We had a good turnout and welcomed back two Kotters. The seven of us circled up and each had our own exercise to start. Work for 45 seconds and rotate counter clockwise to the next exercise. Once we completed the circuit, then we moseyed around the parking lot. Rinse & Repeat. On the third circuit, we changed up the exercise and R&R. On the fifth circuit, we changed it up again and R&R. The exercises were baby makers, Fly’s, reverse crunches, overhead press, heels to Heaven, squats w/kettle, starfish crunches, flutter kicks, curls with curl bar, peter parkers, BURPEES, Superman pullups, marching planks, crunches, chest press with curl bar, and six minutes with Marry. It was a good workout and lots of mumble chatter. It was great to see those Kotters back and hope that we see them again soon!
Good work!