Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Tiger (Page 9 of 21)

GasHouse 11/20

Painlab and bootcamp combined for a workout to honor Chicken Little.  Had a short warmup of SSH, Imperial Walkers, grass pickers and some stretches.  Pledge

Mosey to track at Greer where YHC had some blocks.  Six stations written in chalk around the track.  Each station had a block except one.  Over head press, swings, chest press, curls, blockies, hand release merkins.  In honor of Chicken Little we did 24 reps at each station except blockies, those were 10.  Keep moving station to station.

Mosey back for some Mary.  Time.

YHC mentioned how giving your all in workouts is important.  It helps in getting comfortable with being vulnerable and asking for help.  That is a hard thing for many of us to do.  Giving your all in the workouts gives a chance for your brother to lift you up.  It also helps in asking for help at times when more is at stake.

Announcements:  Rice n Beans, Thanksgiving trifecta, Christmas party

Prayer requests: Rudolph and his family move, men struggling, pax on IR, Tiger M and stepsons

YHC took us out

Always an honor


Rice n Beans 11/17/21

Good showing for first installment of Rice n Beans.  Virus and his M, Anchorman, Big Pappy and 2.0, Sprinkler, Tiger, Paperback Writer, and Hey Jude made the trek to Charlotte to serve.  We have another opportunity next week.

We won’t make this a weekly thing unless enough interest exists to do so, but next week being Thanksgiving week is presenting some challenges that we can likely help with.

Will keep you posted


Not Too Cold at Members Only

Two showed to ruck and two showed to run.  At least two said it was too cold to show.  Read number three.

Announcements: Service opportunity to hand out bags at Salvation Army Friday, Nov 19, arrive around 3:15.  2nd F follow at Cavendish.  Rice n Beans Wednesday Nov 17, 12 slots to fill.  Speed for need at Christmas town 5k, Christmas party Dec 11 be sure to RSVP, trifecta Thanksgiving Day.

Prayer:  Chicken Little and family, guys struggling, Tiger M and step sons, Rudolph and T Square

YHC took us out

Always an honor


Folsom HIMs

Always good to step and post or lead in a place you don’t get to often enough.  I don’t get to Dallas nearly enough to see the HIMS, was good day to go.

Start off with the mission of F3, to plant grow and serve small work out groups for men, for the invigoration of male community leadership.  The workouts serve many purposes, talk about that later.

Warmup: SSH 15X IC, throw the Pax a little something different, toe touch jacks, this one didn’t go over too well but gave YHC a good laugh, 15 X IC, Imperial Walkers, 15X IC, some stretches.

Mosey up the hill to the flag, Pledge.  Go to adjacent parking lot.  Partner up and start with one hand release boo-yah merkin.  Run around circle to other side, stopping mid way for three burpees, meet at other side for two hand release boo yah.  Keep going to ten merkins.  Mosey back to tennis courts.

Line up on side line of first court for suicides to each sideline of four courts.  Suicide is bear crawls.  Crawl to side line and do five big boys.  Run back.  Bear crawl to next line and increase big boys by 5.  Repeat until far side line of fourth court.  Last set of big boys was 35.

Few minutes left, mosey to concession building for suspension merkins.  Plank with feet 15 inches up wall.  Hold plank and do five merkins on go.  Did four rounds.  These get tough.

Mosey back to start for flutters led by Volt, 25.  Time

We talked a little about why we do the workouts and why it is important to give your best every time.  We talked out about how the workouts can resemble life in a way.  Some guys are out front being fast and knocking out the reps with no problem.  Some are not quite as fast, maybe struggling to get the reps in.  But most are somewhere in the middle.  Not the fastest, but not at the six either.  This resembles life in that some guys cruise along and seem to have it all figured out, while others struggle at times.  Giving your all every workout allows you a chance to struggle to succeed.  To be vulnerable. To need encouragement and give your brothers a chance to pick  you up.

Announcements:  Service opportunity to hand out bags at Salvation Army Friday, Nov 19, arrive around 3:15.  2nd F follow at Cavendish.  Rice n Beans Wednesday Nov 17, 12 slots to fill.  Speed for need at Christmas town 5k, Christmas party Dec 11 be sure to RSVP, trifecta Thanksgiving Day.

Prayer: Balljoint drag racing, James Goudelock, SA and family, Big Pappy and family, Achy Breaky and family, Tiger M and step sons, Spackle cousin, teachers and students facing unprecedented challenges, Chicken Little family, Rudolph and T Square upcoming moves.

YHC prayed us out.

Always an honor


The Fighting Yank 9/18/21

Good crowd gathered on a beautiful Saturday morning.  Boudin has the Bunker ready to go.  0730 hits.  Start with the mission of F3, to plant grow and serve small workout groups for me, for the purpose of invigorating male community leadership.  Warmup of SSH and cotton pickers, 15x IC.  10 burpees and some stretching.

Boot camp heads up Main St to the old Sacred Heart campus tennis courts.  YHC took the liberty of dropping some block earlier in the morning.  Grab a block and head to the court.  YHC calls curls, squats, shoulder press, chest press all 25x and 10 blockees.  After completing, rifle carry the block to other end and back (six tennis courts).  Do four rounds.  After 4, a little time left so start a fifth.

Few minutes remain so we head back to the Yank and meet up with the bunker boys.  Pledge.

YHC reminded of 1st F initiative to Go the Extra Mile.  Lots of chance for EC or other ways to step up the intensity.  Make it your norm to do a little more.  Remember that the workouts aren’t only workouts, they represent a whole lot more.  The goal is to help men be better men, physically, emotionally, spiritually.

Announcements:  JJ5k, Convergence Oct 2 downtown, extinction run Nov 6, trying to have blood drive Nov 10 but need a venue, Christmas town 5k, service items (lance crackers fruit cups applesauce).

Prayer requests: Virus friend job loss, Wojo and Magic Minnow fathers, Tiger M

YHC took us out

Always an honor



Midoriyama 9/09

YHC hasn’t been able to make it to the hot box much this summer, good to get out there.  Small crowd, I hear the regulars were drinking wine and watching shows.  5:30, let’s go.

Start with the mission of F3, to plant grow and serve small workout groups for men, for the invigoration of male community leadership.  Expand on that a little, workouts serve many purposes, one of which is to mimic life in some ways.  For some they are easy, for some difficult, but for most somewhere in the middle.  Reach out those brothers going through hard times, that starts at the workouts.  Keeping that thought, YHC asks for everyone to pick up the six at the end of called activity.

Pledge.  Warmup of SSH IW and cotton pickers. 15x IC,  and then some stretching.  Mosey to the hill on the service road beside the lake.  Pass Mayor on the way, he messaged that the be a little late.

Get to the gate.  Call 20 big boys while we wait on Mayor.  Go down the hill to the side of the lake.  10 hand release merkins at bottom, 10 squats at the top.  5 rounds.  As all complete 5 rounds, everyone picks up the six so we can all finish together.  Took most of the time, but a little left.  10 slow crunchy frogs IC.

One more thing.  YHC speaks of how often in life there is not  a choice to quit or not give it your all.  We do what we do to get better, in an effort to be the best we can be for those around us.  YHC says to give it  all on the run back to the flag.  Hard way to finish.  It supposed to be hard.

Nice work men.

Announcements:  JJ5K 9/25, convergence 10/02 downtown, extinction run 11/06, Christmas town 5k, service items (crackers, fruit cups), go extra mile

Prayer requests: Barrel Racer, friend of Lil Sweet, friend of Mayor, Westside and family, family of Katie Sparrow

YHC took us out

Always an honor



Fighting Yank 9/04

Light crowd on a perfect Saturday morning, but still good crowd.  YHC led a warm up of SSH, IW, gravel pickers all 15X IC.  Five burpees and some stretching.  Hipaa take the Bunker, others follow me.

Mosey to bottom of hill at Myrtle Street.  Suicides up the hill, using the utility post on the side opposite the park.  10 hand release merkins at each pole, back to start for 10 big boys.  At top of hill, head across the street to wall at First Baptist.  Step ups each leg, Dips, 4 count squats, 10, 15 and 20.  Stay at the wall for suspension planks, and add five merkins.  5 burpees for the train.  Head back to the start.  Couple mins to spare, get in some Mary.

The Bunker boys re-join.  Pledge.

YHC tried to keep the group together by planking after big boys until everyone finished.  Bubba Sparxx been doing this, and Tesla too.  YHC likes the idea.  The workouts we do somewhat resemble life.  For some they are easy, for some they are hard.  But most Pax are some where in the middle.  But there comes a time for everyone when a little help is needed, sometimes a lot of help.  Going to pick up the six may be the man the picks you up when you need it.

Announcements:  Christmas town 5k, JJ5K, Hacksaw and Round Up 50 miler, service items for the month (crackers, fruit cups, applesauce cups)

Nameorama: oops, phone out of memory, help me out Hipaa!

Prayer requests: Haiti, Afghanistan, people recovering from IDA, Westside and family, Flintstone family

YHC took us out

Always an honor


Saving Best for Last

Humidity kicked up again for start to the week. Pledge.  Start with a review of the mission of F3, encouragement to work hard, give it your best.   SSH, IW, gravel pickers 15x IC. Do some stretches.  Mosey to BBT

Call for Walls of Jericho.  Seven exercises, seven reps each, take a lap around the bank.  Exercises were burpee, big boy sit ups, Bobby Hurley’s, hand release merkins, dirty hooks ups, crunch frogs, suspension merkins.

Seven rounds took most of the time, but took a few minutes for walking lunges across parking lot and back, and then 50 low squats.  Head back.  Arrived with a minute to spare so time for five burpees.  Time.

Men came out to start the week right, hard work put in.  YHC recapped a little of importance of working hard and relying on your F3 brothers. YHC re-capped just a little of the difference it   made to Whoppee and his family having various men reach out to him during the time they were in Boston with their daughter.

Announcements:  Labor day workout in McAdenville (Sandlot and Mt Hollywood closed, JJ5K coming up, extinction run in November

YHC proceeds to name o rama, beginning with site Q Freon, Sister Act beside him.  YHC circles the group and announces self, SA speaks up with a What a bout me??!!  Sorry SA!  Was just a matter of saving best for last.

Prayer requests: Pacer friend, people of Afghanistan, people of Haiti, people impacted by flooding, kids and staff returning to school, Pillager surgery, PAX traveling West for relay race later in the week.

YHC took us out

Always an honor


GasHouse 8/21

YHC had the Q for NUOS and bootcamp, Tube took Painlab.  HIM’s came to work.

Warmup all together, start with a review of the mission of F3, encouragement to do what it takes every single time.  SSH, IW, gravel pickers 15x IC. Do some stretches just to be sure Whoppee limber and ready.  Split between Pain Lab and boot camp.

Boot camp heads to the track for modified PT test.  50 merkins and 50 big boy sit ups.  Run a lap.  Repeat 8 times.  We made it 7 rounds, time to head back.

Stopped at entrance to museum for  a sprint to the flag.  Had a few minutes to spare by design.  Spoke for a moment about Whoppee 2.0, Madeline, who just returned from surgery in Boston.  YHC spoke  for a moment about how Madeline had no choice to quit in her journey.  We had been doing 100 merkins for Maddy until her return home, which happened just a couple of days prior.  So we called 100 for Maddy to celebrate her return, encouraging the PAX to dig deep when it got difficult, Maddy didn’t have the option to quit., neither should we. We did 350 merkins at the track, so this was going to be tough.  Invited Whoppee to call them.  Good push men.

Pain Lab returned.  Pledge.

YHC spoke for quick moment on the importance of doing hard things together.  You never know when your brother needs you, or you need him.  Building that brotherhood through doing hard things is invaluable.  Whoppee spoke about  how getting a note or a text or encouragement, and knowing he and his family had so many prayers for them made a very difficult time a little more bearable.

Announcements:  Labor day workout in McAdenville (Sandlot and Mt Hollywood closed, JJ5K coming up, extinction run in November

Prayer requests: Pacer friend, people of Afghanistan, people of Haiti, people impacted by flooding, kids and staff returning to school, Covid impact

YHC took us out

Always an honor


Be A Better Human

Tiger and VooDoo took the reigns at The Yank and The Bunker on 8/14.  Started with the entire group together.  YHC begins with the mission of F3, To plant grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.  Added a few words that the workouts are one of the ways to achieve a greater purpose.  Every man challenge himself to give his best effort every single time.  We don’t post to workout, we post to get better.

SSH, IW, gravel pickers, morocan night clubs (arm circles), all 15 X IC, also added some stretches.  VooDoo takes his, rest come with me.

Mosey up main st to old Sacred Heart campus, pick up Termite along the way.  Back side of property has on old tennis court, head there.  Just so happens there are many cinder blocks at the courts (YHC knew this, but did not know that most are of the extra larger variety).  There are three normal blocks and many big ones.  Grab one and let’s go.  Shoulder press, curls, chest press and squat all 100 reps.  40 blockies and 4 rifle carry to the opposite end of courts and back.  Any combination you want.  YHC chose to do 25 reps and 10 blockies then rifle carry.  Made it through three rounds plus one set of chest press.  No one finished before time to mosey back.  Tough workout with regular blocks, the big ones made it really tough.

Back to the Yank.  Pledge.

YHC came across a video earlier in the week of Ernie Johnson, host of NBA on TNT, that is very powerful, worth a watch

Announcement: F3 Dads at Folsom 8/21, combined workout on Labor day 0700 in McAdenville, Extinction Run in November

Prayer requests: Whoppee and family, Turtleman, Termite nephew, Tiger friend with covid, Watt’s Up, all returning to school over next couple of weeks

YHC took us out

Always and honor


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