Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Wichita (Page 1 of 4)


It was a good morning to head to the shelter, so we did and hear the goal! We fell a little short but we worked hard and it  gave it a valiant effort!

25,24,23,22,21,20….1 Burpees

Between each Round:

15 Hindu Squats

10 Merkins

5Pull Ups

Back To School

Long story short, we did some work on our way to the college. After reaching the target we utilized the entrance going into the college for some hill work. After it was all said and done we got plenty of manual work in and and 3 miles of lung expansion work in. Not a bad start for a Saturday.



Announcements: The Roundup 50 miler next Saturday starting at 5:30am until 5:30am Sunday. Pax lunch sometime in the near future.

Prayers: The Dill family, Huckleberry and family, Turtleman and family, Wirenut’s family and some I can’t remember.

Thanks for letting me lead another one!

Wichita out and on to the next one!


We had a full house and the gloom was right! Brave souls showed up for week 3 of the IPC and as always it was a beatdown! All Pax got some and some Pax left some but hey that’s the way it goes!

I apologize but I don’t remember the prayer request or announcements.🤦🏼‍♂️

Thanks men for letting me lead!

Wichita out and on to the next one!

JUNE 16th 2022

I don’t remember exactly what we did but it was brutal! Plus I was honored to have The Def Leppard in attendance!

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!

Wichita on to the Next one…


Rolled in to a few HIM’s putting in some EC like the main attraction wasn’t going to be enough, but little did they know what was about to go down! We also had some thangs to celebrate: 1: Volts B-day! Happy birthday Volt, we finally figured it out! 2: It was Slaw’s 1,000 post!! Congrats Slaw I was an honored  to Q it! That’s serious dedication and a lot of hard work and early mornings! Way to go! With all that out of the way it was time to Pay the Man!

Started w/ a proper Warm Up:


Don Q’s

Gravel Pickers

1 Deconstructed Burpee


100 Burpee’s in 10 min.

Moseyed to the hill on Sportsman Dr.

11’s – Mike Tyson’s and Row Merkins: count both merkins as 1

Moseyed  to the flag and said the pledge

I noticed the horse arena was occupied so we kept going to the pond with the walking track around it. On the way we heard a train and so like any seasoned Pax would do Sparky said “5 burpee’s for the train” so we stopped and did 5 burpee’s.

At the pond we did:


10 Merkins then took a lap

20 Squats then took 2 laps

30 LBC’s

we ran out of time and didn’t get to finish. To finish it was going to be 3 laps after the LBC’s then 40 CDD’s and 4 laps 50 Flutter Kicks and 5 laps

Prayer Request:

Westside’s grandma, Turtleman, Broke, Big Pappy, Huckleberry, all the teacher and staff, our country

Once again, thank you HIM’s for letting me lead!

Wichita out and on to the next one!


Ball Joint reached out and said he had an open Q for 12/30 and ask if I wanted it. It was a no brainer, of course I wanted it. As I thought of what kind of work we would do I knew merkins would fit in perfectly and with it being the end of the year and the last workout at Folsom for the year all I could think of was finishing strong. We’ve all had our ups and downs throughout the year but so what! It’s life and life happens to everyone. So if you find yourself in the ups of or the down don’t think you’re special, you’re not! What is special is have brothers you know will be there in the gloom either looking to pick someone up (maybe you maybe me) or looking to (you or maybe me) to pick them up. At different times we’re both of these things. One thing I’ve observed is that if you’re not getting in the gloom it’s hard to be picked up or a picker upper! Anyway… enough of that… let’s get to what you came to see. THE WORK! One other thing, I knew it would need to be a good one as I had heard through the grape vine that a couple of elites may be there and they were! Check the Pax list



Gravel Pickers ICX20

Merkins x10 OYO

Squats x10 OYO

At each light pole heading to the flag pole we stopped: 60 Flutter Kicks/10 Merkins
50 Flutter Kicks/20 Merkins
40Flutter Kicks/30 Merkins
30 Flutter Kicks/40 Merkins
20 Flutter Kicks /50 Merkins
10 Flutter Kicks/60 Merkins

Mosey back to the triangle: 5 Rounds

10 Burpees at the bot

20 Big Boy Sit Ups in the middle

30 Merkins at the top


Mosey to the hill leaving the parking lot:

11’s Mike Tyson’s &Hand Release Merkins

we didn’t get through the 11’s, so there work to be done for 2022!

Prayer Request: Big Pappys M and family, Sister Acts mother in law and family, Purple Hazes 2.0’s basketball coach’s family


What a great year it has been! Some of y’all are wondering how I could say that. Let me tell ya…  life is not about circumstances, it’s all about who you turn to in those circumstances. And if you don’t know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior then you have had a rough year and a rough life for that matter. So with the most serious of tones  “Now after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.””
‭‭Mark‬ ‭1:14-15‬ ‭ESV‬

Thanks for pushing me men, can’t wait till next year!

Wichita out and on to the next one!



The modern day philosopher John Wayne said “courage to is being scared to death but saddling up anyway”. 10 HIMS chose to saddle up this morning. The weather the perfect for what I had planned and with the chill in the gloom I knew I needed something to get the blood moving and the heart pumping! So here’s what did just that…


Squats x10 IC

Imperial Walkers x15 IC

CDD’s x10 IC

SSH x20 IC


100 Burpee’s in 10 min.

Head to the flag pole:

At every light pole do 4×4’s ‘4 merkins and 4 mountain climbers-count one leg’

At flag pole: Said pledge then:

10 Yes Dears ‘Folsom Exclusive’ show to know

30 Flutter Kicks IC

Ascending Curb Crawl to 10

Concrete Steps at Horse Arena:

Derkins, Merkins, Incline Merkins x5 for 5 Rounds

Back to the Parking Lot: Stop at the last for five light poles

Start with 5 Mike Tyson’s/5Hand Release Merkins and descend to 1

Circled up:

LBC’s 30x IC

With a few minutes to spare Sister Act called:

Merkin Jacks 1/4 ratio for 5 Rounds

Prayer Request: Sister Acts mother-in-law and family, Spackle and his family, Bed Pan and his family, Purple Haze and his family, Dave, Wichita’s co worker, the new leadership of F3 Gastonia and those affected by the tornadoes and those working/ volunteering.


New Years Day Convergence time and place TBA, Ball Joints one yr. anniversary beatdown Jan. 8


The gloom was beautiful this morning and I enjoyed leading you men!

Wichita, on to the next one!

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