Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Sargento (Page 18 of 30)

Name that tune

It was rainy this morning, so much so that Dirt and Watts Up suspended their EC until YHC arrived for the beatdown. We even drove over to the covered area at the school building in order to stay dry.

After a head count it was determined that 4 guys were manly enough to come out this morning. Rocks were found and pushed. Here’s what happened…

With YHC being pressed for preparation time, I went with old faithful, The Deck Of Death! We did whatever the card said to do. It was fun.

Probably the more important part of todays workout was that there was musical accompaniment to go along with the beatdown. YHC has had this playlist ready since January but hadn’t found the right time to bless the HIM with it. Unfortunately, Big Pappy coincidentally beat me to the punch with his 80s TV show theme song playlist several weeks ago. Gotta strike while the iron is hot! My TV theme song list was a little broader in scope though, covering shows from the 50’s all the way til now.

The songs we heard this morning included the themes from Rawhide, Mr. Ed, Sesame Street, What’s Happening!!, The Andy Griffith Show, The Monkeys, Stranger Things, The Brady Bunch, Knight Rider, The Mandalorian, The Muppet Show, The Addams Family, Twilight Zone, Mission: Impossible, Fresh Prince of Belair, Gilligan’s Island, Hawaii Five-0, The Jeffersons, The Simpsons, Sanford and Son, GI Joe, Scooby Doo, The A Team, Growing Pains, Miami Vice, CHiPs, Family Ties, Yellowstone and even the Olympics. We didn’t have time to get to Fat Albert, Inspector Gadget, The Pink Panther, The Golden Girls, The Flintstones or The Beverly Hillbillies but rest assured, the hits will be back.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead today men. I hope you had fun!

Announcements: New AO in Dallas starts March 27th, PT Test April 24th

Prayer requests: Watts Up dr appointment today for shoulder, Dirt has 2nd interview today, CPAP looking for work

YHC took us out.



Today at the Tequila Sunrise, 9 HIMs knew the rock needed pushing and that’s what we did. Three of us did some EC and unfortunately I thought there was more time left for stretching when it was time to start.

Disclaimer: I am not a professional…


Don Quixote, Goofballs

Mosey for a while until YHC called 5 burpees for the train. Keep moseying to the cemetery. Yes, the cemetery.,,I’m afraid.

Zombie Walk for a while down the unusually steep and slanted drive. Mosey

Frankenstein walk from here to there. Good. Mosey

Triple Decker-

The PAX would do an increasing 10 reps at the first round monument, run to the next and 20 at the next, run again and 30 reps at the last round area. Run back to the start and plank for the 6.

The exercises were:

  • Merkins
  • American Hammers
  • Prayer Squats

Mosey back the way we came doing Frankensteins and Zombie Walks like before but in the opposite direction. Mosey to the AO making sure everyone is accounted for along the way.

Great day with no rain at the newest Gastonia region AO!

Prayer requests: Dry Rub’s M, JK2’s family, Rebar’s family recovering from Covid
Announcements: Extinction run, Strides of March run

YHC took us out.


Run time

There were 5 HIMs determined enough to post in the 23 degree cold this morning. As luck would have it, I had the Q so I had to be there. We hadn’t run the Sargento route in a couple months so that’s what we set out to do. I only got about 1.5 miles into the run before an ankle pain changed my plans and I headed back to start prematurely.  All other PAX were able to get in the run they wanted and everyone was accounted for. Success!

Prayer requests: Roscoe’s ankle, Mayor’s dad, JK2’s son

Announcements: Extinction run

Myself? I like a good mosey post! Irregardless

In this edition of The Ricky Bobby, 12 was the number and this is what happened.

Myself likes to search out new exercises and places to go do stuff and, as myself was thinking to myself, a mosey was contemplated. Irregardless of what anyone says, myself decided to show the PAX in attendance exactly that. Myself mentioned to the PAX that we’d probably go play in the Woods…Cramer Woods that is!

Pledge of Allegiance


Don Quixote

Mosey, stopping before we crossed the street into the neighborhood to explain the routine. PAX would stop at each street light and do 10 reps of whatever exercise we decided to do. And off we go…

Winder Trail – Clampett suggested Merkins (does he know me?!?) fine, we did them, like 500 I think

Old Town Lane – Flutter Kicks x10 each leg

McChesney Drive – Monkey Humpers all the way to the absent Roscoe’s house. Upon reaching said fartsacker’s house, his M was leaving the premises and told myself that he’d committed a homicide or something like that, so we did more Monkey Humpers.

McChesney Drive going back – Big Boy sit-ups (they sucked)

Old Town Lane – CDDs

Winder Trail – Lunges x10 each leg, this lasted about 3 lights before myself realized that myself intended to run Crowder’s Mountain later that day so myself switched us to Squats

Upon arriving at the AO we did 5 burpees for the train that had passed earlier and then a round of Mary until time was up.

Myself had shared the 5 core principals of F3 throughout the workout and in the end shared myself’s favorite, “Peer led”. With so many newer PAX posting at the greatest AO in the world we’re about to start voluntelling the guys when they’re going to Q. Be prepared men, it’s going to be great!

Myself out!!! Ask Roscoe or Defib what myself is talking about in case you’re confused.

Announcements: Help Termite move someone in Denver Friday at 5pm, new AO naming at the new AO Friday 5:30am, Extinction Run, Belmont 5k in May

Prayer requests: Watts Up tests, Slim Shady

Myself took us out in prayer.

Oh crap!

So on Tuesday Breaker Breaker asked for a fill in Q for TRB due to worn outedness. Time Frame gladly answered the call. YHC has been posting or running a lot lately and contemplated not posting at his own AO but the Lord roused him from the fartsack to get going this morning. It’s a good thing too, Time Frame notified YHC that he couldn’t make the Q on account of some rot gut he’d come into. YHC saw the notice at 5:15 and had to act fast…no problemo! This is what happened.

10 was the number of HIM at TRB this day.  Time to get it on!


Warmup: Don Quixote, Goofballs

No mosey, stay put and break out the Deck of Death. It’s a Q’s best friend when you don’t have time to put together a weinke. We did one exercise per suit and it went like this.

Clubs – American Hammers

Diamonds – Merkins

Hearts – Side Straddle Hops

Spades – Squats

We got through them all and then started on another round but I can’t remember what those were.

Time! We had a good time and pushed some rock.

Prayer requests: Tic Toc and his family, Sweetheart’s mom Kay, Nutria’s friend, Shell Shock’s company

A flair for the exotic

12 HIMs showed at the AO formerly known as Martha’s House for a Monday morning start your week right bootcamp. YHC had his (son’s) trusty JBL with him and, with no sign of Roscoe present to hijack the playlist, it promised to be an uninterrupted session of musical and physical bliss! This is what happened…

Disclaimer, no FNGs but a cotter (Cougar) was present so full details were given.

Pledge of Allegiance, actually YHC scuttled this attempt as there was no flag flying to pledge to.

Warmup: Don Quixote x10 IC, Air Presses IC

Mosey down to the hub of the baseball fields for the beatdown. Pledge of Allegiance upon arrival when the flag was spotted.

The Thang: The Alphabet

YHC first came up with this workout in December 2017 and the way it goes is that, for each letter in the alphabet, a corresponding exercise was chosen to do 10 reps of either OYO or IC as the Q desired on each one. YHC also explained that since printing out the exercise list almost 5 years ago it’s been my motivation to try as many new exercises as possible for my various Q’s and to note the date they’re done for reference. I’ve gotten through a bunch of them over time but there are still plenty to try. With as many exercises as we have available to us you’d think it wouldn’t be hard to come up with a list of one for each letter. Not so fast my friend, it actually can be quite challenging. Below are some of the more notable ones we did today:

  • Burpees – against my better judgement
  • Daniel Son – like the kick from Karate Kid! Finish Him!!!
  • E2K – aka Elbow to Knee or a variation of oblique crunches
  • Fairy Jacks – look it up
  • Jack Ass Merkin – from the President of the MHC, no less!
  • Outlaw – feet together you make an O shape, we did 10 each direction
  • The Chinook – overhead arm circles with a squat thrown in
  • Up Straddle Hops – looked an awful lot like Side Straddle Hops
  • X Factor – like a bigger version of dying cockroaches
  • Zebra Kicks – whatever

We made it through the first round with time to spare but YHC was prepared and this is what the next rotation looked like.

  • Chinook Squats – Looked an awful lot like The Chinook
  • Diamond Merkins – again, from the Pres
  • Fingertip Merkins – are you kidding me?!?
  • Goofballs – do you even know me?
  • J Lo’s – on all fours, leg parallel to ground, rotate to side then up in the air, worked the glutes a lot. Do each leg
  • Knerkin aka Chuck Norris merkins – another? this is getting stupid. The MHC needs to regroup. For membership inquiry’s DM me on Slack

We finished up the workout with an Indian Run back to the Pelicans and nobody died, so that was good.


Announcements: new Belmont AO (does it have a name?)

Prayer requests: Easy Rider’s watch that makes 911 calls all by itself, Our Nation, Stinky Bird’s back (he had to leave the workout early because of it), Front line workers: police, military, nurses, doctors, teachers

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!

Pre Blizzard Beatdown

It was the night before the great blizzard of 2021 and eight HIMs witnessed the carnage. This is what happened…


Abe Vigoda into Don Quixote


Mosey to the soccer field for Four Corner Escalator: 

Corner 1: 10 Hand release merkins

Corner 2: 10 HRM + 20 American Hammers

Corner 3: 10 HRM + 20 AM + 30 Monkey Humpers

Corner 4: 10 HRM + 20 AM + 30 MH + 40 Turkish Getups (Frank astutely asked if they were actually Turkish if there wasn’t a kettle bell involved. These were of course Morning Woods.)

Reverso on the way back down. Ouch!

Round 2:

Corner 1: 10 Shoulder Taps each side

Corner 2: 10 ST + 20 V-Ups

Corner 3: 10 ST + 20 VU + 30 Jump Squats

Corner 4: 10 ST + 20 VU + 30 JS + 40 Goofballs

Ouch again! We stopped doing this crap and moseyed away to the pump track. Past the track to the top of the sidewalk trail that goes to the lake for 11’s! Somebody said there’s no way we could get this done in the time remaining. We’ll see.

WW1 Situps at the top, Werkins at the bottom.

We got 5 full rounds in before time was out. Maybe next time.

Mosey back to the start for the end.

Announcements: Goldigger is having a baby sometime, we had a convergence last Saturday

Prayer requests: Goldigger is having a baby sometime, Broke has a subcontractor with a death in the family, Breaker’s friend from church lost family member, Oompa’s best friend’s brother passed, pray for our country

Merkins? Burpees? What?!?!?

It was another beautiful morning to push the rock here in God’s country. The usual dudes showed up and this is what happened.


Pledge of Allegiance

Warmup – Moroccan Night Clubs x10 IC, Don Quixote x10 IC

Mosey to the back of the school and say hello to Rose the nice school sanitizer lady on the way. YHC was consumed with work and family the night before The Ricky Bobby and didn’t put together a new weinke. Thank goodness for the Deck of Death! That thing is a lifesaver when you don’t want to totally improvise but still want a solid beatdown. There are several ways to use the deck in a workout. Today we chose just to do the exercise listed on the card and do the number of reps it called for. Number cards would be the number plus 10 for reps, face cards are 25 reps and aces were 100 of whatever it said to do.

Unfortunately there were way too many merkin and burpee cards for YHC’s liking today. Clampett even told a fib and said his card was 15 burpees when it wasn’t! That guy’s BHC membership needs to be reviewed by Buckshot. Anyway, they got done along with all the other stuff and we finished as much of the deck as we could.

One of the highlights of the workout was the musical accompaniment and the fact that it wasn’t interrupted by Deputy Chief Roscoe. We missed him being there though! Here’s the playlist for those like Short Sale who care to give it a look.

Mosey to the front without getting hit by cars  because you ran into the street.  Thankfully everyone made it back to the start in one piece. Times up!

Announcements: Convergence this Saturday, Tiger looking to launch a Friday workout in Belmont

Prayer Requests: Our public safety officers, school staff and our country

Remember men, there is a huge need for what F3 can provide our community. Always be EHing!

Nature’s Bounty and another mutiny

The first Saturday of the new year was a little damp but not cold, so that was good. Plenty of HIMs were in attendance looking to put in work. YHC did plenty of planning to make sure they were pleased with the Q.  Since the Schiele Museum is the location of the AO and there are areas we haven’t explored as I recall, I did  some recon ahead of time and was inspired by a walk on the nature trail. This is what happened…

With the predetermined theme,  all exercises and routines would be related to animals or nature. It’s interesting when looking at the the exicon just how many exercises and such are named after said theme.

Warm Up

Copperhead Lunges x10 IC, Copperhead Drydocks x11 IC, Copperhead Squats x9 IC, Zebra Buttkicks x10 IC each leg

Pledge of Allegiance

Bootcampers split off from the Painlabbers and moseyed to the Nature Trail. When we came to the set of benches not far into the trail, YHC called for Racoon Crawls on the banches and chaos ensued. Start over, this time single file winding down to the bottom. One and a half rounds of this on the super slippery boards and YHC called for a stop before somebody busted out their teeth.

Mosey down to the bottom of the hill and line up, single file for the Duck & Weave. PAX would duck walk while the last person in line weaves his way to the front by running. We did this for a while until we got tired of it.

Mosey further down the trail to an open area for Global Warming. The PAX would hold Al Gore pose for a while until YHC called for 10 Flying Squirrels. Back to Al Gore until 20 Monkey Humpers. Al Gore again and then 10 more Flying Squirrels. Recover!

Mosey to the cabin in the woods where we would do a Country Dora 1-2-3 routine. Partner up for 100 Scorpion Dry Docks, 200 Gorilla Humpers and 300 Monkey Crunches. Partner 1 did exercises while partner 2 would either bear crawl, crab walk or copperhead lunge down to and around the trees and then switch. This sucked more than I wanted.

Head toward the pond with a detour to the picnic shelter. At the tables, YHC called 10 Copperhead Dips and 10 Copperhead Derkins. Then do 15 of each.  And then 20. Yes, this came from the president of MHC. Don’t ask why…

Mosey down to the pond and circle up, spreading out for a round of Howling Monkeys. All PAX would hold the monkey humper pose while, one at a time, they would do 10 Monkey Humpers each going clockwise. We made it a full round and started into a second round but with 14 PAX present this was lot of pain so we stopped.

Recover and head toward the exit. We stopped to line up again, this time for the Inch Worm. It was about this time that Roscoe synced his phone to my speaker to play his loud metal crap. It’s a good thing Short Sale wasn’t there because he’d have an aneurism. Roscoe is under the impression that his drivel is better than the artfully crafted playlist that YHC put together. Whatever… another mutiny. Do the inch worm for a while until it’s too much to take.

Fellowship mosey to the bottom of the hill for Elevens. Flying squirrels at one end, Monkey Humpers at the other side of the loop. We got in 7 rounds but time was short so we stopped.

Last thing is a session of Everest. Pax would do copperhead lunges with a copperhead squat up the hill! We made it most of the way up but time was running out so we moseyed to the parking lot where we did more monkey humpers! Time!!!

Thanks for the opportunity to lead men! Make this year your and our best!!! AYE!!!

Announcements: Convergence at Folsom next week 7am start

Prayer Requests: Anchorman as he launches the Oakland, CA region. Talk about a HIM!!! Several PAX with Covid and recovering from injuries.

Until next time, keep it cheesy!



Wolfpack Dominator

As a site Q there is a responsibility to make sure operations go as scheduled. For the second week in a row there was an injury to the scheduled Q so the PAX was left with less than ideal circumstances to deal with. Another Sargento Q was afoot and, as fate would have it, the NC State Wolfpack grinded out a win against the much despised Tar things.  It was a perfect opportunity to go for the old Nantan’s standby, The Wolfpack Grinder.


Warmup – Moroccan Night Clubs, Don Quixote to stretch

Mosey over to the bleachers at the track to explain the Wolfpack Grinder.

Prayer Squats x20

Run half lap

Merkins x20

Run half lap

Prayer Squats x20

Run half lap

Mountain Climbers x20

Run half lap

Repeato the whole thing

Monkey Humpers x20

Run half lap

40 LBCs

Run half lap

Monkey Humpers x20

20 Plank Jacks

Run half lap

Repeato the whole thing

Mosey to the other side of the school for a round of 11s

On one side Defib said we should do Merkins (yeah, more of them!)

Run to the other end of the drive and do American Hammers

Mosey back to the start for a session of Jingle Balls IC to finish out!

Thanks for the opportunity to lead men!!!

Announcements: Run, ruck, skip, walk, hitchhike 10 miler 1/1/21

Prayer Requests: SA’s surgery recovery


Remember the reason we celebrate this season men. Aye!!!

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