F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Page 19 of 917

Walls and Balls

10 Pax posted at Old School Saturday morning. No EC was completed which is odd. Broke was noticeably absent. He was out of town and has now reached wine gala rich. No hate brother…..well maybe a little. SA was oddly early and Def Leppard came in hot, parking in an unusual spot which caused him to lose his trucks twice later on. Pallbearer left the cherry picking behind in pursuit of a grown man’s workout. I was proud of him until I saw his effort on the wall-ups.

Warmup: Just some stuff that came up at the time. I did throw in a cherry picker or two to ease PB in to it.

The Thang:

Mosey up to Main St. Run to Ingles with a route 66 of Bobby Hurley’s at the poles. Over at the side of Ingles we partnered up for some Dora. 100 Freddy Mercury’s, 200 Mtn Climbers, 300 SSH’s. The other partner runs across the grass to the wall of Ingles and does a wall-up. That is walk your feet up the wall until you reach balls to the wall status. Sadly we had a couple girls afraid to get their shoes wet and they ran around the grass to the sidewalk. Others looked like they were doing dirty hook-ups with their feet instead of wall-ups. HTSI

After that we hit Main St again for descending route 66 Bobby Hurley’s. At this point Wirenut and Leppard got in to a discussion about Duke and Carolina players in the pro’s. Of course as Carolina fans they had to go back 30 years to find somebody to talk about. Wiki had no idea who they were talking about and wondered if they were still shooting granny shots back then.

Back at the start I had setup a volleyball net. Wirenut had mentioned wanting some team sports at OS this summer so here we go. I read something some others areas were playing called Wazonka ball but I couldn’t quite figure out if they were using a net or not. So we played normal Vball rules but every time you hit the ball  you have to drop and do a burpee. The team that gets scored on has to do a burpee. You can’t score on the serve. All of these seemed to confuse everyone but I shouldn’t be surprised. It was hard to remember to drop and do the burpee after you hit the ball. SA was a good team mate and reminded me several times. Leppard and Wirenut had to be called out a few times after hitting the ball a dozen times in a row without doing a burpee. Leppard may still be out there catching his up. The grass was wet so the ladies had to suck it up. The ball got wet so it was slippery. It was something different and all in all a pretty good time. We did get to see PB do a little dance. He looked like the gopher from Caddyshack rotating his hips.



Announcements-Lunch this week, Extinction run next Saturday, Memorial Day Murph

Prayer Request

It’s Tool Time!

In honor of ToolTime’s birthday, YHC played TOOL throughout the workout. Leppard got a Werther’s. This is what happened…

Pledge of Allegiance

Warmup & countoff

Mosey toward the pond where we were told to do 11s from the top of the concrete walkway to the fishing dock at the bottom. Mike Tysons at the top and Goofballs at the bottom. Upon arriving at the bottom we realized that there were plenty of fisher people there so for the rest of the routine, we did the Goofballs at the gazebo that was about halfway down. The PAX sighed with excitement.

Once we finished this very tiring routine, we fellowship moseyed back to the start for YHC’s new creation, Trashcan Shooting. We took turns shooting shots with the approximately 6-inch ball for a 15-foot target. If we made it we did 5 reps of something, if we miss, we did 5 of something else. To put it bluntly, we really, really, really sucked at this! As I recall, we made 3 of 30 shots. Pathetic. Don’t quit your day jobs men!

Announcements – Rice n Beans this Tuesday, 2nd F lunch this Wednesday, Wikileak’s birthday Q Tuesday, Extinction Run Saturday, Memorial Day Murph

Prayer Requests – Turtleman ,Huck, Anchorman, Jackson Curti, Westside’s father-in-law cancer

Against Dr Seuss’ wishes, we finished by singing Happy Birthday to Tool Time.

Eye Contact

13 Pain Labbers got in some Yoga, a couple circles, some partner work, a Gumby ripoff, Tom Petty, Bob Seger, the Stones, and some uncomfortably long stares between PAX.  Here’s what I remember:

We gathered all our many bells, blocks, and Thor hammers to the landscaped wall right in front of the handicapped parking, because that was the ideal setting for today because the Q said so.  Stroganoff warmed us up… kind of.  A little more stretching would be nice:

  • 10 x Don Quixotes (IC)
  • 10 x Gravel Pickers (IC)
  • Tesla Stretches
  • Sitting Figure 4 Back Stretches

First Circle was:

Ring of Merkins

  • All PAX hold plank (form police was on it) and one at a time do
    • 1 Merkin, then
    • 2 Merkins, then
    • 3 Merkins

Easy enough.  Heihei and Mayor got into this staring contest during their Merkins.  It’s like the rest of us weren’t even there.  Grab the bells next, for some slow cadence counts of:

  • 10 x Flutter Kicks (IC)
  • 10 x Chest Press / Pullovers (IC)
  • 10 x Dying Cockroaches (IC)

Good form and slow core work is where it’s at.

Next we did like a Dora-Lite, where 1 partner runs and the other stays and does exercises, then flapjack, then repeato and flapjack again, getting 2 full rounds of each exercise before moving to the next one.  Exercises were:

  • Dips
  • Step Ups
  • Squeezes (Standing Chest Press)
  • Double Crunches
  • 1-armed Bent Over Rows

The running was modest, but not nothing.  And the guys put in the work.  The PainLab crowd knows how to modify, but it’s modify as necessary, and the guys stepped up to the plate.  The next round of running had a little more teeth, but before that, another round of:

  • 10 x Flutter Kicks (IC)
  • 10 x Chest Press / Pullovers (IC)
  • 10 x Dying Cockroaches (IC)

Quick Moleskin:  There’s a number of good Qs in our region who can put together a grinder of a workout that tests your endurance while hammering the same thing over and over again.  Everyone has their favorites, and the longer I do this thing, the more I like those workouts that begin with me thinking “You’ve got to be kidding me”, but as the thing grinds on, I realize that I’ve got it and I’ll finish it and be smoked and smiling at the end.  Anyways, if the Qs you were thinking about didn’t include Gumby, then you need to catch a Gumby Q on the rare occasion that it can be caught.  When trying to put together the steak to today’s PainLab Beatdown entree, I kept coming back to this workout from Gumby, that took about the whole time, but was awful and awesome all at the same time.  There were 3 things I wanted to do, and keep it simple, and I wanted to run, so here’s what I came up with.  Gumby’s was better:

5 Rounds

  • 25/20/15/10/5 Reps
    • Curls
    • Swings
    • Merkins
  • 1/2/3/4/5 Laps
    • Run – Around both sculptures
    • Walk – To handicapped spaces & back

Push the weight.  YHC brought the 53 pound kettlebell, and at least 3 PAX got in some work with it.  The run wasn’t long, but it added up.  1.8 miles in a PainLab workout on the day is quite a bit.

As the leaders wrapped up, they joined Top Hat for:

  • American Hammers
  • Mike Tysons
  • LBCs

We took the coupons back to our vehicles, and went back to the flag for one more circle

Ring of Boxcutters:

  • All PAX hold 6 inches and one at a time do:
    • 1 Boxcutter
    • 2 Boxcutters

And that was all YHC could do holding the 6 inches.  But the bootcampers showed up, and we couldn’t just StarGaze, so we finished up with

  • 5 x Burpees (OYO)

And that was time.


I bought a bunch of kettlebells from Carolina Fitness Equipment right when we opened up the Bunker and I got tired of swinging a ruck plate.  Woody (Remember him?  Heard there’s been a couple sightings in the Gloom lately) and Rudolph both told me that a 35 pound kettlebell was what I needed, and that I might think it’s too much, but to trust them.  They were right, but I bought ’em all.  Step ups in sizes from 18 to 54 pounds, just because I didn’t know, and someone told me that F3 was free, and I figured I could justify spending the money.  Anyways, the 54 pound kettlebell just sat in my building for 2 years before I took it to a workout once and Nutria saw it and wanted to take it home.  Fast forward, I got it back, and since I’ve been pushing a little more weight lately, have been bringing it around, and wouldn’t you know I can throw it.  It’s not any easier than it used to be, but time happens and the sweat and work we put in pay off in what we can do now that we couldn’t.  Don’t forget that, and don’t get comfortable.  Let’s keep pushing, because what’s impossible now will be possible later.

Thankful for another opportunity to lead.

Yabba Dabba Doo

A Tardy Q and a Blown Weinke

7 PAX somehow found their way through the rat maze to find the cheese in the middle, as it seemed like every road led to a dead end and every traffic light was out.  The cheese was Limburger.  Here’s what I remember:

YHC left with 27 minutes to get to Midoriyama for the Q, and somehow had a funny feeling all wasn’t going to go according to plans.  First up, Dallas-Stanley Highway was closed at the Dallas side, so YHC took the alternate route, expecting to go Highway 7.  Halfway down Highway 7, the road was closed again, and the new route had the Q arriving at 5:36.  A quick call to the Site Q, and the early shift was covered with a warm up, and one last parting request of “Oh, and have the guys grab some blocks.”

So out of my chariot and straight onto the field to lead the action, and it was on.  A couple quick runs to get the legs loosened up, and

  • 10 x Imperial Walker Squats (IC)
  • 5 x Burpees (OYO)

and then we circled back, grabbed the blocks, and went to the lower lot to finish the workout YHC had planned a couple weeks ago, but was too ambitious with time, and didn’t even come close to getting to the Main Event.  So here we go:

The Main Event (15 Minute AMRAP)

  • 15 x Skinny Block Merkins (leave the block long ways while holding the sides and doing Merkins – like a Diamond Merkin)
  • 15 x Windshield Wipers with the legs arching up and over the block, then arching back counting as 1 rep
  • 15 x Tricep Extensions
  • 15 x Block Swings
  • 15 x Pretzel Crunches L
  • 15 x Pretzel Crunches R
  • 15 x Block Split Squats L (a Bulgarian Split Squat using the block turned vertically for the back leg)
  • 15 x Block Split Squats R
  • Run to the end of the lot and back

At some point, the wind picked up (not like Wednesday) and the Weinke blew away, and Oompa let me know that my Weinke just got blown.  Speaking of blown, the bleachers by the horseshoe pit got lifted up and through the fence during Wednesday’s storm.  Lots and lots of damage out that way.

We pushed into the 4th round, but that was plenty, and there was more to do.  Leftover cole slaw wasn’t sitting well.  If it was July, YHC might’ve had a Spew & Q.  Great time to work the abs.

  • 15 x Freddie Mercuries (IC)
  • 15 x Flutter Kicks (IC)
  • 15 x Toe Touches (IC)
  • 15 x American Hammers (IC)

Last thing was a simple one, but a burner all the same, with Elevens:

  • 10 x Thrusters
  • 1 x Mike Tyson

Not dirty, because there was already enough dirt built in on this one.  Defib led the way, and was gunning to lap Slaw.  Slaw was having none of it.  YHC and Purple Haze stayed together and brought up the Six.

Blocks back to the pallet

Time for a little more ab work if we hurry

  • 10 x Flutter Kicks (IC)
  • 10 x American Hammers (IC)

And that was time.


Crazy how we take so much for granted.  There’s been a lot of power out this week, but even just traffic lights, and the driving chaos and crashes that resulted from people on the roads who think the rules don’t apply to them.  If we all always just do whatever we want, it’ll be crazy.  We’re better when we look out for each other.  Thank you to each and every person who keeps the lights on, the streets safe, our hearts beating, our veggies picked, our prayers lifted, and all the little (but big) things that make our society what it is.

Grateful to for the opportunity to lead (for 39 minutes anyways)

Yabba Dabba Doo

Post Goonie

Goonie kicked our butts but we still had a good showing. I had to do something that would be a true You vs You to allow everyone to push themselves as much as they could with some wiggle room. I figured I would make it to the end, but was not sure how much motivation I was going to be able to provide.

We started with disclaimer, warmup, and pledge then headed with entire bootcamp and painlabbers to the entrance of the museum to use the steps. We did some exercises then moseyed the parking lot with weights. Repeated this a few times along with some tabata workouts. Overall it was not too painful but got the job done. I was worn out from the goonie but thankfully the pax there kept me on track and pushed me.

My BB is a week old so I don’t remember much about the mumble chatter. I do remember I needed a nap after finishing the Goonie then posting. Thanks for the push men.



Back to the Gashouse

Due to illness, work schedule, family commitments, I have not Q’d in quite a while and have only Boot Camped 3 – 4 times over the past 2 1/2 months.  In order to force myself to post, I asked Short Sale for the Gashouse Bootcamp Q.  He relented.

Good crowd for the Bootcamp and PainLab.  Well done men.

No FNG’s so we got right to the warm up:

12 SSH’s IC – 12 Imperial Walkers IC – 8 Merkins IC

Time for the bootcampers to leave the painlabbers behind.

We moseyed up to the drop off zone/pull through (sorry, I’m sure there is a more official name for this) at First Presbyterian Church for some simple circuit work:

3 sets of 3 exercises followed by two slow moseys around the drop off path.

Round 1:  10 Merkins – 25 LBC’s – 20 squats – Slow Mosey (Rinse Repeat 3 times)

Round 2:  10 Derkins – 30 Flutter Kicks – 10 Lunges – Slow Mosey (Rinse Repeat 3 times)

Mosey to the back of the Church outside the fellowship hall for Round 3 where the mosey included running from the covered portico up the steps to the scout building, perform 5 merkins before returning.

Round 3:  12 dips – 30 Freddy Mercurys – 10 Step Ups – Slow Mosey (Rinse Repeat 3 times)

For the finale of these exercises we repeated one set of each of the exercises for a total of 36 sets of exercises.

Still time remaining so we partnered up for some Dora 1-2-3 at the Pad.

Exercises included 50 Merkins – 100 Mountain Climbers – 150 Flutter Kicks.  Partner two ran up the steps and performed two burpees before returning to relieve his partner.  That is correct, I included a few burpees in the workout.

Time to mosey back.  We paused three times for 10 Squats and made it back right at 0800.

Well done men.

Announcements:  Extinction run next Saturday, the 18th.  If you can’t be there, please consider donating.  Lunch coming up this week at Ray’s Smokehouse.  Multiple prayer requests.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Until the next one.  Aye.


Chinawhite and the Snowman

After a smooth 2 mile EC the Folsom group engaged in some of the funniest mumblechatter I’ve heard in awhile. From snow and balls to yellow fever and bologna, to Margaret and aliens absolutely nothing was off the table. And yes, some of that is code so sucks if you weren’t there because I’m not explaining.

10 rounds alternating between Hades bar wrist curls and battle rope while partner went to pay Mr. Snowman a visit.

Then went and hit the gym and did 3 rounds of 45:15 per station and ran a lap in between transitions to next station. Between Margaret, her kids, and Spider-Man we had a nice crowd cheering us on.

Made it back just in time for some Mary before closing with COT and prayer.

We pray for Turtle man, Huck, the Hall family, Brillo, and several others spoken and unspoken. God’s got us covered boys. Just gotta keep seizing the day to honor Him.

Return to Ricky Bobby

YHC had not posted or Q in a while.  Posted for the first time in a while at The Storm on Tuesday.  In COT, Nutria asked a Q for the Ricky Bobby on Wednesday, so I took it to force myself to post two days in a row.

Showed up Wednesday to see Bubba Sparx and Rebar already there.  The additional PAX started to roll in.  The clock struck 5:30 a.m.





10 Imperial Walkers IC

10 Merkins IC

10 Gavel Pickers IC

20 Squats OYO

Mosey to the back of the school for Route 66 Merkins while lunge walk between every other parking line.  Nur back to the start repeat but replace merkins with CDD’s.

We next did the Horseshoe.  Nothing special here, just the route we ran from back of the school to the front is in the shape of a horseshoe.  At the end of each mosey we did the following exercises.

10 Merkins

20 Squats

30 Reverse Cruch

40 Monkey Humpers

We did 4 sets of the exercises.

Returned to start for core work.

25 of each of the following exercises


American Hammers

Crunchy Frogs

Heels to Heaven

Hip Dips


Big Boys

Time  6:15

Announcements, Prayer request, Name O Rama and then I took us out in prayer.  Thank you for the opportunity to lead and the push.  SYITG



What a Drag

Today was simple.  Drag the monster wheel…

The PAX were split into two groups.  The first group were hitched to the 70# (?) tire, while the other group would perform a MARY.  The tire drag was around one complete row of parking spaces .  Then alternate.  Repeat this routine until 5 minutes prior to the end of the workout.  Mosey around the entire parking lot with a Nur to finish out the last leg.

COT included the pledge of allegiance, announcements:

Don’t forget Mother’s Day
Rice and Beans on 5/14
Golf tournament for Young Life
Flintstone asked that PAX get involved, choose something, one thing
Crisis assistance ministry needs volunteers for two hour shifts this Saturday
PT test will begin in June, the first Saturday of the month

and prayer requests:

Breaker Breaker’s mother for recovery from hand surgery
Breaker Breaker’s cousin to recover from a stroke
Jackson Purdy, bone marrow transplant appears to be taking
Buckshot for recovery from pulling his back out
Flintstone notes the good men of F3, continue to serve and do good

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