Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: wirenut (Page 2 of 12)

Full Court Pressure

This title is very deceiving. Being that there’s a basketball court at river park and there’s usually a large crowd at The Goat   I figured we’d play some full court 4 on 4. Well the only Full Court Pressure that was going down on that morning was the pressure Team 1 had sweeping the other 3 teams asses off the court multiple times. Well the rest of us got in some pretty good rounds of triple nickels while waiting on our next butt whoopin on the courts at least. All in all it was a good time and a good workout as well.



Poision Ivy

5/15 Ricky Bobby Light crowd this morning so i opted out of Shirts and Skins Football and it’s a good thing because Tooth Fairy showed up slathered in calamine lotion and other exogenous forms of steroid, antibiotics, and itch creams. Someone obviously dumped a 55 gallon drum of poison ivy in hes well because he had that junk all over his body. I mean even in his eyes. That’s one tough dude to be out here getting in that work in that condition. Hats off to that guy. As far as the workout goes. I think it was a pretty good one. I remember it well but I ain’t typing it all up tonight cause I have several more of these to get typed up.


Tornado Alley

5/9 Folsom the morning after the storm. 5 HIM made the trek through treacherous terrain and downed trees and power lines to get in a workout. It was still nasty out so I Omahed my workout and our normal starting location to the shed at the lower lot. Here we did several exercises for timed rounds. At the end of each round we took a quick lap around the lower parking lot. We did this for several rounds until time was up. Nothing spectacular but we got in some good work.



Too Much Running and Reps

Folsom 5/2 we had 5 show up to run way too much for a boot camp. Close to 4 on my watch. We also got in several rounds of Burpees, Bonnie Blairs, Merkins, Squats, & LBCs to go along with the extended moseys.

COT, Praise, Prayers, Announcements


Blocks or Bags the Choice is Yours

Today I was welcomed to Life Line and man I tell you this place has got it all. Tires, atlas stones, blocks, bags, etc… and it’s a gear workout where those in attendance aren’t scared to run a little.

As overwhelming as it was I kept it straight forward and simple this AM. Here’s how it went down. Simple warmup and then go pick your poison. Block – Bag I don’t care just grab it and get after it. We did a lot of Overhead Presses paired with Hill Sprints and Burpees. Then there were a lot Curls paired with Coupon Carries and Blockees or Baggies depending on your coupon of choice. Well that pretty much smoked the top half of the body on to the legs. Everyone lined up on a section of curb and we did heels elevated squats (Sissy Squats) AMRAP for 3 min. This wasn’t a super jam packed over thought workout but I’m willing to bet everyone will feel it tomorrow.



Thanks everyone for showing up and showing out this morning.

I’m looking forward to many more trips to Life Line.

Unleash The Kraken

I’m on deck at Downtown today and after a no show last week I figured I’d have a little fun with SA this AM. So when I got to Downtown a little early (IKR believe it or not) I hid the Ol’ F1FIDDY on the opposite side of the Rotary Pavilion and waited. I hop out at 0529 and run over just in time to hear the Canoe whining and crying about it. Then 0530 and my alarm sounded off as did I. He realized I was pulling one on him and laughed it off.

Pledge and a quick warmup and we’re off. We made multiple random stops everywhere we could to do 5 Kraken Burpees. After about 5 rounds we stopped and got in some DORA.

100 Merkins – 200 – Squats – 300 LBCs

This is where the Dr. Evil rep counts really ramped up. And while the real Dr. Evil – Dr. Seuss wasn’t with us this fine morning it’s obvious he’s been privately tutoring some of these fellas in workout Math lately.

Next we moved on getting back to the Krakens. As we moved on down 2nd Ave. we stumbled upon a sidewalk handrail where we pushed through a lot of reverse grip inverted rows and body weight skullcrushers. After about 4 sets of that we’re back to the random stop Krakens.

Now at this point we we’re well on our way into the workout and we’re heading between the downtown shops when a Kraken (Crack Head) unleashed himself on me. The man was completely zipped into a sleeping bag but we spooked him and he fo sho spooked us. When I tell you I lost time off of my life I mean it. I jumped dang near into SA’s arms (they’re super strong from all the cable pulling)  and we both bout took out The Slawbag. Man it was a site but we managed to press on.

At this point we’re at my favorite spot in Downtown The Torture Rack at Long Ave. and Marrietta Ave. If you thought pull ups then you thought wrong we got in more Krakens. Next we did hanging Leg Raises and Big Boys for a few rounds then we got back at the Krakens for a few more rounds before time was up.


COT – Announcements – Praise – Prayers

Had a great time out here today men thanks for the push. Let’s do it again.


The Kitchen Sink and Everything Else

Got the Q at the Labyrinth this week and I decided to throw not just the Kitchen Sink but every dang thang else while I was at it. We got started with the Pledge and be darned if we didn’t have to find a flag to do so. Maybelline was a no show. Heard that has happened a time or two recently. However after a few minutes into the Warmup he did make his Grand Appearance. I know I can’t shame him for that with my punctuality standards. Warmup was the norm until we headed down the road towards Riverwood Plantation, Here we got in a bunch of Hand Release Mike Tysons since we did 5 at each light pole on our way to the neighborhood entrance to the park.

Once in the park we all got in a round of pull ups while everyone else did an exercise of my choosing. Once finished here we made our way to a picnic gazebo for a few rounds of leg abuse that consisted of several rounds of step ups, split squats and jump squats. Now that the entire body has been worked over pretty good we’re ready for a total body burner. We racked and stacked our way through the parking lot working our way up to a final round that consisted of 5-Burpees,      10-Big Boys, 15-HR Merkins, 20-Sissy Squats, 25-LBCs. We finished up out time in the park working on speed and agility drills. This was awful after all the leg work but it was good to get this in. We ran. We sprinted, We did high knees. We did butt kickers. Then we sprinted some more.

We’re now on the last leg of this workout literally and physically. Not so fast though before we wrap it up I’ve got one last thing to do to finish this one off. On our way back we pushed the legs to their final limits by doing 3 count walking lunges and running between The City’s Utility Poles (not telephone poles) on our back to Snow Balls.

And Finally We’re Done

Weather you enjoyed or hated it I hope you felt it for several days.

COT – Announcements – Praise – Prayers

Mammon and Soggy Run/Walk

Good crowd considering the weather. We had 4 runners and 2 walkers. You already know what category I was in.

Pledge, Prayers, Announcements

Blister (Blart) showed for Q Source just after the work was done. Just like a blister usually does. Speaking of work we had a great discussion on work (Mammon) and the goods and bads of it.

So Long Men

Not enough for Football

I put it out on Slack early in the week that I was wanting to play some College OT Red Zone rules flag football at Old School this week. If I could get enough interested in playing we we’re gonna do it. Now knowing how competitive Def Leppard is at these sorts of things I figured he’d be a sure thing to show up and play. I already had imagined him ironing that ratty assed Downhill at Dawn tee shirt and then searching through that old trunk in the back of the garage looking for his Dallas Highschool Letterman’s jacket. Finally rubbing saddle soap all over that dry rotted leather helmet of his. So you could only imagine my disappointment when he said he was running a 5k this weekend.

Slowly throughout the day I saw that this was more than likely not going to happen as a lot of PAX were interested but had prior engagements. It looked like it was going to end up being a normal workout if I didn’t get a crowd on Saturday morning. Well that’s what it was. We had 1 runner and 4 Bootcampers.

Oh well I guess life goes on. I put together a pretty good one or at least I think so and that’s all that matters. We warmed up. We ran, and got in some good work along the way. If you’re interested in what we did then you should have shown up.

Pledge, Prayers, Praises, Announcements


Ricky Bobby Leg Killer

It was a nice clear dry morning this morning. Which was great because was my attempt here the soccer field and track were standing in water and I was not able to utilize them. Today is my second attempt at The Ricky Bobby and everything is dry and in the clear. So get ready to get run over by this Mack Truck. This one might make you regret getting out of bed.

Started with the Pledge and The Disclaimer.

Warm up consisted of the normal stuff so no need to explain it.

After the warmup we made our way to the track bleachers for a few rounds of Dips and Derkins. This would be the first and last of the upper body movements. After these we took a lap.

Back to the bleachers this time for a few rounds of single leg step ups and squats. Once finished with the final round of theses we got in 20 monkey jumpers IC took a quick stretch break. Then we took another lap around the track.

Once back to the bleachers we got back into the leg abuse with split squats and jungle boy squats. We pushed through 6 rounds of these. Somewhere around set Flintstone said I had to be doing this on purpose at this point. He wasn’t wrong. I had 50 reps of split squats per leg planned. This doesn’t seem like much until you’re about halfway through as we were and someone keeps saying rinse and repeat. We caught another quick stretch and headed around the track one last time.

At this point the legs are very warm and loose. Loose enough anyway. We headed out on the field for some speed and agility drills that consisted of 3 rounds of each high knees, butt kickers, karaokes, rolling sprints, regular sprints, and nurs.

Thanks Men for the great work.

As I told Flintstone if your legs feel better in a few days do this one again. It was a stability and plyometric killer.

Praises, Prayers, Announcements

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