Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: wirenut (Page 3 of 11)

2 Q Tuesday Round 1

I’m at The Storm this AM for my first time visit and Q at this locale. As I pull into the parking lot I see a large lively group ready for werk. I also noticed Slaw back from his recent trip to the Chapel Hill Burn Center courtesy of Def Leppard. Good job buddy way to get back up on that horse. Well it’s time to go. After a few quick introductions, my  disclaimer, and The Pledge we were quickly at it. There were a lot of SSHs and Mike Tysons during the warmup. Along with these and a few other movements there was a good bit of Mumblechatter as well as zero attention paid to the instructions given during the warmup. That’s all good as I’m completely eat up with ADDDDHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHDDDDDD myself and go off the rails quite often too.

After we finished up the warmup we headed out to the lower entrance for a Tripple Nickel in the dark. Exercise selection was Jump Squats and Perfect Form HR Merkins. While here I caught a little more crap about how I avoided an entirely lit parking lot and  chose to run where the lights were out. It was also said how someone should report this to someone who works for Duke Power. Ha ha ha good one. Well I’m a lineman and we do our best work in the dark. Plus most of you are 10s when your M turns the lights off anyway.

After the Nickel we got in a little recovery stretching before heading off to run a bunch of rounds of 4 Corners where we ran through several rounds of single exercise before stacking them all together for the final round.

  • Rd. 1 – 10  Merkins each corner
  • Rd. 2 – 20 Hillbilly Squats each corner
  • Rd. 3 – 30 Seal Jacks  each corner
  • Rd. 4 – 40 Flutters each corner
  • Rd. 5 – All Previous Work each corner

It was during this time that Dr. Suess became the source of everyone’s attention. Every time he got up from any exercise the chants started. No way Seuss! No Rep Seuss! He’s going because someone else is going again! All of this said as if to insinuate that Dr. Seuss would take off if he thought someone was ahead of him. I tell you I kinda like this saucy little crowd over here. They talked $h!t profusely,  pushed hard the whole time, and kept on calling out some nonexistent PAX named CPAP. The entire dang workout his teammates cheered this fella on. He got cheers like that last poor Some Beech that crosses the finish lines at the Boston Marathon. CPAP you need to show up and earn your team them points for yours and your family’s sake. I fear your teammates may decide to do you some harm if you don’t show up soon.

Well it was getting close to that time so we made a mad dash back to the COT for Praise, Prayers, and Announcements. Once finished some of us headed for refreshments while others quickly scurried off about their Thanks for all the Trash Talk, Fellowship, and Hard Work Men.

Until Next Time


Slaw got Roasted Then Got in His Truck and Cried

Well after joining in on the Misogi CSAUP challenge that Freight put together this morning I was beat. I figured this would be the case so I said what the heck we’ve got a perfectly good field here at Old School so let’s put it to use. So I laid out a field of battle with some cones and after a few readjustments and some equipment exchanges we were running through the worst game of Ultimate Frisbee in the history of F3. Between the Gail Force Winds and a few Prison Rules Fouls both of which I happened to be involved. I’m sorry Wiki. As for Westside I’ll not apologize. I’m not quite sure who’s fault that was but my neck and back still feel like I was hit by a Buick Riviera. All that being said these weren’t the worst injuries of the day. You see with all the bad luck most were having there was one of us who was on FIRE. It was The Man, The Myth, The Ledgend, Def Leppard. He was sporting The Downhill at Dawn race shirt and days of Leppard past were upon us on this glorious of days. And who you ask did he roast but none other than the peoples champ Slaw. When I say burned I mean I thought we were going to need to reserve a room at the Chapel Hill Burn Center for the poor guy. When heckled we shamed him and all he could do was say, “ Hey if you think you can do better then you get him.” We all said, “Nah there’s no point in anyone else needing to go to the ER with 4th. degree burns today. The Old Man caught like 5 TDs and tossed like another 3. In all reality his abuse of the Slawbag was downright disgusting. So much so that after The COT Slaw sat in his truck and cried before finally heading to Time Out to join us for breakfast. I’m telling you now if this was an episode of Chappelle’s Show Leppard would have been like “Game Blouses”. If you didn’t know now you do. If the Old Man’s not on your side then you better double team him. Well that’s all I got I’ve gotta head to Walgreens to get some Aloe Vera and nonstick bandages so Mrs. Slaw can clean and change his bandages.

Mayor is a Jacka$$

Not that it’s a surprise or that anyone needed to be told but The HIM known as Mayor is apparently a Jacka$$. This and many other topics were thoroughly discussed at this this morning’s installment of The Weak and The Restless at the Best Friday Morning AO in The Region. We did manage to get in a workout despite all the chatter. We did a lot of SSHs, Merkins, Squats, Mike Tyson’s, Big Boys, etc… on our tour of The Fuse District. Once back to the Rotary Pavilion we did a bunch more SSHs paired with a few rounds of Burpees.




See y’all next time.

The MoM Ain’t No Joke

I’ve been working on making it out to each of our regions weekday Bootcamp AOs. I am waiting to see new faces and workout in new places. So when it was put out on the ol’ interwebs that Mt. Hollywood needs a Q this week I was like why not. As fate would have it I’ve never most of these men and I’ve never been there for a workout let alone a Q so no better time to go right.  Once there I knew mostly what I wanted to do and I’m pretty good at making things up as I go along.  So after a good warmup we were off heading straight into downtown. We stopped at each pole along the way in for 10 deep squats. We then stopped at the intersection Main St. to stretch and workout the stiffness in the lower body. All limbered back up so we’re going head down to 273 aka Highland St. this time stopping at each decorative light pole along the way for 10 HR Merkins. We headed back up to the CBD shop for some more recovery work this time focusing on the upper body. We then cut down the back alley behind the downtown businesses where we finished things of with a little DORA  core work. 100 Big Boys, 200 LBCs, & 300 Flutters. We’re now pressed for time so with a quick dash between the buildings and back up Central to the Flag. With perfect timing we rolled into the parking lot just in time for the Pledge and COT only after I catch my breath that is. I’ll tell you what trust me when I say these Men of Mt. Hollywood ain’t no joke. I was the lead but I spent much of my time chasing these guys down. I’d give them a task and they’d attack it like a swarm of angry yellow jackets. Great work men and thanks Blueprint for the invite.

Folsom Nationals 2/10 – 0630

Many Prayers Spoken and Unspoken

If You’re Not Cheating Then You’re Not Trying

Day one PR challenge and I’ve got rep and count cheaters at the first workout. We did a simple WOD but it was a ton of reps.
Round 1 100 reps. each – Merkins, Squats, Big Boys, and SSHs. Rinse repeat but drop the reps. by 25 until you get to a final round of 25 each. This was very similar to our PT test with the exception of the useless running which I intentionally left out. There was however a timer and every 3 minutes we stopped where we were and did 3 burpees. Very simple but very effective. You’ve got to pace yourself in those first two marathon rounds so that your body doesn’t die before you get to the sprint rounds.

Well first thing I saw when we started was someone doing half reps.Then I’ve got Ball Joint and SA tag teaming reps looking like Midnight Express after the Road Warriors kicked the snot out of them at The Starcade 89’ Scaffold Match. Next I saw the worst version of face down arse up crawling on your knees Merkins I’ve ever seen. I guess that’s the version you want to practice if your boss has a tiny desk. I can tell you now that the things I saw out here today are burned into my brain and I can’t unsee them. I heard a hey man It’s You vs You. Well if we’re going to cheat that bad we need to change that motto to If You Ain’t Cheating Then You Ain’t Trying. It wasn’t all bad though I had guys pushing and grinding through the suck. On another high note I had the Peoples Champ back out here in the Gloom with us this am and he appeared to have picked up right where he left off before Lynn Good abducted him last month. Then there was Westside this guy is like the original Terminator literally said nothing just grinding through rep after rep with impeccable form and performance. He’s the only one to get through the all rounds from what I could tell. Dude went Beast Mode.

We finally got through that mess and headed back up for the Pledge and COT.

Folsom Winter Nationals 2/10 at 0630

There were several spoken and unspoken prayers. As always we’ve got way too many things to be thankful and give praise for.

Thanks For The Support and Opportunity.

Well that’s all for now I’m sure I will get the chance to critique more of you guys in the near future. Until then remember If You Ain’t Cheating then You Ain’t Trying.

Judge Not

Some ran fast some ran slow. Some ran a little while some ran a little more and some even rucked. Once that fun was done we shared a few words from my daily devotion that happened to be about judgment. Not that I’m passing judgment on you but if you wanted the entire conversation then I guess you should’ve been there.

Slaw Dog hold the Chili

Well it would appear that the PAX retrieval plan worked. Slaw is actually alive and well and back out here getting at it with us this morning. He escaped the Death Grips of conference calls, Corporate Reorganization, and watching that new season of Reacher on his phone when he’s supposed to be programming relays. It was really tough on him but now he’s back. With that said it’s time to get at it. After what I thought was a pretty decent warmup SA started chipping and complaining that the warmup took too long. Well I had a cure for that. Partner Work 5 rounds of 5 pull-ups each. While your partner works you rest and motivate or shame your teammate through their set. We working yet SA? I am but I’m not sure you are. I see you over there struggling to get that massive head to the bar. You do however get a little credit for cleaning that mess up now we can’t confuse you with that cat down at I-85 and 321 for now. Alright that’s enough beating up on SA we’re off to Main St. for one his favorite routines Mike Tyson – Route 66. Once finished we ran back down Route 66 11-1 this time with Jungle Boy squats at each exit.  From here we’re off to the bottom level of the parking deck for some DORA. The working sets were 100 squat, 200 LBCs, and 300 SSHs while teammates swap turns running across parking deck. We’re all finished here and it’s getting close so as we’re heading back we stop in 5 or 6 randomly selected spots to get in 10 HR merkins at each location. We sprint it out to the Flag and we’re done. Good work men. Thanks SA for letting me snag this one up.

Lots to give Praise for and Lots of Prayers as well.

Pushing Rocks and Folsom Winter Nationals

The Goat was Closed

The Goat was closed. Well the park was anyways. No problem we still got in plenty of work regardless. We warmed up then some ran or rucked while the rest of us ran up a long ass hill to our workout destination. We did an escalator – de-escalator workout. We did a bunch of Jungle Boys on the way back. My knees have paid the price ever since. By this time the run/ruck crew caught back up with us just in time for the COT.


Pledge, Praise, Prayers

2nd F at Floyd and Blackies after we finished

This was another 1st time Q for me. BIG Thanks to all who showed up.

Coming in Hot for a Simple Morning Grinder

11 HIM strong for a Simple Morning Grinder of a workout at Folsom this AM. 1 showed up for just the warmup. I was on my  typical Wirenut Time as usual. Luckily Pony Boy is use to it and got to the warmup for me. The guys saw me coming in hot behind our friendly neighborhood Pokémon Go Guy and with no time to spare and no good parking spot due to more construction vehicles at the park again I ran the ol’ F1fiddy ashore at the tennis court fence. Once out of the truck I picked up the remainder of the warmup and then we moseyed over across park for the workout.

The Thang

  • 5 Burpee Buy In
  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • LBCs
  • 5 Burpee Cash Out
  • Run 1 Lap

Round 1 was 50 reps each and we dropped 10 reps each round until we were down to 10on the final round. Burpees and running stayed the same each round. If you finished early enough you picked someone up for their final rounds. Once finished we had a few minutes left so we headed over to the soccer fields for couple of rounds of partner work followed by ten more  Burpees. We then moseyed back to The Flag stopping another time for 5 more Burpees and that was TIME.

Pledge, Announcements, Praise & Prayers

Thanks For The Save Pony Boy.

Slaw MIA Again

I’m not going to sugarcoat, fluff up, or describe my workout in too much detail here on this platform today. It was a pretty simple rack’em – stack’em at the soccer fields. We finished up in a decent amount of time so then we unstacked it all. We ran over to the hill did a round of tripple nickel then headed back and got in a few rounds of sprints to finish things off. We Said the Pledge got in our Prayer Requests and Announcements and we were finished.  Thanks to all who showed up today.

Workout speech done.

I’m going to now use my platform to speak up about a new project I’m working on that focuses on Missing PAX, PAX Abduction and PAX Trafficking Etc… My first subject of interest is Slaw. Have you or anyone you know seen him since the Christmas Dinner. He’s the site Q at the Premier Afternoon AO in the Gastonia Region where are you. I like Defib earlier in the week received a proof of life phone call. While on my way to Madoriama this week I received said phone call with a very familiar voice that sounded like Slaw but it could have been AI generated. I say that because the first thing he says is he hates it but he was going to miss my Q this week. Now I don’t know if he really hates it or not because he’s been MIA for so long. But it was the second thing he said that sent the red flags a flying. This person supposedly Slaw said he was on a conference call and he’d be working over. Not that I don’t believe he’s on a conference call because that’s all DE employees seem to do most of the time these days. It was the working over part that made me suspicious because we all know Slaw don’t work. He self admittedly watches YouTube all damn day. So this really has me confused and concerned for his physical safety and wellbeing. I’m not so much concerned with his mental stability though as we all know he’s already a head case. I’m looking at getting John Walsh to head up this project with me. By all means if you have any other information that would help with the successful recovery of this PAX or any other missing PAX from this region please reach out to us at 1(888) SLAW BAG we promise that we’ll follow up on all leads and you can remain anonymous if you feel that it would be beneficial for you and your AO.

That’s All For Now

Wirenut – CEO and Sr. Operator of The PAX Retrieval Firm



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