Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Sister Act (Page 5 of 17)

The Sandlot 2/28/2022

12 men at The Sandlot this morning.  3 went off to ruck, 1 running, 8 stayed around for the boot camp!


The usual

The Thang:

Mosey to Martha Rivers park, stopping at very front corner of the parking lot.  This looked good on paper, but I failed to realize how long this parking lot is.  Exercise called is Route 66 Suicides using the parking curb islands spaced out the distance of the lot.  Start with 1 Mike Tyson.  Run to first island, 2 Burpees, return back to start.  Then 2 Mike Tyson’s, run to next island for 2 Burpees, return to start.  3 Mike Tyson’s, run to 3rd island, 2 Burpees, back to start.  Continue until you run to very last island at playground for 2 Burpees, run back to start for 11 Mike Tyson’s.  We definitely put in way more miles than I anticipated.  Think we had between 2.25-2.5 miles at this point.

Then mosey back towards shelter near playground area.  Do some work at the picnic tables. 3 different exercises called here.

10 Dips, 10 Derkins, 10 Steps-ups

15 Dips, 15 Derkins, 15 Step-ups

20 Dips, 20 Derkins, 20 Step-ups

15 Dips, 15 Derkins, 15 Step-ups

10 Dips, 10 Derkins, 10 Step-ups

Time running low, mosey back to COT.  Once back we still had some time.  Called some Merkin Jax. This routine is 1:4 ratio of Merkins and Plank Jacks.  1 Merkin, 4 Plank Jacks. 2 Merkins, 8 PJ.  We went up to 5/20.  Then closed out the workout with 10 Burpees!  Time



Prayer Request:  Wichita and family, father in law Eddie McGinnis, many others that were lifted up in prayer

Honor to lead today. Been a while since I’ve been on this side of town, and appreciate the push!


The Goat 2/24/2022

14 men at The Goat this morning.


SSH x 15(ic), 5 Burpees, Gravel Pickers x 15(ic), 5 Burpees, Hillbillies x 15(ic)


The Thang:

Mosey across the road, cross bridge into Goat Island.  Stop at light pole for 5 Merkins.  Continue down the trail stopping at 4 more light poles doing 10, 15, 20, & 25 reps of Merkins.  Total of 75 Merkins to get things started.  Then continue across the far bridge to the parking lot.

Exercise routine called here is the “Killer Bs”!
3 Rounds:

Broad Jump 10 yds(2 parking spaces)

10 Burpees, 10 Bonnie Blaires(jump lunges), 10 Big Boys

Broad Jump 10 yds

10 Burpees, 10 Bonnie Blaires, 10 Big Boys

Broad Jump 10 yds

10 Burpees, 10 Bonnie Blaires, 10 Big Boys

Bear Crawl back to start, to complete 1 round.

That one is a gasser.  That was 90 reps of each exercise, plus Broad Jumping  and Bear Crawling. Appreciate the push from everyone!


Time to start heading back towards COT.  But on the way, let’s do some Route 66 at the lights poles on the way back. Starting at first pole with 1 Imperial Walker Squat.  Continue until last pole with 11 IW Squats for a total of 66 IW Squats.

With time to spare, we still have some time for Triple Nickel on the hill on side road beside Masonic Lodge. Bottom do 5 Mike Tyson’s, run to top for 5 V-Ups, then back down.  Do this for 5 rounds.  Head back to COT.  Time!!



Prayer Request

Appreciate the opportunity to lead today.  Nice crowd, with everyone pushing hard.


Downtown meets “Dee”

10 pax at Downtown this morning. No FNG, so let’s get to work.


SSH x 15(ic), 5 Burpees, Gravel Pickers x 10(ic), 5 Burpees, Hillbillies x 10(ic).

The Thang:

Looking for some WOD workouts that I haven’t done recently, and I stumbled across the “Dee WOD”. I’ve done this one before, but it’s been awhile.  Now I know why.  This one is brutal, and took the majority of our time.  But the pax loved it!!  It goes like this:

4 Rounds

40 Squats

30 Hand Release Merkins

20 Burpees

400m run

We would mosey across Franklin to the corner next to McQuitters wall to start the Dee routine. The run consisted of running down the hill to stop light, left a block, up hill to Franklin.  Perform exercises, then run horseshoe again. The hills on this was an added bonus! Nice push on this one men.  I was smoked after this one.

Mosey back up the street for some core work.  First light pole do 10 Big Boys, 10 V-Ups, 10 American Hammers.  Next light pole perform 9 reps of each exercise.  Continue this until we finished with 1 rep of each exercise at COT.

With a few minutes to spare, we knocked out 10 final Burpees, and Pizza Man lead us with 22 Merkins for the Vets!  Time

Folsom 2/15/2022

16 men at Folsom this morning! Time to work.


SSH, Gravel Pickers, Hillbillies

The Thang:

Stay put at the COT for an extended warmup.  2 exercises called, Burpees and Imperial Walker Squats, for a round of 11s.  Start with 10 Burpees, 1 IW Squat.  Next was 9 Burpees, 2 IW Squats.  8 Burpees, 3 IW Squats.  You know the drill, continue until you finish with 1 Burpee, 10 IW Squats.

Mosey to bottom parking lot, stopping at first corner to right.  4 corner escalator work is called.  Corner 1 is 10 Hand Release Merkins.  Mosey to corner 2 for 10 HR Merkins, 20 American Hammers.  3rd corner is 10 HR Merkins, 20 AH, 30 Bobby Harley’s.  Last corner is 10 HR Merkins, 20 AH, 30 Bobby Harley’s, 40 Mountain Climbers.  Remain in this corner to work our way back down. Here we did 40 MC, 30 Bobby Harley’s, 20 AH, 10 HR Merkins.  Next corner is 30 Bobby Harley’s, 20 AH, 10 HR Merkins.  Next corner is 20 AH, 10 HR Merkins.  Last corner is 10 HR Merkins.

Mosey to bottom of parking lot, and line up on first line.  Called one of my go to routines, Route 66 with bear crawl.  Start at first line for 1 Mike Tyson.  Bear crawl 2 lines, then 2 Mike Tyson’s.  Bear crawl another 2 lines, 3 Mike Tyson’s.  Continue this until you finish with 11 Mike Tyson’s.  That is a tough one!

Short mosey to entrance of COT parking lot.  Still with some time remaining, called Triple Nickel.  5 burpees at bottom, run to first light pole for 5 Big Boys, then back down. Complete 5 rounds of this.  Then short mosey to flag, Time!



Prayer Request


Appreciate the chance to lead today men.  Guys really pushing each other out there, nice work!


Mt Hollywood 2/7/22

8 men showed on a cold rainy Monday to push the rock at Mt Hollywood.


Gravel Pickers, Hillbillies


First exercise called was Jacked Up!!

  1. 50 SSH (ic)

  2. 40 Seal Jack’s (ic)

  3. 30 Plank Jacks (ic)

  4. 20 Crossover Jacks (ic)

  5. 10 Smurf Jacks (ic)


Mosey to elementary school across the road to the covered bus drop-off.  Routine called here is Walls of Jericho.  Perform 7 exercises, 7 reps each, run a lap, for 7 rounds. Goes like this:

7 Rounds

  1. 7 Burpees

  2. 7 Big Boys

  3. 7 Imperial Walker Squats

  4. 7 Hand Release Merkins

  5. 7 V-Ups

  6. 7 Jump Lunges

  7. 7 Mike Tyson’s

Run a lap


Short mosey to wall in front of school.

3 Rounds

10 Dips

10 Derkins

Mosey back to flag. Time for some Route 66.  Called with Mike Tyson’s.  1 Mike Tyson, bear crawl to next line, 2 Mike Tyson’s, bear crawl, 3 Mike Tyson’s, and so on.  Had to Omaha this one. Parking lot had standing water, and with 30 degree temps, flashback of Shelby trip from years past. We finished up to 5, then switched to Bobby Hurley and lunge walk in between lines. Head back to COT. Time!!



Prayer Request


Honor to lead you men in the gloom today!!








Two Man Canoe

Downtown had an open Q spot, so I was thinking of taking it again this week if nobody else stepped up. Ball Joint asked me about a Co-Q, if it was available.   Two Canoes are better than one, let’s do it!!!

Warm-Up with Ball Joint

20 SSH, 1 Burpee

15 Abe Vigoda, 2 Burpees

10 Toy Soldiers, 3 Burpees

10 Gravel Pickers, 4 Burpees

The Thang:

Ball Joint handed over to me for the first part of the workout. Mosey towards the main street stopping for 5 Burpees, 5 Mike Tyson’s, 5 Imperial Walker Squats, 5 Peter Parker’s.  Mosey down the road, stopping for 10 Mike Tyson’s, 10 IW Squats, 10 Peter Parker’s.  Mosey to Franklin Blvd, stopping for 15 Mike Tyson’s, 15 IW Squats, 15 Peter Parker’s.

Mosey across the street to the small brick wall at the church. Start with 10 Dips, 10 Step-ups, 10 Derkins.  Then 15 Dips, 15 Step-ups, 15 Derkins.   Next we did 20 of each exercise.  Then back down to 15 reps of each exercise, and finish off with 10 reps of each.  Mosey to parking deck and hand off to Ball Joint.

Ball Joint loves to use old brake rotors for his workouts.  Today he had the bright idea to combine the Sheldon Cooper with brake rotors. Each pax grabbed two brake rotors from his truck.   It was awful, and it went like this.  Start with 1 Burpee, 1 Merkin, 1 Squat, 1 Big Boy at the bottom, carry your rotors up the stairs to the top level. Then do 2 Burpees, 2 Merkins, 2 Squats, 2 Big Boys.  Carry your rotors back to the bottom.  Then 3 Burpees, 3 Merkins, 3 Squats, 3 Big Boys.  Continue this up to 5 reps each, then work your way back down to 1 rep each. That was terrible!! Thank goodness he didn’t call 10-1 on the reps!!

Ball Joint hands it back over to me with time left. Mosey back towards the flag, stopping along the way for a little walk work.  We got in 2 rounds of 10 Hip Slappers (ic) & 10 Dirty Hook-ups (ic).   Then head back to COT.  Time for some Merkin Jacks here.  1:4 ratio of Merkins and Plank Jacks. Start with 1 Merkin, 4 Plank Jack’s. Then 2 Merkins, 8 Plank Jacks  Continue until 5 Merkins, 20 Plank Jacks.  Finish the workout up with 10 Burpees. Time!!


Announcement: Q School sometime 🙄, EH Ruck event 2/5 at 10:00


Prayer Request:. Had a lot. Let’s pray for all pax and families!!

Lots of fun this morning. Enjoyed the Co-Q with Ball Joint.  Way to push this morning men!!


Downtown 1/22/2022

8 men Downtown this morning.  1 FNG,  disclaimer given!!


The usual

The Thang:

Mosey towards the post office for some 11s on the driveway.   10 Imperial Walker Squats at top, 1 Plank Jack at the bottom.   9 IW Squats at top,back down for 2 Plank Jack’s. Continue until you finish with 1 IW Squat, and 10 Plank Jack.

Mosey towards the main street with all the lights.  Route 66 called using the light poles on left. Start with 1 Merkin.  Next pole 2 Merkins. Continue until you do 11 Merkins at last pole.

Mosey to parking deck.  At bottom do 5 Burpees. Mosey to next level up, bear crawl ramp, then 5 Burpees, 10 Hand Release Merkins. Mosey to next level up, Joe Hendrix up ramp, then 5 Burpees, 10 HR Merkins, 15 American Hammers. Mosey to next level, lunge walk up ramp, then 5 Burpees, 10 HR Merkins, 15 AH, 20 Jump Squats.  Next level up, bear crawl ramp, 5 Burpees, 10 HR Merkins, 15 AH, 20 Jump Lunges, 25 Mountain Climbers.  Time running low, head back to COT.

5 Burpees for train


Prayer Request


Appreciate the chance to lead today. Glad a friend of mine was able to post. Welcome to F3 Pallbearer(Kevin Tinker)!!






Frozen Folsom 1/18/2022

With the recent winter weather, all of Folsom was under snow or ice.  10 men overcome the temptation to fart sack and posted at Folsom.


SSH, Gravel Pickers, Hillbillies


With all the ice, we didn’t go far from the COT for the entire workout.  First routine we stayed in place for a lil Pandemic!  3 exercises called, Burpees, Mountain Climbers, Sit-Ups.  Start with 1 Burpee, 2 MC, 3 Sit-ups.  Then 2 Burpees, 4 MC, 6 Sit-ups.  Continue this until you finish with 10 Burpees, 20 MC, 30 Sit-ups.  That got the blood flowing!

Short mosey to snow covered soccer field beside tennis courts. 4 Corner Escalator called.  1st corner 10 Hand Release Merkins.  Mosey to 2nd corner 10 HR Merkins, 20 Jump Lunges. Mosey to 3rd corner 10 HR Merkins, 20 Jump Lunges, 30 Plank Jacks.  Mosey to last corner 10 HR Merkins, 20 Jump Lunges, 30 Plank Jacks, 40 Flutter Kicks.  Stay in place, now time to head back down.  40 Flutter Kicks, 30 Plank Jacks, 20 Jump Lunges, 10 HR Merkins.  Mosey to next corner for 30 Plank Jacks,20 Jump Lunges, 10 HR Merkins.  Mosey to next corner for 20 Jump Lunges, 10 HR Merkins.  Mosey to last corner for 10 HR Merkins. That was a lot of Jump Lunges in the snow.  Especially for those that wore snow boots.  My legs still feel that one.

Short walk back to COT.  Last routine called is one from the F3 Grand Strand area. Named after an F3 brother who lost his life in the line of duty.  Called “The Hightower”.  It’s one of my favorites and it’s brutal.  Definitely look it up. Goes like this:

5 exercises, 9 reps each

1). 9 Burpees

2). 9 Body Builders – Burpee with Plank Jack

3). 9 Triple Merkin Burpees – Burpee with 3 Hand Release Merkins

4). 9 Triple Jump Squat Burpee – Burpee with 3 Jump Squats

5). 9 Putting Them All Together – Triple Merkin Triple Jump Squat Bodybuilders – Burpee with 3 HR Merkins, Plank Jack, 3 Jump Squats

That routine is awful.  By the 5th exercise, you are completely smoked and have to give it all you got to finish!  Time




Prayer Request

Appreciate the opportunity to lead today.  Wasn’t sure how it would go with the freezing temps, ice and limited running.  Lots of fun this morning, and I appreciate the push!,


The Storm 11/16

10 at The Storm!


The usual


Mosey to big parking lot beside the school.   Exercise called is Partner 11s.  Start with 1 Booyah Merkin in the middle with partner.  Then split and run to next parking space to the sides for 10 Imperial Walker Squats.  Return to middle for 2 Booyah Merkins, then split for 9 IW Squats.  Finish with 10 Booyah Merkins, and 1 IW Squats.

Mosey to corner of parking lot for some 4 Corner Escalator work.  1st corner start with 5 Burpees.  Mosey to 2nd corner for 5 Burpees, 10 Mike Tyson’s.  Mosey to 3rd corner for 5 Burpees, 10 Mike Tyson’s, 20 Jump Lunges.  Head to last corner for 5 Burpees, 10 Mike Tyson’s, 20 Jump Lunges, 30 Mountain Climbers.

Time to go back down the escalator.  30 MC, 20 Jump Lunges, 10 Mike Tyson’s, 5 Burpees at 1st corner.  Mosey to 2nd corner for 20 Jump Lunges, 10 Mike Tyson’s, 5 Burpees.  Next corner for 10 Mike Tyson’s, 5 Burpees.  Last corner for 5 Burpees.

Grab a bench or the round concrete blocks for some Lindsey’s.  Start with 30 Derkins, 10 Dips.  Next is 25 Derkins, 15 Dips.  20 Derkins, 20 Dips, 15 Derkins, 25 Dips.  Finish with 10 Derkins, 30 Dips.

Head back to parking lot for some Rugby Sprints.  Line up on side, AMRAP called exercise until yell Go, then sprint to line, sprint back, then walk to line.  We did this 4 times with exercises Big Boys, American Hammers, LBC, Flutter Kicks

Mosey back to flag.   Like the Merkin Jacks I called at my last Q, so lets do them again.  Merkin and Plank Jacks at a 1:4 ratio.  I think we stopped at 5 Merkins, 20 Plank Jacks.  With still a little time remaining, called out Burpees and Side Hops at 1:4 ratio.  Finished these at 5 Burpees, 20 Side Hops.  Time!!




Prayer Request



Mt Hollywood 11/8

6 at Mt Hollywood this morning!




Mosey towards town, go right on main street at BB&T and stop at the bottom of Baptist Hill.  Exercise called here is the Triple Nickel.  5 Jump Lunges at the bottom, run to the top for 5 Bobby Hurleys, return to bottom.  Complete this for 5 rounds.  This hill is terrible, period!!

Mosey to the wall behind the BB&T bank.  Exercise called here is Walls of Jericho.  You have 7 different exercises, 7 reps each, then a lap around the bank.  Complete this for 7 rounds.  Exercises were:

HIp Slappers x 7

Imperial Walker Squats x 7

Hand Release Merkins x 7

Big Boys x 7

Mike Tyson’s x 7

American Hammers x 7

Burpees x 7

We were able to get in 5 rounds before we ran out of time and had to head back to flag.

With a couple minutes left, called out some Merkin Jacks.  Perform Merkins and Plank Jack 1:4 ratio.   Start with 1 Merkin, 4 Plank Jacks.  Then 2 Merkins, 8 Plank Jacks.   Called it after completing 6 Merkins, 24 Plank Jacks.  Remain in plank the entire time is terrible.  Time!!




Prayer Request



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