Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Voodoo (Page 6 of 6)


Diablo Sammich is probably one of my favorite places to visit. I feel like there is such a great opportunity for the 2nd F of F3.   I think this is in part because I am not sucking wind like I do at other workouts and can actually speak.   So after the last meeting at the Sammich, Gastone asked for a Q, and I gladly volunteered.



SSH x 10 IC (with packs…lol)

Let’s roll…

We did a little mosey to Gastone’s hill and did number of squats, merkins and LBCs/ flutter kicks as we NURed to the top.  We then left and did some wall squats at food lion and then again at Harris teeter. These were super fun as our quads were on fire by that point. On the way back we had a few minutes and HIPAA and WattsUp told me what they sometimes do on the short wall on the way back so we did some step ups and some dips.  Made it back to snowballs and did some Mary to finish up.  Great work men.  It was a pleasure leading y’all today.

Annoucements- Mt Mitchell and Convergence

Prayer Requests- WattsUp’s son as he is undergoing some neurological testing.

YHC took us out…







Bulldog Blast..


As I have said before, and as some of y’all experienced last Saturday at the Gashouse, Montross and Whoopie delivered the epitome of what a F3 workout is.  When I began to put together my game plan for Bulldog I took some pages from their playbook and added a few other terrible things in order to challenge myself and hopefully my fellow F3 brothers. So it went something like this:




Princpals of F3- Whoopie Style (lots of burpees) #crowdpleaser

The Beatdown:

5 cones approximately 10-15 yards apart

Bearcrawl between for round 1, Lunge walk for round 2 rinse and repeat as needed for a total of 6 I think. We did both exercises at each cone. There was a fair amount of mumble chatter, but everyone pushed hard.

1) Mike Tysons 15/ LBCs 25 OYO

2) Kettlebell swings 25/ 25 curls

3) Reverse American hammers 25 OYO / 25 Rosalitas 

4) 4×4 10 OYO/ SSH 25 IC 

5) 20 Reverse lunges/ 20 Squats

Thanks to all you guys for coming out and helping me get better.  Till next time SYITG

Announcements – Mt Mitchell Ruck and Convergence.

Pryaer Requests: Voodoo’s co workers daughter and Tornado victims and families. Yhc took us out.



The Little Green Band

5 HIMs showed up to the bulldog for some rainy pain and here is how it went…



SSH x 10 IC

Merkins x 15 OYO

 Imperial walkers x 10 IC

5 Burpees OYO

Station work:  

  1. Swings/ Deadlifts – 30 each
  2. Curls/ Merkins – 25 each
  3. Pulls (green band)/ Dips- 25 each
  4. Renegade Rows/ Arnold presses -30
  5. Squats -25 / Burpees -10

We did approximately 6 rounds of each exercise.  The real crowd pleaser was the little green Thera band that was used for rear deltoid pulls… looked easy…not so much after a few rounds.  Even though there were a few Q fails I really enjoyed leading today.  Thanks to all who joined in…we all got better today!

COT/ prayer requests/ YHC took us out

Make it a great day…get after it!

Get after it…

When HIPAA asked for Q’s for this month I decided to give it another go so I went to HIPAA’s garage and got some fun stuff.

Pledge…warmup 15 SSH, 10 merkins oyo, 10 cotton pickers.

The Thang: Get after it..


Sledgehammer swings, battle ropes, Lateral raises, Dips, renegade rows/ plank, goblet squats, kettle bell curls.

Timer: Farmer carry to end of the parking lot and back. To make it interesting at the halfway point we did a different exercise each round…burpees, SSH, merkins, flutter kicks.

We ended with some Mary and YHC took it out with a prayer. Safe travels for HIPAA and his family on their trip and good luck in the 1/2 Marathon brother.

Bulldog party of two…

I am fairly new to F3 so when HIPAA asked/ informed me that I was going to Q I was a little nervous, but excited about the opportunity.    Little did we know that Mother Nature would make it that much more difficult to get out of the fartsack on a cold icy morning.

HIPAA and I showed and I knew what I had planned would be super fun for just two of us…so we got after it.



Moroccan night clubs x 10

Imperial walkers x 10

Merkins x 15 

LBC x 15 


Dice:  simple each person rolls the fate of the group…repeat until times up or we all fall out. 

2: 10 clean and jerk press

3:  30 Flutter Kicks and 5 Burpees (F3) 

4:  5 Out and up crushers 

5:  10 chili jacks

6:  15 kettle bell squats 

7:  5 Burpees 

8:  Renegade row 5 each side

9:  30 dips

10: 10 pullovers 

11:  10 kettle bell lunges 

12:  Rollers choice 

Two people+two dice+lots of work and little rest between = Great work.

Thanks to HIPAA for showing up…he is a #HIM. Thanks for the opportunity and look forward to it again soon.

Side note:  we rolled 7, 9, and 3  lots .  Lost count but there were something like 60+burpees and around 120 dips …fun times

YHC- Voodoo



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