F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Downtown 8/4

Took this Q the night before noticed it was still open sometimes it’s fun shooting from the hip on short notice. We did a proper warm up of course 5 burpees for the train.

The bridge triple nickel pull-ups and squats

parking deck LLB’s did work on two other levels can’t remember what on the way down we did 5 calf raises each stair it smelled awesome with a bunch of sweaty men in the stairwell motivation to move quickly 😆

rotary pavilion black jack merkins and big boys can never go wrong with this we ran out of time before finishing but most were about halfway.

we pledged took prayer requests did announcements and I prayed us out still loving this stuff F3 has been great for my mental and physical health praise the Lord for all you men.

Westside over and out

Back to School, Back to School

Back to school day

3 runners, 3 ruckers and a Tesla

(Ran by a few schools and threw out some prayers & salutes)

prayer request;

Anchorman’s friends granddaughter, Norwood


F3 Dads Saturday at Folsom

LUNCH TODAY – Pita wheel Belmont


prayed us out


Cause you are hot then you are cold

Warm Up:
Side Straddle Hops


5 burpies
10 Goblet squats
15 Big Boy Sit Ups

6 burpies
15 Goblet squats
25 LBCs

7 burpies
20 Goblet squats
35 American Hammers

8 burpies
25 Goblet squats
50 Dying Cochroaches

9 burpies
20 Goblet squats
65 Flutterkicks

1 minute – KB Swings
1 minute – Tricep Extensions & Lawnmowers
1 minute – Goble Squats
1 minute – American Hammers
1 minute – Curls

1 minute – Squat Curl Press
1 minute – Dead Lift
1 minute – Tricep Extensions & Lawnmowers
1 minute – American Hammers
1 minute – Curls


Hot and humid it was

YHC stepped out of the hacienda this gloom to a wall of yuck. It’s a good thing there were other HIM to be accountable to, otherwise there may have been temptation to fartsack. Not today Satan! Upon arrival at the AO, there were the usual suspects loitering around under the parking lot light. Fist bumps were given. Pleasantries exchanged. This is what happened…

Countoff – there were 10 HIM present

Disclaimer but you should do what YHC says

Warmup – merkins (indeed) and goofballs all IC

Mosey to the abandoned baseball field for the first part of The Thang.

The Triple Nickle

5 Burpees (yes, you read that right) at the top, mosey down to the gate that’s never closed and do 5 lunges each leg. Do this 5 times, hence the, errr, triple part, maybe? This took quite a while due to the extended mosey between the top and bottom. It’s all good and good for us though.

Mosey back toward the start, stopping for the very rare mid-beatdown Pledge of Allegiance.

Stop by the back of the luxury sedan where the surprise coupons were distributed. Those sweet ‘ole bricks YHC loves so much.

Fellowship mosey to the wide sidewalk for the next part of The Thang

Dora 123

Partner up, #1 does the exercise while #2 (heehee, YHC said #2) lunges walks all the way to the trash can. The exercises were 100 BigBoys, 200 Brick Presses and 300 LBCs. Plenty of ab work so we can keep that washboard looking good.

Circle up for some whisper quiet IC work of 15 regular curls, 15 curls palms down and 15 hammer curls. Feel the burn!

Plank the last 60 seconds until time was called. Thank you for the opportunity to lead today men!

Remember, even if you don’t feel like posting, there is another guy out there who needs you to show up because he may be just as unmotived as you! Iron sharpens iron!!!

Announcements: 2nd F lunch tomorrow at Pita Wheel Belmont, Labor Day convergence, peak to peak hike, Coconut Derby, Tuna 200 needs runners and a driver, F3 dads this saturday

Prayer Requests: Tiger’s parents, Norwood, Turtleman, Hacksaw

Rock Paper Scissor Merkins

Couple of the rounds were determined by rock, paper, scissors, shoes!

We started first, with Merkins, LBCs, Shoulder Taps, Squats, Imperial Walkers.



10 Kettlebell Swings, 10 Squats, 10 Lawnmowers  – 3 ROUNDS

10 Halos, 10 Curls, 10 Shoulder Press – 3 ROUNDS

10 Merkins, 10 Shoulder Taps, 10 LBCs – 3 ROUNDS

10 Big Boys, 10 Dips, 10 Squat Curl Press – 3 ROUNDS

Mosey around the median after each completed 3 Round

2 Additional Rounds determined by paper and rock.

10 Kettlebell Swings, 10 Squats, 10 Lawnmowers  – 3 ROUNDS

10 Merkins, 10 Shoulder Taps, 10 LBCs – 3 ROUNDS


Sandlot 8/14/23



15 side saddle hops

15 gravel pickers

Mosey to the shelter

3 rounds of 10 dips, 10 durkins with mosey around the lamppost in between

Performed 11s across parking lot including squats and big boys

In the parking lot mosey to each island with alternating 25 LBCs then 25 flutter kicks until the last island.

Return back to the outhouse with lunge walk to each island followed by 25 squats at each island.

Mosey up the roadway with 5 merkins at each lamppost.

Exercise circle to finish up.



2F lunch 8/16 Pita Wheel Dallas

F3 dad’s Folsom 8/19

CSAUP Peak to peak 8/27

Coconut horse derby Sept 3

Convergence at FUSE Sept 4


Turtleman, Norwwod, Mayor, Bubba Sparxx family in PA

Thanks for the privilege of a VQ




Frozen Watermelon

A few started early with an EC ruck before the regular ruck.  Others ran.  Frozen watermelon for recovery.  The group finished up with Q-Source on Trust.  It was a good discussion, you should join us next time.


Bubba Sparxxx’s younger brother and family, tornado came close and damaged house and property.

Tiger’s Mom & Dad with health issues….going day by day.



Termite and family.

YHC – Sue still tackling a variety of health issues but staying positive.


You stay classy, Gastonia.


Abs by Slaw 💪🏻


  • 15 Abe Vigodas
  • 15 Hillbillies
  • 15 Grass Pickers
  • Stretching …


  • 🇺🇸 Pledge



Mosey to Field

  • Level 1 – 3 sets 
  • Level 2- 5 sets
  • Level 3 – 7 sets

         • 10 BB, 10 RC, 20 AH

         • 10 LBC, 10 H2H, 20 FLT

         • 30 Sec plank, 30 Elbow plank

We got started on Level 3… 9 full sets in 🤙🏻💪🏻 with 30 seconds to a minute rest in between

Mosey back to Flag… Hit each light pole progressing up 1 rep each time – BURPEES 😁

       Announcements :

  • 2f Lunch
  • Hike on 8/27-
  • Convergence- Labor Day

      Prayer Requests:

  • Norwood
  • Huck
  • Westside’s family
  • Bedpan’s son
  • out in PRAYER

The last Monday of the week

Lots of miles ran. Lots of sweat dripping.

Westside’s family
Brillo at Navy Boot Camp
Teachers and students

PT tests coming up
Kings to Crowders hike
Coconut Derby
Need runners for Tuna! Get up with Pockets.

Today’s word:

39 One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: “Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!”

40 But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? 41 We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.”

42 Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.[a]”

43 Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

Copied from William Graham Devotion @ Billy Graham.org:

The cross means different things to different people. For some it’s just a pretty piece of jewelry. To others it’s a decoration for their home. To Christians it is a symbol of the sacrificial love of Christ and His conquering of the grave.

However, to criminals under Roman rule in the first century, and those who witnessed the punishment, the cross was a symbol of torture, cruelty, death, and humiliation.

We can learn a lot from a man on a cross. This individual’s name is only known to God. We find this man—a criminal sentenced to death—hanging beside Jesus in Luke 23:39-43.

The first lesson that we learn is that he had a correct view of reality (Luke 23:40-41) and a correct view of himself. He saw himself as a criminal who was rightly condemned for the deeds he had committed. He correctly realized that he deserved death.

Further, he had a correct view of Jesus. He recognized Jesus as the spotless Lamb of God and he testified to this while hanging on the cross. He knew he was a sinner, and Jesus was innocent.

The second lesson that we learn is that this criminal had a correct view of life after death. Though he was sentenced to death and hanging to life by a thread, he believed that his soul would continue to live after he died.

Many people today live as if this life is all there is, but the Bible says that your soul lives forever and that it will abide in one of two places—heaven or hell (Matthew 10:28; Luke 12:5; John 3:1-21).

Finally, we see that this criminal had a correct view of salvation (Luke 23:42). He saw himself as totally helpless. He could do nothing to improve his odds in life or save himself. He was now bound to death and could not escape. Yet he cries out to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.”

He wanted to offer the last thing he had to give (his soul) to Jesus. He realized that Jesus was the Son of God and that he wanted to be a part of Christ’s kingdom.

The criminal on the cross: he knew who he was and who Jesus was, he knew that his soul would continue after he died, and he knew that Jesus was the Savior. He could do nothing but cry out to Jesus and place his faith in Him for his salvation.

To which Jesus replied, “Today you will be with Me in paradise” (Luke 23:43).

Thanks for allowing me to lead.

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