F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Tres Dora en la Cabra

12 HIM posted this am at the Goat for Tres Dora en la Cabra or Three Dora at the Goat.

Warm Up:

SSH / Imp Walker / Gravel Picker x 15 IC

Stretch Left over Right / Right over Left / Stretch to your toes.

DORA Uno – Mosey to community center and partner up.  Even with a count the Q was challenged by the one that got away.  Start with 12, one is rucking.  Count 11 but really there is 10.  Finkle joined Bubba for a dog walk and YHC was off to a bad start because we did have even teams.

100 Merkin / 200 Squats / 300 LBCs  Partner runs across the parking lot and back

DORA dos – Mosey to playground on island.  High knees across the bridge then partner up.

100 Derkin / 200 Dips / 300 American Hammers  Partner runs around paved track.

DORA tres – mosey back across bridge with butt kickers and partner up in the upper parking lot. Due to time we had to modify.  With 10 pax we split DORA tres evenly. 10 Jump Squats / Run across the lot and back / 20 Imperial Walkers / Run / 300 SSH and run across the parking lot and back to the flag for a speed round of PAX Mary.


Norwood and Family, Turtleman and Family, Pilgrim, EhYall and Family (Mother In Law surgery), PAX traveling and on IR.


7/15 F3 Dads at Gashouse

7/19 2ndF Lunch at Pita Wheel Dallas

Thanks for playing along.



Yank 7/8/23 BOS & Mac’s Eggscellent Adventure

This is what happens when my 2.0 Musicbox, aka Mac and I hit the road together and share plenty of windshield time.  We think of fun ways to punish our F3 pax.  Today, eleven HIM posted at The Yank for a 5K they never planned to run.  It went something like this.

Warm Up – SSH / Imp. Walker / Gravel Pickers x 15 IC.

Enough of that, time to break up into teams of three leaving out two of us who planned to walk instead of run.

Green Team = Buckshot, Pizza Man and Orangeman.

Black Team = Sargento, Tesla and Gavel

Red Team = Anchorman, CPAP and EhYall

Team Walk/ Referee = Norwood and BOS

Each team is handed a list of five points of interest around town, each stop includes 25 reps for each pax and instruction to pick something up and return with it in one piece before time expires at 0750.

First Baptist Church = 25 Dips.  Team colored raw eggs hidden on front steps.

First Presbyterian Church = 25 LBCs.  Eggs hidden in driveway island.

Park Street United Methodist Church = 25 Merkins. Eggs hidden in near benches and trees near entrance.

Lutheran Church of the Holy Comforter = 25 Burpees.  Eggs hidden behind sign.

The Point at Central & Main = 25 Monkey Humpers Eggs hidden near benches in flowerbed.

Q Note:  Since most of the stops were churches, “the point” caused a little confusion even though the streets listed were in the instructions.  In fairness there is a POINT church on Wilkinson.  I’ll accept the Q fail…

With eggs in hand the teams raced to the finish while Norwood and YHC walked part of the course.

Penalties were waiting at the finish for broken, missing and late eggs.  Here is how it ended.

Green Team 1st at 0733

Black Team 2nd at 0740

Red Team 3rd at 0742

Since we had time we completed the penalties.  25 American Hammers for a missing egg.  25 Flutters for a broken egg and 25 Merkins for a late egg.

With a few minutes left we completed a quick round of Jack Webb before heading back to the statue.


Dads 7/15 at Gashouse

Lunch 7/19 Dallas Pita Wheel


Norwood & Family,  Pilgrim, PAX on IR, Traveling PAX & Families

The pub 7/13

11 HIM presented themselves at the Pub/diablo this morning.  Happy to have Hunchback run with Scrat.  Also good to see Wojo not only post but walk from home to post! Runners ran to Martha’s and back.  Ruckers Rucked.


F3 Dads on Saturday at the gashouse.  No bootcamp but will have painlab

Annihilation at the Yank (Tiger)

Lunch at Pita Wheel in Dallas next Wednesday (7/19)




Jackson Hall

Pilgrams Progress



Bulldog 7/11 – you ain’t from around here are ya…..

Tube let me know he had his eye on me today, curious why I was moseying into these parts of town.   Spiderman assured him he had given me his blessing and Tube slowly calmed down.  But, he kept watching close.   Somehow, I had to figure out a way to mix no bootcamp today or I’m in big trouble.

The Thang:
Big Boy-25
Weighted Squats-25
Overhead Press-25
Weighted Flutters-25
Heels to Heaven/Homer Marge-25
Calf Raises-25

We did a fellowship mosey around the parking lot and Tube was actually okay with it.  Mumblechatter was awesome.
Rinse and repeat most of it.

Triple Nickel:
Lunge walk one way about 50 feet, each location is either 5 CDD’s or Dips

1/2 Lindsey’s:
15 Derkins/5 Dips
10 Derkins/10 Dips
5 Derkins/15 Dips

With coupons:
Overhead Press
Chin Pull Up

Around this point we are just about at time.

2nd F lunch is Wednesday July 19 at Pita Wheel in Dallas, 12:00 noon
F3 Dad’s this Saturday at Gashouse
Noisy Cricket with Painlab Q
Tuna sign-ups going on now


Honored, aye.  Linus

Coconut Horse July 9

Usual route, usual suspects plus Winehouse for 5 mile run, 45 min ruck or 20+ mile bike ride (Whoopee).  Great to have Winehouse this morning!  Anyone interested in bike riding Whoopee is training for something stupid.  Come out and join him Sunday mornings.





Midoriyama 7/11/23

Had a great crowd post in the Midoriyama heat for another serving of weak sauce from YHC. YHC knew it would be a scorcher, so he planned a weinke that would keep the PAX in the shade as much as possible.


  • Merkins
  • Don Q’s
  • Stretches



Mosey towards the park entrance. Stopped at a few light poles for 5 CDD’s, 10 Reverse Crunches, 15 SSH (SC). Head across the road to the paved loop that is almost completely covered in shade. YHC will admit he stole this one from Pizza Man. It’s one of the workouts he posted on Strava. YHC modified it to suit his needs.

  • Run one lap around the loop
  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 Squats
  • 300 LBC’s
  • Run another lap around the loop

Even though we were in the shade, it was still pretty hot. Time was running short, so YHC had to skip the Burpee Dans (dangit) and head back to base. We stopped at the light poles on the way back for 5 CDD’s, 10 Reverse Crunches, 15 SSH (SC).

Once we arrived at the flag, we had enough time for 22 Merkins for the veterans.


  • 2nd F lunch 7/19 at Pita Wheel in Dallas
  • Annihilation workout 7/15 at the Yank w/ Tiger Q
  • F3 dads workout 7/15 at Gashouse. Regular bootcamp closed but Painlab will be open
  • Need a few runners for the Tuna 200. See Pockets if interested

Prayer Requests:

  • Norwood and his upcoming surgery
  • Jackson Hall
  • Turtleman
  • Huckleberry
  • Montross’ Mother
  • Hacksaw recovering from surgery
  • Oompa’s co-worker’s wife’s aunt suddenly passed away from a heart attack
  • PAX traveling
  • Brillo headed to Navy boot camp on 7/24
  • Shatner’s 2.0 is headed to Parris Island for boot camp on 7/24

YHC took us out in prayer.



Just Like Being Back in School

11 Pax came at Storm today.  Great to see Sargento and Pilgrim’s Progress back; great to have Stinky Bird there..it’s been awhile. Bud joined us from Lake Murray and fit right in. Whereas we didn’t have Boudin to entertain us today, Sargento filled the gap. Thanks to all of the HIMS for your hard work and “good listening skills”;)


Warm-Up: 10 IC: Toy Soldiers, Gravel Pickers, Don Q



100 Step Ups

200 Dips

300 LBCs

400 Flutters-count both legs

1 PAX member will execute as many reps as possible while PAX 2 sprints to cone 1 (or use a pole, tree, etc. for your point of turnaround), 1 Burpee, sprint back to partner, touch, sprint to cone 2, 2 Burpees, sprint back to partner, touch, sprint to cone 3, 3 Burpees, sprint back, switch with partner.

Triple Nickel:

Perfect Form Merkins/Big Boys

4 Corner Escalator/De-escalator:

10 Werkins

10 Werkins, 20 Crunchy Frogs

10 Werkins, 20 Crunchy Frogs, 30 SSH

10 Werkins, 20 Crunchy Frogs, 30 SSH, 40 Calf Raises



10 IC Shoulder Taps/10 IC LBFCs/10 IC Plank Jacks/10 IC AH/10 IC Freddy Mercury’s/10 IC Alternating Toe Touches


If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 1:9 ESV

“Grace and peace are our greatest daily need. Grace is synonymous with forgiveness. God’s grace in his Son provides us with daily forgiveness of all our sins as we confess them to him. Grace is also synonymous with help and strength, freely given by God. God’s grace always matches our need.”


Saturday: Annihilation at Yank with Tiger; F3 Dad’s at Gashouse

No Regular Gashouse, but Painlab will take place

Lunch- July 20 at Pita Wheel in Dallas


Charlie Ward- Acquaintance of Stinky Bird

Norwood’s upcoming surgery-July 28

Praises for return of Pilgrim’s Progress and Sargento

Buckshot took us out.

Good Mumblechatter today; Dallas crowd would have felt more at-home.

Nice work, men!


Rock the Block

Had a good Q today with the guys! Everyone pushed and got 1% better.

Warm Up: SSH, Gravel Picker, R/L, L/R, Hurdle stretch with twist. Mosey to blocks, 5 MT and 5 big boys per utility pole.

WOD: Triple nickel: 5 blockies, 5 swings, run to pole and back. 5x

Rifle carry to tennis courts

Partner Chipper: 100 thrusters, 200 squats, 300 Am Ham, 400 flutters. One partner working, other partner runs down and back.

Return blocks

Return to flag for Iron Holt or Hulk,????? Idk, that 1:4 thing.

Ended with COT. Prayer and praise reports. Pray for those spoken and unspoken.

We hold these truths to be self evident

Since 2017 the Fighting Yank has honored the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Marking the 247th anniversary YHC wanted to emphasize the radical notion of free men having Natural Rights which are rights that come from “God and Nature’s God” (the Creator) as opposed to men and government (the creation). That’s a big deal if you look at history and where we are now in the arc of history. So with that in mind we got with things on a hot July 4th morning.


SSH burpees X 5

IWs X 20

Grass Pickers X 20

Tesla Stretches

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Up to the top of the field of dreams for a set of super pipes X 2

Up to the Corner of knowledge for a 4 corner run


Step ups


2nd corner:



big boys

3rd corner:

Jump squats

Plank Jacks


4th corner:

Star jacks

diamond merkins


Run this set 2X. 10 reps, then 20 reps

Head over to the Field of Dreams:

Bear crawl slalom! A little history lesson here.

SSH X 10

Halfway back: drop, 5 HR merkins

End: Chop-chop X 5

Triple nickel on heartbreak hill:

Bottom: squats

Top: merkins

All this 5X

Done, move to the Yank for the reading and message.

After party: We had Dr. Richard Boyce give the message today. Dr. Boyce is one of my faith mentors and was one of Dr. Dan Rhoads stars at Davidson College, a place I really admire. They usually do it right there. Dr. Boyce was the mayor of Belmont for quite some time and has a long history of delivering this type of message.

With that he delivered a message of “Broad Spaces” and free discourse. This came from a perspective of having been a 100 miles from the Czech – Ukraine border a week before, a place where freedom is endangered. Very endangered. We need to appreciate what we have and build on the common ground we can all agree on which is that our freedom is precious, rare, and worth preserving.  Let us be about this work.


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