F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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The Goat – 8/10/23


The Pledge


The Thang:

Mosey up to the Baptize church parking lot for some fun.

Four corners

First corner – 10 Merkins

move to center of parking lot for 3 burpees

Second corner – 10 Mountain Climbers

back to center – 3 Burpees

Third Corner- 10 squats

back to center

Forth corner 10 CDD’s

back to center

Rinse and repeat 5 rounds

Mosey back to shovel flag


Announcements and prayer requests

YHC closed in prayer

Freight’s Birthday Celebration

During the Peak to Peak hike/CSAUP last weekend, Bedpan and I talked about a lot of things. At some point, we got to talking about Freight and his real age. Bedpan told some stories about how Freight never liked to celebrate or make a big deal over his birthday, which made some of his friends want to celebrate that much more. Then he mentioned Freight had a birthday coming up soon. He confirmed it was 9/1 so I grabbed the Q at Downtown to celebrate! I knew Freight was probably going to be at work and unable to post, but I figured we’d celebrate without him anyway. This is Freight’s WOD, originally created and Q’d by Def Leppard over a year ago at Midoriyama.

I did throw a twist into the WOD. We did as many reps as Freight’s age but, since he always changes it in the name-o-rama and many don’t know his true age, I made up rep counts on the fly every time so I don’t know exactly how many we did.

Warmups: random numbers of SSH, Toy Soldiers, Gravel Pickers, and some toe touches.

The WOD: We mosey a few blocks to the First UMC parking lot to get the blood pumping and also get a good safe spot to run. We did each set of exercises and took a lap around the block. I had a complicated lap planned but Gearwrench led the pack on lap 1 and simplified it to a lap around the block. Good call GW! Here are the exercises:

Flutter Kicks
Reverse Crunches
Elbow Plank
Imperial Walker Squats (I know we did 56 of these because the sucked!)
Hand Release Merkins
Travoltas (like a Nolan Ryan, but move the arm in a “Stayin Alive” motion)
Seal Jacks

Outlaws (flutter kicks, but in circles)
Dying Cockroaches

To keep the bat flippers working, I asked PAX to resume the exercises until the Six arrived. Everyone moved for a solid 45 minutes. I forgot I started my watch late my time was about 5 minutes off and, despite warnings from the PAX, I was running a little over. We moseyed back to the start, arriving at 6:16 (the extra minute of workout was free guys…my gift). Pledge, name-o-rama, and COT and we were out.

Announcements: Coconut Derby Sunday @ Coconut Horse, Convergence Monday @ Caromont Park 7:00 am, Iron Pax Thursdays @ Folsom, Relay version on Fridays @ Folsom. 2nd F lunch 8/20 @ Pita Wheel Gastonia. Keep the Hall family, Huck, Turtleman, Norwood, Wirenut in your prayers as well as Pastor Wells from Morganton (I think that’s the city) and Purple Haze’s friend.

Final thoughts: I hope everyone takes a moment to wish Freight a Happy Birthday. He’s been a big part of F3 for a long time. He’s been Nantan, he’s started several AO’s along the way and consistently demonstrated the F3 core principles. He’s definitely impacted a lot of men in our area. I always know if I show up and see Freight, the mumble chatter is going to be better for it. Also, shoutout to Ball Joint for jumping right back into exercises at the end of each lap. Of course, he’s typically among the first back and he was the first to resume exercises. Also I appreciate the Westside, Gearwrench and a few others who constantly were among the first to return and jumped right in on the reps. It kinda irks me when guys are standing around waiting for the Six, but that wasn’t the case today.

One last thing. He’s 44. Happy Birthday.


Bulldog, 8/22


Bulldog 500:

Rifle carry all around the “oval” (prkg lot loop)

Straightaways, stop – 20 coffin sit-ups, 20 Merkins

Corners, stop – 20 squats, 20 curls

Pit Row:  5 Inverted rows  w/bar

repeat 3x






Bubba Sparx needed a Q and thankfully I could make it work out. We had a great crowd today-some newish faces for me and a few old ones. Watts Up kept me on track-we started maybe 10 seconds into 0530 and that was 5 seconds after he let me know it was time.

We started with disclaimer, Pledge and a quick warmup……then the fun started. We moseyed to one of the corners at the Goat for some 4 corners. As most of you know, the Goat has only 3 “corners” however that has no real bearing on my plan and was of little consequence despite being a truth. We got to the corner and instructions were given: 4 corners, mosey between corners, at corner 1 do 10 Mike Tysons, corner 2 do 20 Squats, corner 3 do 30 Merkins, and corner 4 do 40 LBCs. Before starting the exercise, at each corner give me 20 SSH. At the suggestion of Watts Up, we will stack the exercises as we go which was NOT actually part of my original plan but sounded good. After the first corner or 2, I realized the counting was getting in the way of mumble chatter. Change of plans: keep same plan but nobody needs to count except me. I made sure we did EXACTLY the right number of exercises before moving on to the next exercise. This was a crowd pleaser for sure. We got our 4 corners in then moseyed a bit to the Maybelline Tunnel of Love: the best place for dirty hookups and hip slappers. We did 3 rounds of each of these X 10 with some wall sits to help us recover between sets. I almost remembered a good dad joke during the hip slappers…..but after a few seconds I forgot so we kept going.

We walked over to a parking lot to recover and got some info about Concentrica. It’s been awhile since I reviewed it, but we discussed and got the point across (M, 2.0s, Shieldlock, Whetstone/F3 brothers, Mammon/work) with a brief discussion about this concept with some input from the silverbacks in the group. Look it up on the interwebs if this is new to you. It’s definitely worth your time.

Mosey back to the bridge at Goat Island to make sure the lock works-yup, it’s locked…..change of plans, keep moseying to bottom of hill by corners 2 and 3 for a modified bridge crawl-We bear crawled up the hill then moseyed back. We then lunged up the hill for a nearly final push. We still had some time so we nurred  and moseyed around the 3 sided square with a few SSH mixed in then cruised on in for some Mary in the last 5 minutes finishing up with some burpees compliments of Orangeman.

I really enjoyed this morning. It’s great to get back out to some of the AOs that I have not been to in awhile. It reminded me of back in the day when we were planting new AOs and trying new places. Posting was more about growing the region instead of getting myself in better shape or counting posts to reach a particular number. Sure those things were important and still part of the intention, but planting a new AO and trying to establish a routine with some regular “locals” was really exciting to see as it actually happened. This morning I smiled when I moseyed past the wall we had to repaint (thanks Bandit) from doing Donkey Kicks-that story never gets old but I kept that to myself this am and just smiled to myself thinking about it. I don’t think most guys realize how much fun it was when this thing started. It wasn’t our idea or plan so we can’t really take credit for anything except listening to what the other regions told us to do and putting in some effort to keep posting. We were having so much fun, I am not sure anyone thought it was complicated. We were just really sore for a long time because we kept finding new ways to hurt each other, and we had fun doing it.

Anyway, thanks to all the guys in our region, new and old, for keeping this thing going. Although I disagree with some of you (whether you know it or not) on some or a lot of what is said or done, in the end I respect most of you (maybe not so much Freight and a few others), and I appreciate the fact that we have enough guys for a solid beat down just about any day I can drag my butt out of bed.

We also learned about Apogee….#STK. Thanks Orangeman.

Thanks BS for asking me to Q, happy to return whenever you ask. One last thing: If you haven’t brought an FNG in the last 6 months, get on it. This engine doesn’t support itself. You need FNGs to keep the system functioning and if you don’t bring them in, you will be stuck with old guys like Tesla forever…..


Sneaky Way to Secure a Q

I had the shovel flag for the Ricky Bobby and asked Nutria how to get it back to him. He didn’t miss a beat and said I could have the upcoming open Q and bring it then! Two problems solved! I had been at Mt. Hollywood on Monday and Pallbearer introduced me to the Sheldon Cooper. I loved it so much, I decided to do it again.


  • SSH
  • Don Quixote
  • LBC
  • Burpees

Mosey to the track for the Sheldon Cooper

  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 Squats
  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 Big Boys
  • Run a lap
  • Rinse and repeat reducing by 1 rep until done.


  • dips on the bleachers
  • run to the middle of the field
  • jump squats

This left us just enough time to mosey back to the flag and catch the Pledge.


  • Coconut Horse Derby, Sept. 3rd
  • Convergence, Fuse Park, Sept. 4 – 7:00 AM

Prayer Requests

  • Norwood
  • Turtleman
  • PAX with injuries – it was noted that if you have an injury you can still show up and do what you can
  • all those spoken and unspoken


Parking Clinic to Follow

A nice group of both ruckers and runners gathered this morning. We said the pledge before setting off. We ran the “Stowe Ridge” route. Another sticky morning, but hopefully as the calendar flips to September there will be some more comfortable mornings to come. I know thinking outside the box is encouraged, but parking outside the lines seems to have been the PAXs way of demonstrating this!


  • Coconut Horse Derby, Sept. 3rd
  • Convergence, Fuse Park, Sept. 4 – 7:00 AM

Prayer Requests

  • Norwood
  • homeless
  • PAX on IR
  • all those spoken and unspoken


It’s Only Going to Get Worse…

Another somewhat sticky morning in the gloom of Belmont. We said the pledge and then headed out. We ran the “Loftin Park Reverse” route. While is was a bit humid this morning, it’s only going to get worse later today.


  • Coconut Horse Derby, Sept. 3rd
  • Convergence, Fuse Park, Sept. 4 – 7:00 AM

Prayer Requests

  • Norwood
  • Turtleman
  • Huckleberry
  • all those spoken and unspoken


IPC – Week 0 at TRB

5 HIM showed for the kickoff of this year’s IPC. A couple of them weren’t aware of what it was. Ooof! Here goes nothing. This is what happened…

After YHC watched the video from F3 Greenwood, the instructions were pretty clear. The workout was in memory of one of the PAX’ dad who had passed in the last year. A former military serviceman and longtime trach & field coach at the University of Illinois, he took significant numbers and made it into a tribute workout. YHC picked up as many blocks from the Midoriyama  stockpile so everyone had a coupon. Here’s how it went.

Warmup – 13 reps of each exercise IC – SSH, Imperial Walkers, Shoulder Taps, Mountain Climbers & Plank Jacks

From there we were to run 800 meters and start on the real work

85 reps of each exercise with 8 burpees between each set.

  • Hand release merkins
  • Big Boys
  • Goblet Squats with coupon
  • Dips
  • Overhead Press of the coupon
  • Flutterkicks (4 count)
  • Kettlebell swings of the coupon

Run 800 meters again. Done.

It was rough. High reps will get you every time, especially back-to-back with burpees. Some stuck it out and finished the workout even after the normal time. Thats real rock pushing! Thanks to Defib’s friend for asking if we were going to do Week 0 today. Glad we did!

Announcements and Prayer Requests were minimal and done while work was still being done and I forgot what was mentioned. My bad men.

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