank Jacks, Hillbillys, Moroccan Nigh Clubs, and Overhead claps
THE THANG: This was another variation of my Farmers Workout:  Each PAX took a turn to run the the “course of chores” which included the Chain Drag, Farmers Carry, Block Loading, and Tire Hammering. While the man was in the course the remaining PAX were back home doing work that was drawn out of the hat, SOME of that work included: Squats, Merkins, LBC’s, Jungle Boy Squats, Shoulder Taps and there were others! Oh yeah I forgot to mention that we also had “The Rock” (no not Duane) but our friend who weighs somewhere above the 50 lb range, the deal was that once the work started the rock couldn’t touch the ground or a 5 burpee penalty would be incurred. The Rock must be shared by all PAX! Did it hit the ground…? YES 2 times that MAY have been intentional (thanks @Pony Boy and @Bed Pan) As always I saw some areas for improvement and look forward to bringing another version of this out soon!
MARY: none
COT: Jason (BP’s friend), Gumby’s mother

Dry pub on the summer solstice

No alcohol served on the Sargento route.

Just sweat.
Beautiful sunrise though.

Unlike Star Trek all the red shirts returned safely.

Lightning workout July
Annihilation workouts coming up
Slaw and Gold Digger led respectively

Maybelline M
Maybelline coworker’s M
Barnes family
Others not mentioned

Merkin Mania and Stay Fresh Meth Packets

The HIM came out to the Old School in search of a beatdown. What would happen? They showed and soon they know’d. No weinke was needed either. This is what happened…

Stretching warm up to get loose and some merkins thrown in. Mosey around the corner and stop for some more merkins. Mosey from there to the alma mater of many-o PAX for the Thang

Dora 123 – partner up and do 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs and 300 Side Straddle Hops. The other partner would take a lap around the bus drive in. Perfect form was done by all. On one of the laps Gumby noticed a pile of what looked like a spilled can of snuff or maybe meth packets.

Next we did Wall sits for a bit and then a bear crawl under the covered drop off. A mini slalom was done and then back with what we did before.

Mosey from there to the wide truck drive behind the Ingles for some 11s. Big boys on one end and merkins on the other. There was quite a bit of corner cutting by the usual suspects who struggle with counting reps. #HTSI

Fellowship mosey to the small cul-de-sac for some more stretching.

Mosey the long way back to the start and the about 12 minutes of Mary with explicit instructions to limit the work to abs and a 10-rep max. Some tried to test the Q’s resolve but those attempts were squashed!

Time! Thanks for the opportunity to pick up the vacant Q. Aye!

Announcements – Tuna 200 needs runners (congrats to Chili for the HC), July 4th at Yank, Lightning workout

Prayer requests – Gumby’s mom, praise and prayers for Wirenut’s mom’ treatment, Purple Haze’s dad knee replacement and a friend from Italy who was in a shark attack

Respect Q

YHC  was the only PAX w/o respect. I had to earn it by having the group doing the following in cadence on the bouncing park rubber.

No FNG, disclaimer , pledge GO…

Warm ups

Right hand to right foot   Flap jack

Right over left       Flap jack

Side straddle hops/SSH


Mountain climber


Imperial Walker

Toy soldiers

Cherry Picker jk gravel pickers.
We moseyed the long way to the bunker where we counted off to 10. Set up 11’s with one side LBC’s other side Mike Tyson’s. Everyone got to choose how they wanted to travel between each set. Wall sit for the 6.


Next was Dora

Pick a partner and do 100 CDD, 200 calf raises, 300 flutter kicks. While one partner was doing the exercise the other ran up the bunker stairs and down the hill back to starting point. Wall sit for the 6.

Final set… 4 corners

SSH, CDD, low slow squats, heals to heaven. Started out with 5 reps of each in each corner. Make way around and increase 5 until all the  you reach 30 reps at each corner.  Fellowship mosey back to yank for 3 minute marry.


Prayers, praise, announcements


Four ruckers and three runners show for a perfect Sunday Morning. Q source topic was Influence. Every man has an influence by the thing we say and don’t say, and what we do and don’t do.

Announcement: Fighting Yank clean up 6/22 after boot camp. Blood drive the following week. Forth of July post at the yank @6:30am with reading of the Declaration or Independence.

Pledge, prayers, praise

Slaw Claw Practice

Many Pax posted this morning. We Ran.  Afterwards Slaw gave Def some practice tips on the newly Patented Slaw Claw.

To learn more about the Slaw Claw post at Midoryama and play some Ultimate Frisbee.



Prayer Request:

Gumby’s Mom, Stogies M, Hall Family, My Friend Jason.

Come out today to Bubba’s 33 for some 2ndF Lunch.

The Bed Pan is Full

The Storm 6/18/24

5:30 hits, time to get started.  Lead off with quick disclaimer, do have an FNG present.  Mission of F3 – to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men, for the invigoration of male community leadership.” Train comes right on time, 5 burpees.  Pledge.  Warm up of SSH, IW, gravel pickers and some stretching.

Ruckers stay behind, everyone else take a lap.  Four corners of 20 flying squirrels, next corner, 20 FS and 30 hand release merkins, next corner 20 FS 30HRM, 40 bobby hurley, next corner 20 FS 20HRM 30 BH 40 big boy sit ups.  Same thing in reverse, unstack it all.

About 10 mins remain, 20 step ups each leg.  Head to the wall for suspension merkins.   Sprint back to flag

Say a few words on putting in the effort it takes to get better, going to get out of it what you put in to it.  Also some words on the Queen, careful what you consume, food and drink, but also with eyes and ears.

Announcements: 2nd F lunch at Bubbas 33 on 6/19, clean day at The Yank on 6/22, blood drive on afternoon of 6/26, Living Hope church

Prayer concerns: families that have had tragic drownings of young children, PAX traveling, Turtleman family, Huckleberry, Anchorman, Murtaugh family, Jackson Curti. Maybelline M job search

YHC prayed for all,

Named FNG – welcome Valley Girl!


The Folsom Salute

Warm Up,

Merkins, some stretches Oh is that Stogie rollin in a few minutes late? Turn and lets get some Monkey Humpers in Cadence.

I even heard from one the Pax say we all gave him the Brown Eye Stare.

Either way as always in Fun and a great way to get the mumble chatter going.

The ThanG:

Stadium Paladium: 5 Australian Mountain Climbers, 10 Big Boys , 20 Dips,

Repeat 5 times

Shelter : 10 Mike Tysons, 20 Step Ups, 30 HillBillys, sprint to the closest Fence for 50 Seal Jacks.

X5 on the last round we bear crawled vs Sprint.

Total Recall: Triple Nipple:

Peter Parkers then Parker Peters or was it the other way around.

We ran we pledged we werked.

Prayer request

Hall family, Wire Nuts Family, Turtel Man’s Family, my Friend Jason Black is Having Surgery today.

The Bed Pan is Full!


Sprinters, Ruckers, and My Team Won at Football Suckers

I noticed 6/17 spot at Lifeline needed a Q so I sent a DM to Hot Corner and he said it’s yours. So I planned a short warmup and an even shorter workout that would have the legs ready for what I really wanted to do which was play a little UF Rules Football. Warmup was full of SSHs, Merkins, and lots of mobility work. Whoopee and his band of misfits exited stage left at this point to get in a good ruck while the rest of us got in a quick workout. The workout consisted of lunges, bear-crawls, high knees, but kickers, jogs, and sprints. Now that the legs are juiced and ready to get after it we’re all ready for some football. Mayor complained about team selection process but ever since he’s been on IR he’s been quite the whiney b!+ch anyway. After a few scores between teams the ruckers showed back up and I let Mayors team choose 2 players since they were down a man in the first session. My team picked up Tiger while the lesser squad picked up Whoopie and Roscoe. This seemed to appease any discrepancies in team selection previously mentioned. We still got in a little work while playing. You see the rules were if your team scored then your team does 10 squats. On the other side of the ball if your team is scored on your team does 10 burpees. Team Uno (my squad) did like 60 squats to only 30 burpees. That ratio alone tells you everything you need to know about team Dos and how good Mayor McBrickhands and Slickdigits Stagecoach’s team faired in the game. As a matter of fact if not Mr. Whoop Ass Whoopee himself showing back up the game wouldn’t have been that close. He would be my MVP vote for today if we were doing such a thing. Nothing like getting the game ball for the Altlanta Falcons Superbowl Squad right Whoopee. All jokes aside we all won today because we got in good workout and had some fun while doing so.

Announcements: Street Cleanup this Sat. Rice and Beans tomorrow, Lunch at Bubba’s 33 on Wed. Blood Drive the 26th.

Praise – Prayers: There was an In-law Relocation mentioned, My mom, Turtleman’s Family, Hall Family, Multiple families of recent Drowning incidents, Gumby’s Mom, Westside’s Father in Law, Each Other


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