F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Going, Going, …

You can tell race season is dying down. YHC with a solo trip around The Halfpipe.

Only two weeks until the AO officially fades into darkness until next season.

Don’t miss out.

Mammon and Soggy Run/Walk

Good crowd considering the weather. We had 4 runners and 2 walkers. You already know what category I was in.

Pledge, Prayers, Announcements

Blister (Blart) showed for Q Source just after the work was done. Just like a blister usually does. Speaking of work we had a great discussion on work (Mammon) and the goods and bads of it.

So Long Men

Not enough for Football

I put it out on Slack early in the week that I was wanting to play some College OT Red Zone rules flag football at Old School this week. If I could get enough interested in playing we we’re gonna do it. Now knowing how competitive Def Leppard is at these sorts of things I figured he’d be a sure thing to show up and play. I already had imagined him ironing that ratty assed Downhill at Dawn tee shirt and then searching through that old trunk in the back of the garage looking for his Dallas Highschool Letterman’s jacket. Finally rubbing saddle soap all over that dry rotted leather helmet of his. So you could only imagine my disappointment when he said he was running a 5k this weekend.

Slowly throughout the day I saw that this was more than likely not going to happen as a lot of PAX were interested but had prior engagements. It looked like it was going to end up being a normal workout if I didn’t get a crowd on Saturday morning. Well that’s what it was. We had 1 runner and 4 Bootcampers.

Oh well I guess life goes on. I put together a pretty good one or at least I think so and that’s all that matters. We warmed up. We ran, and got in some good work along the way. If you’re interested in what we did then you should have shown up.

Pledge, Prayers, Praises, Announcements


Ricky Bobby Leg Killer

It was a nice clear dry morning this morning. Which was great because was my attempt here the soccer field and track were standing in water and I was not able to utilize them. Today is my second attempt at The Ricky Bobby and everything is dry and in the clear. So get ready to get run over by this Mack Truck. This one might make you regret getting out of bed.

Started with the Pledge and The Disclaimer.

Warm up consisted of the normal stuff so no need to explain it.

After the warmup we made our way to the track bleachers for a few rounds of Dips and Derkins. This would be the first and last of the upper body movements. After these we took a lap.

Back to the bleachers this time for a few rounds of single leg step ups and squats. Once finished with the final round of theses we got in 20 monkey jumpers IC took a quick stretch break. Then we took another lap around the track.

Once back to the bleachers we got back into the leg abuse with split squats and jungle boy squats. We pushed through 6 rounds of these. Somewhere around set Flintstone said I had to be doing this on purpose at this point. He wasn’t wrong. I had 50 reps of split squats per leg planned. This doesn’t seem like much until you’re about halfway through as we were and someone keeps saying rinse and repeat. We caught another quick stretch and headed around the track one last time.

At this point the legs are very warm and loose. Loose enough anyway. We headed out on the field for some speed and agility drills that consisted of 3 rounds of each high knees, butt kickers, karaokes, rolling sprints, regular sprints, and nurs.

Thanks Men for the great work.

As I told Flintstone if your legs feel better in a few days do this one again. It was a stability and plyometric killer.

Praises, Prayers, Announcements

Rain and mammon

A cool and sort of rainy morning at Members Only. Us runners at 0630 didn’t have any rain but it was coming in 0715 when we were finishing COT. Not sure what is was like for the fast long runners at 0545 or ruckers at 0615. Winter is here for two days at least.

Announcements: See previous backblasts

Jackson Curtie infection still has hope for the next 100 days
Sargento’s uncle cancer
Orangeman’s friend beat cancer, rang the bell

YHC prayed.

Great crowd, thanks again men.

We had a great discussion on our work as men and how it fits into our lives. I always learn a lot Sunday mornings.

Running from the police

We went from a lot happening on 4/20 to almost nothing in Belmont. This was the original date for the extinction run but there was a 5k scheduled for Belmont so it was moved. We thought the roads would be blocked so BOS warned us but they were opened all the way until 0800 just before the 5k was to start. The roads seemed to be open by the park just after the last person came trotting by for the 5k. All of the hustle and bustle for no reason it seemed like.

Growing up I originally thought the 420 was a police code for the devil’s lettuce but I learned later it life that it wasn’t. I took the police code theory and ran with it, literally, we almost had 3 miles running around Belmont on this clear cool morning. Here’s what I remembered.

Mosey to shelter for warmup:
Stretches, sort of
Seal jacks x11 IC
toy soldiers x11 IC
overhead press x11 IC
gravel pickers x11 IC

Mosey to track to use the field
1st police code – 314 Indecent Exposure. 11s of Hello Dolly’s and monkey humpers, run the width of the field.

Mosey the long way to the bunker, thanks to Rebar 🙂
2nd police code – 10-72 prisoner in custody. Triple nickel of HR merkins and overhead press

Mosey to Main St. for route 66 of CDD’s
3rd and final police code – 10-43 in pursuit.

We ended at Nelly’s and saw Hunckajunk blocking a road. We asked for an escort through the closed roads at 0800, he said good luck with that.

Fellowship mosey to the office parking lot for DORA. Find a partner. 100 LBCs, 200 Flutters and 300 MNC.

Mosey back to start for Iron Hulk and 4 minutes of Mary. We tried the mary in the “closed” street but it was in fact not closed, 4 minutes before 5k start too. Oh well. Time!

Goonie ruck 5/4/24 0300
Rice and beans 5/14/24 1745
Extinction run 5/18/24 0900 Primal Brewery

Jackson Curtie
Madaline 12 y/o w/ cancer

YHC prayed.

Thanks men.

Was it Leg Day? Was it Upper Body Day?

On a glorious (but dark) Carolina morning at the Tequila Sunrise, 19 men set out to become Better, Stronger, Fastish. YHC was dosed up with Zyrtec D, but remained lucid and in control at all times (as far as anyone has told me).
We started with warmups, then Step Ups and Triceps Dips on the school benches (abbreviated SU&TD for reasons which will become clear). To the road back of the school where we ran the street stopping for 5 Squats, 5 Merkins and 10 LBCs at every streetlight. The group knocked it out all the way to Davis Park. SU&TD at Davis Park on the picnic tables, rinse and repeat, and a special round of Double SU&TD (two steps up the picnic tables). The leg workout was followed by pullups on the playground equipment and a quick round of scorpion merkins. Despite breathing heavily, the lads were game though and cheered when YHC announced SU&TD again.
We ran the road back to the school stopping at streetlights in the same manner as previous. A passing train afforded the opportunity for a few quick burpees. Approaching the school, we were still about three minutes early and so the benches begged for a few additional SU&TDs. A bit of Mary and we were done.
Jackson Curdy had his new bone marrow Friday, his new birthday they’re calling it.

PainLab 20-Apr-24

Disclaimer:  Not a professional, but we will not move to fast or too far that you will not be able to keep up.  Work in between will be done with my count or a count of others who are called on.  Work hard for them. Stay with the group in cadence.  We will not go so fast where anyone gets left behind.
Principles of F3:
1) Free of charge (zero cost, never charge for a workout)
2) Open to all men (no matter the man, you are welcome)
3) Held outdoors (rain or shine, heat or cold we are out there)
4) Peer led (led in a rotating fashion by the men who attend)
5) End with a Circle of Trust (always ends with a COT)
Mission of F3:  Plant, Grow and Serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Warm Up – Short Sale handled this for us

Grab a coupon.

Thang:  Take whatever kettlebell you have and do 100 of each exercise called.  Every time you stop during that 100, multiply x2 and do that number of burpees.  For instance, if you stop five times as you work to the 100th rep, then you do ten burpees when you finish before moving on to the next exercise.  Its not a race.  Use good form and make your body move to where it needs to.  If not now, there won’t be a later.  Don’t waste the day.

Exercises are:  curls, KB swings, goblet squats, crunches, tricep OH extension, straight leg deadlifts (deadlifts were redacted).

OH Hold walk:  Put the KB in your hand, raise it above your head and lock it out and do a lap.  Same penalty as above if you stop and put it down.  One lap per arm.

Iron Hulk for time.  We had 10 and that is a hard number.

Take the weights back to the cars and circle up for Mary.  We did 25 flutters IC and that was time.

Announcements – See short sale’s BB.

TAP – See short sale’s BB.


A Four-Minute Masterclass

Yesterday, five brave PAX gathered in the gloom to test their mettle at the Bulldog location. The morning was cool and quiet, as the group prepared for an intense workout with Qing taking the lead. The promise of four-minute AMRAP sessions for each exercise had everyone geared up for a challenging and rewarding start to the day.

DJ Push Play provided the perfect soundtrack for the morning, curating a playlist of eight songs, each precisely four minutes long. This set the pace for the workout, which focused on targeting eight major muscle groups: hamstrings, chest, biceps, triceps, back, quads, shoulders, and abs.

The structure was simple but intense: for each exercise, PAX were tasked with performing as many reps as possible within the four-minute timeframe. After each set, there was a one-minute break for rest or light moseying, allowing the group to catch their breath.

Four minutes can feel like an eternity.

Announcements: BOS Clown Car to MECA 10th anniversary, Extinction Run, The Goonie

Prayer Requests: BOS’s family, Orangeman’s friend, Anchorman


Chili with a side of Slaw

Well, it seems we finally got Chili to co-Q a workout. By we, I mean Flintstone. He EH’d Chili into co-Qing a workout with his brother. Maybe that’s why he Chili was reluctant to commit. Whatever the case, Flintstone made it happen. We had beautiful weather. Time for Chili and Slaw to give the guys what they paid for!

Slaw leads the warmup with SSH, Stretches, Moroccan Nightclubs, Grass Pickers, and Low Slow Squats


Chili takes over with a quick mosey to the first light pole on the right across from the playground. Before we began, I told him to mix it up. He took that to heart, because we did a myriad of exercises and different reps at each light pole.

  • 1st pole – 5 Mike Tysons, 5 Burpees
  • 2nd pole – 5 Burpees, 10 LBCs ???
  • 3rd pole – 20 LBCs??, 5 Mike Tysons??
  • 4th pole – Screw it, I can’t remember

Chili leads us the soccer field closest to dog hill. Partner up for Dora 1, 2, 3. Exercises were:

  • 100 Imperial walkers (Count right leg)
  • 200 Flutter Kicks (Count right leg)
  • 300 LBCs (Single count)

While partner 1 does the work, partner 2 runs to the other side of the field, performs 10 LBCs, and returns.

Once the PAX finish, Chili hands it over to Slaw. Since we’re here, lets knock out the longest mile. 4 rounds of:

  • 12 Mike Tysons, run 1/4 lap around the soccer field
  • 12 Squats, run 1/4 lap around the soccer field
  • 12 Merkins, run 1/4 lap around the soccer field
  • 12 Walking Lunges, run last 1/4 lap back to start

Once complete, we head back to the flag. With 1 1/2 minutes to go, Flintstone calls American Hammers until time is up.


  • The Goonie on 5/4
  • Extinction Run on 5/18

Prayer Requests:

  • Freight’s Dad
  • Purple Haze’s neighbor’s family
  • Anchorman
  • Huckleberry
  • Turtleman

YHC took us out in prayer.

Thanks to all the men who posted today to support Chili with his co-VQ. Hopefully he’ll Q a workout in the future! After a lot of EH’ing, he finally posted about 6 months ago. He loves F3 for the fitness, but he loves F3 the most because he has met a group of like-minded men who love to harass his brother! Keep EH’ing and harassing!!


Slaw/ Chili

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