Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Time Frame (Page 6 of 10)

Ab Day, and Other Stuff Too

It was a cold 31 degree morning.  Happy to report that is was dry and the stars were beautiful.  They gave us something to look at while doing all of those Big Boys.

7 HIMs showed to the Snoballs parking lot and where gathered around Lake Whoopeegonnagetcha on YHC’s arrival.  We moved to a drier location in the parking for our good morning salutations and greetings and left the lake front for another time.

Clavin had the flag planted upon arrival and it was now nearing 5:30am.  Time to get busy and make it worth our efforts to rise out of the fartsack like a Phoenix and enter the frozen gloom for the impending beatdown.



SSH x 20 (double count)

20 mountain climbers (double count)

20 merkins (single count)

Mosey to the bank parking lot for a more effective warmup:

Triple Nickle– mountain climbers that side and squats this side x 5.  Much warmer now.

Mosey to the parking lot of the maintenance shed:

20 merkins

20 LBC’s

20 flutters (double count)

It was noticed that there may be several differing mathematical paths to count this.  This led to a discussion about how many legs to count and when to count them.  YHC threw out the veto Q card and defined “double count”.

Above x 15

Above x 10

Mosey to the clubhouse in the middle of the ballfields:

Partner up (one was a group of 3)

P1 runs down to the parking lot and does 10 merkins (there was quite a bit of discussion as to where the sidewalk ends and the parking lot begins.  We the think tank almost had it figured out by 6.  It was a hoot.)

P2 stays and does AMRAP of Big Boys.  The concrete was cold and the stars were big, bright, and plenty.  I think we almost lost EZ Rider to frostbite and Hypothermia.  I am happy to report that he was a trooper and narrowly pulled thru with very little medical attention needed.

This x 3

Rinse and repeat with CDDs in the parking lot (wherever we decided it was) and Heels to Heaven.

This x 3

Mosey to the lower shelter behind the turd shack for:

Step ups x 20 double count..same definition of “double count” as stated above after further discussion.

On the way back to Snoballs we stopped for

20 Squats

Was going to Monkey Humpers but was Omaha’d.

20 oblique crunches each side (after an excellent request from Stinky Bird)

Mosey back to flag:



Mortimer and P200 coming in the near future.

Prayer requests:

Country and leadership

People with Covid

Our families




It was great to see the regulars and to meet Folger.  All the guys were an awesome encouragement as I’ve come to expect but not taken for granted.  Everyone pushed hard, mumble chatter was ridiculous and fun, and it was just a wonderful way to start the day.

It was an honor




Gym Class Fun

It was a little on the chilly side but not much.  It was also a little on the rainy side but not much there either.  All in all a great morning to get up, get out, and shake a tail feather.

Keeping in mind the legendary Coach Byrd for back in the day when Grier was still a Jr High School we stuck to the basics.

It went a little something like this.

SSH x 20

Monkey Humpers


Mountain Climbers



Flutters x 10

Run a lap around the parking lot…

Rinse and repeat the above sequence x 15 and again x 20

Move to the benches for another sequence


Toe risers

Merkins all x 15) x 3}

Run a lap around parking lot

On your 6 for abs

LBC’s x 50

Heels to heaven x 25

{(oblique crunches each side x 20) x 2}

Run a lap around parking lot


Burpees x 5



Convergence Saturday a 7 on Saturday–Rumor has it that there will be a painlab



Prayer Concerns:

Les Nessmans Father in Law in Hospice

Dry Rubs Father in Law with his last round of chemo.


It was a great honor and privilege to be joined by such a great group of HIM’s



On The Fly

It was warmer out than is normal for this time of year in the gloom.  A little hazy but dry none the less. YHC arrived a few minutes before the stroke of 0530 to find Watts Up, Dirt, and EZ Rider out running for EC.  Way to push guys.

Others starting rolling in for a grand total of 11 HIM’s.  Very nice group.

5:30 strikes and it’s time to get moving.




20 SSH double count IC

20 Squats

20 Monkey Humpers

20 Merkins

20 Mountain Climbers

20 LBC’s

20 Flutter Kicks

5 Burpees

Mosey to the maintenance shed parking lot

20 Squats

20 Monkey Humpers

20 Merkins

20 Mountain Climbers

20 LBC’s

20 Flutter Kicks

5 Burpees

Disclaimer about the roots and tripping hazard

Mosey back side of ballfields stopping along the way for some more

20 Squats

20 Monkey Humpers

20 Merkins

20 Mountain Climbers

20 LBC’s

20 Flutter Kicks

5 Burpees

Mosey to parking lot for 11’s

CDD’s this side and American Hammers on that side (upon request from Watts Up)

Quick count off so YHC could breathe

Abs in parking lot:

40 LBC’s

20 Oblique crunches each side

20 Windshield wipers

20 Heels to heaven

20 Crunchy frogs

20 American hammers

40 LBC’s

Starting at lower end lasting for 3 islands in parking lot progressing toward start:

20 Squats

20 Monkey Humpers

20 Merkins

20 Mountain Climbers

20 LBC’s

20 Flutter Kicks

EZ Ride, Watts Up, and I think JJ decided to get a one burpee EC.  We can add it to there final grade.

Mosey toward start passing Waterboy and stopping at entrance of the park for 1 more round of:

20 Squats

20 Monkey Humpers

20 Merkins

20 Mountain Climbers

20 LBC’s

20 Flutter Kicks

Mosey to start and time!



PT Test Nov 14 Gashouse

Christmas Party Dec 12.  M friendly but not 2.0

Shirts are live.  Links are on Slack and have been sent as a Backblast.  13 more days.


Flintstones sister with a heart cath

Family members


Its was truly an honor and a privilege to start out my day with such a great group of men.






Shirts Are Up For Sale

Thank you Hipaa for setting this up.  Here are the links.


F3 Gastonia Bulldog Pre-Order November 2020


F3 Gastonia Storm Pre-Order November 2020


F3 Belmont Pre-Order November 2020


F3 GasHouse Pre-Order November 2020

Mustard Seed

F3 Mustard Seed Pre-Order November 2020


Shirts are live. 12 orders are needed for each shirt in order to go to print. 14 DAYS FROM TODAY!. YHC is not collecting money for shirts or does not order on behalf of. Order is OYO or you can coordinate with others of you want to do a bulk order.

Thanks guys.




Good Times Had By All

Not a bad morning at the Labyrinth.  A little muggy but the company was more than enough to make up for it.  This simple yet effective work out was as always an ideal way to start the day.

5:30 on the clock and time to push the rock.


20 SSH dc ic

20 Imperial Walkers

20 Squats

20 Monkey Humpers

20 Mountain Climbers

20 Merkins

20 LBC’s

20 Flutters

Mosey down to the clubhouse in the center of the ballfields for the thang.

Pledge (as YHC forgot it at the start)

Partner up:

P1 Stays and does LBC’s while

P2 moseys to the parking lot for 5 merkins


All x 3

Repeat warmup (except for the SSH’s)

Partner up for the second part of the thang:

P1 Stays and does Heels to Heaven while

P2 moseys to the parking lot for 10 merkins


All x 3

Find a spot of the fence for some calf raises:

20 dc ic feet parallel

10 dc ic toes pointed out

10 dc ic toes pointed in

Repeat the warmup (except for the SSH’s) yet again

Mosey back to start.

20 dc ic American Hammers

20 sc oyo oblique crunches each side.





Oct 31 6:15 EC Run/Ruck at Snoballs

Oct 31 Convergence at Martha Rivers Park (next to Snoballs)– Shoe and workout collection

Nov 11 Murph at the Labyrinth.  Canned for and donation collection for Crisis Assistance Ministry (CAM).

Nov 14 Gashouse PT Test

Site shirts go live soon.  Keep an eye out.


Gastone for healing

Celebration for Clavin with a new grand nephew
Our Nation and all that is involved with that.

It was a typical F3 morning and workout.  However, with that said, I am personally very grateful to have this.  YHC makes every effort to not take this for granted and try to share with some Sad Clowns that I know.  It has been and continues to be a true blessing.

It was great to see Emoji out today.

Great push and good times had by all (as JJ so eloquently put it at the end).

Thank you to Clavin for the opportunity.




Come On Everyone, The Walls Came Tumbling Down

YHC and others were surprised at the modest turnout considering the nearly perfect conditions.   That being said 9 HIM’s did overcome the “over sleeping” epidemic plaguing our region has been experiencing.  The one that YHC though Roscoe was going to call me out by name in his November Challenge preblast.  In talking to other PAX members they felt the same.  I regress, but there will be more to come about that.

The smaller than normal turnout and weinke with modest running it was discussed and decided that everyone should participate in the bootcamp today.  YHC felt that it was a treat to have everyone together today.

YHC showed at 6:15 for some EC to find Stroganoff already there.  He says he clocked 4 miles before 7.  Nice work!

7:00 and time to get after it!


20 SSH’s

Mosey across Garrison to the rear of the library for a better warmup.

Partner up:

P1 AMRAP big boys.

P2 up both sets of steps for 5 merkins.


All x 3

Mosey 2 doors up to dentist office for the Walls of Jericho:

7 exercises

7 count each on 3 walls (was going to be all four walls but unbeknownst to YHC there is no pavement in the rear).

Exercises were:

Imperial Walkers


Monkey Humpers

Merkins….Omaha’d these to CDD’s beginning of lap 4

Mountain Climbers


Flutters…Omaha’d these to Heels to Heaven beginning of lap 5

Mosey to Grier track for the last 15 minutes.

Partner up again.

P1 AMRAP merkins until burned out

P2 Lunge walk

P1 moseys to catch P2 then flapjack.

This went for roughly half a lap.

Mosey back to start.



Site shirts are going up for sale.  Please tell your site Q this week.  These are being ordered on 11/2.

Convergence at Martha Rivers park on Halloween morning at 7.  6:15 at Snoballs is the EC run/ruck.

PT test 11/14 Gashouse


Hermey’s M

Sargento’s M

Sister Act’s 2.0

Double Stuf’s friend Cory’s family

Linus’ father in law


Great push by all this am.  Nice comradery.  Excellent way to start the day.

Thank you to Linus for the opportunity.

Thank you to all PAX who showed for the push and inspiration.

Sounds like the AO’s and PAX are getting ready for the November challenge.  Should be great.

And the walls came a’tumbl’n down.




5 nickles = 25 cents

Very nice morning for a work out.  A solid crowd made it out to the Bulldog for some rock pushing and starting the day the best way we can think of.

5:30…time to clock in.


20 double count SSH IC

20 double count goofballs IC

Mosey down to the lower parking lot for the thang.

Clavin was nice enough to bring the coupons that YHC had asked for last week, showed early, and helped set up.  Thanks man.  By the way…warning! Clavin has a truck full of coupons for you Labrynth goers.

Q called 5 curls at top of hill, 5 squat thrusts at the bottom, and 5 big boys every time we pass the half way point., all 5 times.  This makes a quintuple nickle or 25 cents.

Goose leads plank work while waiting for 6.

On your 6 with head down hill for;

50 LBCs

Homer and Marge.  The mumblechatter got interesting here.  Should have been there.


Back to top of hill for 25 cents more.  Upright rows at top, squat thrusts at bottom, mountain climbers in the middle.

Quick lap around parking lot.

Clean up coupons.

Rudolph lead SSHs until the coupon cleaners returned.

The rest was stretching, merkins, MNCs, inverted big boys (shout out to Tesla for this gem),  step ups, big boys, and lbcs.

Times up.



Prayer requests:

Sledges brother in law with Bells Pausey.

People with Covid

Goose for a safe return to service

It was very much a honor this morning with such an awesome group of HIMs.




Bulldog Site-Q handover

I would like to take a moment to thank Hipaa for the vision and resolve in planting the Bulldog AO.  At the time this AO was started there were very little painlab options.  As I can recall the only option was at the Gashouse on Saturday mornings.  I commend Hipaa for seeing a need and having the resolve to follow thru in meeting that need.

I would also like to take a moment to thank Voodoo for his leadership this year.  Thank you for serving with honor and integrity.

It is my sincere desire to follow the lead of these 2 HIMS and MANY others be the head servant for the upcoming term at the Bulldog.  I hope to help grow the AO if I happen upon a chance to have any influence in that.  Growing the AO mean that more men are overcoming “sad clown” and there are personal, familial, societal benefits.

Thank all of you.  Aye!

It was finally a cooler clear morning.

We stretched, did merkins, moseyed a bit, did some yoga, and had a jolly good time.

See y’all out and about.



Tearin’ Down The Smoke Shop

As YHC arrived at roughly 5:15 this am it was noticed that Whoopee and Roscoe were doing an EC workout that involved lots of lunges and burpees.  It looked intense.  Gastone was out running some EC.  There may have been more but that’s just what I noticed.

The “gloom” was in full swing on this muggy, thick, and warm morning complemented perfectly by a big full moon.

With that being said, 12 of Gastonia’s finest HIM’s were gathering and in good spirits.  All looked eager and ready to rock n’ roll.

5:30…let’s get going.

Warm up:

20 x SSH (double count)

Mosey to the appliance/smoke shop in the Food Lion parking lot.

The Walls of Jericho story was said.

The Thang:

Walls of Jericho was as follows:

7 x each exercise on each wall of smoke shop.  Each time around is 7 x 4 = 28 each exercise per time around.

7 x around. Exercises were:

Toy Soldiers


Monkey Humpers

Mountain Climbers



Flutter Kicks

Some made all 7 revolutions.  More made 6 before we ran out of time.  All pushed hard, were encouraging, and generally awesome as we’ve all come to expect from this amazing group of guys.  A perfect way to start the day.

Defib ran 5+ miles from Snoballs to the Pub and back as he had to modify the workout.


Shooting event 9/12

CSAUP 9/19

JJ5K 9/26

Mt Mitchell 9/27

1 Mile Run with cancer surviver has been changed and is now by Zoom.  See Gastone about this.


Outhouse had 150 coworkers lost everything during recent hurricane.  Company lost 6 stores.

Gastone’s Father in Law

Defib’s son returning to school

JK2’s Pastor with family stuff

EZ Rider’s friends family with 2 recent suicides

Roscoe’s coworker recently passed away.  Services are today.



First Responders

Thank you to Clavin for allowing YHC the opportunity to be a part.  The honor is mine.






Timeframe’s 44’th B-Day Extravaganza

Two weeks ago YHC was blessed with yet another birthday and honored to have another year with my amazing family and you clowns.  In recognition of this it was decided that a birthday beat down was warranted.  Voodoo was happy to ablidge YHC with the Q for this muggy yet dry morning at the Bulldog.  So the stage was set for the rock pushing and trash talking.  Both were in full swing.

5:30…let the beatings begin


Stretching; up, down, left, right

SSH x 44 (double count)

Mountain Climbers x 44 (double count)

Mountain Murpees x 5 (this is from standing down to 2 mountain climbers, 2 merkins, and up to complete the burpee)

The Thang:

Mosey to the hill in the lower parking lot.

44’s.  This is 11’s counting by 4’s.  Imperial walkers at bottom and LBC’s at the top.  In moving back and forth up and down the hill between sets there was a choice of and combination of bear crawls, crab walk, karaoke, nur, Bernie Sanders, Clavin threw in bunny hops which several of the PAX including YHC used,  mosey, or meander.  All PAX worked hard on this and YHC is proud to notice that everyone did a great job of mixing it up and pushing.

Meander to near by wall for calf work.

Parallel x 20 (double count)

Toes in x 20 (double count)

Toes out x 20 (double count)

20 x merkins

20 x squats

15 x merkins

15 x squats

9 x merkins

9 x squats

For a grand total of 44 each.

Take a lap around lower parking lot


44 x LBC’s

20 x heels to heaven

20 x oblique crunches each side

5 x leg climbers each leg

Meander back


It is a huge honor and I consider it a substantial privilege to call every one of you a friend.  Thank you all for your support and encouragement throughout this trying year.  I am humbled and pray that I can have the impact on someone maybe new to F3 or otherwise that the PAX has had on my family and myself.

We prayed for the PAX, our families, community, leaders, police and first responders, and our influence on the people around us.

It’s a real honor.



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