Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Virus (Page 3 of 4)

Was That LBCs or CDDs?

I rolled into the center of town with just a couple minutes to spare and all the parking spaces had cones in them.  So I parked on the side street and had to run up to get started just in time.  No FNGs so standard disclaimer given.  The 13 of us then moseyed down to The Bunker for the warm up.

Warm Up

SSH – 20 IC
Imperial Walkers – 20 IC
Moroccan Nightclubs – 20 IC
LBCs – 20 IC

The Thang

We moseyed over to Hawthorn and counted off by 4s which gave us three in each group.  Group two headed up the hill to the to of the Hawthorne loop with instructions to AMRAP merkins until the runners get to them.  Group three was sent up to where Hawthorn loops back to McLeod to AMRAP squats until runners get to them.  Once the two groups were in place group one started LBSs and group four started running up the hill.  When the group of runners reached the next group the runners would start assigned exercise and that group would run.  Each group got to workout at each station three times.  This loop was a bit longer than I remembered so I nixed doing a second round with different exercises.

Mosey back to the fence overlooking the Bunker to perform monkey humpers for HIPPA who was there by himself.  He immediately reciprocated by performing monkey humpers for us.

Knowing the the Extinction Run was starting an hour after the end of bootcamp I had planned to spend the last half of bootcamp with the Deck of Death with no running.  HIPPA decided to join the circle for this.  Using a standard deck of cards each suit was assigned an exercise.  For six through 10 do that number of reps.  For Jack – Ace, do 10 reps.  The fun part was for any duces through five we did that number of burpees.  The card drawer called out the cadence.  Here were the exercise assignments:

Clubs – CDDs
Diamonds – Merkins
Spades – LBCs in cadence
Hearts – Flutters in cadence

HIPPA left the music playing which helped the time pass a little faster and drowned out a bit of the mublechatter over the burpees!  And at times there was confusion on whether we were calling for CDDs or LBCs.

We got a little more than halfway through the deck and it was time to head to the Fighting Yank!

Pledge of Allegiance.


Extinction Run
Bunker will be SHUT DOWN next week, Nov 13th  –  Come to Gashouse Painlab for Rudolph’s final Q before he moves
Christmastown 5k – November 27th – the race signup is full, but you can still come and help push for Speed for Need
Blood Drive Wednesday Nov 10th
Christmas Party – Dec 11th

Prayer Requests

Queso – still awaiting MRI results
Injury free Extinction Run

We closed with prayer.

Right Arm to Right Leg?

Another warm humid morning to start off the week.  Not ideal, but for the men who showed up, it is better than staying in the fartsack!

No FNGs so quick disclaimer and time to get started.

Warm Up

SSH – 20 IC
LBC – 15 IC
Cotton Pickers – 10 IC
Burpees – 5 OYO

The Thang

Mosey to the wall in front of Ida Rankin.  10 reps of dips, step ups and derkins.  Repeato 15 reps.  Repeato 20 reps.

Mosey to the back of BB&T to the big white wall for some 11s.  Exercises were dirty hookups and squats.  Good form was encouraged.

Mosey to parking lot in the gloom between Oakland St and the farmers’ market.  There were eight exercises listed in some parking spots.  While one PAX would run around the block the others would do the exercise listed in their spot.  We managed to get through all the exercises:

Big Boy Situps
Imperial Walker Squats
Mike Tysons

Mosey back to the school with just a minute or so left so we planked for a quick stretch.  At this point I called out, “Right arm to right leg!”  ???  Modify as necessary!


Pledge of Allegiance… thanks to Freon for not letting me forget it!  Site Q in action.


JJ 5K – September 25th
Christmastown 5k – November 27th

Prayer Requests

Marie Huffstetler and family, suffered a spinal stroke
Bubba Sparxxx mother-in-law Citizenship test (she passed!)

We closed with prayer.

I’ve Fallen and I CAN Get Up!

What a glorious morning… upper 50’s… awesome sleeping weather, but even more awesome for pushing the rock!  Clock hit 5:30am and there were 12 of us ready to have at it.

No FNGs, but we did have a visitor from Atlanta, Radar.  Quick disclaimer and off we go…

Warm Up

SSH – 20 IC
LBC – 15 IC
Cotton Pickers – 10 IC
Burpees – 5 OYO

The Thang

Mosey to the streetlight at the top of the hill at Davis Park.  Do 5 burpees at each streetlight.  There were 5 or 6 of them.

Triple Nickel Halfpipe – 5 jump squats at beginning, at bottom of hill 5 merkins, up the hill to the stop sign 5 LBCs IC, another 5 merkins at bottom of hill on the way back  —  5 sets.

Mosey over to the tennis courts for some suicides (I was unaware until I heard the news later in the day that today is National Suicide Prevention Day)
We lined up along edge of first court. 20 merkins, run to gap between courts 1 & 2, 5 big boy situps — back to beginning, 15 merkins, run to gap between courts 2 & 3, 10 big boys — beginning, 10 merkins, gap between 3 & 4, 15 big boys — beginning, 5 merkins, past court 4, 20 big boys… it makes sense if you don’t think about it

Mosey back to the school for a set of 11’s.  The exercises were CDDs and squats.


Pledge of Allegiance

Everyone put in some good hard work to get just a little bit better.  There was a lot of getting on the ground and getting back up throughout this workout.  The ability to get up and down easily and quickly is a great skill to take into your old age and can be a predictor of longevity.  If you don’t develop it now, you won’t have it later!

I shared a short quote from Epictitus.  “We cannot choose our external circumstances, but we can always choose how we respond to them.”  Roscoe shared, “You can’t control the wind, but you can adjust your sails.”


JJ 5K – September 25th
Christmastown 5k – November 27th
Rocky Branch Park – nice running trail

Prayer Requests

Praise – Boudin’s family in Louisiana getting power and water
Our hurting world

We closed with prayer.

It Was Supposed to Be Colder

It was a great morning considering the forecast just a few days before… it had been forecast to be in the teens, but the weather did not cooperate and it was in the upper 30’s!  And there were 12 of us ready to get in a good workout.

No FNGs so a quick disclaimer and it was go time…

Warm Up

SSH – 20 IC
Imperial Walker Squats – 15 IC
Burpees – 10 OYO


The Thang

Mosey down the hill and take a left headed towards the back entrance.  At each speed bump drop and do 20 LBCs, plank for the six at the stop sign.

Triple Nickel at the hill – monkey humpers at the bottom, jump squats at the top.

Mosey back down the road to the roundabout at the front of the school…  again, 20 LBCs at each speed bump.

We went around the circle with each of the pax calling an exercise.  The caller then had the choice of either running a lap around the parking lot in front of the school, or doing a bear crawl around the roundabout… Dirt and Nutria were the only two takers for the bear crawl.  Called exercises included the seal jack, Freddie Mercury, CDD, dying cockroach, flutter kick, big boy situp, hand release merkin, American hammer, monkey humper, and Watts Up invited us all to run the lap with him.

We then had a short mosey to the side of the school for a set of 11’s.  The exercises were flutter kicks and hand release merkins.  Time was drawing short and a few of us had to miss our last round or two as it was time to head back to the flag.

Everyone put in some good hard work to get just a little bit better.


CSAUP – March 3rd
P200 and Mortimer 100 – March 19th

Prayer Requests

Keep a check on the prayer list on slack.

We closed with prayer.

Was That Seven Times Around, or Just Six???

Another warm humid morning was served up for the 14 of us to enjoy!  As there were no FNGs a quick disclaimer was given and we warmed up with some Moroccan Nightclubs, Don Quixotes and Side Straddle Hops.  After that we did the Pledge.

A short mosey to the front of the Gaston County Administrative Offices.  There we prepared for the Walls of Jericho.  We did seven sets of each of seven exercises and then took a lap around the building.  The idea was to repeat this seven times.

The following were the called exercises:

Jumping Spider
Merkin with a bounce on the up (getting feet & hands off the ground)
Elbow to knee
Russian Twist
American Hammer, but I needed an “R”
Imperial Squat Walker
Cruel cousin of the Imperial Walker, squat between each elbow to knee
Crunchy Frog
a Dr. Seuss favorite, too bad he missed them
Happy Jacks
5 side straddle hops quickly followed by two jump squats
One-legged burpee
Not enough exercises start with “O”… this was a crowd pleaser

I should have made tic marks as the laps were completed… I though we were on lap six, but a vocal contingent insisted we had done seven rounds.  I capitulated to their count so we went to a more open space in the parking lot and lined up for 11’s.  We did merkins and tiger squats.

Mosey back to the flag and do flutter kicks until TIME!

Everyone put in some good hard work to get just a little bit better.



Gastone will be running a mile with a cancer survivor who is running a mile in every state… it will be 9/28 at 7 AM… more details to follow

Prayer Requests

Family members, 39 children rescued in GA, PAX recovering from injuries


We closed with prayer.

Lucky Sevens




SSH – 10 IC
Don Quixote – 10 IC
Arm Circles– 10 forwards, 10 backwards OYO

The Thang

Mosey down the street to the center of town and cross over railroad tracks
Ran around the buildings and to the back parking lot where we did Walls of Jericho: 7 different exercises and complete 7 reps of each and run one lap around the building. Complete for 7 laps.
The following were the called exercises:

Jumping Spider
Merkin with a bounce on the up (getting feet & hands off the ground)
Elbow to knee
Russian Twist
American Hammer, but I needed an “R”
Imperial Squat Walker
Cruel cousin of the Imperial Walker, squat between each elbow to knee
Crunchy Frog
a Dr. Seuss favorite, too bad he missed them
Happy Jacks
5 side straddle hops quickly followed by two jump squats
One-legged burpee
Not enough exercises start with “O”… this was a crowd pleaser

At some point during the rounds Broke noticed that in keeping with the theme of sevens, we had 7 PAX.
While the mumble-chatter was at a minimum, there was an attempt to skip one of the rounds, but Red Ribbon kept us honest.

Let’s start the mosey back towards the middle school. The Q checks the time and decides there is time for a little wall work.
5 Dips in cadence, 5 Derkins OYO
10 Dips in cadence, 10 Derkins OYO
15 Dips in cadence, 15 Derkins OYO

Continue our mosey back to middle school.
We cruise into the parking lot and we are done!
Great work put in by all.


Mark your calendars! Five Year Anniversary Convergence, March 21st – Pre-Blast to come…
F3/FiA Event, Feb. 15th, Oakridge Middle School
Rooster, Feb. 29th, Run and Ruck teams, reach out to Breaker Breaker

Prayer requests:

Tiger’s family
Orangeman – mother had surgery, a few complications but was released
Families dealing with sickness – colds, flu, strep, etc.
Weekly PAX Prayer List – Mayor, Pizza Man, Lil Sweet, Red Ribbon, Oompa Loompa, Swimmer, Alan Tate, Big Pappy. Lift these men and their families



Do What Is Right, Not What Is Easy


Disclaimer given

Side Straddle Hops, 11 IC
Cotton Pickers, 11 IC
Dying Cockroaches, 11 IC
Don Quixotes, 11 IC
Moroccan Nightclubs, 11 IC

The Thang

mosey around the block to the Fire Dept parking lot…

11 each of these five exercises:

American Hammers (sets)
Big Boy Situps
Low Slow Squats

After everyone had finished we moseyed up the hill to the Baptist Church parking lot

rinse and repeat the above exercises

we then moseyed to the underpass, Doffers and then back where we started doing the exercises at each stop


Now let’s mosey across the bridge to the picnic shelter for a new set of exercises

11 each of these five exercises:

Step Ups
LBCs (sets)
Mountain Climbers

After each set run a lap around the park

The plan was to get five sets of the above completed, but had to call time after the third set.


I have been doing a bit of reading lately and I wanted to share a quick word.  Success in life is not one massive good decision and failure is not one poor decision.  Failure is repeated bad decisions and success is repeated, consistent good habits.

For example, one workout isn’t going to get you in shape.  One unhealthy meal is not going to wreck your health.

I am proud of and encouraged by the men come out in the gloom to these workouts.  They are doing what is right, not what is easy!

Pledge of Allegiance

Prayer Requests

Those PAX we haven’t seen in a while


Ended with COT





Burpees – 10 OYO
Abe Vigodas – 10 IC
LBCs – 20 IC
Alternating Shoulder Taps – 10 IC

The Thang

Mosey around the block and to the bridge
Nur across the bridge
Mosey to the next bridge
Crab Walk across the bridge
Mosey to the parking lot
Elevens… sort of, explanation follows

Big Boy Situps : 10 – 1
American Hammer : 1 – 10 sets
Run to corner: 10-1, Nur to next corner: 9,2
alternate Run, Nur, Run, Nur… until done
Mosey back to bridge
Lunge walk across the bridge
Mosey back to next bridge
Al Gore for the six
Nolan Ryans, 10 each side, IC
Crawl Bear across the bridge (backwards Bear Crawl)
bit of a Q fail here as I forgot the Nolan Ryans before crawling the bridge, but we did them on the other side
mosey to the First Baptist Church parking lot at corner of 10th St and 8th Ave
Elevens – merkins 10-1, jump squats 1-10
mosey back to the flag



The three F’s in F3 are: Fitness, Fellowship, Faith
As is pointed out at times while the majority of men initially join F3 for the workouts (Fitness), it is eventually the group of men (Fellowship) and their example and support (Faith) that keeps us coming back. We need to have a balance of all three of these activities in our lives.

In today’s workout I also tried to strike a balance between arms, core and legs.

I participate in a faith based weekend called Pilgrimage. We talk about having balance in our faith lives using the metaphor of a three legged stool. Not only must each leg be there it needs to be the same length for the stool to be functional… in balance. These three legs are:

Piety – giving your heart to God
Study – giving your mind to God
Action – giving your hands to God


Mt. Mitchell Hike May 5th

Prayer requests:

Sargento’s mother-in-law
Anchorman’s mother-in-law
Anchorman – leg injury
PAX we haven’t seen in a while



Four Corners

As the clock approached 7am we had a Gold Digger and a Tiger sighting as they ran by us…  Breaker Breaker was out running too, but he stayed with us to join the workout.


Side Straddle Hops, 20 IC
Don Quixotes, 15 IC
Cotton Pickers, 15 IC
Planking and stretching

The Thang

mosey to the parking lot behind Sammy’s

the four corners of the parking lot were marked with the following exercises

merkins, American hammers, Bobby Hurleys, big boy sit ups

Pax were divided into two groups and went to opposite corners, do 5 reps of marked exercise, run to next corner – 10 reps, next corner – 15 reps, next – 20… then run diagonally and start again doing 5-10-15-20…  keep doing this for four rounds, at then end you have done 50 reps of each exercise.  Second round, new exercises

shoulder taps, Freddie Mercurys, squats, LBCs


mosey to the bottom of the Hawthorne Hill for some Dora

while one partner does exercise the other runs up the hill to third lamp post, does five reps of current exercise and returns

100 mountain  climbers, 200 LBCs, 300 squats


mosey up to the Corner of Knowledge for 11s

Dips (1-10), Derkins (10-1)

Omaha as time was getting close, mosey back to the Yank

had two minutes left so did monkey humpers and squats

last minute disclaimer… DOH!

Pledge of Allegiance


March 30th :  Convergence, Folsom
April 13 :  Speed for Need – Community Foundation Run
May 5th :  Hike up Mt. Mitchell

Prayer Requests

Breaker Breaker :  praise – mother had successful surgery on little finger, continued recovery
Tesla : son driving back to Mississippi on Sunday
Anchorman :  read a Thank You note from his mother-in-law


Ended with COT

Corn Hole at The Goat

It was a great morning at The Goat… just a slight chill in the air… 5:30am hits and it is time to start!

Disclaimer given…


Side Straddle Hops, 20 IC
Imperial Walkers, 15 IC
Moroccan Nightclubs, 20 IC
Cotton Pickers, 15 IC

Pledge of Allegiance

The Thang

mosey to the bridge taking the long way around
crab walk across the bridge

fellowship mosey over to the park
point out the small picnic shelter – will be used for abyss merkins
go to the cornhole area
two pax run the path around the park, do five abyss merkins at the picnic shelter, while pax run the rest alternate between

inclined sit ups on cornhole platforms*
shoulder taps

*bit of a Q fail as doing inclined sit ups on the cornhole platforms was a bit of a challenge if you didn’t hook your feet in the opening at the back


after all the pax had made a lap, let’s mosey to the far parking lot
bear walk across the bridge

dirty 11’s –  courtesy of Roadie

American Hammers 1-10 (four count sets)
Merkins 10-1
the “dirty” part… do a burpee at midpoint of run


mosey back to the flag taking the long way back up the hill and around the back of the buildings


March 30th :  Convergence, Folsom
May 5th :  Hike up Mt. Mitchell

Prayer Requests

Breaker Breaker :  mother having surgery on little finger
Top Hat :  reminder to pray for and reach out to those we haven’t seen in a while
Get a Grip :  co-worker who took son to ER for asthma issues


Ended with COT

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