F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Members Only 8/06/23

5 runners and four ruckers showed for Member’s Only.

Q  Source led by Tesla, topic was Mutual Competence.

Announcements:  2ndF lunch, Labor day convergence, Crowders Mtn ruck on Aug 27, Eh Yall VQ at the Storm on 8/08, F3 Dad’s at Folsom

Prayer requests: Norwood, Turtleman, Huckleberry, Pilgrim Progress foot and ailing pet, teachers and students, Tiger dad

YHC took us out

Always an honor



The UpperRoom ( Camellia said he bout met Jesus 😂)

The UpperRoom @ Mt. Hollywood


  • Stretching
  • 15- SSH
  • 10- gravel pickers
  • 5- Burpees OYO

Mosey to middle school-

Sheldon Cooper – 10 Burpees , 10 Squats , 10 Merkins, 10 Big Boys then a lap! Rinse and repeat til 1 rep on each 💪🏻🤙🏻….

Mosey back to main lot.

Route 66- Mike Tyson’s and Bear crawls and had enough time to run it back

Low Slow Squats and lunge walks !!!



VQ at storm tomorrow 

Iron pax -Folsom this week


Prayer Requests:

Norwood recovery

Hacksaw recovery

School year

Turtle man



🇺🇸 Pledge


Named the FNGs:

Welcome – Duck and Streaker!

I prayed us out 🙏🏻

Folsom gets Annihilated 8/5/23

YHC was approached by Flintstone to Q an annihilation workout. YHC figured since he was initial recipient of the Gashouse challenge belt, he’d better step up and put his money where his mouth was. He picked Folsom for the AO since Gashouse and The Yank were previously annihilated. With a lot of PAX out of town or on the IR, YHC figured a low turnout for the workout. He was pleasantly surprised when the vehicles keep rolling in. It’s gonna be a crusher of a workout and YHC was happy to share the pain with the highest number of PAX as he can!

The PAX circled up and we get to work. After a brisk warmup and some mumblechatter from the guys, we mosey to the lower parking lot where YHC had cones staged and coupons in the bed of his truck. The PAX grabbed a coupon and lined up side by side behind one line of cones. 25 yards across the parking lot another line of  cones had been set up. YHC then announced the workout and exercises to be performed. It’s an Iron PAX challenge workout that F3 Greenwood issued a couple of years ago. It was the 2021 week 4 workout. YHC asked his M to write the exercises on a couple of large pieces of posterboard (because she is a teacher and has neat, legible handwriting). Broke recognized the workout and almost get in his truck and left!

Here’s how it goes –

PAX will perform 25 reps of the prescribed exercise, set their coupon down (if using the coupon), run across the parking lot to the other line of cones. They will perform 3 burpees then return to their starting point. They will then resume the prescribed exercise for another 25 reps, run to the other side, perform 3 burpees, return back to start. This cycle will be repeated until all reps for that exercise are complete. They will then move on to the next exercise and repeat the cycle of 25 reps, run, burpees, back to start. Exercises are as follows:

  • 200 Curls
  • 175 Squats (w/ coupon)
  • 150 Overhead Press
  • 125 Block Swings
  • 100 Merkins
  • 75 Thrusters
  • 50 Bonnie Blairs (count each leg)
  • 25 Blockees

Wichita and West Side led the group and completed the whole workout. YHC had 10 Blockees left when time was up. Everyone was smoked when time was up. You know it’s a beatdown when the PAX are cursing the Q under their breath. Total reps = 900 (and that’s not counting the burpees).


  • F3 Dads workout 8/19
  • 2nd F lunch Pita Wheel in Belmont on 8/16
  • Kings to Crowders Ruck 8/27
  • Coconut Derby 9/3
  • Labor Day Convergence 9/4 (time and location TBD)

Prayer requests:

  • Norwood and his recovery
  • Jackson Hall
  • Mayor
  • Def Leppard
  • Turtleman
  • West Side’s Grandmother
  • Swimmer’s Brother
  • Brillo (Navy bootcamp)

YHC took us out in prayer.


This workout was a slobber knocker. Great work by the PAX to push harder to make themselves better. For all the PAX travelling or on the IR, you were missed. YHC hopes the PAX got their money’s worth!




Do you even park, Bro?

YHC arrived at Coconut a little early for a quick mosey around the AO.  Whoopee and Breaker Breaker were cycling but Whoopee’s truck was dangerously close to being over the parking space line, disregarding the others who may arrive at 0540 and want to park a far piece away from the Harris Teeter beside his truck.  Putting his truck in enormous jeopardy to receive a well deserved door ding, and with Stroganoff out of town, YHC instinctively knew that he would have to call out Whoopee for not backing into the space as well.   You hate to see it.  YHC called him out on text.  Even thought the topic of Q Source was “Run to the Sound of the Guns”, we could also throw in Q 2.6, Correction.  Correction is zealous advocacy for Shared Virtue, which are the standards of moral excellence that are Essential to the Group.  By calling out Whoopee for his precarious parking job, he was exhorted to uphold the parking standards of F3 Nation.  Only later, did YHC receive a text from Whoopee proclaiming his apologies and error or his ways and begging for another chance.  He proved it with a picture of his truck backed into a space with ample room on either side of his parking space.  Like a wolf who feeds on the sheep without mercy, we, as men of F3, should give no slack to other men when upholding our shared virtues.

In other news, Captain Steubing showed up for his first Coconut Horse lap.  Is he eyeing a shot at the Coconut Derby belt?  Winehouse is now a Coconut Horse regular.  JJ and YHC ran and Sledge, Scrat, and Hunchback rucked the Heatherloch route.  We then had 7 for Q Source.

As usual, it was a great Sunday morning!

September 4th Convergeance at the FUSE Stadium at 0700

Prayer Requests:  Turtleman, Norwood, Huckleberry, Radar’s family, Sledge’s M, Tiger’s Dad



Sister Act and Ball Joint decided to sleep in, but a good crowd started the week off right with a Monday morning run. We discussed the importance of recognizing and submitting to God’s purpose for us and maintaining a relationship with him.



F3 Dads at Folsom 8/19

2nd F lunch at Pita Wheel Belmont 8/16

Coconut Derby 9/3

Convergence 9/4

Hike 8/27


Pray for Norwood, Swimmer’s brother, Hacksaw, Turtleman, Huck, Steve Alexander, Smith family, Sarlaac family, Ball Joint’s aunt, Westside family, Mayor and Craft family.

Sarlaac took us out.

I’m Broke

Leadership Styles

Some ran, some rode, some ran and rode. Most stayed for a QSource discussion on leadership styles and examples of people in each category.



F3 Dads at Folsom 8/19

2nd F lunch at Pita Wheel Belmont 8/16

Coconut Derby 9/3

Convergence 9/4

Hike 8/27


Pray for Norwood, Swimmer’s brother, Hacksaw, Turtleman, Huck, Steve Alexander, Smith family, Sarlaac family, Ball Joint’s aunt, Westside family, Mayor and Craft family.


Wichita took us out.

I’m Broke

Sherwood Lightning

I’ve been wanting to do the Lightning workout for awhile so when ShortSale was looking for a Q at GasHouse, this seemed like the right time. I thought I could poke the bear a little by issuing a challenge/bet the night before however nobody took the bait. I was willing to buy breakfast for anyone that wanted to wager a bet on beating me. A newish white pickup truck pulled in a few minutes early and Voodoo and I thought it might be Round Up. I looked at Voodoo and told him that I would be buying at least 1 PAX breakfast this am-no chance for me to beat him. Let’s just say I was not disappointed to see Mayor step out of the truck for more than 1 reason.

0700 rolled around and we did a quick warmup, disclaimer, and then I ‘splained the Lightning workout. I even brought some cardboard signs with written out instructions as I knew I would confuse things. Four of us took off for the Sherwood track. The Lightning workout is no joke. As Wirenut said the night before, this was a heart busting cardio workout. It was still a “You vs You” but knowing the time will likely be posted at some point, I was pushing myself while trying to keep up with JJ. We got through it and realized we still had about 30 minutes to go. Dang, should have gone slower. We kept pushing but it was not the same intensity, at least not for me. We eventually moseyed back home for COT with the PainLabbers.

Good work this am guys. I’m gonna try to do this again real soon, probably as EC.

A few of us went for some sammiches at CDA. Unfortunately JJ was not able to cash in on his free breakfast-I’ll get him another day. Coffeeteeria was a good turnout also. I was reminded of the impact this can have so if you are able, try to make it happen. The workouts are important, but sometimes we need more than that due to things going on in our lives. On a separate but related note, maybe CDA is not the best Coffeeteeria…..the runny bunnies were strong this am in at least 2 houses by 10 am.


1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Our story starts earlier in the week when YHC checked the Teamup app to see who had the Q Friday at Snooze and saw it was Nutria. Fast forward to the post-COT chat session after The Pub where YHC ran into Nutria. He had forgotten about the Q and his schedule wouldn’t allow him to be there. After a quick thought, YHC said he’d take it if nothing else to ensure he’d post on Friday. This would also continue the hijinx at the Snooze as to who the real Q would be once 0645 hit.

Forward once again to Friday morning where 3 PAX were standing in the circle as 0645 hit. Two of the three were already in on the hijinx so the small bit of shenanigans that could have been pulled off went off like a wet firework in a hurricane. Regardless, three posted to work so work we did. It went something like this…

Quick warm-up
SSH IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10
Imperial Walkers IC x 10

Mosey across the street and down the walking trail. We ended up at the back of the neighborhood and settled in at the bottom of a hill.
The plan was to partner for Dora 1,2,3, but the count would necessitate a threesome.
“1” PAX would run up the hill while the other “2” PAX would stay and AMRAP exercises. A round of exercises was completed when each PAX had run during that round.
“3” rounds of exercises: 1 – Merkins, 2 – Squats, 3 – SSH

Once this was complete mosey through the neighborhood to the elementary school parking lot
“4” Core-ners
Corner 1 – Crunchy Frogs x 10
Corner 2 – Crunchy Frogs x 10, Freddy Mercury’s x 20
Corner 3 – Crunchy Frogs x 10, Freddy Mercury’s x 20, LBCs x 30
Corner 4 – Crunchy Frogs x 10, Freddy Mercury’s x 20, LBCs x 30, Flutter Kicks x 40
Back to Corner 3 – Crunchy Frogs x 10, Freddy Mercury’s x 20, LBCs x 30
Back to Corner 2 – Crunchy Frogs x 10, Freddy Mercury’s x 20
Back to Corner 1 – Crunchy Frogs x 10

Mosey through the neighborhood with a section of lunges at one point ending up in the parking lot of Dynamo 31
For the “5”, triple nickle of Hand-Release Merkins and Jump Squats with partial bear crawl in-between.

Mosey back to the flag. A couple of minutes of Mary to finish out.

Ruck Trifecta (Details TBD) but #1 will be on 8/27 Crowder Ruck, Linwood Access, be on the lookout for more details
Slaw Annihilation at Folsom this Sat
2F lunch Pita Wheel Belmont
F3 Dads Folsom 7am 8/19
Convergence on Labor Day, site TBD but IYKYK
Coconut Derby 9/3

Prayer Requests

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

Coconut Derby

Routes were meant to be raced and belts were meant to be defended.  Time to put the belt on the line with a good old fashioned horse race at the Coconut Horse.

Sunday, September 3rd

0630 Launch

5(ish) mile loop.  For route details, check Strava.  Or ask.

Start/Finish line will be the crosswalk at Hoffman and Kendrick.  So we will start from where we finish.  Purists be damned.

No fine print needed, if you need to cheat to get the belt, you don’t deserve it.

The cream will rise to the top.  Ohhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah!

Yabba Dabba Doo

For the record, this workout sucks.

Fourteen PAX and one rucker appeared at 0530 at Tequila Sunrise for a Q from the Nantan.  Bubba Sparxx was supposed to have some PAX who will remain anonymous show up to ruck with him, but alas, he was solo.  #hatetoseeit

We did get to see Quiche and Golddigger.  Quiche reported that he recently thought of doing a burpee.  #progress  We also discussed the proper pronunciation of the country “Pakistan”.

Somebody said something smelled good and it was likely YHC compliments of Defib’s favorite laundry detergent, Tyler.  “Diva” in particular.   Virus discussed the merits of washing shirts in Vinegar along with Jane Fonda.  Recently the Art of Manliness had an article about getting the stank out of workout shirt.  HOT temps, light on detergent, and white vinegar is what I remember.  Or you can just use Tyler Diva or if you have a different style, Tyler High Maintenance would work also.  Quiche probably uses that.

Nonetheless, the disclaimer and warm up was given and we started like this.  SSH, Squats, Imperial Walkers, 5 burpees for a train that we happened to hear.

Mosey to Foursquare church for the famous Berp and Merk 1-10.  Some wanted to have the count descend at 8 but Blueprint got the right answer and kept us going up.

Next we moseyed to the cemetery.  Lunge walk, then skip, then mosey and do 30 Big Boys.  Tiger called out the PAX for facing downhill and said they should do 50 big boys so the Q made it happen.  We then moseyed to the low point of the cemetery and ran up the steep hill.  This would be the top of the modified Bombs route.  We partnered up and ran to the bottom.
P1 starts with 50 burpees while P2 runs up the hill and back.  Then 100 squats, then 150 Merkins, then 200 OH claps, and finally 250 Moroccan nightclubs.  Due to time constraints, we Omaha’d back to start while doing some more skips and moseying.  We arrived one minute late (Q-fail).  We finished with the Pledge of Allegiance, announcements, nameorama, and COT.

Prayer requests this morning go out to Norwood on his surgery along with Huckleberry, Turtleman, Radar who lost his cousin, Tiger’s Dad, Termite, Teachers, Marriages, family, and friends.

Watt’s Up gets credit for naming the backblast.  He proclaimed the title on an early trip up the hill during BOMBS, or since it was modified, we called it BSMOM’s.  YHC considers it an honor.  It was nice to see a good crowd this morning and get to partner with Kool Aid and meet Fruity Pebbles.
We also had a good Friday coffeerama at F&B’s where we EH’d the cook.  BOLO for Tony at an AO near you soon.

It is Serena’s birthday today.  The big 23!  He gets to enjoy a nice Italian meal tonight at Momma Ricotta’s and the PAX demanded that Breaker break out his wallet and pay for it!



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