Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Tiny Tank (Page 1 of 2)


Burpee Murph (Burph???)

So a couple of folks have been throwing around the ideal of doing the Murph again during a regularly schedule workout.  Some pax have been all for this and others seemed to think it couldn’t be done in 45 minutes.  YHC being the “Peoples Q” and all, decided to give it a shot and to give the .  Unfortunately TheStorm lacks the required equipment to do pull ups, so YHC decided to modify that exercise to Burpees.  The 45 minute time constraint was still looming large, but some careful clock management and a shortened mile at the end took care of that.

14 pax showed for the Burph.  Most pax were on time and a few showed pretty early.  No FNGs so YHC gave a short disclaimer and let the pax know that we would start with a short run and where to meet up if they weren’t in the moseying mode.  This talk was given a few minutes before time to ensure we started promptly at 0530.  With 1 minute to start time two vehicles were seen pulling in hot.  I’m not one to wait for those who may be late or right on time for that matter, so we started our mosey before they had parked their vehicles and they caught up.

Now I normally forgo Warm Ups and start with a decent sized mosey, so the regular pax thought the knew the route we were taking.  When I took a unexpected left turn that heads away from the high school some chatter started in the back.  Luckily it quickly died down though and you could hear crickets by the time we hit the main road and the small hill up to the art and circle out in front of Cramerton high school. From the circle we headed back down and around the main parking lot.  Run was just shy of a mile, because I limited it to 10 minutes.  Now time for the fun.

The Thang (Burph):

  • 1 Mile Run
  • Burpees x 100
  • Merkins x 200
  • Squats x 300
  • 1 Mile Run

After the initial run the pax circled up and YHC broke the news of the Burph to some excitement (thanks Dolph) and some fear (sorry Mayor).  10 supersets of 10 x Burpees, 20 x Merkins and 30 x squats would be preformed starting every 3 minutes.  The faster you finished the set, the longer break before the next you would have.  YHC also had the pax share interesting or unknown facts about themselves during the rest periods.

As the number of sets passed by, breaks got shorter or longer depending on how much modifying or lack of exercising people started doing.   With the last set complete, the last mile was cut in half because of the 5 minutes remaining.  Mosey on back to the start.



  • Burpeethon is set for 16 September.  Sign your 2 man teams up and support a great cause!
  • Mayor has graciously volunteered to attempt and fill YHC’s enormous shoes as TheStorm’s new site Q.  Sign up to Q or get ready for some heavy lifting!
  • Come out to Glenway Pub this Thursday @ 1930 to have a beer to either wish YHC luck on my upcoming move or in Memory of YHC if I’m dead to you.

Prayer Request:

  • All Pax
  • Those moving/starting new jobs

It’s been a pleasure to serve as site Q of TheStorm for the past 8 months.  I’ve really enjoyed pushing the rock with you men and you will all be missed.  If you’re ever in the Carolina Beach or Wilmington area, look me up and the first beers on me.  I wish you all the best and hope you enjoy the Mayor Love!

Storm Block Party

10 pax showed this morning to push the rock and better themselves at the Storm.  The cloudy 73 degree weather might not compare to the heat of Midoriyama, but we still got a good sweat in and shirts stayed on.  No FNGs present so quick disclaimer and start on time.  YHC normally forgoes the normal F3 warmup to maximize exercise time, but this has been a concern and cause of serious mumble chatter in some pax.  So being a Q of the people, YHC decided to include a brief warmup this morning.  It was a definite hit with Dolph, which says it all…

Warm Up:

5 minute warm up.  5 sets of 10 Burpees started on the minute.  Any remaining time is you rest.  This got some good mumble chatter going and some friendly competition between Mayor and Dolph.  Shockingly Dolph managed to stay a few burpees ahead of Mayor, but Mayor made up for it with pristine form and unmatched motivation.

Once complete, mosey to the softball fields for The Thang.

The Thang:

Six stations.  Pax will conduct exercises on cards at each station for 4 consecutive minutes.  Goal is to perform each superset on the cards 4 times.  Bonus for EC!  After each set, 2 minutes mosey.

  • Station 1:
    • Hip Slappers x 10
    • Jump Squats x 10
  • Station 2:
    • Kettle Bell Swings w/ cinderblock x 10
    • Sumo High Row w/ cinderblock x 10
  • Station 3:
    • Squat Press w/ cinderblock x 10
    • Shoulder to shoulder press w/ cinderblock x 10 (going over head)
  • Station 4:
    • Merkins x 10
    • Up/Down Planks x 10
  • Station 5:
    • Dips x 10
    • Triceps Extensions x 10
  • Station 6:
    • Curls w/ cinderblock x 10
    • Reverse Grip Rows w/ cinderblock x10

Last 3 mosey’s were shortened by 1 minute to ensure completion on Time. With about 30 seconds left in the last set a train finally came by. 5 Burpees! And Time

There was some pretty solid mumble chatter through out with random talk of cheerwine, KT tape coming off of an elbow from overuse, and one pax imaginary boyfriend.  YHC did have to remind a few pax that they wouldn’t be able to talk so much if they spent more time exercising!



  • Need Q’s at TheStorm, Goat Island and the Yank!
  • Bulldog & Tiny Tank are moving soon.

Prayer Request:

  • All Pax
  • Those moving/starting new jobs

Once again I am honored to be able to lead and lock shields with my fellow F3 Brothers in the Gloom.  I appreciate every drop of sweat we put in together and look forward to continuing to sharpen myself with you all.


YHC was kind of hoping for no pax to show this morning so he could return home and climb back into the fart sack, but luckily 3 other pax showed and a good workout took place.  Norwood was given pass from his M this morning to post on a weekday, but bad dreams of ‘Wide Right’ kept him up all night and he failed to show.  And once again no Mayor so insert Mayor missing workout joke here.

All regulars present so no disclaimer given.

Warm Up:

  • SSH x 15 IC
  • Merkins x 15 IC
  • LBC x 15 IC
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 15 IC
  • Windmill x 15 IC

The Thang:

Lots of stairs on the weinke this morning so the pax moseyed down to the stadium.  Up first the pax would perform 10 burpees OYO and then run all the stairs on the home side of the stadium.  Pax would run down the right side of the stairs and back up the left side of the same stairs, running down and up all six sets.  Mosey to the start and plank up for the 6.  The weinke called for 6 sets of these and YHC realized he may have bit off more than he could chew after the first set.  The pax were calling for an Omaha after 2, so YHC decided to break it up a bit  After 4 sets we moved on to the next portion of the workout with a promise to come back and finish the last 2 after.

Next we moseyed down to the football field for some 11’s.  Pax performed 10 Merkins on the home side of the field, ran across to the visitors sideline and performed 1 LBC.  Then back to the home sideline for 9 Merkins and back to the visitors for 2 LBCs.  Continued until we performed 1 Merkin and 10 LBCs.  The legs were definitely feeling the stairs on this and not much chatter was said.

Back to the stairs to finish up the remaining 2 sets.  Cut the last set short because of time and moseyed back to the Flag to finish on time.



  • Q School has gone well in other regions and Tesla can coordinate one for Gashouse on any Saturday this summer.  Would like 30-40 pax, but 20 would be a success

Prayer Request:

  • Pax on IR

Better Late Than Never

Warm Up:

  • SSH x 15 IC
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 15 IC
  • Imperial Walker x 15 IC
  • LBC x 15 IC
  • Windmill x 15 IC

The Thang:

Started off with a 1 mile last man run around Belmont.  Last man drops and does 5 Merkins than runs to the front of the line tapping the next last man on his way up.  Always a great way to kick off the morning.

Finished our loop at the yank and took the pax up the hill to the football field. Now on to 3-2-1. 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio, 1 minute of abs. For strength we did a minute thirty for two separate exercises and a minute for two exercises of cardio. Abs was a minute for one exercise per set. After each set moseyed 1 lap around the field.

Set 1:
3: Merkins & Lunges
2: High Knees & SSH
1: America Hammer
Set 2:
3: CDD & Squats
2: Plank Jacks & Fast Feet
1: Flutter Kicks
Set 3:
3: Side Lunge & Dips
2: Burpees & Mountain Climbers
1: Crunchy Frogs
Set 4:
3: Shoulder Taps & Squat and Hold
2: Squat Jumps & Seal Jacks
1: Supine bicycle

Set 5:
3: Release Merkins & Slow Low Squat
2: Peter Parkers & SSH
1: LBC

Had to cut the last set down to all minute exercises because of time.  Lots of mumble chatter and some pretty terrible dance moves by Norwood.



Need Q’s at TheStorm!

Prayer Request:

The Accumulator

6 showed in the gloom at the Storm, while many of the usual suspects were still in their fartsacks.  Light version of the disclaimer was given and warm up ignored as usual.


Warm Up:

No time in the schedule for a workout, I know big surprise here right. Long mosey around the soccer field, by the high school, ending at the ball fields.  One train passed and 5 Burpees conducted mid mosey.

The Thang:

Some of the pax who have been to my workouts previously know that being by the ball fields usually means cinderblocks.  Had to break a few hearts today and let them know there would be no blocks in this workout.  Some where relieved, but those that know YHC best might have had some fear in their eyes.  On to the workout.

The Accumulator:  Perform exercise 1 for 1 minute and rest 30 seconds. Perform exercise 2 for 1 minute and exercise 1 for 1 minute, then rest 30 seconds.  Continue accumulating exercises until 7 are preformed.  Workout went like this…

  • 60 seconds of Burpees
    • 30 seconds of rest
  • 60 seconds of Squats & 60 seconds of Burpees
    • 30 seconds of rest
  • 60 seconds of Shoulder Taps, 60 seconds of Squats & 60 seconds of Burpees
    • 30 seconds of rest
  • 60 seconds of SSH, 60 seconds of Shoulder Taps, 60 seconds of Squats & 60 seconds of Burpees
    • 30 seconds of rest
  • 60 seconds of Flutter Kicks, 60 seconds of SSH, 60 seconds of Shoulder Taps, 60 seconds of Squats & 60 seconds of Burpees
    • 120 seconds of moseying (to parking lot and back)
  • 60 seconds of Merkins, 60 seconds of Flutter Kicks, 60 seconds of SSH, 60 seconds of Shoulder Taps, 60 seconds of Squats & 60 seconds of Burpees
    • 120 seconds of moseying (to entrance of first bridge and back)
  • 60 seconds of Crunchy Frogs (not to be confused with Country Frogs), 60 seconds of Merkins, 60 seconds of Flutter Kicks, 60 seconds of SSH, 60 seconds of Shoulder Taps, 60 seconds of Squats & 60 seconds of Burpees

We did lose a man before set 7.  I hope he was able to find a suitable toilet, because the suggestions from the pax were all deemed unworthy.  Not sure what this individual had against trash cans, but godspeed to him.

With 7 sets finished and a slow mosey back to the flag we finished right on time.


  • Mud Run this weekend!

Prayer Request:

Thanks to those who braved the gloom and pushed me once again today.  We don’t fight off the fartsack for ourselves, we fight it off for our brothers in the gloom.

Recon Paid Off

YHC showed at The Storm 25 minutes early to find the appropriate spot for the planned workout.  We always mosey by or around the soccer field there, but since YHC has started posting, I’ve never seen it used.  This would be the perfect location for the planned workout, but to my dismay all the gates are locked and a sign clearly reads “No Access without Permission of the Athletic Director”.  Well the thought of climbing over the 5 foot fence flashed through my head, but the recent run in with the police at the Yank makes me think maybe that’s not the best idea.  Lets see if we can find any other sports fields unlocked for use.  I figure if the soccer field is locked, there is no way the football stadium is open, but lets check anyways.  All gates securely pad locked, but whats that I see.  A super secret entrance that might be open?????? I quickly mosey through here and there and yes its OPEN!  Head on back to the pax and lets get this thing started.


Warm Up:

Omaha.  I’m so excited, I don’t know what to do with myself.  Follow Me!

I led the pax through here and there and through the super secret entrance.  Some might consider this omaha’d warm up a workout, but it definitely got us warm.  Here’s what we did.  Stadiums: Snaked up and down the stairs of the stadium bleachers at you fastest pace hitting every step.  Finish with 10 Burpees at the start.  Rinse and Repeat 3 times.

The Thang:

We moseyed back out the super secret entrance and to the parking lot for some corners work.  I really wanted to do this down on the football field, but didn’t want overload the pax on our new playground all in the first day.

We started at one island in the parking lot, traversed two rows then exercised, traversed the length then exercises, traversed the opposite two rows then exercised and traversed the final length to finish a round.  5 rounds in all, giving it all you got.

  • Round 1:
    • Width 1: Bear Crawl + 20 Merkins
    • Length 1: Sprint + 20 LBCs
    • Width 2: Nur + 10 Jump Squats
    • Length 2: Sprint
  • Round 2:
    • Width 1: Crab Walk + 20 CDDs
    • Length 1: Sprint + 20 Flutter kicks
    • Width 2: Lunge + 10 Jump Squats
    • Length 2: Sprint
  • Round 3:
    • Width 1: Bear Crawl + 20 Werkins
    • Length 1: Sprint + 20 Freddie Mercury
    • Width 2: Nur + 10 Jump Squats
    • Length 2: Sprint
  • Round 4:
    • Width 1: Crab Walk + 20 Merkins
    • Length 1: Sprint + 20 Crunchy Frogs
    • Width 2: Lunge + 10 Burpees
    • Length 2: Sprint
  • Round 5:
    • Width 1: Bear Crawl + 20 Merkins
    • Length 1: Sprint + 20 LBCs
    • Width 2: Nur + 10 Jump Squats
    • Length 2: Sprint

Mosey to the start and finish with 3 minutes of Mary.  Started with Dolph and went around the circle.  First time we heard Wheezy do a 4 count exercise and calls for his VQ began.  Also the first time we heard Oh Wow attempt a 4 count exercise and chatter and hilarity ensued.



  • Top Hat graciously volunteered to Q next week at the Storm so YHC wouldn’t do it again!
  • Burpathon still in the works.
  • Sign up for the Mud Run May 20th.

Prayer Request / COT

Thank you all for the opportunity to lead and for continuing to push the rock with me!


Better late then never right…

Warm Up:

Long mosey around the parking lots ending at the softball fields.

The Thang:

3-2-1. 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio, 1 minute of abs. Used cinderblocks during strength exercises for added fun. For strength we did a minute thirty for two separate exercises and a minute for two exercises of cardio. Abs was a minute for one exercise per set. After each set moseyed to the parking lot and back to keep moving.

Set 1:
3: Squat Press & Merkins
2: Burpees & High Knees
1: Crunchy Frogs
Set 2:
3: Kettle bell Swing & Curls
2: Plank Jacks & Fast Feet
1: America Hammer
Set 3:
3: Squats & Dips
2: Side Straddle Hop & Mountain Climbers
1: Flutter Kicks
Set 4:
3: Overhead Press & Tricep Extensions
2: Squat Jumps & Seal Jacks
1: Supine bicycle

Finished with 2 minutes remaining and moseyed back to start to close out.



Need Q’s at TheStorm!

The Accumulator

2 FNGs and 7 regulars showed in the gloom and 40 degree weather at the Goat, while many of the usual suspects were warm in their fartsacks.  Train passed right on time and we did 5 Burpees before immediately at start.  Full disclaimer was given with emphasis on anyone following YHC was in fact an idiot.  Time was going to be tight today, as is for most of YHCs workouts, so lets move.

Warm Up:

No time in the schedule for a workout, I know big surprise here right. Long mosey over the bridge, across the island, over the second bridge and end in the parking lot.

The Thang:

The Accumulator:  Perform exercise 1 for 1 minute and rest 30 seconds. Perform exercise 2 for 1 minute and exercise 1 for 1 minute, then rest 30 seconds.  Continue accumulating exercises until 7 are preformed.  Workout went like this…

  • 60 seconds of Burpees
    • 30 seconds of rest
  • 60 seconds of Squats & 60 seconds of Burpees
    • 30 seconds of rest
  • 60 seconds of Merkins, 60 seconds of Squats & 60 seconds of Burpees
    • 30 seconds of rest
  • 60 seconds of Plank w/ alternating side raises, 60 seconds of Merkins, 60 seconds of Squats & 60 seconds of Burpees
    • 30 seconds of rest
  • 60 seconds of Crunchy Frogs, 60 seconds of Plank w/ alternating side raises, 60 seconds of Merkins, 60 seconds of Squats & 60 seconds of Burpees
    • 120 seconds of moseying (to entrance of first bridge and back)
  • 60 seconds of Side Straddle Hop, 60 seconds of Crunchy Frogs, 60 seconds of Plank w/ alternating side raises, 60 seconds of Merkins, 60 seconds of Squats & 60 seconds of Burpees
    • 120 seconds of moseying (to entrance of first bridge and back)
  • 60 seconds of CDDs, 60 seconds of Side Straddle Hop, 60 seconds of Crunchy Frogs, 60 seconds of Plank w/ alternating side raises, 60 seconds of Merkins, 60 seconds of Squats & 60 seconds of Burpees

As 3 or maybe 4 trains passed during the Accumulator, YHC told everyone to ensure they preformed at least 15 Burpees in the last minute of exercise.  We are right on time and have to hurry and mosey back to the start.  Luckily for all in attendance a train took us out as well, 5 more Burpees.



  • Palmetto 200 is a few weeks away.
  • Meet at Goat Island for disk golf on Saturday.
  • Burpathon and Mud Run coming up!

Prayer Request:

Thanks to those who braved the gloom and pushed me once again today.  We don’t fight off the fartsack for ourselves, we fight it off for our brothers in the gloom.

Burpees & Leg Day

9 Pax braved the gloom at The Fighting Yank this morning to push the rock.  All seasoned vets here so light disclaimer given.  I don’t think I’m an idiot, but you probably are if you follow me…

Warm Up:

No time allowed for a warmup today, lets get moving and get warm.

The Thang:

Modified Bataan Death March: AKA: Merkin Catch Me If You Can Indian Run…A combination of Catch Me If You Can and a traditional Indian Run. The last person drops and does 5 Merkins, while the rest of the Pax mosey in a line. After completing the Merkins, the last guy runs to catch the group, tapping the (new) last Pax on the shoulder, who then stops to begin his 5 Merkins, while the (former) last guy continues on to the front of the line. We completed 1 plus some change miles of this in a nice loop around Belmont. Everyone enjoyed being the last man at least 8 times.  Good work by all Hims completing the run on schedule in 12 minutes!  Nothing better than being on time!

Finished our jog/mosey up at the football field for to continue the workout.  Up next YHC planned some good old fashioned burpee work to help prep the Gashouse pax for the upcoming burpathon!

Burpee Pyramid: 100 burpees in 10 minutes.  10 sets of burps started on each minutes with any time left over as rest.  Did sets of: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8.  Mumble chatter was pretty low for this, but that was probably more due to lack of breath than lack of want to chatter.

Next up 4 rounds of exercises followed by a lap around the track.  Each round consisted of 6 minutes of exercise.  Following rounds were completed non stop with any rest noted.

  • Round 1: (Really started to feel the burn in the first squat hold here.  Lots of mumble chatter and YHC had to have the pax raise the hands above their heads on the hold to keep people for cheating)
    • Squat for 30 seconds, hold low squat for 30 seconds
    • Squat for 40 seconds, hold low squat for 40 seconds
    • Squat for 50 seconds, hold low squat for 50 seconds
    • Squat for 60 seconds, hold low squat for 60 seconds
  • Round 2:
    • 45 seconds of Merkins, 15 seconds rest
    • 45 seconds of Merkin hand release, 15 seconds of rest
    • 45 seconds of Merkin hand lift, 15 seconds of rest
    • 45 seconds of right side plank, 15 seconds of rest
    • 45 seconds of left side plank, 15 seconds of rest
    • 45 seconds of shoulder taps, 15 seconds of rest
  • Round 3: (Since we had some pax from other AOs visit today, YHC had different pax introduce themselves during the rest periods)
    • 45 seconds of side straddle hop, 15 seconds rest
    • 45 seconds of seal jacks, 15 seconds of rest
    • 45 seconds of plank jacks, 15 seconds of rest
    • 45 seconds of side straddle hop, 15 seconds of rest
    • 45 seconds of seal jacks, 15 seconds of rest
    • 45 seconds of plank jacks, 15 seconds of rest
  • Round 4: (YHC gave the pax the option to repeat round 1 or round 2.  I was surprised pax chose round 1 from all the mumble chatter we had the first go around)
    • Squat for 30 seconds, hold low squat for 30 seconds
    • Squat for 40 seconds, hold low squat for 40 seconds
    • Squat for 50 seconds, hold low squat for 50 seconds
    • Squat for 60 seconds, hold low squat for 60 seconds

Finished up last lap around the track and moseyed down the hill to the flag to finish out!



  • P200 is 3 weeks away and we are still looking for a van if anyone knows of one we can borrow.
  • Day of service.
  • Frisbee golf on 11 March.
  • Burpathon on 29 April
  • Mud run on 20 May

Prayer Request:

  • Top Hats family & father

Thank you all for the opportunity to lead and for continuing to push the rock with me!

Lets Try This Again 3-2-1


So I’ve used this workout once before, but it was on the day after the College Football National Championship and only 1 other pax showed that day.  Since said pax is now on the IR, I figured why not bring it back out and share the pain with others.

Warm Up:

Who’s got time for a warmup?!?! Long mosey around the parking lots ending at the softball fields.

The Thang:

I thought about messaging Dolph to ensure he brought the cinderblocks back to the AO for the workout, but decided to roll the dice and planned to modify as needed.  Dolph didn’t bring the blocks, but luckily there were exactly 8 blocks for 8 pax in the AO this morning.  Must have been meant to be!

3-2-1. 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio, 1 minute of abs. Used cinderblocks during strength exercises for added fun. For strength we did a minute thirty for two separate exercises and a minute for two exercises of cardio. Abs was a minute for one exercise per set. After each set moseyed to the parking lot and back to keep moving.

Set 1:
3: Squat Press & Curls
2: Burpees & High Knees
1: Crunchy Frogs
Set 2:
3: Lunges & Merkins
2: Plank Jacks & Fast Feet
1: America Hammer
Set 3:
3: Squats & Dips
2: Side Straddle Hop & Mountain Climbers
1: Flutter Kicks
Set 4:
3: Overhead Press & Tricep Extensions
2: Squat Jumps & Seal Jacks
1: Supine bicycle

Finished with 3 minutes remaining and moseyed back to start to close out.



Need Q’s at TheStorm!
Prayer Request:

As always I appreciate the opportunity to lead. As always I appreciate the pax who show and push me to better myself.  Thanks for the support to keep pushing the rock!

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