F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Pain Lab 8/12

JJ gave a quick warm up then moseyed off with the bootcampers. El Toro and Hunchback stayed behind in the parking lot. I set up music and a 40-second timer for exercise intervals.  We cycled through 5 exercises, then 40-second rest, rinse and repeat until it was time. Exercises were Kettlebell pullovers, American Hammers, squats, babymakers, lawn mower rows, kettlebell swings, LBC’s, overhead presses, reverse crunches, merkin pull-throughs, tricep extensions, flutter kicks, deadlifts, scissor kicks, curls.

Mumblechatter kept us going the whole time – cars, beers, vacation, all good stuff.  It was great to see El Toro back and hear about his travels to Iceland.

Announcements:  8/16 2nd F lunch; F3 Dads 8/19 at Folsom; 8/27 CSAUP peak to peak; 9/4 convergence

Prayers:  Turtleman, Norwood, Huckleberry; praise for my brother who completed his adoption of a newborn baby girl

Privileged to lead this morning

– Nutria


The Labyrinth 7/12





RoL LoR 30 seconds 

Merkins x 20 IC

On 6 stretch 

R & L leg up (quads stretch)

Mosey down the street

Round 1

4 Corners

Mike Tyson’s x 10

PPM x 2 

5 burpees 

LBC’s x 15

PPM x 2

Superman pull-up x 10 

PPM x 2

Hillbillies x 20

PPM x 2

Mosey over to the turd shack for wall work. 

Round 2

Hip Slappers x 10 IC

Wall sit 30 seconds

Dirty Hookups x 10 IC

Wall sit 30 seconds

R&R 2x

Round 3

4- Corners

Flutter kicks x 20 count RH

PPM x 2

Diamond merkins x 10 count both

PPM x 2

Imperial walkers x 20 count both 

PPM x 2

Obliques x 10,RH and LH

PPM x 2

Plank for the 6 

Mosey over to parking lot


Round 4

Squats x 10

CDD’s  x 15

Dips x 15

Derkins x 10 

Step ups x 20 R leg only

Mosey back to start




Jackson Hall



Clutches 2.0 

Thanks for the opportunity to lead! 


Gashouse 7/1

2 PAX joined me for bootcamp, while the rest stayed for Pain Lab.  This is what I remember:






Merkins x 10 IC 

R & L leg up (quads)

On your 6, IT band stretch

Mosey over to First Pres

Round 1

Freddie Mercuries x 20 count R&L

PPM x 2

Mike Tyson’s x 10

PPM x 2

LBC’s x 20

PPM x 2

R&R x 3

Take a lap around the church 

Round 2

5 burpees 

PPM x 2

Superman pull-up x 10 

PPM x 2

Hillbillies x 20

PPM x 2

R&R x 3 

Al Gore for the 6 

Mosey to a wall for wall work. 

Round 3

Hip Slappers x 10 IC

Wall sit 30 seconds

Dirty Hookups x 10 IC

Wall sit 30 seconds

R&R 2x

Round 4

Flutter kicks x 20 count RH

PPM x 2

CDD’s x 15 

PPM x 2

Imperial walkers x 20 count both 

PPM x 2

R&R x 3 

Plank for the 6 

Mosey back to start

Bonus Round

Diamond merkins x 10 

PPM x 2

Obliques x 10,RH and LH

PPM x 2


Mosey back to start



1st F post by Flintstone – lots of challenges 


Whoever drove through the building on Garrison

Mayor’s boss’ father in law passed 

Sledge’s sister in law getting results back from experimental cancer treatment 

Jenna Glass 

Pilgrim’s Progress 

Thanks for the opportunity to lead! 


Staggered Start Times at Crossroads

3 walkers, 6 runners, 0 bikers joined us at Crossroads..at various intervals.. today.

SA was our fastest runner today and still got in 5 miles despite a late start.

Leppard, though a bit incapacitated, did not let it show and was ready to walk alone.. but didn’t have to as Pockets and Wirenut joined a bit later.

GoldDigger got in a little early and ran with Broke for a bit of a recovery run after 17 miles the prior day.

Blart drove in silently and silently took off..I guess it was 6:30, and he was ready to go.

Wichita came up with another new route and joined YHC for a great fellowship run.

Freight joined for Q Source, after a grueling 12 mile trail run the prior day. We discussed Billy Graham and his servant-leader qualities in his relationships with many Presidents.


  • Convergence on Labor Day at 7am – CaroMont Health Park – all other AOs closed
  • PT Tests on the calendar
  • Coconut Derby August 27 – pre-blast to follow
  • Lunch Wednesday at Pita Wheel Dallas


School starting this week

Mayor’s recovery



Wichita took us out.

Thanks for the fellowship and support! Nice Work!


Last Minute Q

6 was the number on a solid August morning where YHC answered Maybelline’s call for a Q, trying to get out of the Peter Parker Merkins.  We did them anyways.  Here’s what I remember:

Not sure if Maybelline knows this or not, but there are 6 days prior to Wednesday when you can find a Q for your site.  On top of that, it’s also possible to line Qs up weeks ahead of time.  Also, contrary to popular belief, it is possible to get a Q without using Slack.  Every AO has regulars, and every AO has regulars that don’t Q often.  Just ask one of them.  Use words and a conversation if you’d like.

Anywho, YHC picked up the Q, as being back in run season has cut down on my bootcamps lately.  Glad to get back on the bike.  Had some ideas, confirmed with Maybelline, and came ready to fire.

Except for the warmup.  YHC farmed that out.  Who cares about a warmup?  Each PAX called an exercise and then we ran out.  Went something like this…

The Thang:

  • 10 x SSH (IC – Captain Stubing)
  • 10 x Gravel Pickers (IC – JJ)
  • 15 x Squats (OYO – Winehouse)
  • 10 x Hillbillies (IC – Clutch)
  • 10 x Peter Parker Merkins (IC – Guess Who?)

You lose friends calling Peter Parker Merkins, Maybelline.

Off we go to Martha’s, stopping at the entrance for:

  • 10 x Burpees (OYO)

Looking for flat ground.  Found it.

  • 10 x Crunchy Frogs (IC)
  • 20 x Freddie Mercuries (IC)
  • 30 x Flutter Kicks (IC)

Down to the playground

  • 10 x Burpees (OYO)

Next we headed into the playground, which means one thing… pull-ups.  Start with 6 pull-ups and 6 big boys, and work your way down to 1. 21 of each total doesn’t seem like a lot, but when we don’t do them often, you can definitely feel it, especially the day after.

Head into the center of the Labyrinth where we would get in another round of:

  • 10 x Crunchy Frogs (IC)
  • 20 x Freddie Mercuries (IC)
  • 30 x Flutter Kicks (IC)

Next, we’d use the spokes on the Labyrinth to put in work.  Run to the end, do something, run back, do the same thing in the middle each time.  Looked like this…

Spoke 1:

  • 40 x Monkey Humpers (OYO)


  • 10 x Perfect Form Merkins (OYO)
  • 10 x Oblique Crunches L (OYO)
  • 10 x Oblique Crunches R (OYO)

Spoke 2:

  • 30 x Merkins (OYO)


  • 10 x Perfect Form Merkins (OYO)
  • 10 x Oblique Crunches L (OYO)
  • 10 x Oblique Crunches R (OYO)

Spoke 3:

  • 20 x Jungle Boy Squats (OYO)


  • 10 x Perfect Form Merkins (OYO)
  • 10 x Oblique Crunches L (OYO)
  • 10 x Oblique Crunches R (OYO)

For the last round, we do all 3, tracing the outside route:

  • 40 x Monkey Humpers (OYO)
  • 30 x Merkins (OYO)
  • 20 x Jungle Boy Squats (OYO)

No time to head back to the center, so we headed back to the flag instead.

With time left on the clock, we got in 1 more set of each:

  • 10 x Crunchy Frogs (IC)
  • 20 x Freddie Mercuries (IC)
  • 30 x Flutter Kicks (IC)
  • 10 x Perfect Form Merkins (OYO)
  • 10 x Oblique Crunches L (OYO)
  • 10 x Oblique Crunches R (OYO)

And that was all we had time for.  Everyone got their money’s worth.  Effects lingered on afterwards, which is a good sign.  Satisfied customers all around.

Good to be out at Martha’s on a Wednesday.  Good to see a group of regulars forming too.  As much as we give Maybelline a hard time for just about everything, he’s committed and doing right by his AO.  Give him a hand and grab a Q out there sometime and save the regulars from Peter Parker Merkins.

Also, this doesn’t need to be said, but JJ is a monster.  He rolled in looking and sounding like death, but just won’t give a mental foothold to the fartsack.  We win the day when we have our “C” level stuff and show up and put in solid work anyways.  No excuses.

Grateful for another opportunity to lead.

Yabba Dabba Doo


Ain’t nobody got time for bronchitis

On Saturday morning, Stroganoff sent out an emergency text to the Coconut Horse regulars. He needed someone to cover his Q as he’d caught bronchitis during his vacation and wasn’t feeling up to it. After some friendly teasing and comments, a few guys stepped up to help out.

Two plus Scrat rucked, while eight others went for a run. Gastone’s 2.0, Chuck Norris, joined in and easily kept up with the group during their 5-mile run.

During the QSource session, the focus was on Chapter 7 of The Wisdom of the Bullfrog. This chapter talked about the importance of promoting a culture of action, valuing enthusiasm over inaction, and giving credit to those who try to solve problems on their own.


  • Convergence on Labor Day at 7am – CaroMont Health Park – all other AOs closed
  • PT Tests on the calendar
  • Coconut Derby August 27 – pre-blast to follow
  • Lunch Wednesday at Pita Wheel Dallas

Prayer request:

  • Norwood
  • Turtleman
  • Mayor
  • School starting

Golden Anniversary

YHC took the Q at Gashouse on Thursday, and by Friday night, the ideas for a weinke started forming. Early in the evening on Friday, YHC remembered that tomorrow was his parent’s 50th wedding anniversary. This seemed like an important event, but how would that be relevant to the PAX? Then, later that evening after enjoying the music of the Liquid Pleasure Band in Mt Holly, YHC found out that it was the 50th anniversary of Hip-Hop. Who knew? As someone who experienced high school and college in the 90’s, this seemed significant due to the quality of hip-hop music in the 90’s. But once again, how would this be relevant ot the PAX? The events may have been less important for a global reach, but numbers are important. And the number 50 seemed like the right direction for the weinke.

YHC arrived to the Schiele on Saturday morning to find Flintstone and Virus in what appeared to be a post-run state. Thought they’d got in some EC and would be joining the crowd. Turns out, they were taking a little break half-way through their 14 mile mosey. Good work men.

0700 and time to get going. Brief disclaimer.

SSH IC x 10
Low-Slow Squats x 10
Merkins IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10
Imperial Walkers IC x 10
(That’s 50 in the warm-up in case you missed that)

The Pledge

Bootcamp moseyed off while Nutria took the Pain Lab crew.

Mosey to the steps at First Pres where I gave the Site Q the option of 5-10 or 10-5. After some explanation and deep, thoughtful consideration, Short Sale chose 5-10.
That meant 5 count of each exercise 10 times.
So 5 Squats at the bottom of the stairs, mosey up the stairs, 5 Big Boy Sit-ups, mosey back down the stairs.
Repeat that 10 times (Once again, that’s 50 of each exercise in case you aren’t keeping up).

Mosey to the parking lot of Parkwood. Earlier YHC had explained to the PAX about the relevance of the number 50 to which Short Sale responded if it was the anniversary of hip-hop, then why didn’t we have any music? This is what makes him the King of Q and YHC a mere peasant Q dealing out scraps to the PAX. Had the idea not formed at 9:30pm the night before, that idea may have come up but probably not. With only a phone in hand, YHC started playing the “50th Anniversary of Hip-Hop” playlist on Amazon music. This was extremely underwhelming, but YHC let it play nonetheless.

Here’s how the parking lot madness went…

Start in the middle of the 4 corners. Mosey to the first corner and complete 10 of the exercise. Then, return to the center for 1 burpee.
Mosey to the second corner (counter-clockwise) and complete another 10 of the same exercise. Then, return to the center for 1 burpee.
Repeat for all 4 corners. Once returning to the center, complete a final 10 of the same exercise and 1 burpee.
That made 50 of each exercise during a round.
Round 1 – SSH
Round 2 – Jump Squats
Round 3 – Flutters (Count both legs)
Round 4 – Hand-release Merkins
Round 5 – Calf Raises
Round 6 – LBCs
Round 7 – Air Presses
Round 8 – Lunges (Count both legs)
Round 9 – Crunchy Frogs
Round 10 – Mike Tysons

Once we completed round 6, time was running low. So we had to combine rounds 7-10. Instead of 1 burpee, we did 4 burpees to make sure we hit the count.
So that was 50 of each exercise and 50 total burpees.

With little time remaining, mosey back to the flag arriving at exactly the 1 hour mark.

PT Tests coming up; Classic next Weds @ Ricky Bobby
Kings to Crowder Ruck 8/27 (#1 in 3-part Ruck Series)
Coconut Derby 9/4 – the belt is on the line
Convergence on Labor Day (9/4) @ Caramount Park downtown

Prayer Requests
Nutria’s brother adoption

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time (shameless plug, which will be next Weds at The Labyrinth, 2nd Annual Back to School Q)…


With Round 2 of the PT tests coming up, YHC thought it might be a good time for a Q focused on form. After a warmup we moseyed to the block pile and partnered up. One partner rifle carries the block while the other does 3 Mike Tyson’s then runs to catch up. Switch out and continue in this manner back through the start and up to the tennis courts. We discussed the proper form for multiple exercises and explained The Thang. One partner does max reps in 2 minutes while the other checks form and counts reps. Suicides were done using the courts for 3 minutes. Here’s how it went:



HR Merkins

Big Boys





OH Press

Windshield Wipers


Tricep Extensions


YHC had a little more planned, but we were short on time and the natives were restless. Rifle carry the blocks back and head to the start for COT.

It seemed like the form was pretty good overall and the PAX pushed out a ton of reps. Wichita led the way with the most reps on most of the exercises with Roscoe and The Canoe also standing out. SA was partnered with Gear Wrench and I believe he made him quit a few exercises with time remaining due to his constant critique of the form. Not sure if it was warranted or if SA was just being SA.


F3 Dads next week at Folsom

2nd F lunch Wed

Hike 8/27

Coconut Derby 9/3

Convergence 9/4 at Fuse


Pray for Huck, Turtleman, Hacksaw, Westside family, Brillo, Sgt. Porkchop, Mayor, Nuthin


SA took us out.
I’m Broke

Lots of numbers

It was super foggy in some parts of the land this gloom. Only 3 HIM were able to find their way to Old School. Those studs got after it and then some. This is what happened…

Warm up: Merkins and Goofballs

Pick up your bricks and mosey toward the courthouse square with alternating normal and hallelujah moseying.

Once we arrived at the square, YHC reminded the HIM that football was about to start. It’s an exciting time of year and to commemorate the occasion, we noted some statistics.


Four Corner Escalator:

4 Players led the NFL with 6 interceptions last year. We did 6 brickees at each corner.

Nick Bosa led the NFL with 18.5 sacks so we did 18.5 Merkins at the 2nd corner but Omaha’s like Payton Manning to squats for the last 2 corners.

Foyesade Oluokun led the NFL with 184 tackles so we split it up and did 84 brick presses at the last 2 corners and then 100 flutterkicks at the last one.


Dora 128, 340, 435

Since there were only three of us one man worked while the others ran around the courthouse. Last year leading receiver Justin Jefferson had 128 receptions, leading rusher Josh Jacobs had 340 carries and leading passer Patick Mahomes completed 435 passes. We did

  • 128 CDDs
  • 340 LBCs
  • 435 Moroccan Night Clubs

Next we went back out to the sidewalk to recognize the 5250 yards Patrick Mahomes passed for by doing 52 side steps in one direction and then 50 the other direction. This didn’t get us around the block far enough so we then did lunges and reverse lunges to get back to where we started. Dr Seuss even heckled us as he drove by to feed at the trough known as Time Out. We did Giraffe stretches in honor of his recognition of us.

Time was getting short so we headed back to the start and we made it just in time to get the last couple things done on the ole weinke.

Josh Jacobs ran for 1653 yards so we did 16 big boys and 53 curls of your preferred style. YHC mixed his up.

Justin Jefferson had 1809 yards receiving so we did 18 shoulder taps each side and 9 lunges each side.

We did LBC for over a minute to finish up until time. Whew!!!

Thanks for the opportunity to lead men. This group was small but that’s ok. Just like most of us have found, when there are only a few of us there, those can be some of the best times to connect and get to know guys better. And it’s that much more important that we post because we don’t want to be the one to not be there for our brothers. What if no one showed and the person who committed time to lead the workout was alone? Get out of the fartsack! Put your feet on the floor and post! AYE!!!

Announcements: 2nd F lunch Wednesday at Belmont Pita Wheel, Labor Day convergence, Coconut Derby, Peak to Peak hike

Prayer requests: Turtleman, Norwood, Pocket’s dad, Hacksaw, Westside’s family on passing of his grandmother, Queso and others going to college, Sarlacc’s family on passing of M-in-law

“I Can Handle What You Got”

I’ve been trying to get Sister Act to Q the GasHouse for the past few months. Dude’s really busy either going to the beach, working, or making excuses. I get his trepidation. The last time he co-q’ed, he went down in a heap of flames in the first round of Q vs. Q. Tentatively mark your calendars for Saturday, September 16th for the Redemption Tour (probably in pencil rather than pen for the time being). Once that was settled, I get the unexpected text saying “gonna make an appearance at Snooze tomorrow.” Wow, this is a surprise. SA has a doctor’s appointment for an MRI to finally get a look at that left knee. As I am building out my Weinke, I text SA if his knee can manage some squats or lower body work? A quick response: “I can handle what you got!” Why should I have expected diffrent? SA will figure out how to crawl at a 9 minute pace before he gives up. Keep on keeping on brother. I also learn another bat flipper is anticipated as Ball Joint desired some prep-work for his tri-athlon. Since I was the Q, I now had to plan a little more for the workout than I expected. TBH, I’d not really thought about until that point. Here is how it went down.

Warm-up (hey Def Leppard, I got there at 0738):

  • Good Mornings SC x 10, SSH IC x 10, Imperial Walker Squat OYO x 10, Toy Soldier IC x 10, Side to Side Lunge IC x 10, 5 burpees OYO

Linus still has my shovel flag, so we had to mosey to the McAdenville Town Hall to get the pledge. We continued north up Main Street to reach the front of the YMCA, site of the Christmas Town 5k. Recall there are about 2.5′ brick walls that are about 20 yards apart. We’ll begin with 11’s: 10 Mike Tysons, bear crawl the 20 yards to then do 1 dirty hook-up. Jog back to the other side.  This was a shoulder burner. Thang #2 kept us in the same spot for the Triple Nickel: use the ledge for 5 derkins, run across and do 5 box jumps (or step ups); do it 5 times. Fellowship mosey to the back side with the concrete stands and the soccer field. We partnered up for a work and run thing. 2 PAX used the steps for 4 rounds:

  • AMRAP: 5 Bulgarian Squats left, 5 right; flapjack
  • AMRAP: Dips; flapjack
  • AMRAP: Derkins; flapjack
  • AMRAP: Decline Peter Parkers

My feet got wet on the dewy soccer field. That doesn’t sound manly but I don’t care – we moved to a paved parking lot on the back street behind the Main Street restaurants (former site of the Def Leppard party supplies; aka: the State Credit Union ATM). We ran a stacked 4 corners: building with 5 burpees + 10 Jump Squats + 20 Merkins + 40 Mtn Climbers. We had 5 minutes left, so moseyed back to the firepit for a little Mary. I introduced the bicycle pretzel crunch – it’s awesome.

COT: Announcements: 2nd F Lunch next Wed, Crowders Hike, Flintstone Belt derby, Convergence, F3 Dads 8/19 @ Folsom, JJ 5k will be 9/30. Prayers: Turtleman’s CarT treatment going on this week for another few days, Mayor’s knee surgery (today), triathlon participants (especially when Slaw is swimming), Def Leppard on the IR, SA’s MRA for knee. I’m sure there were others – consider your brothers in prayer – it’s helpful.

Snooze is winding down. We had the A-team this morning with SA, Balljoint, and Broker. No disclaimer required – just solid work, which I think they got their money’s worth. Seems the regulars are tapering at this point – which is the point of this summer time workout. School begins next week and Nutria has the Q (as of this moment, check the schedule). Judging by the traffic in McAdenville that gets pretty busy between 7 and 7:30, I imagine next week could be crazy with school going too. We’ll assess the situation and make a decision if we’ll finish the month or pull the plug early. SA and Balljoint were curious to see how Snooze worked. If you have some extra time on a Friday morning, stop by at 0645 to see what this AO has to offer before it ends.

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