F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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IPC week 4 relay at Old School

We ran week 4 relay style it was much easier than OYO lots of fun a good opportunity to banter back and forth with other regions on twitter. If you didn’t do one this year I encourage you to take part next year anyone can contribute to the team effort. Frankly I was shocked at the lack of interest this year most men like to compete in anything this was another opportunity for friendly competition. It drives us to get better and push the limits.

Midoriyama Aug 17

Somehow I must have forgotten to save/send this one.   I do not remember much about this beatdown other than it was hot and the mumberchatter sounded like a bunch of middle school girls who were forced to go to PE class .   Anyway work was done on the picnic benches and running around the parking lot .  We then did 11’s and wrapped up with some Ab work.

11 was the number

I put this one together on the fly, literally while we were running around downtown Belmont. I planned on the warmups being 11 reps of exercises since that’s my favorite number but everything else just happen to go that way. We only had 10 PAX present for the work but Gold Digger was running around so we will count him to make 11. This is what I wrote down.

SSH x11 IC
Toy soldiers x11 IC
Low slow squats x11 IC
Apolo Ohnos x11 IC

Mosey to front of Sammy’s to start route 66 using 11 street lights. Anchorman did a bunch of those the morning before at Tequila Sunrise so I tried to pick a different exercise, Orangeman suggested perfect form merkins so that’s what we did. That sucked.

Mosey to office parking lot across from Jekyll and Hyde for triple nickel – LBC and flutter kicks

Mosey to parking lot next to Pita Wheel for 11s – Mike Tyson’s and Imperial Walkers

Mosey across the street to big parking lot for DORA
100 American Hammers
200 Dying cockroaches
300 LBC’s

Mosey back to the Yank Statue with about 10 minutes left for Mary. 11 reps of everything was called thanks guys.

Pledge and COT

2nd F lunch at Papa and Beer on 10/18
Half marathon ruck 0600 at the Yank 10/21
Christmas party 12/2 Lewis Farms

Termite and family
Jaxon Hall

YHC prayed

Midoriyama 8/1/23

Warm up:

  1. Don Q x 10ic
  2. SSH x10ic
  3. Wall Drill for Dorsiflexion
  4. Leg Swings

Mosey to Field:

  1. Ladder Drills:
    1. One foot in
    2. Two feet in Foward
    3. Straddle Hops
    4. Shuffle
    5. Two feet in Sideways
    6. One foot hops
    7. Two Hands in ea way
  2. Cone Drills:
    1. Sprint,Shuffle,Nur,Shuffle, Sprint ea way
    2. Sprint, Nur Diag, Sprint, Nur Diag, Sprint ea way
    3. Nur, Sprint Diag, Nur, Sprint Diag, Nur ea way
    4. Stagger Cones
    5. Sprint and cut around each cone
    6. Nur-hip openers
    7. Sprint Fast Feet around ea cone
    8. Move to sideways – Sprint, Nur all cones ea way

Midoriyama 7/13/23

7/13/23 Midoryama:

  1. Warm UP:
    1. SSH x 10
    2. Don Q x 10
    3. Leg Swings – Front, Behind, Side
  2. Mosey to Turd Shack:
    1. Tib Raises
    2. Wall Squat
    3. Wall Butterfly
    4. Calf Raises
  3. Mosey to Benches:
    1. Cat Stretch
    2. Split Squat (front leg elevated)
    3. Split Squat (rear leg elevated)
    4. Sitting Squat (grab bench if needed)
  4. Mosey to Field:
    1. No Arm Get Ups (on back, on belly)
    2. Crab Stretch
    3. Crawl/Crab Switches
  5. Run Drills
    1. Walking High Knees – Heel Toe Walk – Walking Lunges (deep stretch) x3
  6. Countdowns from 5
    1. Side Straddle Hops
    2. Burpees
    3. Merkins
    4. Mountain Climbers
    5. LBC’s
  7. Recover – Check Time
  8. Stretches:
    1. Sitting Squat
    2. Sitting on Knees (feet flat)
    3. Sitting on Knees (toes flexed)
    4. Crosses
    5. Scorpion
  9. COT: Announcements, Prayer Requests, Prayer

Index Death

Started off with a warmup containing NO Side Straddle Hops, which apparently bothers Tesla

Imperial walkers , Hillbilly walkers, windmills, gravel pickers, moracin night clubs, and mountain climbers.

We then did a set of 11’s with step ups and Carolina dry docks

Then the main thing was 2 rounds through the Index Cards of Death:

We had 12 index cards with 3 different exercises listed and a rep count for each. All PAX picked a card, did the work, ran a lap around the parking lot, then grabbed another card. We had enough time for everyone to get through the “deck” of cards twice. Every one especially loved the burpee card which allowed the oppertunity for 5 burpees, 5 perfect form burpees, and of course 5 Kracken burpees!

I’ll try to spell all the names correctly!

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