Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Tesla (Page 9 of 17)

Adventures in Gastonia V1.0

So YHC rarely if ever posted at the Friday uptown AO due to commitments across the river in the Big Town and an affinity for the Metro pAX AT Atilla. Since Covid however that has changed since YHC has no place to shower and get presentable due to gym closures. So, this AO has for now become my Friday destination. And a good one it is! Lots of opportunities and obstacles to work with. So this morning was time for a first Q here. Went like this:


Arm stretches

SSH X 20

IW X 20

Grapevine Stretch

Mtn. Climbers,

Cotton Pickers

Mosey over to the Hotbox West.

L1: 5 burpees

L2: 5 burpees, 10 AH

L3: 5 burpees, 10 AH, 15 CDDs

L4: 5 burpees, 10 AH, 15 CDDs, 20 Big boy situps

L5: 5 burpees, 10 AH, 15 CDDS, 20 Big boy situps, 15 HR merkins

Repeat backwards going back down so that we end with 5 burpees on L1.

Mosey in the rain to the Franklin Hill fro some triple nickel work:

Start at the bottom,

Plank Jacks X 5


Jump Squats X 5

Repeat 5X

Mosey back to the flag.

Bear Crawl @ the Pavillion

Circle up for some Mary where pax calls move and does 10 merkins. Made it @ 5 pax or so.

Pledge and done.


Great work today by everyone. Humid amd a little rain never hurt anyone. Rain was pleasant today. Enjoyed it in fact. Prayers up for Sister Act and his daughter, for Purple Haze’s big job opportunity! Lots of other things as well as we head into fall. School. Covid. You name it. Lot on teh plate today.

Pleasure to lead this group today. Hope to do it again soon.


Pinch Hitting at The Goat

So YHC comes rolling in about 3 minutes prior to start at The Goat. Asks who is Q for the day. No answer. Then we find out the Q is not ‘AO present” at start time. YHC warns the pax what is coming if no one steps up. So it happened. Went like this totally on the fly:


SSH X 20

IW X 20

Grapevine Stretch

Merkins x 20

Time for four corners action on the green. Count pax off by four.

1st corner: HR merkins

2nd corner: Big boy sit ups X 10

3rd corner: CDDs X 10

4th corner; Jump Squats X 10

Game goes like this: Do your called exercise, run back to center, 5 burpees. Run ot next corner. 1-2-3-4-1 rotation. 2X repeats.

Form a line at the bottom of the green for 11s.

Bottom: Mike Tysons (start 10)

Top: Plank Jacks (start 1)

mosey over to the Gazebo.

Merkins, LBCs., Mtn Climbers in Q cadence and lead.

Round 1, 10X each, run a lap around the green.

Round 2, 15X, Bear crawl rom bottom to top of the green.

Round 3, 20X, Burpee broad Jump from bottom to top of the green.

Form up beside the flag and 5 burpees to close out. Pledge.


All pretty much thrown together on the fly but 7 years in the program teaches you to handle it. so YHC stepped up. Looked like we all got a beatdown. Maybe a little extra credit buttermilk maybe? Could be! Pax worked hard today. Humid morning.  don’t forget events coming up. Broke has a CSAUP planned for Saturday after this. JJ 5K and Mount Mitchell hike in September. See if you can make at least one. YHC is probably in for Mitchell. Can’t pass that one up.

Glad to lead today. Not a problem.



Breakfast at the Bobby!

As 2020 rolls on with it’s challenges and opportunities (there’s a difference?) some things just stay constant. One of them is the lit field at The Ricky Bobby and the Centurion that lights our way when we get there to assemble for a beatdown buttermilk style courtesy Tesla. Today’s humid adventure in the gloom went like this:


SSH X 20

IW X 20

Grapevine stretches

Mtn. Climbers X 20

LBC X 20

Mosey to the end of the football field and partner up for BLIMPS. partner 1 runs the field and back. Partner 2 does the called move. Flapjack, rinse and repeat as follows:



Imperial Walkers


Plank Jacks


After this, we mosey over to the sidelines and the benches for more work:


Step ups


10X, 15X, 20x apiece.

After 10X – Sprint to the other side and jog back.

After 15X – Karoake to the other side, jog back

After 20X – Bear crawl half way,  Burpee broad jump halfway.  Jog back.

Meet in the center of the field for some Four Corner work.  Game works like this. Start with 5 burpees, go to the called corner and do the reps. Mosey back, 5 burpees, next corner

1st corner – HR merkins

2nd corner – Big boy sit ups X 10

3rd corner – CDDs X 10

4th corner – Jump squats X 10

Mosey back to the flag and a little Pax called Mary. Game here is pax calls move and does 10 merkins. Pax does move until merkins are complete. Tesla and three others get in on the fun until time os called and we say a pledge.


Humid morning today but everybody put in good work! Spam and Nutria are getting better fast. Great to see. Love the AO, a poor man’s version of The Charge over in Metro. Fun place to work out. Pleasure and honor ot lead. look forward ot doing so again soon.





Getting Tougher in the 4th Quarter!

So YHC and 16 pax showed to know in downtown Belmont in the humid gloom for a push to dink the buttermilk promised for breakfast. It id not disappoint. Went like this:

Form up by the park and mosey down behind Sammy’s for a COP warmup:

SSH X 20

IW X 20

Cotton Pickers X 20

Nolan Ryans X 10 each side.

Grapevine stretch

Mosey over to the now named Hamburger Hill at Hawthorne for some serious Dora – Hill work

Partner up!

Dora 1-2-3

HR Merkins – 100

Big Boy situps – 200

Squats  – 300

P1 – Up to the top of Hamburger hill and back.

P2 – Called exercise


Got us to 7:30

Mosey back toward the AO.

Burpee suicides coming back.

Lunge two parking spaces forward. Nur back one. Drop down a burpee. Rinse and repeat until the end of the parking spots which was @ 10.

Got us to 7:40.

Mosey on over to the Field of Dreams for the 4th Quarter. Bear time! Bear Bryant. Bear Crawls.  Getting tougher when it’s late in the game, your tired and behind. Make the push!

New version of Bear Crawl Slalom. With 16-17 pax, it was time to make it competitive! And thus we did. Count off by twos. YHC took the 1s. Tiger the 2s. Goal was end of the field which meant at least three rolls per pax.  Three exhausting rolls. Loser gets 10 burpees. Winner gets to watch. It was as spirited and tough a 5 or so minute F3 experience YHC has ever had much less led. Saw real guts on display as the effort was fast and furious. So Q at the end called an Omaha. No losers. But 5 burpees for all. Seemed the right thing to do at the time. Sure was too!

Mosey over to Hearbreak Hill for a set of half pipes.

Top – 5 plank jacks

Pad – 5 merkins

Main street – 5 butt to the street Monkey Humpers.

2 sets. gets us to 7:55.

Reassmeble on the pad for pax led Mary. 1 pax calls move. Does 5 burpees while pax does called move. Went around the horn of 16 to finish it off. Had a little OT. Well worth it!



Probably about as good as YHC can do for a lead. Most def a buttermilk day. Everyone got pounded pretty good. Again, it’s really all a lead up to the 4th quarter because that’s where you win or lose it, it being life itself. Just keep pushing it and making it happen. Bear Bryant said to his 1957 Texas A&M team (aka the Junction Boys) that winning wasn’t imperative. But getting tougher in the 4th quarter is. And that’s where we find ourselves today. So the question is do we fold and hope for better or push and make the present time an opportunity instead of a problem. It’s up to you. I find the times rather exciting myself. And living in interesting times is a gift. Newsflash: This is just the beginning. So do we lead and make it great or cower and let it overcome us. I choose leadership! Hope you do too. Make it happen! We’re here to help.


Goings on at the Gashouse!

So YHC gave Kinus a note and said he would be glad to take the Q from him Saturday and got the Ok from the site Q. Great! I don’t get out to this AO enough. It actually has some strong thngs to do if you are willing to do them. So with Pain Lab along with us we proceeded to get with at the appointed hour. Went like this:

Arm and trunk stretches.

SSH X 20

IW X 20

Cotton picker X 20

grapevine stretches

Copperhead squats X 20

Saddle up boot campers! Off to the frozen tundra, so named for the big Green “G” at the entrance to the middle school

Six shooters

10 burpees


20 jump squats


30 merkins


40 Mtn Climbers


50 CDDs


60 LBCs


Over to the tables for some work:

10X, 15X, 20X




Mosey down into the Valley of Sin for Triple nickels, a circular path as opposed to up and down the hill.

Bottom: HR merkins X 5

Top: Big boy situps X 5

Rinse and repeat 5X

Saddle up after this as it was almost quarter till and mosey back to the flag.

Rugby sprints:

Set 1: 10 merkins

Set 2: 10 diamonds

Set 3: 15 Werkins

Burpee suicides, 5X

Lunge forward two parking spaces, lunge back one, burpee

Few minutes of Mary as Pain Lab got back.


Good push by the pax today. It was actually quite nice, a little less humid than it has been. Which is good! Really want to recognize Roscoe and Stone Cold right  now who are in the eye of the storm with their respective police force jobs. One question we need to ask these guys again and again is “How can we help?”. Let’s keep them in mind.

Also we are thinking a lot of folks out there that are either near or gone beyond a breaking point with all this social isolation. It can only go so far and we need to help folks who essentially collapsing because of it. And work toward a solution for this whole mess we find ourselves in. Which is where we will find opportunity. It’s these brothers, we just got to work on it to find it and make things happen.


Lives, Fortunes, and Sacred Honor

As we have done these past three years that YHC has been ’round these parts the July 4th edition of The Fighting Yank was made do one thing and that was to observe and honor the public declaration of Independence from the crown by the founding fathers under pain of death from the world’s superpower of the time.To say it was a huge risk is an understatement but no great reward comes without great risk.

That said, these was work to be done before our ceremony yo honor that effort. That went like this:


Arm Stretches

Grapevine Stretches

Mosey to the Field of Dreams:

SSH X 20

Burpees X 2

IW X 20

Burpees X 4

Copperhead Squats X 20

Burpees X 6

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Burpees X 8

LBCs X 20

Burpees X 10

Lap @ the field.

line up for some Tesla approved half pipes! The City of Belmont has made this ideal so time to use the asset as deployed!

Top Of Heartbreak Hill: 5 plank jacks.

Bottom at pad: 5 HR Merkins

Top of bank on Main Street: 5 Monkey Humpers

Repeat 3 X

Take another lap around the Field of Dreams.

Up to the Corner of Knowledge for some bench work:

10X, 15X, 20X


Step ups


Line up on the walkway:

Broad jump to the middle

Frog hops to the end (these are tough!)

Mike Tysons X 10 in cadence

Big Boy sit ups (double count) x 10

Lt. Dans back to the mid point

Karoke to the end.

10X 20X

Inclined merkins

Inclined big boy situps

mosey to the field of dreams for a Tesla hallmark now that everyone is gassed!

Bear Crawl slalom time at The Fighting Yank!

This time since we had @ 16 pax we split the group and let Orangeman run the “2s” and YHC ran the “1s”. Everyone got three rolls.

By this time we were running OUT of time so it was by Q’s call time to do 2 more halfpipes to finish the workout up.

7:59. Mosey to the Yank statue and the pledge.

Pledge, names, ceremony.


Our ceremony that has become a Fighting Yank Tradition was the following:

Read the Declaration of Independence aloud at the base of The Fighting Yank Statue. YHC broke the doc into 10 parts and we had 10 readers. My charge was this: Read Loudly! We have nothing to hide here. And in fact, like our forefathers, should be proud to say that we defend the ideas in this document.

Moment of silence following the reading to honor the effort of those who brought it about.

Reverend Sam Warner of First Presbyterian of Belmont gave an invocation that talked about how the ideas in the Declaration should be something we all agree on because it applies to all. And I think we can all agree on that reality. As it ends, the Declaration’s signers, many of whom lost life and fortune in the ensuing war pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to the ideals in that document and the nation it was birthing. It was not perfect. It still is not perfect. It will never be perfect. But it is as Lincoln said “The last best hope for Mankind” which in a broken world is all we can ask for and gives us something- in fact a lot – to continue to build on.

Special thanks to Iced Tea, Quasimodo, and Radar from Lake Wylie today and Skoal Bandit from Metro (Core) who came over today. You guys mean a lot to me and I appreciate the effort to be here today.





Back to First Principles

Three years ago YHC thought that a special edition of The Yank would be good to recognize the efforts of our founders in 1776 to put forth the personal risk and effort to create a free nation that has over the last century especially saved the world from tyranny at least three times and continues to provide the one gate everyone in the planet wants to get through. Which is a pretty solid confirmation of those first principles that go back to Athens almost 3,000 years ago. We’ve refined and improved them since then to the point of Jefferson’s sentence declaring our Natural Rights that are God Given and perfect, not conditional privileges from a fallen government of man.

That idea is under attack. It is always under attack. And to properly defend and expand them getting back to them from time to time is vital to get back to them. As such tomorrow’s Fighting Yank will include the following activities:

*A Tesla McBadass buttermilk beatdown from 7-8 am.

*A reading aloud of the Declaration of Independence by the pax at the statue of The Fighting Yank.

*A short message from the Reverend Sam Warner of First Presbyterian Church, Belmont

This ceremony should take @ 20 minutes. I think it will be one of the best observances of the day in this part of NC and SC because it will be real and very heartfelt at a time when these values are questioned.

Look forward to seeing you there.


22s in Cramerton

So YHC got caught in a back to back Q situation and not well prepped by common standards. However, YHC is not the common man! So based on experience and education we endeavored to put forth a great effort to get 1% better today. Went like this:



SSH X 20

IW X 20

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Mosey to the top of the big hill and the school parking lot:

22s, start with 20 Jump lunges , then 2 merkins. Go to 2 jump lunges and 20 merkins. 2 Laps @ the school lot at the 12-10 transition point.

Finish 22s here, Mosey back to the Gazebo on the green.

22s, Jump squats X 20, CDDs X 2. Run a lap around the green at the 10-12 transition.

Finish 22s here and a dose of triple nickel!

Bottom: 5 plank jacks

Top: 5 big boys

Run the incline to Doffers 5 times.

Done and pledge


Great work on a humid morning in July in the Carolinas! Pax got with it. This was kind of impromptu because I frankly after leading twice already had forgotten about it when I committed to Buckeye in may I think. But, there was plenty in the tank otodraw from so no harm no foul!

Enjoyed the morning with these guys. Look forward to the next.



Next Man Up!

So when YHC showed up at the AO for a humid beat down it was pretty apparent at 5:28 we did not have a Q! So as Vanilla Ice pulled in we got to work with YHC taking over sans any real prep other than experience. Went like this:


Stretches, arm and Grapevine.

SSH X 20

IW X20

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Cherry pickers X 20

Mosey over to the field for some Jack Kevorkians as follows:.

1 set HR Merkins, 5X, 5X

2nd set: Big boy situps, 5, 10

3rd set: CCDs: 5, 10

4th set: Jump squats 5, 10

What we’re doing here is partner one runs halfway and do the exercise as above and then all the way and do that number, while partner 2 does them all the time of partner one’s run&work. Then we flapjack partners.

4 corners as follows:

Corner 1: 10 SSH

Run the field to corner 2

Corner 2: 10 SSH, 10 merkins

Lt. Dan to Corner 3

Corner 3:  10 SSH, 10 Merkins, 10 squats

Lt. Dan to corner 4

Corner 4: 10 SSH, 10 Merkins, 10 squats, 10 Diamond Merkins

Head to the sidelines for 11s, Dips on the benches, LBCs on the opposite side of the field.

Done, – pledge and COT.


Humid morning and a failed alarm clock transpired to make for an interesting morning. Glad to step up and it turned out to be a buttermilk morning for sure! Pax worked hard. proud of all the efforts.

Couple of things for the pax. 1st, Vanilla Ice and Nutria are job hunting. VI as a teacher in the school system here in Gaston County ,Nutria in the chemical sales business. Any help would be appreciated including being a reference and if you know someone in the biz, let’em know and advocate! That ‘s a lot of why we are here men.

Looking forward to Saturday at the Yank. Everything is set with Sam and we may have visitors from Metro and Lake Wylie. Getting back to first principles is pretty necessary right now.

Great to have the opportunity to lead today. You show up for these things. So when in doubt, get up and post!



Journey into the Unknown World

A less humid awesome Saturday morning in Belmont saw a goodly number of pax assemble for a voyage into the unknown and beyond. So, as sailors of old on frigates with sails reminiscent of names like Cook and Nelson gathered for the journey east the following activities took place:


Arm stretches

SSH X 20

IW X 20

Cherry Pickers X 20

Mosey into the unknown regions of East Belmont, a place only spoken of but never accessed by F3 until this morning.

Mosey @ 1.0 mile to the East Belmont soccer fields, a virtual Shangri la of mowed grass, boundary lines, and social distancing. Time for the main event to commence!

Partner assisted Suicides, aka Jack Kevorkians!

Partner 1 – Stay at home and do the called move.

Partner 2 – Sprint to halfway and do X of the called move. Continue to the other end and do X and full return back.

Flapjack Partner 1 and 2.

Set 1: Hand release merkins

Halfway: 5

End: 5

Set 2: Jump Squats

Halfway: 10

End: 20

Set 3: Big Boy situps

Halfway: 10

End; 20

Set 4: Merkins

Halfway: 10

End; 20

Form up on the end line for some four corners work:

Corner 1: SSH x 20

Corner 2: Werkins  X 10

Corner 3: Turkish getups X 10

Corner 4: LBCs X 25

Form up again for a crowd and YHC fav, the bear crawl slalom on new ground! Sort of like planting the flag of conquest.

Everyone got two runs here. Pretty much blew the pax out. Now, we enter our favorite part of the game – the 4th Quarter! Where getting tougher is imperative.

Begin to mosey back to The Yank.

1/3 mile: Stop and drop for bigboys and merkins, 10X each.

2/3 mile: Stop and drop for Mike Tysons X 10

Last 1/3: Karoke right and left, finish OYO

Repeat as follows:

dips, elevated Situps, dirkins, 10X, 15X

Fence squats, 15X

Journey complete!


Pretty long and tough buttermilk style workout today. Glad to get it done! Yes, the journey to and from the soccer fields was a long and difficult one. But it had to be done. Why? Because it was there! And the pax, came, saw, and conquered! So it is now in the books as known territory. Mission accomplished.

Many other missions to get done and now is time to do them. Most notably providing the male community leadership that is in my estimation the cause of our present day internal difficulty. So we must ne about the mission statement of F3. And now is time boys! No greater opportunity has presented itself.


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