Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Roadie (Page 1 of 2)

road to 100%

warm up

1 don Q

1 gravel picker

1 ssh

1 merkin

1 squat

continue increasing by 1 until all were up to 5

mosey to the lower shed

10 merkins

20 stepups

30  ssh

40 big boys

50 CDD

60 merkins

70 squats

80 don Q

90 mountian climbers

100 LBCs

rinse and repeat until time

mosey back to the start for the pledge and prayer


P200 is on the horizon

with the P200 coming up I felt like I might need to do a Q with running being the main objective.

warm-up with some stretches then lets mosey.

we ran around the school back to the tennis courts. there was a little mumble chatter about the fact that there was an easier way to get there but oh well.

the thang.

nur to half court then spin around and sprint to the end then walk back to the start.   we did this about 8 times.  then we did some high knees and some karaoke we also did some other things I cant seem to remember. head back to the start, it was at this time broke pointed out that my past 2 Qs had more running in them than mu previous 10 did. roadie is starting to change his workouts

sure ill take the Q

well I put my foot in my mouth and said I would take the Q at my Hollywood. I figured it would help get my lazy butt out of bed.  that it did on a cold Monday morning.

warm up was short and sweet

lets mosey. not what most men were expecting from roadie.

we ran to the library and did some 11s

tiger squats on one side and mike Tyson’s on the other. lets mosey to where the buses are and do a little Dora. getting close to time so let’s head back to the flag for a little mary.


Roadie dont call burpees

Short disclaimer then the pledge Warmup

5 don q ic

5 merkins ic

5 burpees

4 don Q ic

4 merkins ic

4 burpees

So on and so on all the way to 1.


let’s mosey up the hill towards the entrance of folsom at the top of the hill we stop and wait on the six for 15 big boy situps. Let’s mosey again to the first parking lot for some 11’s. Mike Tyson on one side and tiger squats on the other. This seemed to be a crowd pleaser. Let’s mosey again to the entrance of the dog pound. 5 burpees oyo while we waited on the 6. Mosey to the turf shack at the bottom parking lot. Wall sit while everyone does 5 calves raises. Almost out of time let’s mosey to the first speed bump for…. you guessed it 5 more burpees oyo. Prison break back to the flag and time.

Prayer requests and announcements

Gumby took us out.

Thanks men for allowing me to lead, it was an honor as always. Let’s kick this years ass F3 style.

Tis Was….

Tis was the morning after Christmas and all throughout folsom not a creature was stirring not even a ……  hold up hacksaw  was stirring. Hack saw was the only one that showed up to put in work. With his knees still giving him problems this HIM still showed up to prison break and put in work. The Q for the day overslept like a true fartsacker would.

Did Roadie say burpee

Well let me start by saying I have always wanted to Q a pain lab. Most normal people would’ve been to several pain labs before they volunteered to Q one, especially one at a convergence. As I’m sure yall have realized by now I am no normal person. Go big or go home right.


Warm up:

10 merkins

25 lbc’s

10 donQ’s ic

10 toy soldiers ic

10 monkey humpers ic


The Thang:


11’s with burpees and big boy sit ups

10 BBS 1 burpee

30 kettle bell swing

9 BBS 2 burpee

30 up right rows

8 BBS 3 burpee

30 triceps extension

7 BBS 4 burpees

30 lawnmowers (15 each arm)

6 BBS 5 burpees

30 chest press

5 BBS 6 burpees

30 American hammers with the weight (thanks to Rudolph)

4 BBS  7 burpees (it was at this point I realized burpee 11’s was a terrible idea) oh no here comes a train and yall know what that means 5 burpees oyo.

30 goblet squats

3 BBS 8 burpees

30 snatch press (15 each arm)

2 BBS 9 burpees

30 weighted lunges (15 each leg)

1 BBS 10 burpees

30 ff jacks(ask HIPAA)

Thank goodness these are done

30 weighted squats

20 lunges

22 for the vets

Oh and now for my favorite part the Indian tire flip.  Get in a single file line flip the tire 5 times then run to back of line and do 5 burpees. We all flipped the tire at least one round and some flipped it two rounds. T claps to Mozart that young man flipped it all by himself. He is volt’s 2.0 and it shows. Once we made it back to the starting point we rejoined “the others”.



It truly was an honor to lead. I hope I brought enough pain to pain lab. BTW that was 70 burpees called by Roadie. SMH what has the world come to?

Yes it is time for another challenge

Ok men it is time for another 40 day challenge(keep that word in mind).  Now I may not be as good with words as some but I’m going to give this a try.


This challenge will be as easy or as hard as you make it. I mean it is supposed to be a challenge. Keep in mind guys that you get out of this what you put into it. The challenge will start tomorrow Monday October 22 and end on November 30.

The rules go as followed:

You must workout at least 5 times a week. A 30 min workout on your own will count. If you double post in one day make sure it is something different at a different time. You cant run for 30 min stop drink a bottle of water and run for 30 more min. It is a challenge so challeng yourself. If you work out 6 times in a week you earn a cheat MEAL.

No fast food is allowed. (If there is no other choice for lunch then make it a salad). Try to take your lunch if possible. Try to eat as healthy as possible.

No soft drinks. End of story. No beer either

You must run EC 4 times total in the 40 days. I put this in there because our region seems to be evolved in alot of running of the races here lately so let’s support one another. Your idea of EC is up to you. I would recommend that it be at least a mile(try to improve your time if you can)

You will be allowed 4 cheat meals. That is 4 cheat MEALS not cheat day. Guys this will be hard with Thanksgiving in the middle of the challenge but I have faith that you can use your best judgment on those meals. I think it was Roscoe that said you cant out train a bad diet. Also keep in mind there will be plenty of opportunities to earn a cheat meal.

I would recommend taking a before and after picture. I took HIPAA advice on that one time and seen a tremendous difference made. Not saying you have to post the pic but having it for yourself will be beneficial I promise. This challenge isnt all about losing weight. If you do lose weight post your results. It will help motivate others.

This is you against you. Don’t get wrapped up in what someone else is doing. You push yourself for you. Also if you see someone having a hard time give some kind words of encouragement it really means alot.

Try to visit a new AO if possible. This is not a requirement but a suggestion.

Good luck men

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