Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Round Up (Page 3 of 10)

PB Run

Good fellowship and good running by everyone here this morning. We all pushed a few rocks. Never stop moving forward!


50 miler September 3rd and 4th
2F lunch Thursday @ Bubbas
5k Sunday @ Crossroads- we will take up donations at each AO each month
F3 dads @ Gashouse July

Prayer Request
Turtle man
James Goudelock
Rabbit Ears sister about to have a baby
Youth and camp

Content in Christ

7 of us men met for the word at The sword. Ball joint rolled in and said he really didn’t want to be there. He wanted to be at the sandlot! What the heck man!! He wanted to run but not with me or Hacksaw so he ran with me anyways and I pushed him for 3.1 miles! Ball joint crushed it and is looking like he’s in for a half marathon along with sparky, Wichita, Seuss, Hacksaw, Westside and more!

Once all the hammers returned from hammering we went straight into the word! The best part!! We talked about contentment in Christ Jesus. See the world and the flesh find contentment only in temporary things, things that are corruptible. It’s something we as believers in Christ have to battle DAILY! We have to renew our minds daily from being content in worldly pleasures. The true peace of God only comes when we are fully content in Him. When nothing else is priority over His ways.

Read Philippians 4:4-7 and hear how it says not to be anxious about anything but let EVERYTHING be known to God through prayer and supplication! The good, the bad has to be brought to the lord with THANKSGIVING it says! Wow! How hard is that? The great thing is when we do take those things to the lord it says the His peace that surpasses ALL understanding will guard our hearts and our minds! Amen!

Through doing this and making our situations known to God through prayer and supplication  we are able to stand on the greatest thing. His truth and His promises!! Which is told to us in verses 8-9 and it ends with The peace of God will be with YOU! Amen!

No matter what the world says be content in Jesus Christ and His promises! And know this Jesus loves you 100%


Thank you men for allowing me to lead and share Gods word with you!

Round Up


We got in some miles and got better!


F3 dads Saturday at the yank
VQ Ozark at Folsom

Prayer Request

Turtle man
PAX traveling
Pappys son is getting married
Sister Act

Prison Break

13 of us push stones this morning and got to fellowship . A lot guys got in some EC and Westside got his first 10k awesome job man! One thing I have noticed lately is a lot of men putting in the mileage. Which will lead to them all doing relay races when they come up NO EXCUSES! I say it that way hoping y’all will push me to another relay race when the time comes and not letting me make some excuse. There is no doubt that we have a lot of guys pushing the rock! Awesome job to everyone especially those who “hated” running. Ball joint, Westside are two that come to mind that have really stepped it up lately. Looking forward to races and relays that are coming up for us all to join.


Meeting this Sunday at Linebuger park 4:00
Blood drive
Chapstick and toenail clippers to freight this month

Prayer Request

Big Pappy
SA family
Westside daughter
Buddy smith
Barrel racers friend
Turtle man
Nothing friend family

Thank you men!

Fanny pack beatdown!

Warm up

SSH 50

10 burpees

SSH 40

9 burpees

SSH 30

8 burpees

SSH 20

7 burpees

SSH 10

6 burpees

5 burpees

4 burpees

3 burpees

2 burpees

1 burpee


Stop at each light pole and get:

5 burpees, 10 jump squats, 15 merkins


1 point—— 5 Wolverine burpees

2 point—— 5 hand clap burpees

3 point—— 5 2 pump burpees


1 point—— 5 mike Tyson’s

2 point—— 5 mike Tyson’s, 10 plank jacks

3 point—— 5 mike Tyson’s, 10 plank jacks, 20 shoulder taps



10 Burpees


2 Rounds

Wall sits IC

Air press IC

Dirty hook ups IC


Partner up

100 LBC

100 Flutters

100 American Hammers

while partner 2 ran down to the speed bump and back.

Mosey back to the start!

Westside said Man it’s pretty bad when you get beatdown by a guy wearing Fanny pack. I thought that was pretty funny.


Snowbird September
Freight taken toenail clippers/ chapstick
Grow ruck august
50 miler September 3-4 5:00pm start at the country kitchen

Prayer Request

Big Pappy
Turtle man
Sister act
Each other
Westside daughter faith Wednesday doctors appointment


I took us out

Thank you men!!


Round Up




We all ran and it was fun!


Snowbird September see sparky
Memorial Day murph at Martha rivers @ 7:00am
Freight bandaids, travel size
tooth brush and tooth paste

Prayer Request
Big Pappy family
SA family
Howe white having surgery on his knee
Each other
Purple haze M
Oompah Loompa M friend
Sparky took us out

I didn’t lose my key!

12 of us out at prison break this morning! I made it a whole 5 mile without taking a crap on myself this week or losing a truck key!! I feel accomplished. I did have to use the porta Jon in the college. We had guys running and we guys rucking so we all got a little bit better this morning.


Murph on Memorial Day 7:00 at Martha rivers

Ruck this Saturday at primal in Belmont

Band aids for freight

Prayer Request

Big Pappy

Sister Act

Turtle man

Purple haze family

Pray for our youth

Lost my truck key while taking a poop

Got to ingles this morning and it felt good! We all gathered and then headed out to log some miles. Little did I know I would lose my key while taking a pit stop to poop!

We got about 2.5 miles into our run and I told Seuss I had to hit the woods. So I run out into the woods over behind rabbits store in Dallas and made a huge mess!!! I had to use the toilet paper I run with, my shirt and my underwear!! Son of a gun it was bad men! Well I clean up… well I thought I did and took off back down the road. I make it to the truck and realize I have lost my truck key while I was brutalizing the woods. I took back off down the road and had to call my wife to come get me cause I was rubbed raw so bad I couldn’t run anymore.

My awesome wife shows up I jump in the car I look down at my shoes and legs to find crap all over myself!!! It was nasty but super funny!!

I never found my key so I’m waiting on the locksmith now but I did learn something. Carry more toilet paper and when you have a raw crack it burns to the next level in a hot shower!!!

Announcements: go ruck
Prayer request: turtle man, sister acts

Another morning at Folsom

Warm up

10 gravel pickers IC

10 imperial walkers oyo

10 Hillbillies oyo

mosey to the tennis courts

corner 1 – 5 burpees

corner 2- 5 burpees, 10 hand release merkins,

corner 3- 5 burpees, 10 hand release, 20 mountain climbers,

corner 4- 5 burpees, 10 hand release, 20 mountain climbers, 30 shoulder taps


mosey to the middle of the courts and partner up

Booyah merkins to 10  and run to each side of the courts after each merkin.

circle up for some plank work.

10 plank jacks

10 regular merkins

20 plank jacks

10 diamond merkins

30 plank jacks

10 wide arm merkins

40 plank jacks


5 burpees


5 burpees


5 burpees


5 burpees


10 burpees

mosey back to the flag



4 man ruck in Belmont 


50 mile run

Prayer Request 


Big Pappy 


All the PAX 

Praise report 

MW son was baptized 

thank you men for letting me lead!

Round Up

A Folsom beating

Warm Up

10 Burpees


10 Burpees


10 Burpees


10 Burpees


5 Burpees


5 Burpees

Mosey towards the flag stop at each light pole

5 Burppes

10 hand release merkins

20 mountain climbers

25 LBC

We make it to the flag and say the pledge

10 two pump burpees

we mosey over to the island near the entrance at Folsom.

5 rounds  of

15 squats

15 flutters

15 burpees

take a lap after each set is complete

then we mosey to the Peking lot for some Dora

200 dips

400 incline merkins but we scaled down to 150 when everyone was falling on their face.

600 air press

moseyed to the start and that was enough!


Snowbird September 24-26

50 mile run September 3-4 start at 5 pm

4 man ruck may 22 BOS

Prayer Request
Big Pappy
Each other
Mothers Day
Westside mission trip



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