F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Bring your 6pack and both ya guns, you’ll need’um.

The night before, I caught Maybelline tryin to give away my Q! No way man! Without accountability, I’m liable to fartsack!

I start with a few warm ups then send the pack for a mosey around the backside of the park to meet me at the bottom of the lot in the park.  I just can’t run anymore, improvise as needed.

On your 6ix, we work for 50 seconds, transition to the next exercise. Flutters, LBC’s, rev-LBC’s, oblique crunches. Run around the 2nd light pole and back. Rinse & Repeat 3x’s.

Next set, on your 6ix, same deal. Merkins, incline merkins, Derkins, shadow boxing, Run around the 2nd light pole and back. Rinse & Repeat 3x’s. 

It’s time! Somehow Hushpuppy shows up at the end and joins us on the mosey back to Snowballs. 

We get back with half a minute left. On your 6ix for some American hammers til the end of our time.

Good work men!

Prayer Request: Huck, Turtleman, Mayor, Norwood, Jackson Hall

folsom 8/17

Rolled in at 5am to catch Westside doing some EC with the skunks, he helped me load up the blocks and take them to the bottom parking lot for a block beat down in some gross humidity.

Thunder is a 25min AMRAP, 8 exercises with 12 reps each is a round.  We a competing with ourselves to beat our time from earlier in the summer to see if we have bettered ourselves. Not sure the heat and humidity did us any favors but I’m pretty sure everyone in our crew beat their old round counts.

12 Thrusters, 12 curls, 12 American hammers (count one side), 12 block swings, 12 rows, 12 Big boys, 12 heels to heaven, 12 Burpees.

Once we finished that up we did some escalating four corners, 10 Mike Tyson’s, 15 Jump Squats, 20  flutters, 30 LBCs

We finished with a round of Iron Hulk with the blocks


F3 dads at Folsom 8/19

mountain to mountain ruck end of the month

Convergence Labor Day Monday at Honey Hunters stadium

Prayer Requests

Westsides family

SA’s family





Jackson Hall


A Bulldog Post

With butter on top.

Warm Up:
Reverse Crunch, Flutterkicks, Merkins, Squats, SSH, Imperial Walkers


20 Freddy Mercurys
20 Merkins
20 FlutterKicks
20 Shoulder Taps

5 Step Ups per leg
5 Bulgarian Lunge per leg
15 Monkey Humpers

15 Curls
15 Kettlebell Swings
15 Shoulder Press

8 Lawnmowers per arm
15 Tricep Extensions
15 Curls

10 Goblet Squats
10 Around the Worlds
2 Rounds

Timeframe takes charge.

Cattle Trucks at the Ricky Bobby

We can always look forward to a Tesla quip at each workout he attends.  He and several other PAX showed up late to the start.  There was some excuse about a “slow car” in front or something.  In any event, the warm up lasted a little longer and went something like this…

Plank for the PAX that were lolligagging getting to the AO on time.  Plank walk right to complete a circle. SSH, Merkins, Squats, Hillbillies, Take a lap around the track

Mosey to the light poles.  Skip from the 1st to 2nd.  Lunge from the 2nd to 3rd, Bearcrawl form the 3rd to 4th.  Hit the wall for wall sits followed by wall sits and Arnold air presses.

Mosey to the back of the school and hit the steps for 50 calf raises, 50 calf raises duck footed, 50 calf raises pigeon toed.  Tesla said something about Texarcana and Cattle Trailers and a word that means “odd”.  Mosey to the light pole for the THANG.

YHC spoke about the MUSTER in Dallas and decided to do the Thursday PT session with the PAX, but abbreviated it to three rounds.

45 seconds of work, 15 seconds of transition time…I would call it rest

  1.  Sit ups
  2. Arm Haulers
  3. SSH
  4. Squats
  5. Merkins
  6. Burpees

Take a lap to return to start.

We ended with the four laws of combat.

Cover and Move

Prioritize and Execute


Decentralized Command

CashOut 48 reps of four count something or other IC.  Hit stomach 1, touch toes 2, tough stomach 3, hands overhead 4

Pledge of Allegiance


Announcements are many…Soft Launch of a new Monday AO November 6 at  Life Church behind Cramerton Middle School…Cherie Berry has purchased gear that would make even HIPPA jealous.  (Has anyone seen HIPPA lately?)

Prayer/Praise:   Turtleman,  Jackson Hall, Marriages, Seasonal Mood changes in people (Get some morning sunlight in your eyes)

When we ended COT with a Prayer, we noticed that Mrs. Breaker Breaker wasn’t at school yet.  She is always there between 0605 and 0615 and we welcome her with what sounds like something out of Kindergarten Cop, “Good morning MRS. BREAKER”.

Breaker Breaker started saying that she was late because it was his fault that she was late.  When she got there about 0620, she said she was late due to something about coffee and a “slow car” in front of her.  She sounded like Tesla with that excuse!  You hate to see it!

Anyway, a great morning with a good number of PAX and great fellowship.




F3 Tequila Sunrise – October 20, 2023

This morning we had Agassi of Lake Wylie with the Q.

He took us around the parking lot and then we circled up for a quick warm up.

For his Q, Agassi had several note cards spread out under the awning at Belmont Central. Each note card had a list of exercises and a scripture from the bible. After you completed one card, you took a lap around the school parking lot.

Half-marathon ruck is Saturday, October 21
F3 The Nessi is also Saturday, October 21.
Round-up and Hacksaw run is November 4 at Old School.
Veteran’s Day Hero WOD is at all Saturday AO’s on November 11.
Freight F4 is Saturday, November 18.
Convergence is Saturday, December 2.
Christmas Party is Saturday, December 2.
Beer Rock is Saturday, December 9.

Beautiful Fall Brisk Morning painlab

Thin crowd, no boot camp at the gashouse.   Loved the opportunity to Q a fine group of men during this Autumn morning.  Purple Haze spotted a beautiful bright red tree among all others in the  background, reminded us to stand out and be unique.


Warm up: Lunge left – 10, Lunge right – 10, Lunge forward – 10, Lunge back – 10, Arm circles, Grass pickers – 15, Side straddle hops – 12


50 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 3 sets, 1 min rest between sets

Merkins, Flutter kicks, Squats, Heels to heaven, Baby makers, Monkey humpers, KB swings

50 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 3 sets, 1 min rest between sets

Curls, Burpies, Tricep extensions, LBCs, Overhead presses, Don Quijotes

50 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 1 set

Moroccan night clubs, Imperial walkers, Plank jacks, Single arm rows

COT: Turtleman, Kelly Nichols (Purple Haze), Clavin’s M, Les Nessman’s M.

Suicide Ladder….Again!


Suicide Ladder (5 reps of each exercise with a suicide between each exercise then increasing by 5 reps after each round)

  • Big Boys
  • Calf raises
  • Climbing merkins (w coupon)
  • Heals to heaven
  • Imperial squat walker
  • Overhead press (w coupon)
  • Stair jacks
  • Upright row (w coupon)
  • Dips
  • Curls


  • Freights trail run
  • December Beer Ruck


  • Turtle Man
  • Norwood
  • Montana
  • Red Ribbon
  • Blakney Family and the first responders that had to witness the tragedy


  • Continued healing of injuries
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