F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Midoriyama 10/10/23

Mosey to back soccer field for as warmup

50 Deep Squats, 100 Merkins, 150 LBC OYO

400m sprint, 5 min rest

100m sprint, 5 min rest

100m sprint, 5 min rest

100m sprint, 5 min rest

Fellowship mosey to flag.

This workout doesnt look like much on paper but trust me if the effort is there in the sprints its tough.

It’s The Climb

My second Q at the Ricky Bobby coincides with my second post. Coincidence? I think not. But I asked Nutria to Q the GasHouse (11/4) and happily reciprocated. Going in the only thing I knew would happen were Monkey Humpers in front of Sargento’s house. The rest of the workout built off that. With some newer faces to me, I gave a brief Disclaimer (better to have form than speed, you vs. you, etc.)

Warm-up Part I:

  • Seal-Jacks IC x 10, Toy Soldier IC x 10, Imperial Walkers IC x 10, Side to Side Lunge IC x 10, Arrows IC x 10, Good Mornings SC x 10 >> Pledge

Warm-up Part II:

Stay in the parking lot for some speed cardio. Anyone that has done Insanity videos will see where I ripped off the exercises and format.

Set 1: 4 exercises for 30 seconds each, 30 second rest between sets: 3 sets; SSH, Mtn Climber, Freddie Mercury, Imperial Walker (PAX observed it’s like everything was a version of SSH – smart PAX – there is a science and plan to the program, sometimes)

Set 2: same routine of 4 exercises at 30 seconds with 30 second rest between sets; 3 total sets: Mummy Kicks, Split Jack Toe Touch, Bonnie Blair, Ski Abs

I let the PAX catch their breath and with the warm-up officially over, we moseyed left from the parking lot to Winder Street leading into Cramer Woods. I did a brief recon before arriving to ensure the number of houses. As fate would have it, there are 11 mailboxes on the left and right side of the entire Winder Street. How fortunate. I scooped up Nutria on my return to the AO. Nutria was in full sprint carrying the shovel flag. Site Leader doesn’t play.

But you know me, we’re not just doing 11’s, lets trick this pony up a bit. Instead of 1 exercise compounding, we’ll do 3. Count the left side mailbox: HR Merkins + Mtn Climbers + Jump Squats; 1 then 2, then 3, and so on to 11. Oh my gosh Short Sale, that is like a burpee – again, there is a science behind the plan. One caveat – at the 8th house, do 5 monkey humpers with arse facing the house. Only thing was Sargento went to Ground Assault, so only his M benefited from the show. We arrived at the end of the road and since we must return, this time we’ll count the other side of the street’s mailboxes (still 11 of them). Change the routine to Iron Mike Tysons + LBCs + Star Jumps.

We gathered for the 6 and fellowship moseyed to the base. I heard Cherie Berry comment they should have gone to the ruck AO. Maybe, but you would have missed a most excellent boot camp. I even got SA to get up early and drive extra to support me.

COT: Lunch next week, 40 Day challenge, Ruck events – check other backblast and SLACK. Prayers for Turtleman (comes home Friday) and lift up marriages – there are peaks and valleys to these relationships. Sometimes we’re leading and sometimes we’re following (or being directed…).

Every step I’m takingEvery move I make feelsLost with no directionMy faith is shaking
But I, I gotta keep tryingGotta keep my head held high
There’s always gonna be another mountainI’m always gonna wanna make it moveAlways gonna be an uphill battleSometimes I’m gonna have to loseAin’t about how fast I get thereAin’t about what’s waiting on the other sideIt’s the climb
The struggles I’m facingThe chances I’m takingSometimes might knock me down, butNo, I’m not breaking
I may not know itBut these are the moments, thatI’m gonna remember most, yeahJust gotta keep going
And I, I gotta be strongJust keep pushing on, ’cause
If you have daughters or attended Gastonia F3’s The Climb CSAUP event in 2017, you’ll recognize the importal words of Miley Cyrus. She didn’t write the song but did put her voice to it. I share it in jest to some extent, but the descriptions paint a picture that we have to push forward.
Unit the next one (Saturday at the GasHouse), thanks for the opportunity to lead.
Short Sale

Late but done

On a froggy August morning 5 HIMS got some exercise.

Warm up at Pelicans parking lot.

SSH, Hill Billie’s, Squats.

Mosey down Riverwood Pkwy.  Doing 5 squats at each light post.

Turned on Plantation Trail 10 Merkin at each light post. Ran back down P Trail doing  more merkin

Moseyed to DG parking lot: 11s, mike tysons and squats.

Moseyed to Food Lion, 4 corners in parking lot.

Moseyed back to Pelicans for nap time.

The Goat 12-Oct-23


Principles of F3:
1) Free of charge (zero cost, never charge for a workout)
2) Open to all men (no matter the man, you are welcome)
3) Held outdoors (rain or shine, heat or cold we are out there)
4) Peer led (led in a rotating fashion by the men who attend)
5) End with a Circle of Trust (always ends with a COT)

Mission of F3:  Plant, Grow and Serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Motto:  We welcome men of all fitness levels and all physical abilities to our workouts. We have no requirement for membership other than you show up on time to the location and follow what the workout leader has planned. We will not leave any man behind!


Warm Up


Grass Pickers x10IC



Move to top for Gazebo for some shelter.  One Minute AMRAP, Eight Second Transition.  We kept this moving with a one minute break after each round.  36 total rounds completed.  Lots of good chatter.


  1. Pushups
  2. Squats
  3. Leg Lifts
  4. CDDs
  5. Burpees
  6. Situps
  7. Diamond/Ranger pushups
  8. Split Squats
  9. Flutter Kicks
  10. Calf Raises

Announcements:  13.1 Ruck  on 10/21 (See Anchorman), 2nd F Lunch Papas and Beer on 10/18, Donut Dash 10/27 at Lineberger Park, Younglife Banquet 10/19 (see Buckshot), Trail Race at Rocky Branch for cancer, Trail run event (F3) at Poston on 11/18 (see Freight), Christmas Party at Lewis Farm on 12/2.

TAP:  Travel Mercies for traveling PAX, Jackson Hall, disruption in the Middle East and other countries where peace is not there.


the goat 10/5

Bubba hit me up a couple times in September about Q’n the Goat, but I told him I was committed to IPC at Folsom every Thursday in September. October 5 was my turn. Unfortunately, I angered my L4 L5 doing murder Bunnys really fast on week 4 IPC. I didn’t want to leave Bubba hanging and with no one answering my Slack call for help…I sucked it up and with the help of 1600 mg of ibuprofen I got it done like this.

Warm up: First i had to find a level area…the dang parking lot at FB is on a 45% angle. Mosey to road in front of Confluence and do normal warm up stuff. Next, we moseyed to the far parking lot on the other side of Goat Island. Stopping at almost every light pole on the left for 1 Kraken Burpee, 20 MTN. Climbers, 20 American Hammers. once we made it to the parking lot we took a trip on the D-bag hwy. Named for my best good buddy Sister Act. 4 of his Favorite Exercises.

IF you haven’t taken a ride with me down the D-bag hwy..it goes like this:

4 different route 66’s
1)burpees/board jumps
2) Mike Tysons/bear crawl
3) Imperil Walker squats/lunge walk
4) Crunchy Frogs/crab walk

Mumble chatter was kind of low. Volt voiced his opinion on spiting on the ground (which my be illegal in some areas). I told wild tales of IPC Spooky Pax’s and Dbol enhanced proctors. a good time was had by all. We finished up and moseyed back to the flag. I think Dr. Suess and Mamma’s Boy raced to the parking lot. The winner received absolutely nothing.


2nd F lunch @ Pappas and Beer in Dallas 18th
40-day challenge starts 10/14 see preblast from Rosco.
1/2 Marathon Ruck on 10/21 leaves from the Yank see preblast from Anchorman.
24 Hour Run to Benefit No Brainer Foundation 11/4 see Gear Wrench/Roundup for details.
Beer Ruck on the East side 11/11 preblast soon from Bos/Balljoint
F4 trail Run Relay on 11/18 see preblast from Freight.
Thanksgiving Day Ultimate Frisbee 11/23
Christmas Town 5k w/ Speed for Need 11/25
Christmas Party 12/2

Man, that’s a lot! LOL

Jackson Hall
Turtle Man
Maybeline family
For each other

It was a honor to lead you men! I’ll come back when I’m 100% and we can do something hard!
Yall don’t be afraid to move around and visit other AO’s. Thats what the 2nd F is all about!

Ball Joint

Room to Grow

It’s running season, so get out to the running AO’s and take advantage of the weather. Five runners and one rucker did just that at the Sword on Monday. Afterwards we had a good discussion on three areas of our lives where we need to continue to grow…wisdom, stature and favor with God.


Announcements – 2nd F lunch 10/18, Ruck CSAUP 10/21, Trash pickup at Gashouse this Saturday, 40 day challenge

Be praying for Jackson Hall, Turtleman, Huck and all the injured PAX

Wichita took us out.

I’m Broke

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