Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Sean Corcoran (Page 8 of 13)

F3 The Storm – January 10, 2023

We had 20 PAX this morning at the storm.  After a brief disclaimer and seeing no FNG’s we did a mosey to stretch out the legs.

Circle of Pain:
20 minute tabata beatdown (20 exercises, 45 seconds on 15 seconds of rest).

After that Circle of Pain we headed toward the bottom of the parking lot near the athletic fields. There are five light poles that lead to Lakewood Road.

From the first light pole run to the fifth light pole and back, then perform the following 10 merkins, 20 squats, 30 mountain climbers (count one side only), and 40 SSH.   Next from the first light pole run to the fourth light pole and so forth.

In all we got in 50 merkins, 100 squats, 300 mountain climbers, and 200 SSH.

48 hour run January 14-15 in Dallas. See Slack for details and sign up!
Second F lunch at Hillbillies in Lowell on Wednesday, January 25.
On February 11 at Folsom (pushing the rock challenge) with vehicles. See Ball Joint for details.
F3 Rock Hill Rooster VI is Saturday, March 4.

Continue to pray for my sister Mackenzie who is battling cancer.
Pray for Slaw’s wife.
Ball Joint is traveling north today for his Uncle’s funeral.
Feta (Sargento’s 2.0) received good news on his MRI, but needs to be in physical therapy for a few weeks.


F3 Mount Hollywood – December 19, 2022

We had three pax for a cold workout at Mount Hollywood. Seeing no FNG’s, I gave a brief disclaimer and we went off on a short run to loosen the legs around the parking lot.

Next we headed to the dentist office on Hawthorne Street and circled up for the warm up.

Windmill x 10 IC
SSH x 20 IC
Squats x 10 IC
Mountain Climbers x 15 IC

THANG 1: (On Glendale Street)
Santa Ladder: Pax would run up the hill, perform 10 merkins, run back to the starting position, then rinse and repeat. When the reps were at 5 PAX performed burpies.

Four Corners through Mount Holly
Corner #1 10 hand release merkins
Corner #2 10 hand release merkins, 20 mountain climbers (count 1 side)
Corner #3 10 hand release merkins, 20 mountain climbers (count 1 side), 30 squats
Corner #3 10 hand release merkins, 20 mountain climbers (count 1 side), 30 squats, 40 seal jacks

Continued prayers for my sister Mackenzie.
Also, prayers for PAX who are injured.

F3 Second Lunch is Thursday, December 22. See Slack for details.
Sign up for Push The Rock Challenge. See Slack for details.

F3 The GOAT – December 15, 2022

I even put it out on Slack, that it would be a dry workout and we would do exercises based on the F3 Workout Deck of Cards. Unfortunately only two braved PAX showed up.

Continued prayers for my sister Mackenzie.
Also, prayers for PAX who are injured.

Hike Saturday, December 17 with Flinstone. See Slack for details.
F3 Second Lunch is Thursday, December 22. See Slack for details.
Sign up for Push The Rock Challenge. See Slack for details.


The Labyrinth – December 7, 2022

After a brief disclaimer and seeing no FNG’s we took a mosey toward the Planet Fitness shopping center, ran around the shopping center toward Union Road and headed back to the the bank.

10 Rounds (with Holiday Alternative Rock Music)
4 burpees (40)
8 merkins (80)
12 squats (120)
16 mountain climbers (320)
20 SSH (200)

After the tough warmup, we walked around the bank for rest and headed toward Riverwood Parkway.

Round 1:
From Neal Hawkins at Riverwood Parkway run to the fourth light pole and back and perform 25 plank jacks.

Round 2:
From Neal Hawkins at Riverwood Parkway run to the fourth light pole and back and perform 25 lunges (count one side).

Round 3:
From Neal Hawkins at Riverwood Parkway run to the fourth light pole and back and perform 25 seal jacks.

Round 4:
From Neal Hawkins at Riverwood Parkway run to the fourth light pole and back and perform 25 freddie mercury (count one side).

Continue to keep saying prayers for my sister, Mackenzie. She is battling cancer.
Maybelline would like us to pray for a co-worker of his (Cliff).


  1. Tooth Fairy VQ tomorrow (12/8) at The GOAT.
  2. Hanging Christmas decorations at Tuttleman’s home (12/8 at 5:00 p.m.). Message Whoopie for details.
  3. Freight is looking for PAX to assist with the Adopt a Street Campaign on Saturday, December 10. Message Freight for details.
  4. Sargento is looking for PAX to assist with Ringing the Bells for Salvation Army at Sam’s Club (12/15) and Hobby Lobby (12/17). Message Sargento for details.
  5. Flag Handoff Monday (12/12) at The Sandlot.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.



Tequila Sunrise – November 4, 2022

I was fortunate to get Slaughter to Q at Tequila Sunrise so I will do my best writing his backblast.

We took a run over to the parking lot on Elizabeth Street and circled up.

Peter Parker

We then headed over to the  tennis courts where we did some exercises.

Sprint to first court and back perform five hand release merkins.
Sprint to second court and back perform five hand release merkins.
Sprint to third court and back perform five hand release merkins.
Sprint to fence and back perform five hand release merkins.
Next we bear crawled and at each court performed 10 merkins.

3 Rounds: 5 pull ups, 10 merkins, 20 dips, 30 squats, lap

We headed back to Elizabeth Street and Park Drive to start the four corners.
Corner #1 at Park and Vesta = 5 burpees
Corner #2 at Park and Eagle = 10 jump squats
Corner #3 at Elisabeth and Eagle = 10 diamond merkins
Corner #4 at Elisabeth and Park = 10 carolina dry docks

F3 Blood Drive on Wednesday, November 9.
Christmas Party on Saturday, December 3.

Radar sister (Mackenzie)
Nutria’s Brother in Law
Maybelline (Brock Family)
Praises for Amazon and his new baby.

Tequila Sunrise – October 28, 2022

Only six on a gorgeous Friday morning. Seeing no FNG’s I gave a brief disclaimer and then we started off with the Slaughter Starter. Why not get them ready for when he is on Q next Friday. So 20 burpees out of the gate.

Next we went on a mosey to the parking lot of Four Square Church where we circled up for the warm up.

SSH x 20 IC
Windmill x 10 IC
MNC x 10 IC
Squats x 10 IC

After a quick warm up we headed to the the bottom of Elizabeth Street.

25 merkins
Run 2/3 up Elizabeth and back to starting location.
50 squats
Run 2/3 up Elizabeth and back to starting location.
75 mountain climbers (count one side only)
Run 2/3 up Elizabeth and back to starting location.
100 SSH
Run 2/3 up Elizabeth and back to starting location.

We then took a mosey toward Davis Park.

30 Plank Jacks at the bottom of Park street and 10 American Hammers (count one side) at the top of Park Street.
25 Plank Jacks at the bottom of Park street and 15 American Hammers (count one side) at the top of Park Street.
20 Plank Jacks at the bottom of Park street and 20 American Hammers (count one side) at the top of Park Street.
15 Plank Jacks at the bottom of Park street and 25 American Hammers (count one side) at the top of Park Street.
10 Plank Jacks at the bottom of Park street and 30 American Hammers (count one side) at the top of Park Street.

Headed to the benches at Davis Park for our next exercise.

LAZY 11’s
10 derkins/1 dip

With a few minutes left, we ran back toward COT.

Blood Drive is November 9. Check Slack for details.

Christmas Party is December 3.

Continue to keep my sister in your prayers.

The GOAT – September 29, 2022

We had 14 at The GOAT on September 29.

Seeing no FNG’s I gave a brief disclaimer and we took off on a mosey and circled up in the parking lot of First Baptist Church.

SSH x 20 IC
Windmill x 10 IC
Seal Jacks x 20 IC
Imperial Walker x 10 IC
Merkin x 10 IC
Mountain Climbers x 15 IC

Corner #1 at 8th Avenue and 10th Street (10 merkins)
Corner #2 at 8th Avenue and Front Street (10 merkins, 20 plank jacks)
Corner #3 at Front Street and 9th Street(10 merkins, 20 plank jacks, 30 squats)
Corner #4 at 9th Street and 8th Avenue (10 merkins, 20 plank jacks, 30 squats, 40 american hammers)

Took a lap around Cramerton and headed to the backside for the next routine.

There are three light poles. At first light pole (1 bupee), second light pole (2 burpees), and third light pole (3 burpees). Partner up, one pax will run, the other pax will perform the exercises and switch out.
100 Carolina Dry Docks
200 Lunges
300 Flutter Kicks (count one side only)

We only had a few minutes left so we went on a long mosey toward where we started the warm up and returned to COT.

F3 Amoeba Ruck
F3 Lake Wylie / F3 Gastonia Convergence is October 15 at W.A. Bess Elementary.
F3 Lake Wylie has a CSAUP on October 22 at PoopDeck (Bowl and Bounce in Lake Wylie). 13 miles with pain stations. CSAUP can be done  by one person or as a tandem.



Mount Hollywood – August 29, 2022

We had eight this morning at Mount Hollywood.  Seeing no FNG’s, I gave a brief disclaimer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Warmup in the parking lot of the middle school included some karaoke, butt kickers, high knees, and toy soldiers. We then took a mosey over to the dentist office where we circled up for the warm up.

Windmill x 10 IC
Goofball x 20 IC
Low Slow Squat x 10 IC
SSH x 20 IC
Merkin x 10 IC
Mountain Climber x 10 IC

After the warm up we headed up to South Hawthorne Street. There are seven light poles between West Catawba Avenue and West Central Avenue.

Light Pole #1 5 burpees
Light Pole #2 5 burpees, 5 jump squats
Light Pole #3 5 burpees, 5 jump squats, 5 plank jacks
Light Pole #4 5 burpees, 5 jump squats, 5 plank jacks, 5 overhead claps
Light Pole #5 5 burpees, 5 jump squats, 5 plank jacks, 5 overhead claps, 5 lunges (count one side)
Light Pole #6 5 burpees, 5 jump squats, 5 plank jacks, 5 overhead claps, 5 lunges (count one side), 5 merkins
Light Pole #7 5 burpees, 5 jump squats, 5 plank jacks, 5 overhead claps, 5 lunges (count one side), 5 merkins, 5 big boy sit ups

We ran down West Central Avenue near the railroad track intersection and did Dora. (100 merkins, 200 squats, and 300 flutter kicks (count one side only).

Only having a little bit of time left we moseyed back to COT heading the long way up Oakland Street.

We had about two minutes left and did some MARY (American Hammers, Six Shooters, and Merkins).

Boss and Tesla.

Iron Pax will be held weekly on Thursday at Folsom. Register here.
Week 0 workout.

F3 Gastonia 50-mile CSAUP is Saturday, September 10. Register here.

Dark Helmet on Q at Mount Hollywood on September 19.

JJ5K is Saturday, September 24. Register here.

F3 Gastonia / F3 Lake Wylie Convergence is Saturday, October 8 at Bulldog (W.A. Bess Elementary, Gastonia)



Tequila Sunrise – August 5, 2022

Only five PAX braved my workout this morning. However, we did have a Buckeye and Quiche sighting prior to the workout. Great seeing those two get some miles in.

Seeing no FNG’s I gave a brief disclaimer and we went ahead and said the Pledge of Allegiance.

We took a lap in the parking lot and circled up for the warm up.

SSH x 20 IC
Windmill x 10 IC
Seal Jacks x 20 IC
MNC x 10 IC
Squat x 10 IC
Merkin x 10

There are six lights on Park Street.

First Light = 5 squats
Second Light = 5 squats, 5 merkins
Third Light = 5 squats, 5 merkins, 5 big boy sit ups
Fourth Light = 5 squats, 5 merkins, 5 big boy sit ups, 5 lunges (10 total)
Fifth Light = 5 squats, 5 merkins, 5 big boy sit ups, 5 lunges (10 total), 5 plank jacks
Sixth Light = 5 squats, 5 merkins, 5 big boy sit ups, 5 lunges (10 total), 5 plank jacks, 5 burpees

We then headed to the hill on Park Street. There are three light poles.

First Light Pole  = 5 Jump Squats > run to second pole and do 5 Hand Release Merkins > run to third pole and do 5 American Hammers (IC)> run back down to first light pole.
Rinse and Repeat five times.

Staying the park we did 40’s (30 dips / 10 step ups until it was 10 dips and 30 step ups)

We had about nine minutes remaining and made our to the tennis courts for an escalator.

Corner 1 = 10 merkins
Corner 2 = 10 merkins, 20 squats,
Corner 3 = 10 merkins, 20 squats, 30 mountain climbers (IC)
Corner 4 = 10 merkins, 20 squats, 30 mountain climbers (IC), 40 MNC.

We headed back to COT where the our time ended.

Second F tonight at Sammy’s (Belmont) and Rusty Rabbit (Dallas)
Blood Drive is August 10. See information on Slack to sign up.
F3 Dad’s at the Yank is August 20.
F3 Dad’s event at Camp Thunderbird

Prayers and Praises
My father turned 76 today and my 2.0 returned safely from his 23 day trip on Sunday
Prayers for the woman who was clipped by a vehicle on Eagle Road earlier this week.
Prayers for Tesla and his family.


Only a little lost

Imperial Walker
Hillbilly Walker
Shoulder Taps
Slow merkins

mosey around until I got lost.

Stop along the way for:
10 Merkins
9 squats
8 LBCs
7 Carolina Dry Docks
6 Jump Squats
5 American Hammers
4 Hand Release merkins
3 Jump Lunges
2 Flutters
1 Burpee

Did the full set each stop. I think we stopped around 6 times. I ran to what used to be an event center to do another round and was informed it’s now a private residence.  Better to be dissuaded by your friends than run off by someone wielding a shotgun.  We got a little over 3 miles in today.

Unintentional message of the day:
How do you respond when your leader is clearly lost?

Planned message:
You’ve done something challenging today.  Don’t shy away from other challenges as they face you.  You may need to press forward and persevere, or you may need to hold back and assess.  Both decisions require different kinds of toughness.

Thanks Radar for the call to lead outside the my home region. Was great to be in Belmont this morning.

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