Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Tesla (Page 1 of 17)

A double down Q at the Snooze

Tesla said he would double down Q after Hammock, F3 Gastonia’s Aquatic Friday am AO that is a pure GAS! So, after having an alarm fail and missing the turn because of YHC was groggy and a goggle fail YHC emerged from the water and changed (to the chagrin of many pax) just like he did in old paddling days and made off to Snooze for a Q!


Quick COP in the “park” consisting of SSH, IWs, Grasspickers and Mtn. Climbers all X 20 with  some Tesla stretches mixed in.

Off to the Y field for some blimps and partner work.

B- P1 runs halfway and drops 2 burpees, all the way and 5 burpees. Mosey back. Rinse nad repeat P2 while P1 does Burpees until P1 returns.

L- Linges as per above, 5, then 10 and return.

I – IWs as per Lunges.

M- Merkins, same as Lunges

P – Plank jacks same as merkins

S- Squats – Same as above.

Mosey to the front of the Y for 11s

Inclined merkins (10)

Big boys (1)

Bear crawl after merkins, mosey back

Things getting a little hot and bothered now! Just what we wanted to see!

Mosey back to the start for a little “escalation”

5 burpees – run

5 burpees + 10 big boys – Run

all the above + 15 squats – run


Pledge and COT

Naked Moleskin:

Great roll by the pax today. Talked about courage and leadership. We hear all about courage under physical stress but what about the stress you see every day. Mental, emotional, etc. To me the true courage in leadership is demonstrated when a man takes the minority position because it’s his conviction. He may or may not prevail, but he sends the message that there are bigger things than being with the herd. Most of the time, the herd cries out for that guy and his actions and beliefs. Because it needs direction.  And YHC’s experience is one guy giving virtuous direction can lead any army to victory. Under any set of circumstances.


The Socratic Method comes to Members Only

We had a lot of ruckers this morning and one runner. A god Qsource representation to go into Q2.0. YHC does it a little differently and for a reason when it comes to teaching the material there. I think it’s a little wordy from time to time and guys tend to just read it sometimes. I want to throw an alternative on the table for you guys to follow that goes like this:

Read the material and make a few notes to hit the main points.

The main points can begin with the Socratics and expand from there.

Teach by asking questions of the group. Ger everyone involved. Reach out to guys that normally don’t talk and get them involved.

Don’t get hung up on a lot of the verbiage in that book. Dredd can get a little wordy and the best way to navigate that I find is to summarize it and pick out the main points and roll with them.

Keep a time limit on getting through the material or you’ll never get through it. So be of a mind to move forward.

Be able to do a good summary and/or “closing argument”.

That said do it your way! But don’t get bogged down in the wordiness of it all. There is a bigger picture there and that’s what you want to get at.


85% Tesla at The Yank

Well, YHC had one hell of a week! DC, West Virginia, sick since Tuesday, not really feeling it.  Struggled Thursday. But got it going at least 85% for a lead at The Yank. Went like this:


SSH X 20

IWs X 20

Grass pickers X 20

Tesla Stretches

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Up to the field of Dreams:

4 Corners: Go to corner and do work, then 5 burpees back in the center

Halfpipe as follows:

20 stepups

Down to the bottom, 1 burpee

Over to the pull up bars 5X

Monkey Humpers.

back to the top.

Repeat 3X

1st corner: HR merkins X 10

2 – Big boys X 20

3- CDDs X 30

4- Squats X 40

Corner of Knowledge

Dips, Steups, Dirkins, Inverterted Big Boys

Set 1 – 10 each, run short lap

Set 2 – 15, run short lap

Set 3 – 20 , run short lap

Set up on the crosswalk,

Burpee Broad jump to the middle crosswalk

Lunge walk back

Field of dreams for the Bear crawl slalom (we went across the field)

Chop -Chop X 5

Triple nickel on heartbreak hill (got 3 done)

Plank jacks (bottom)

Squats (top)

Done! Pledge and COT

NMM: This was pretty upbeat for a small but quality crowd. Good work by all! Fun to lead The Yank.

Adding a Little Life to Lifeline!

So lifeline really has taken off as an AO and is actually developing its own “state of mind” if you will. Much like F3 is a culture (as opposed to a cult), Lifeline has rapidly established itself as a singular stop on the F3 Gastonia circuit. Do, Not. Miss. It!

All that said here’s what we did. Tesla thinking if you throw some weight, hill sprints and mumble chatter into one bottle and shake it up you probably have something worth keeping!


Easy mosey halfway around the church. Then:

20 SSH

20 IWs

20 Gravel pickers.

Mosey to the back and to the blocks:

Tesla Stretches

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Partner up for a DORA of sorts.

20 Blockies

40 OH presses

60 Curls

Partner 1 does the work. Partner 2 sprints the hill and back up to Cherri Berry’s house.

Around the back of the building for some ring of fire with blocks

Squats with weights X 20

Swings X 10

Dead lifts X 10

This was a failure but we did it. Feces happens.

Back to where we were and some REALLY fun work!

10 deadlifts – Run down to the drain and back up.

10 renegade rows each side – Run as above

10 squat thrusts – run as above

Repeat this 3X

Put the blocks up, mosey to the flag and hold a 3 minute plank


Well, we did it all! Or all we could. Pushed weight. Ran hills. Talked shit. Out loud. And got. With. IT! What more could you aske for from a FREE men’s workout? Not much boys, not very damn much.

See you next week.





Tesla’s Lifeline!

OK, time to get this Lifeline “thang” on the buttermilk trail! Ain’t but one way to do it boys! So, it went and looked like THIS:


SS – Burpees X 5

IWs X 20

Tesla Stretches

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Mosey over to the blocks for an escalator. Thing here is after we do the work we run the hill up to Cheri Berry’s pad and do 10 SSH and mosey back down.

5 blockies, run.

5 blockies + 10 swings, run

5 blockies + 10 swings + 15 OH presses, run

5 blockies + 10 swings +15 block squats +20 OH presses, run, 5 burpees for a train in Cramerton at the top.

5 blockies + 10 swings + 15 block squats + 20 OH presses + 25 chest presses

5 blockies + 10 swings + 15 block squats + 20 OH presses + 25 chest presses + 30 one arm dead lifts, 15 per arm, run

Line up with blocks on the traffic island.

10 SSH

Murder Bunny to the next island (30 yards maybe)

SSH X 10

chop chop burpees X 3.

Murder bunny back

SSH X 10

Chop-Chop burpees X 3

Time for what we all came for! Bear crawl slalom!

Mosey over to the flag for a 4 minute plank to end the festivities.


Good roll today on a cold Monday morning! Got a lot of work done here today. Worth the effort! We now have a Buttermilk Star on this AO! It’s for real now. For. Sure!

Loved the dawn looking east over to Charlotte.  Glad we got up to see it men.




I’ll take that Q!

Welp, it’s happened again! Tesla stole another Q! In this case, it was a legit emergency and YHC stood up and took it. Hot Corner where were you today? So, when he didn’t show YHC just took it up and took it to the dirt field, not the pavement.  Being is it was Ash Wednesday it was time to get in the dirt because we came from dirt and will become that in our physical sense! So, there was a definite symbolism to what we did. Here’s how it went:


SS-burpees X 5

IWs X 20

Dirt pickers X 20

Tesla Stretches

Mtn. Climbers X 20

4 corners from the middle

Middle: 2 burpees

1st corner: 10 HR merkins

2nd corner: 10 HR merkins + 10 squats

3rd corner: 10 HR merkins + 10 squats + 10 CDDs

4th Corner: 10 HR merkins + 10 squats +10 CDDs + 10 Big boys

Return to the middle after each corner and do the 2 burpees.

Down to the end of the field:

1st pole, middle, end of field sprints/suicides

1st set: Merkins, 5X, 10X, 15X, Skip back

2nd set: Jump squats, 5X, 10X, 15X, skip back

3rd set: Mike Tysons, 5X, 10X, 15X

Over to the benches:

Dips, step-ups, dirkins, inclined big boys

1st set: 10X each, run a hot lap

2nd set: 15X each, burpee broad jump across the field, mosey back halfway and do a 5X chop-chop burpees

Bear Crawl Slalom! Across the field. Had a first timer here. He learned the ropes!

10 SSH

Back to the center for more chop-chops!

Over to the benches to finish up.

Last act: 3 minute plank: Symbol of the Passion of the Christ at the end of Lent.


We had mostly a group of veterans but one newbie that had never done BCS. Got everyone on the dirt today to the point we tracked a bunch of mud and dirt into Floyd and Blackies. They probably thought about kicking us out.

I like the dirt. Grew up hands in the dirt. Its natural. And its where came from and where we will return to. Lent teaches us that. The last 3 act was all about what Christ went through to save us from ourselves. Which in a way is what F3 does for us all.

We’re all better in the group, the team, the movement. If we’re OYO, we just get picked off eventually and return to our lowest common denominator. Let’s stick together guys. We can accomplish a lot if we do that.


Who stole that Q?

So last Friday after YHC got back from ENC and Raleigh he ran into Gavel at HH in Belmont. Gavel said he had it at The Yank but if anyone wanted it, step up! So YHC did just that. And a collective groan went up among the natives! Here’s why:


SS – Burpees X 5

IWs X 20

Gravel Pickers X 20

Tesla Stretches

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Half pipe time!

Top: 20 step ups total, 2 burpees at bottom of the hill at fountain, 10 MHs on the next top, back the other way w/2 burpee bottom. 2X.

Head to the field of Dreams!

Herbbies ,(dedicated to the late, great Herb Brooks, coach of the US Hockey team in 1980 that beat the Soviets) and his conditioning fanaticism which worked.

5 burpees, run across the field.

5 burpees, 10 jump squats, run

5 burpees, 10 jump squats, 15 CDDs, run

5 burpees, 10 jump squats, 15 CDDs, 20 merkins, run

5 burpees, 10 jump squats, 15 CDDs, 20 merkins, 25 SSH

Broad jump halfway back, 5 rounds of chop-chop grass drills.

Burpee broad jump to the other side, rinse and repeat last round above.

Adjourn for another half pipe as above. Wind up on the playground.

10 pull ups

10 LBCs

10 HR merkins.

Run to the top of the stairs and give us a burpee.


4th Quarter! Bear Bryant time. Winning is not imperative but getting tougher in the 4th quarter is! So, let’s make it happen.

BEAR CRAWL SLALOM! Pax was gassed (as they should be) so this was tough. Everyone got I think 3 if not 4 turns.

SSH X 10

Middle of the field for chop-chop grass drill again. This time when Q said “go” instead of “down” sprint to the finish.

Back to the benches.

10 dips.

10 dirkins

10 step ups.

Done! Go to the flag.


We put the work in here boys! Just like we always do. That’s a good thing! Need a push don’t we? And maybe some buttermilk to make it all go down right.

Prayers up for Anchorman right now. We got him. Others as well.

Privilege to lead The Fighting Yank always.




A little run at The Goat

So in this time between Christmas and New Years, we had a little beat down @ Goat Island! Even with the South Forck at flood stage we found some things to d over there. Went like this:


SS – Burpees X 5

IWs X 20

Grass Pickers X 20

Tesla Stretches

Mtn. Climbers X 20

DORA 1-2-3 on the big hill

Run was about 200 yards up the hill and back.

100 – Hand release merkins

200 – Big boys

300 – squats.

This was a quality call! Worked guys asses off. What you want to see.

Get by the Gondola for some fun as well.

Dips, stepups, dirkins, 10 each

Line up at the bottom of the hill and burpee broad jump to the top, mosey back.

Rinse and repeat 20X: Skip to the top and run back.

Line up for some bear crawl slalom!

Pledge and COT.


Stayed up and at it! That’s pretty good bottom line. Everybody was blowing hard after it. Mission accomplished.

Have to say ’23 was a really good year for me. Total comeback from the difficulties of ’22. I attribute a lot to F3 and the everyday drive to get up and get started outside with all the pax. A lot of other things as well but that was pretty front and center. Looking forward to a big ’24. I see you guys doing the same. Probably be a rough ride for a lot of folks, we got storm clouds out there. But that’s where opportunity is born men!



back at the Bobby for Tesla!

‘Bout time for a Tesla Q at TRB on a cold morning! Went something like this:


SSH – Burpees X 5

IWs X 20

Tesla stretches

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Line up at Bleachers:

5 Kraken Burpees, lunge walk across, 10 SSH, Nur back

10 Big boys, broad jump across, 10 SSH, Nur back

15 HR merkins, burpee broad jump back , 10 SSH, nur back

20 Jump Squats, skip over, 10 SSH, nur back

25 CDDs, mosey over, 10 SSH, nur back.

On the benches:



step ups


Inclined big boys

Run across the field after each set of reps.

Bear Crawl Slalom!

Burpee/chop – chop X 5



Get with day and get with it set of pax! We got pushed and pushed back! Great morning to be at TRB.




Let’s Chase Tesla Through Belmont!

So, it’s time for a Tesla Q at The Fighting Yank!  Been a minute hasn’t it? Let’s get started with some 4 corners. Haven’t done that one for awhile either have we? Went like this:

Mosey across the tracks and into the first lot on the left for COP:

SSH – Burpees (5 SSH + a burpee) X 5

IW X 20

Gravel pickers X 20

Tesla Stretches

Mtn. Climbers

Mosey to 1st corner – Stowe Compound

10 – Tijuana dreamers

10 – Wide arm merkins

10 – Big boys

Repeat, 15, 20

Mosey to 2nd corner on Main


American Hammers



Mosey down Main to the Corner of Knowledge or thereabouts.



Bonnie Blair’s


Mosey down Myrtle to Central





Mosey over to the bottom of heartbreak hill for triple nickle

Bottom – 5 burpees

Top – 5 jump squats

Over to the field for some “activity”

1st – 5 hand release merkins, burpee broad jump across, 10 SSH mosey back

2nd – 5 HR merkins,  Karoake across the field, 10 SSH, mosey back

3rd – 5 diamond merkins, Skip across the field, 10 SSH, mosey back

Time for some half pipes!

top – 5 plank jacks

bottom – 2 burpees (coming and going)

Top – 5 ass to the street monkey humpers

Rinse and repeat 2X

Time for Bear Crawl slalom!

Tesla gets 3 runs and calls it after that.

Chop – Chop in the middle of the field X 6



Haven’t done 4 corners in a long time. felt good to get out and do that. Great sunrise! Perfect morning, 32 degrees or so. Hard to beat. We did a lot today. A whole lot in fact. Was worth getting up for I would say.

Honor to lead the Fighting Yank!



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