F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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F3 The Storm – October 24, 2023

Big crowd this morning with 14 boot campers and five runners. We also had an FNG at The Storm.   After a brief disclaimer we said the Pledge of Allegiance and took a lap around the small parking lot.

Warm UP:
5 Burpees for the train
10 Imperial Walkers
10 SSH
10 Plank Jacks
10 Parker Peter
More stretching

There are five rows in the Stuart W. Cramer Parking Lot.  We split up into two separate groups and did sprints. Exercises were merkins, jump squats, plank jacks, ssh, and mountain climbers.

After this we ran over the staff parking lot and paired off. While one partner ran the loop, the other partner did the exercises at each of the 8 parking spaces.

Buy in: 3 Kracken Burpees, followed by 10 merkins, 15 squats, 20 mountain climbers, 25 high knees, 10 mike tyson, 15 smurf jacks, 20 american hammers, 25 goof balls. Cash out: 3 more Kracken burpees.

We headed over the benches. 1 derkin, 4 step ups, 2 derkins, 8 step ups and so forth.

November 4: 24-hour run at Old School. (Folsom AO will post at Old School Saturday)
November 6: New Gear AO soft launch through the end of the year at Life Church in Cramerton
November 10: Chad 1000 at W.A. Bess Elementary at 5:00 a.m.
November 11: Hero WOD at all Saturday AO’s.
November 18: F4 CSAUP at Poston Park
November 25: Ultimate Frisbee at Poston Park
December 2: Convergence
December 2: Christmas Party
December 9: Beer Ruck through McAdenville


F3 Mount Hollywood – October 30, 2023

We had seven this morning at Mount Hollywood. It was great seeing Red Ribbon back out in the gloom. Seeing no FNG’s, I gave a brief disclaimer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Run the parking lot aisle 10 little baby arm circles
Run the parking lot aisle 10 toy soldiers
Run the parking lot aisle 10 high knees (count one side)

The BEATDOWN (Stack exercises to the word Halloween, after each exercise the PAX would take a lap around the school parking lot.)
10 Hand Release Merkins
31 American Hammers (count one side)
10 Lunges (count one side
31 LBC’s
10 Overhead claps (IC)
31 World War I sit ups
10 Merkins
31 Freddy Mercury (count one side)
10 Nolan Ryan (count one side)

Prayers and Praises:
Good to see Red Ribbon back out.
Freon’s M (uncle and wife) were struck on their golf cart by a vehicle. Injuries are minor.
Blueprint said his daughter was struggling after some grades, but seems to be doing a lot better and enjoyed Tech beating UNC Saturday.

November 4: 24-hour run at Old School. (Folsom AO will post at Old School Saturday)
November 6: New Gear AO soft launch through the end of the year at Life Church in Cramerton
November 10: Chad 1000 at W.A. Bess Elementary at 5:00 a.m.
November 11: Hero WOD at all Saturday AO’s.
November 18: F4 CSAUP at Poston Park
November 25: Ultimate Frisbee at Poston Park
December 2: Convergence
December 2: Christmas Party
December 9: Beer Ruck through McAdenville

Walls Walls

2 laps to warm up then Toe, quads, imperial walkers

5 burpees

Ran throughout town for walls to work out on Stopped for 3 burpees randomly throughout 

Wall 1 – step ups and dips: 20, 15, 10

Wall 2 – Hip slippers, Dirty hook ups, wall sits – Partner Run

Wall 3 – donkey kicks and LBCs: 20/30, 15/30, 10/30

Wall 4 – Durkins and step ups 20, 15, 10

end with Mary


Red ribbon injury 

Family day to visit blue print daughter

Travel for work and vacation

7 years of marriage for myself 

Choose Your Hill

Almost every route at The Pub involves a hill or two to climb. Not a great deal of flat Earth in SOGA. The question going into Thursday was which hill would we climb.

Another perfect morning for running at The Pub. YHC arrived to find the PAX ready to go.

The route was announced… YHC considered the Defib route which would involve the Gut Check, but we went with what YHC refers to as the “Wachovia” route or the Wells Fargo route backwards.

The Pledge.

All PAX completed the hill climbing challenge.

Gaston Day School Rd / Armstrong Park Rd / Armstrong Park Dr / S New Hope Rd / Lee St / E Perry St / Armstrong Park Rd / Gaston Day School Rd

Christmas Party 12/2
F4 Trail Relay
24 Hour Run
Christmastown 5k – see Broke, don’t register through official channel
Ultimate Frisbee – Thanksgiving
Chad 1000 11/10

Prayer Requsts
Brandl family
Maybelline’s coworker with cancer
Lewiston, ME
Blakney Family

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

Amphibious Kickball

It was a beautiful day for some recreational excitement. Most of the PAX were on time for the start but others straggled in. While we still have sunlight for the  afternoon AO, YHC decided it was time for kickball again. This is what happened.

Pledge of Allegiance (for those already gathered at the start)

Warm up

Mosey across the parking lot to play on an actual diamond. Rats, they’ve locked up the field! Mosey down the road to the back soccer field so we wouldn’t be blinded staring into the low sun. Once there, YHC asked if the PAX had any suggestions about how to play since we only had 7 in attendance. Defib suggested be “bat” with our non-dominant leg. Perfect, I love doing things amphibiously, just like Charles Shackelford. YHC called off the teams by 1s and 2s.

We did Merkins, Squats and Bigboys as the penalty for each opposing team when outs were made or runs were scored, just so we can get some extra muscular action. We rans laps and some sprints in between batting changes too.

Mid-game, none other than ‘ole Stroganoff stopped by for a visit. We tried to talk him into playing so we could have equal teams, but apparently he was required to watch his 2.1’s soccer game on the lower field. He was just there to make an appearance.

Anyway, runs were scored, welts were dealt out and even some grass burn was achieved. All in all it was fun, especially since YHCs team won despite being undermanned. You had to be there!

Mosey back to the start for COT. Thanks for the opportunity to lead men!

Announcements- Frank’s trail run 11/18, Ultimate Frisbee Thanksgiving morning, HC to Broke for Christmastown 5k (don’t register!), convergence on 12/2 with Christmas party that night at Lewis Farm, Beer Ruck 12/?, Beer mile 12/30 or 31 (TBD)

Prayer requests – Jackson Hall, Turtleman is home!, Les Nesman’s M, Happy Trees’ cousin Marty Blair

F3 Crossroad – Perspective

Message today after workout: PERSPECTIVE

Psalm 37 & Proverbs 16, If we believe our steps are ordered of the Lord and believe that God desires our life to be on a procession to be made whole…spiritually, physically, mentally, & financially,  We must put things in perspective!

We can compare biblical teachings from Joseph where he was sold into slavery then OVERCAME, put into jail – EXCELLED,  finally to be in authority to SAVE his entire family.  May we view our life from a different perspective!  As being in a plane, may we begin see the 40,000′ view to understand, believe and trust that God has a plan.   May we continue to be reminded to believe our seemly graphical dips in life are only a set up for God’s ultimate plan to make us whole.  Sometimes the pull in our lives (that seems to be a regression of backward motion) is a only the Master Archer  applying more tension that it may change the trajectory of our paths.   May we be like David in the bible to have a heart after God and TRUST Him more in this procession of life!  May we continue to sharpen, lead, and be that shining light in our family, with our friends, in our community, in our state, in our world.  May we dare to believe in God’s purpose for greater than what we can imagine.



Pushers needed for Christmas Run

Thanksgiving Day Freesbie -Midoriyama

Trail Run (Weekend before Thanksgiving)

50 Mile Run at Oldschool  for the belt (Nov. 4th Weekend)





where you at bitch?

So if you run your mouth on Slack and then fartsack, what does that make you???? Hint: check the title.

There was a picture on Slack of a certain pax dressed as a gnome. Allegedly, it was someone whose name rhymes with Poopee….comments from multiple comedians followed, however only 1 comedian showed to back up his comments (thanks Roscoe-and BTW, I do know what they say about a man with big ears….). I promised to provide a proper beatdown and did my best despite having no ShortSale or SA show up.

We started with a disclaimer and pledge then got right into it with 1 minute of exercises: AMRAP for 1 minute for the following-BigBoys, Arm Haulers, Squats, Merkins, and Burpees. Slaw was smiling and I do believe I even saw a little bulge down below the belt when I called Burpees. It was dark and I didn’t have my glasses so I may be incorrect.

Next, mosey to the far lot for some 4 corners: 10 Mike Tysons (for you SA, but sadly you were dreaming of milk sammiches at home with your Yoda PJs on), 20 BigBoys, 30 Lunges (each leg???? WTF was I thinking-can’t Omaha, Wirenut is here and that dog won’t hunt if I try to Omaha), then finally 40 SSH. Mosey to the wall for some wall sits, Australian wall sits (BTTW), wall sits, and hip slappers. Man, I LOVE hip slappers. Have I ever told any of you that? The only thing that would have made the HS better this am would be hearing the whiny girly FIA-ish complaining from SS or SA. EZ Rider was a bit mouthy but he still put in the work. I could hear Amazon counting above almost everyone else-it almost made me think that I was the only one who likes Hip Slappers????? Nah, not a chance.

Next we moseyed around the corner for some jump, crawl, lunge. This might be my new favorite….maybe not. Starting at first light, do long jumps to next light. Then bear crawl to next light, then lunge to next light. I started out going pretty fast (I thought) then all of a sudden Slaw’s ass was all I could see as he buzzed by me almost at a sprint. We went a total of 6 lights then stopped at the stop sign (where else would we stop??). Next we moseyed down the street then turned left and found a wall for some Hip Slappers and Dirty Hookups. I don’t remember how many, but it was enough. Now I remember-we did 10 then I let EZ Rider pick the number for round 2. Shoulda been there-that was a joke but most of you did not get it. Did you get it SA? How about you Shortsale, was that funny? No, because YOU WERE NOT THERE THIS AM.

We moseyed back into the parking lot for some “20 yards of hell” that I thought up for SA, but again he was at home…..in his YODA PJs!!!! He’s probably got footies and a button up back side. We hopped 20 yards then did 20 reps of an exercise then moseyed back. The exercises were Merkins, Squats, and BURPEES!!!! I definitely saw a bulge in Slaw’s britches at this point. I believe it’s time for a new name for Slaw….maybe Woody? The Package? Dirk Diggler???? Also, Slaw was doing something illegal to the things we used to mark the 20 yards. I’m still not sure I will get much sleep tonight. It. Was. Not. Natural. At all.

We still had time left but dang, I was just about out of gas and a little queasy. I also was not sure what I would do with the 20 yard markers that Slaw had defiled. We moseyed around to another side of the lot and what was Slaw doing? He was doing Burpees. And smiling about it too. I really didn’t want to do much else but time was almost out so we did some Bojangles biscuits: run the straights and mosey the corners for total of 3 laps then back to start for flutter kicks until the end.

We finished with COT then it was over.

Great morning and outstanding effort by all. Thanks for showing. And by the way, SA and Shortsale were not there this am.


Audie Murphy

7 Hims at Folsom ready to learn about the legend of Audie Murphy.

Image result for audie murphy

Audie Murphy, Alabama War Memorial, 1968

The Thang:

8 min intervals

  • 10 Merkins mosey three courts 20 Squats back and forth until time is up.
  • 20 Squats mosey three courts 30 Hillbillies back and forth until time is up.
  • 30 Hillbillies mosey three courts 40 LBC’s back and forth until time is up.
  • 40 LBC’s mosey three courts 50 Calve Raisers’ back and forth until time is up.
  • 50 calve raiser mosey three courts 100 Merkins back and forth until time is up.

Prayer Request

  • Hall Family
  • Sarlacc Family
  • Blart Family
  • Wirenut Family
  • Balljoint
  • Huck



9/19 Folsom

Q fail – YHC forgot to do the backblast.

On this lovely morning, we whipped balls at each other in the dark and learned that Gearwrench is a professional dodgeball player.



An uninspiring Q

Leppard said that to YHC on around lap 12 around the horseshoe pits.

Sister Act would have hated it.


11 merkins run a lap.
11 big boys run a lap.
Rinse and repeat until time runs out.

Broke and Leppard led the way.


See previous backblasts as I don’t know of any updates.


Jackson, Turtleman, Huck, Gumby’s mom, Happy Trees family member, Freight foot, others not mentioned.

YHC took us out.

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